Day: September 12, 2024

OpenAI Seeks to Enhance AI Performance and Boost Real-World Uses

# It’s Still Not Intelligent, but It Is Artificial: The Progress of AI and OpenAI’s Updated Strategy

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has remained a popular term for several years, frequently conjuring images of advanced, human-like machines capable of addressing intricate challenges and engaging in significant dialogue. Yet, despite the swift progress in AI technology, one fact persists: AI still does not possess true intelligence as humans do. It is indeed artificial but lacks the profound comprehension, reasoning, and emotional intelligence typically associated with human thought.

Recently, OpenAI, a frontrunner in the AI domain, has taken a pause to tackle some limitations of its AI models. The organization has rolled out the **OpenAI o1-preview models**, aimed at solving “hard problems” in fields like science, programming, and mathematics. While this initiative is encouraging, it also emphasizes the existing constraints of AI and the continuous endeavors to enhance its efficacy.

## Taking a Step Back for Precision

One of the most unexpected elements of OpenAI’s revised strategy is the choice to **decelerate the process of generating responses**. In an era where instant gratification dominates, this may appear counterproductive. Nevertheless, the reasoning behind this decision is straightforward: by allowing the AI more time to “consider,” OpenAI aspires to elevate the accuracy and dependability of its outputs.

These new models can be accessed via the widely-used **ChatGPT service** and OpenAI’s API, and they remain under development. Nonetheless, the preliminary outcomes are promising. For example, OpenAI revealed that its prior **GPT-4 model** managed to answer a mere 13% of the questions correctly on the **International Mathematics Olympiad** exam. In comparison, the new o1-preview model achieved a remarkable 83% accuracy. This substantial enhancement highlights the potential of the refreshed approach.

## The Challenge of AI “Hallucinations”

A major obstacle confronting AI today is the occurrence of **”hallucinations”**—a term that refers to occasions when AI produces inaccurate or absurd responses. Although these mistakes may occasionally be humorous, they can also pose significant issues, particularly when the AI is utilized for crucial tasks like programming or scientific inquiry.

As the article illustrates, AI is fundamentally just **sophisticated computer software**. It processes input and generates output based on the algorithms and data it has been taught. However, when the output simulates human-like actions, it can create an illusion of intelligence. This poses risks: individuals may mistakenly believe that AI possesses greater capabilities than it truly does, leading to misplaced confidence in its functionalities.

OpenAI’s choice to slow the response time aims to address these challenges. By granting the AI additional time to process information, the expectation is that it will yield fewer hallucinations and more precise answers. This is especially critical in areas like mathematics, where accuracy is essential.

## A Glimpse Behind the Scenes: How AI “Reasoning” Works

One of the most fascinating features of OpenAI’s new models is the transparency regarding their operation. In a recent article about the **reasoning abilities** of the new model, OpenAI shared insights into the **”Chain-of-Thought”** method that the AI employs to reach its conclusions. Such transparency is uncommon in the tech sector, where proprietary algorithms are often kept under wraps.

Additionally, the new models encompass **safety protocols** intended to prevent the AI from producing harmful or dangerous content. For example, the o1-preview model includes measures to ensure it refrains from providing guidance on creating toxic substances like homemade arsenic—a vulnerability evident in earlier iterations of GPT-4. These safety features represent a crucial advancement toward fostering reliable and trustworthy AI.

## The Industry’s Call for Enhancement

The launch of the o1-preview models coincides with a period of heightened scrutiny for the AI industry. As AI becomes more woven into daily life, from virtual helpers to automated customer support, the demand for accuracy and reliability has never been more pressing. **Derrek Lee**, managing editor at Android Central, aptly observed that OpenAI’s readiness to slow down the pace for the sake of accuracy signifies a dedication to quality over swiftness.

While this is an encouraging development, it’s crucial to acknowledge that improvements will not occur instantaneously. AI remains a considerable distance from perfection, and there will likely be numerous iterations before we witness models that consistently offer precise and dependable results. Nonetheless, OpenAI’s new strategy marks progress in the right direction, establishing a benchmark for other companies within the AI industry to emulate.

## The Outlook for AI: An Ongoing Journey

AI is not vanishing anytime soon. In fact, it is expected to become even more ubiquitous as organizations persist in investing in its advancement. However, as the article emphasizes, AI is still quite a way from attaining true intelligence. It serves as a tool—

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Groundbreaking Removable Coating Enables Simple Color Shift Without Harming Walls

### Unpaint: The Game-Changing Peel-Off Paint for Renters and DIYers

In the realm of home enhancement and interior aesthetic, a groundbreaking solution is creating a buzz—**Unpaint**, a peel-off paint that provides a versatile and renter-friendly substitute for conventional paint. Created by the company **Glasst**, Unpaint is formulated to be applied just as typical paint is, yet with a crucial distinction: it can be effortlessly peeled away when you wish to make changes or revert the original appearance of a space, making it perfect for renters.

#### What is Unpaint?

Unpaint is a **removable paint** that acts as a temporary fix for those looking to update their living areas without the commitment of permanent alterations. Unlike standard paint, which can be arduous and costly to remove, Unpaint can be stripped off in sheets, leaving the underlying surface unblemished. This presents an excellent option for renters who frequently face restrictions from lease agreements that disallow permanent modifications to walls and various surfaces.

#### How Does It Work?

Unpaint is applied in the same manner as traditional paint using brushes, rollers, or sprays. Upon drying, it creates a flexible layer that bonds to the surface but can be peeled away whenever desired. The paint is engineered to be compatible with numerous surfaces, including:

– **Wood**
– **Metal**
– **Glass**
– **Marble**
– **Cement**
– **Granite**
– **Stucco**
– **Brick**
– **Leather** (and other materials)

However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that Unpaint may not adhere properly to every type of surface. Glasst suggests conducting a test on a small area initially to confirm compatibility.

#### Durability and Limitations

While Unpaint provides a practical and adaptable option for temporary decoration, it does come with certain compromises. One notable limitation is its **durability**. Unlike regular paint, which may endure for years, Unpaint is more likely to be affected by **scratches and scuffs**. It is not suitable for high-traffic zones or surfaces that experience frequent contact.

Furthermore, Unpaint has a **finite lifespan**. Glasst indicates that the paint will start to biodegrade naturally after roughly 12 months. If it remains in place longer than a year, it might become challenging to remove entirely. This makes it particularly suited for short-term initiatives or seasonal decorating but less ideal for extended usage.

#### Environmental Impact

A prominent advantage of Unpaint is its **biodegradability**. When removed and disposed of, the paint begins to decompose over time, rendering it a more eco-friendly choice when compared to traditional paints that contribute to landfill waste. This is in line with a rising trend in the home improvement sector towards eco-conscious and sustainable products.

#### Who Is Unpaint For?

Unpaint is especially appealing to two primary demographics:

1. **Renters**: Many individuals renting their homes face constraints against making permanent modifications, which can hinder their ability to customize their living spaces. Unpaint provides a method for renters to infuse color and flair into their walls without breaching lease terms. When it’s time to vacate, they can easily peel off the paint and return the space to its original state.

2. **DIY Enthusiasts**: For those who take pleasure in frequently altering their home aesthetics, Unpaint presents a straightforward avenue to trial various colors and styles. Whether you seek to refresh your room’s palette for a holiday theme or experiment with a daring new design, Unpaint simplifies the process of updating your space without the obligations of traditional paint.

#### Price and Availability

Unpaint is currently offered in **Colombia** and the **United States**, with pricing set at **$29.98 per quart** and **$59.98 per gallon**. While this may be slightly pricier than a standard gallon of conventional paint, the advantage of being able to peel it off when finished might warrant the higher cost for many consumers.

#### Potential Downsides

While Unpaint brings numerous advantages, it does have its constraints:

– **Durability**: As previously noted, Unpaint is more susceptible to scratches and scuffs when compared to standard paint.
– **Surface Compatibility**: It may not stick well to all substrates, thus testing a small area beforehand is advisable.
– **Limited Lifespan**: The paint starts to deteriorate after about a year, making it unsuitable for long-term applications.
– **Price**: It is more expensive than conventional paint, which could be a setback for those with limited budgets.

#### The Future of Paint Technology

Unpaint is not the sole innovation within the paint industry. Other recent advancements involve **Nissan’s heat-reducing paint**, which can decrease vehicle temperatures by as much as 21 degrees in direct sunlight. These developments exemplify a growing trend towards increasingly specialized and high-tech paint solutions that transcend mere visual appeal.

#### Conclusion

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Unity Halts Disputed Per-Install Runtime Charge

# Unity Discontinues Controversial Runtime Fee: A Year of Grievances and New Pricing Adjustments

Unity Technologies, the creator of one of the leading cross-platform game development engines, has formally withdrawn its contentious **Runtime Fee**. This fee, which would have billed developers based on game installs instead of the conventional per-seat licensing system, encountered significant backlash from the development community. The cancellation of the fee occurs precisely one year after its initial declaration, highlighting a major alteration in Unity’s strategy regarding pricing and relations with developers.

## The Runtime Fee Dispute

In **September 2023**, Unity revealed a new pricing model that incorporated a **Runtime Fee** linked to game installs. This fee was set to impact games that exceeded specific revenue and install thresholds, with developers utilizing the free **Personal** tier being charged **20 cents per install** once their game accrued **$200,000 in revenue** and surpassed **200,000 installs**. For **Pro** and **Enterprise** users, the fee would be marginally reduced, applying after **$1 million in revenue** and **1 million installs**.

Although Unity characterized the Runtime Fee as a necessary move to sustain investments in the platform, developers perceived it as an inequitable and unpredictable expense, particularly harmful to thriving indie games. The fee structure threatened to disproportionately affect smaller developers who achieved success, potentially diminishing their profits or compelling them to transfer costs to consumers.

The reaction was immediate and intense. Developers voiced their anger on social media and gaming platforms, with many contemplating migrating to alternative game engines such as **Unreal Engine** or **Godot**. Some even weighed the option of ceasing updates to their games to escape retroactive fees, as Unity initially proposed to include installs counted before **January 2024** in the fee assessments.

## Unity’s Reaction and the Road to Abandonment

In light of the extensive criticism, Unity attempted to adjust the Runtime Fee to mitigate its repercussions. The firm eliminated retroactive install counting and capped fees at **2.5% of revenue**. Nevertheless, these modifications failed to assuage developers’ grievances, as many felt Unity had broken their trust.

The uproar also brought to light concerns regarding Unity’s **terms of service**, which seemed to enable the company to implement sudden and substantial changes to its pricing model without advance notice. This raised further worries about the reliability and predictability of Unity as a sustainable development platform.

In **October 2023**, Unity’s then-CEO **John Riccitiello** announced his resignation, which many within the game development community welcomed with relief. Riccitiello was viewed as a divisive figure, with some developers attributing Unity’s tarnishing reputation to his aggressive monetization tactics. His exit, although celebrated by some, did not completely restore confidence in the company.

By **January 2024**, Unity was confronting further obstacles, including a **significant wave of layoffs** that eliminated **25% of its workforce**. These job cuts were partially linked to financial challenges stemming from a series of acquisitions made during Riccitiello’s leadership. Unity’s financial reports suggested that the Runtime Fee would have negligible implications in 2024 but was projected to “increase from there as customers embrace our new releases.”

However, in a surprising development, Unity declared in **September 2024** that it would completely **eliminate the Runtime Fee**. In a blog post credited to Unity’s new President and CEO, **Matt Bromberg**, the firm acknowledged that the fee had been an error. Bromberg underlined the significance of fostering a “partnership built on trust” with developers and conceded that although price hikes were necessary, they ought not to take the form of “a novel and contentious new strategy.”

## Revised Pricing Structure

With the Runtime Fee now abolished, Unity has rolled out a new pricing framework designed to be more transparent and consistent for developers. The updated structure features the following revisions:

– **Unity Personal**: The free tier remains intact, but the revenue/funding cap has been elevated from **$100,000 to $200,000**. This adjustment permits more small developers to continue utilizing Unity without incurring extra expenses.

– **Unity Pro**: For developers who surpass the limits of the Personal tier, Unity Pro will experience an **8% price increase**, raising the cost to **$2,200 per seat**. This tier is tailored for mid-sized developers requiring more advanced tools and assistance.

– **Unity Enterprise**: For major studios and organizations with over **$25 million in revenue or funding**, Unity Enterprise will see a **25% price increase**. This tier encompasses customized packages and supplementary support tailored to the needs of high-revenue developers.

Bromberg also mentioned that Unity intends to return to a more conventional pricing model, with potential price adjustments contemplated only on an **annual basis**. Furthermore,

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“Android 15 QPR1 Beta 2 Update Brings Numerous Fixes for Pixel Bluetooth and Additional Problems”

# Android 15 QPR1 Beta 2: A Substantial Update Filled with Fixes and New Features

Google has officially launched the **Android 15 QPR1 Beta 2** update, and it’s a significant one. Participants in the Android Beta Program are set to enjoy a wealth of bug fixes, enhancements in performance, and new functionalities. This update continues Google’s initiative to fine-tune Android 15 ahead of its anticipated stable release, which is speculated to arrive in October. Let’s explore the offerings of this substantial update.

## Key Information

– **Android 15 QPR1 Beta 2** is currently accessible for Pixel devices, such as the Pixel 6 series, Pixel 9 Pro, Pixel 9 Pro Fold, and the Pixel Tablet.
– The update centers on resolving app crashes, Bluetooth connection dilemmas, and stability concerns.
– Multiple new functionalities and ongoing developments have been uncovered, including a possible redesign of the Quick Settings menu for Android 16.
– The update is being released with version **AP41.240823.009**, and download sizes vary from 2.4GB to 2.7GB based on the device.

## An Extensive Update for Pixel Devices

Google has been industriously working on rectifying a myriad of issues that have affected Pixel users during the Android 15 beta testing phase. The **changelog** for this update is extensive, with solutions targeting various areas:

1. **App Crashes**: One of the key fixes addresses a Google Maps crash that numerous users had been facing, which should greatly enhance the app’s stability.

2. **Battery Management**: A problem that restricted users from turning off the “80% device charge limit” has been fixed, restoring full authority over battery charging options.

3. **NFC Payments**: The update delivers a remedy for concerns related to NFC payments, ensuring smoother transactions for users depending on mobile payments.

4. **Satellite SOS Demo**: A bug that hindered the launch of the Satellite SOS demo has been fixed, allowing users to test this crucial feature seamlessly.

5. **Unexpected Restarts**: Google has also addressed the concern of unanticipated device restarts, which had been a significant annoyance for many Pixel users.

6. **Bluetooth Connectivity**: Issues with Bluetooth connectivity have been a significant headache for users throughout the beta testing period, and this update provides several essential fixes. These include:
– Support for **LE Audio multi-codec** with vendor extensions.
– Resolutions for **ScanRecord.getManufacturerSpecificData()**, which now merges Manufacturer Specific Data instead of just returning the initial entry.
– Fixes for a scenario where the phone would remain in an incorrect state during **RFCOMM Disconnection** while connected to another device.
– Corrections for **HFP connection attempts** and audio focus problems when multiple devices are connected.
– A resolution for a bug associated with **Fast Pair**, ensuring seamless pairing of headsets.

## Exciting and Developing Features

Although this update mainly emphasizes bug resolutions and performance enhancements, several intriguing new features have been discovered by Android enthusiasts like **Mishaal Rahman**. Here are some highlights:

1. **Quick Settings Menu Redesign**: Rahman revealed that Google is exploring a potential redesign of the **Quick Settings menu** for Android 16. While this feature remains in development, the latest beta indicates the appearance of new Android icons, suggesting an impending overhaul.

2. **Desktop Windowing for Tablets**: Android 15 QPR1 Beta 2 introduces **desktop windowing** for Android tablets, enabling users to manage apps in a windowed format. This feature could notably improve multitasking on larger displays.

3. **Recording Chip**: A new **recording chip** appears at the upper left of the screen when users are recording their screen or sharing their display. This small yet practical addition offers a clear visual cue that recording is taking place.

4. **Keyboard Switcher**: Google has incorporated a **keyboard switcher** into the beta, permitting users to rapidly toggle between installed keyboards by tapping the globe icon at the bottom of the screen. This feature is especially beneficial for multilingual users or those who frequently alternate between various input methods.

## Currently Being Rolled Out

The Android 15 QPR1 Beta 2 update is being distributed to enrolled testers starting today (September 12). However, as with most over-the-air (OTA) updates, it may take some time for all devices to receive it. If you’re part of the beta program, continue to check your device for the update as it becomes available.

## What Lies Ahead?

As we eagerly anticipate the stable release of **Android 15**, whispers suggest that the wait may not be much longer. Many expect the final version to be unveiled in **October**, right in time for

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“Three Persuasive Reasons to Delay Your Purchase Until the iPhone 17 Air Launch – 9to5Mac”

# Is It Time to Upgrade to the iPhone 16 or Should You Hold Out for the iPhone 17 Air?

Apple has just revealed its newest iPhone range, featuring the iPhone 16 and 16 Pro models, igniting enthusiasm among tech fans and devoted users alike. As pre-orders near, many are contemplating whether to upgrade now or delay for the upcoming iPhone 17 Air. Here are three persuasive arguments for waiting for the next generation.

## 1. Fresh, Sleek Design

One of the most thrilling speculations regarding the iPhone 17 Air is its sleek design, referred to as the ‘iPhone 17 Slim.’ Although the precise thickness remains undisclosed, there is high anticipation for a notable decrease compared to the current iPhone 16 models, which boast a thickness of 8.25 mm. The iPhone 17 Air is anticipated to approach the impressive thickness of the iPad Pro, which is 5.1 mm, positioning it as one of the slimmest smartphones available.

This transition towards a slimmer design extends beyond mere aesthetics; it signifies Apple’s persistent dedication to innovation and enhancing user experience. The reduced profile could improve portability and comfort, making the device even more attractive for everyday usage.

## 2. Enhanced Camera Features on Every Front

Though the iPhone 16 series has seen some enhancements, especially in the rear camera, the front camera remains static. However, the iPhone 17 Air is set to bring a substantial upgrade to the selfie camera, elevating its resolution from 12 MP to an impressive 24 MP. This upgrade is expected to yield clearer, more vivid selfies and may include new software features meant to utilize the enhanced capabilities.

Moreover, the rear camera is slated for a significant redesign. Rather than the conventional multi-camera arrangement in the top-left corner, the iPhone 17 Air will showcase a single, robust camera located at the top center. This reconfiguration not only improves the aesthetic but also suggests possible advancements in camera performance and functionality.

## 3. A Sneak Peek into Tomorrow, Today

The iPhone 17 Air is on track to signify a substantial advancement in smartphone design, similar to what the original MacBook Air did for laptops. While it may not possess the same power as the Pro models, it is expected to symbolize the future of iPhone technology. If the iPhone 16 lineup doesn’t spark your enthusiasm, the iPhone 17 Air is likely to reignite that excitement.

Apple’s past illustrates that every few years, a model emerges that sets a new benchmark—consider the iPhone X. The iPhone 17 Air might be that game-changing device, making the existing models appear somewhat dated by comparison.

## Bonus: Apple Intelligence Launch Will Take Time

For numerous users, the iPhone 16 series might be the sole chance to experience Apple’s latest AI features, termed Apple Intelligence. However, the deployment of these features will occur gradually, with many not fully available until next year. This staggered rollout implies that waiting for the iPhone 17 Air could enable users to access a more comprehensive suite of AI functionalities right away.

## Conclusion

If you’re in immediate need of a new iPhone, the iPhone 16 and 16 Pro models are certainly solid options. However, if you’re not particularly thrilled by the new features or are indecisive about upgrading, it might be prudent to wait for the iPhone 17 Air. With its expected groundbreaking design shifts, improved camera features, and a look into the future of smartphone technology, the iPhone 17 Air could be the upgrade you’ve been anticipating.

Are you considering waiting for the iPhone 17 Air? Share your opinions in the comments!

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“Manual for Utilizing Apple Intelligence Capabilities on Your iPhone 16 Right from the Start”

# iPhone 16 Pre-Orders and Apple Intelligence: Everything You Should Know

The eagerly awaited **iPhone 16** is almost here, with pre-orders commencing on **Friday, September 13th**, and the official launch slated for **September 20th**. While the upcoming device boasts an array of thrilling features, one of the most discussed elements is **Apple Intelligence**—Apple’s AI-driven suite of tools aimed at enhancing user experience. However, there’s a stipulation: these features will not be accessible immediately.

In this article, we will guide you through all you need to know about the iPhone 16, Apple Intelligence, and how to access these features early by enrolling in the **Apple Beta Software Program**.

## Apple Intelligence: What Exactly Is It?

Apple Intelligence represents Apple’s latest venture into artificial intelligence, created to enhance user experiences across various applications and services. This encompasses smarter notifications, improved Siri functionalities, and innovative tools for both productivity and creativity. Despite Apple’s assertions that the iPhone 16 comes with “built-in” Apple Intelligence, these features won’t be made available to the public until **iOS 18.1** is officially launched, which is anticipated to occur in **October 2024**.

### What’s Causing the Delay?

Although the hardware of the iPhone 16 is equipped to support Apple Intelligence, the software functionalities are contingent on **iOS 18.1**, which is currently undergoing **beta testing**. Therefore, if you are an early adopter of the iPhone 16, you will need to wait for the official release of iOS 18.1 to utilize these AI-enhanced features—unless you sign up for Apple’s Beta Software Program.

## How to Access Apple Intelligence Early: Sign Up for the Apple Beta Software Program

If you’re eager to experience Apple Intelligence before October, there’s a way to gain early access by joining the **Apple Beta Software Program**. This initiative enables non-developers to test public beta versions of iOS, including iOS 18.1.

### Steps to Enroll in the Beta Program:
1. **Sign Up for the Apple Beta Software Program**: Go to the

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Tom Cruise’s Underrated Action Movie Attracts Attention on Netflix

**Edge of Tomorrow: The Overlooked Tom Cruise Action Flick Excelling on Netflix**

If you’ve recently checked out Netflix’s top 10 movies, you may have spotted a recognizable star at the forefront: Tom Cruise. His 2014 science fiction action film *Edge of Tomorrow* has gained significant traction, surpassing numerous newer titles on the platform. This revival of interest in the movie comes as no shock to fans who have long viewed it as one of Cruise’s most unappreciated performances. But what makes *Edge of Tomorrow* unique, and why does it continue to engage viewers a decade after its premiere?

### A Sci-Fi Treasure with a Distinct Twist

*Edge of Tomorrow* is adapted from the Japanese light novel *All You Need Is Kill* by Hiroshi Sakurazaka. Under the direction of Doug Liman (*The Bourne Identity*) and penned by Christopher McQuarrie (*Top Gun: Maverick*), the film merges adrenaline-pumping action with an inventive time-loop storyline. Tom Cruise plays Major William Cage, a soldier caught in a time loop, reliving the same day repeatedly after dying in battle against an alien species called the Mimics.

The narrative takes flight when Cage, originally an unwilling and untrained soldier, begins to leverage his constant deaths to gain an edge. Each loop helps him uncover more about the foe and sharpen his combat techniques. Eventually, he partners with Sergeant Rita Vrataski, portrayed by Emily Blunt, a renowned war hero who has also faced the time loop challenge. Together, they formulate a strategy to overcome the alien adversaries and protect mankind.

### Why *Edge of Tomorrow* Shines Bright

Several factors contribute to *Edge of Tomorrow*’s acclaim as one of the most replayable Tom Cruise films:

1. **A New Perspective on Time Loops**: Although time-loop narratives aren’t groundbreaking, *Edge of Tomorrow* offers a novel take by intertwining it with a large-scale alien invasion. The film skillfully balances the cyclical nature of the time loop with new discoveries and character development in every iteration, maintaining audience engagement.

2. **Tom Cruise’s Performance**: Cruise is well-versed in action roles, but *Edge of Tomorrow* showcases him in a different light. His character, Cage, begins as a fearful and unseasoned soldier, starkly contrasting with the self-assured action heroes Cruise usually embodies. Witnessing his evolution into a battle-ready fighter is a highlight of the film.

3. **Emily Blunt’s Powerful Co-Lead**: Blunt’s depiction of Sergeant Rita Vrataski, also referred to as the “Angel of Verdun,” is equally gripping. She injects a sense of resilience and determination into the role, providing an excellent counterpoint to Cruise’s initially clumsy Cage. Their dynamic is electrifying, and Blunt’s portrayal has been widely recognized as one of her career bests.

4. **Clever, Rapid-Fire Action**: The movie’s action scenes are exhilarating and expertly choreographed, with Liman’s direction ensuring each moment feels fresh, despite the time loop’s repetitive essence. The incorporation of advanced exoskeleton suits and alien tech adds a distinctive visual appeal to the combat sequences.

### Why It Remains Significant

Even though its initial box office results were somewhat lackluster, *Edge of Tomorrow* has experienced a revival on streaming services like Netflix. Its blend of intelligent storytelling, compelling characters, and exhilarating action has made it a cult hit among sci-fi and action enthusiasts. The themes of perseverance, learning from setbacks, and the value of collaboration resonate with viewers, solidifying its status as a timeless piece of entertainment.

Additionally, the film’s rewatchability is high. The complex narrative and time-loop framework encourage repeated viewings, as audiences can catch new insights and subtleties with each watch. This has likely played a role in its current popularity on Netflix, where viewers can easily rewatch the film or discover it anew.

### The Sequel That Was Never Made

One of the greatest letdowns for *Edge of Tomorrow* fans is the absence of a sequel. Despite the film’s rising popularity and the creative team’s eagerness to revisit the universe, a follow-up has not yet surfaced. Director Doug Liman and Tom Cruise have both shared their excitement about a potential sequel, with Liman recently mentioning in an interview with *Variety* that discussions are ongoing: “We adore that world. Tom and I just actually rewatched it about two months ago, because I hadn’t seen it in 10 years. I was like, ‘Wow, that is a really good movie.’”

While the fate of *Edge of Tomorrow 2* remains ambiguous, the original film continues to flourish, demonstrating that exceptional storytelling and inventive filmmaking can endure through the years.

### Conclusion

*Edge of Tomorrow* is an essential watch for

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AI Chatbots Might Outperform Humans in Convincing Conspiracy Theorists

### AI Chatbots: A Fresh Perspective in Disproving Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theories have historically been a persistent and concerning issue, especially in the United States. Some estimates indicate that nearly **50% of the population** subscribes to at least one conspiracy theory, from the well-known “JFK assassination” to more current allegations like “2020 election fraud” or “COVID-19 deception.” The task of refuting these beliefs has proven to be incredibly challenging. When faced with facts and evidence, numerous conspiracy theorists often double down on their convictions—a phenomenon attributed to **motivated reasoning**, a cognitive bias that compels individuals to interpret information in a manner that reinforces their existing beliefs.

Nevertheless, a recent study published in *Science* presents a beacon of hope. Researchers discovered that **AI chatbots**—particularly those utilizing advanced language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 Turbo—can substantially diminish the intensity of conspiracy beliefs through engaging personalized, fact-driven conversations. The study’s outcomes contest the common belief that conspiracy theorists are immune to evidence, demonstrating that customized, evidence-based counterarguments can have a meaningful effect.

### The Impact of Customized Counterarguments

A primary takeaway from the study is that conspiracy theories are highly **diverse**—they differ notably from individual to individual. Even within a single conspiracy theory, varying individuals might depend on distinct pieces of “evidence” to validate their beliefs. This renders sweeping, one-size-fits-all debunking strategies typically ineffective.

As **Thomas Costello**, a psychologist at American University and co-author of the study, states, “Individuals hold a broad spectrum of conspiracy theories, and the specific evidence each person uses to back even a single conspiracy might vary from one individual to another.” Hence, a more successful strategy would involve **customizing debunking efforts** to address the particular iteration of the conspiracy that each person subscribes to.

Here is where AI chatbots prove valuable. Unlike human debunkers, who may find it challenging to keep pace with the vast array of conspiracy theories and the specific evidence presented by believers, an AI chatbot can leverage extensive information to **tailor its responses**. The chatbot can engage in a dialogue with a conspiracy theorist, acknowledge their specific assertions, and then provide **carefully tailored counterarguments** based on factual evidence.

### The Research: How AI Chatbots Mitigated Conspiracy Beliefs

To evaluate their hypothesis, the research team executed a series of experiments involving **2,190 participants** who believed in one or more conspiracy theories. The participants conversed personally with an AI chatbot (GPT-4 Turbo), during which they disclosed their beliefs and the evidence they believed substantiated those ideas. The chatbot responded with **fact-checked, evidence-based counterarguments** customized to each participant’s specific claims.

For instance, if an individual believed that “9/11 was an inside job” because “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams,” the chatbot might respond with information from the **NIST report**, which clarifies that steel weakens at much lower temperatures, making the towers’ collapse feasible without the need for controlled demolition. A different individual who believed in the same theory but referenced other evidence—like the manner in which the towers fell—would receive an alternate, similarly customized response.

The outcomes were remarkable. After just one **eight-minute interaction** with the chatbot, participants exhibited a **20% reduction** in their belief in conspiracy theories. Even more impressively, this decline remained intact when participants were reassessed **two months later**.

### Wider Implications and Secondary Effects

The chatbot’s success was not confined to disproving specific conspiracy theories. Researchers discovered that the intervention also yielded **spillover effects**, diminishing participants’ overall propensity to endorse conspiracy theories. It even heightened their willingness to **block or ignore** social media accounts disseminating conspiratorial content.

As **David Rand**, a cognitive scientist at MIT and co-author of the study, commented, “The chatbot managed to meet people exactly where they are instead of just providing sweeping debunks.” This personalized method appeared to stimulate participants to engage in **critical thinking** and reevaluate their beliefs.

Interestingly, the chatbot’s effectiveness was chiefly attributed to its dependence on **facts and evidence**. In subsequent experiments, researchers explored different methodologies, such as having the chatbot establish rapport with participants or abstaining from using factual data altogether. These approaches proved significantly less effective, affirming that it was the **factual counterarguments** that truly made an impact.

### Challenges and Constraints

While the findings of the study are encouraging, challenges still need to be addressed. For example, the chatbot was less effective in contesting conspiracy theories related to **recent events**, like the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. In these instances, the chatbot’s effectiveness diminished to a **6-7% reduction** in belief,

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Unicode 16.0 Update Unveils Fresh Emojis, Raising Overall Character Total to 154,998

# Unicode 16.0: Exciting New Emoji, Scripts, and Their Path to Your Devices

The Unicode Consortium has officially unveiled **Unicode 16.0**, the most recent iteration of the universal character set that facilitates communication across digital platforms. This upgrade brings **5,185 new characters**, boosting the total character count in the Unicode standard to an impressive **154,998**. Among these fresh offerings are **eight new emoji** along with various modern and ancient scripts, affirming Unicode’s commitment to adapting alongside the myriad of languages and cultures worldwide.

## Fresh Emoji in Unicode 16.0

Although Unicode 16.0 encompasses thousands of new characters, the **eight new emoji** are set to garner notable interest. These emoji aim to represent a wide spectrum of human experiences, items, and symbols, including:

– **Shovel**
– **Fingerprint**
– **Leafless tree**
– **Radish** (officially categorized as “root vegetable”)
– **Harp**
– **Purple splat** (evoking the ’90s **Nickelodeon** logo)
– **Flag of Sark** (a tiny isle in the English Channel)
– **Face with bags under eyes** – a prominent emoji that seems to truly capture the fatigue and stress characteristic of contemporary life.

As is tradition, **Emojipedia** has provided **sample images** of these new emoji, showcasing how they may appear once adopted by various platforms such as Apple, Google, and Microsoft. However, final designs may show slight variations depending on each platform’s distinctive style.

### A Closer Examination of the “Face with Bags Under Eyes” Emoji

Among the novel emoji, the **”face with bags under eyes”** is already stirring considerable excitement. Its drained, tired expression has been interpreted as a mirror of our current times, where stress, exhaustion, and sleepless nights have become prevalent. Whether utilized to convey fatigue from work, parenting, or just life itself, this emoji is anticipated to become a widely-used addition to the digital vernacular.

## Newly Introduced Scripts in Unicode 16.0

Alongside emoji, Unicode 16.0 expands support for **seven new scripts**, essential for fostering and sustaining lesser-known languages and writing systems. These include:

– **Garay alphabet** from West Africa
– **Gurung Khema**, **Kirat Rai**, **Ol Onal**, and **Sunuwar** scripts from Northeast India and Nepal
– **Todhri alphabet** from Albania
– **Tulu-Tigalari script** from Southwestern India

These scripts mark a significant advancement in ensuring a broader array of languages and cultures can be accurately depicted in digital communication. By incorporating these scripts, Unicode continues to pursue its goal of inclusivity, allowing individuals from varied linguistic backgrounds to utilize their native writing systems on contemporary devices.

## The Progression of Emoji: From Unicode 15.1 to 16.0

The previous major emoji update was **Unicode 15.1** in 2023, which brought several new emoji, many of which were adaptations of existing characters. For instance, the **lime emoji** was developed by combining the lemon emoji with a green color modifier, and the **phoenix emoji** resulted from merging a bird with a fire emoji. These combinations were enabled by a **zero-width joiner (ZWJ)**, a unique character permitting multiple emoji to be showcased as a single, cohesive image.

In contrast, most emoji in Unicode 16.0 are **distinct characters** rather than blends of pre-existing ones. The only exception is the **Sark flag emoji**, which, akin to other flag emoji, is formed by placing two **regional indicator letters** adjacent to each other, without necessitating a ZWJ character.

## The Path from Unicode to Your Devices

Although the Unicode Consortium has ratified Unicode 16.0, the new characters won’t show up on your devices right away. The journey to make these characters a reality entails several stages:

1. **Design**: Companies such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Samsung must create their versions of the new emoji and characters, ensuring they align with their existing design style.
2. **Software Updates**: Once designs are finalized, these companies must distribute software updates that feature the new characters.
3. **User Adoption**: Ultimately, users must download and install these updates to access the new emoji and characters.

This sequence can span several months, meaning that although Unicode 16.0 is now official, it might take a while before you notice the new emoji and scripts on your device.

## The “Greenwashing Emoji” Myth

Following the release of Unicode 16.0, a peculiar hoax has circulated online. Some users have asserted that the update includes a **”greenwashing emoji”** conceived by **Shepard Fairey**, the artist behind the

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“Reasons the iPhone 16 Series Emphasizes Apple’s Demand for a Foldable Gadget”

# As an Android-iOS User, My Pursuit of Innovation from Apple Has Diminished, But My Affection for Foldables Makes Acceptance Tougher

For a long time, Apple has set the benchmark in the smartphone industry, with its iPhones leading the way in design, performance, and user experience. However, as a dual Android-iOS user, I’ve observed a concerning trend that can’t be overlooked: Apple’s innovation appears to have plateaued, particularly when contrasted with the swift advancements within the Android ecosystem. My newfound passion for foldable phones has made this stagnation even more apparent.

## Key Insights

– Apple has recently unveiled the iPhone 16 series, featuring minor design tweaks, a new Camera Control button, and an enhanced chip.
– The iPhone 16 series marks yet another incremental upgrade, unlikely to persuade existing users to make the switch.
– For a genuine revitalization of the iPhone lineup, Apple must launch a foldable iPhone.

### The Innovation Discrepancy: Apple vs. Android

Apple’s iPhone refresh cycle has become somewhat predictable. Each year brings a slight design modification, a performance boost, and the addition of one or two new features. For instance, the iPhone 14 Pro introduced Dynamic Island, the iPhone 15 Pro added the Action button, and now we have the Camera Control button with the iPhone 16 series. While these features are appealing, they don’t fundamentally alter user interactions with their devices.

In contrast, the Android landscape is thriving with innovation. Brands like Samsung, Google, and Huawei are reshaping the market with foldable devices, tri-fold phones, and other state-of-the-art technologies. The recent launch of the **Huawei Mate X3 Ultimate** and **Google Pixel 9 Pro Fold** showcases how Android manufacturers are pushing the limits of design and features in ways that challenge conventional smartphone norms.

As someone who frequently toggles between Android and iOS, I find Apple’s incremental updates rather underwhelming compared to the significant strides in the Android arena. Yes, Apple’s A-series chips remain unmatched, and the iPhone’s camera capabilities are exceptional, but these advancements feel more like enhancements than groundbreaking changes.

### Foldables: The Next Generation of Smartphones?

Foldable devices have been in existence for several years, but they are just now beginning to flourish. Models such as the **Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6** and the **Google Pixel 9 Pro Fold** present an exceptional combination of portability and functionality that traditional smartphones struggle to offer. These gadgets enable users to carry a tablet-sized display in their pocket, enhancing the experience for activities like gaming, video streaming, and multitasking.

Having extensively utilized foldables myself, I can assert that they’ve transformed my phone usage. The option to unfold a larger screen when necessary and fold it back for effortless portability is revolutionary. It’s challenging to revert to a conventional flat phone after experiencing the adaptability of a foldable.

This context makes Apple’s innovational inertia all the more aggravating. While Android companies are redefining what smartphones can do, Apple appears satisfied with modest adjustments to its established formula. The iPhone 16’s Camera Control button is a clever addition, but it barely sparks my interest for the iPhone’s future.

### The Necessity for a Foldable iPhone

Apple has always taken pride in leading the charge of innovation. The original iPhone transformed the smartphone landscape, and later models brought features like Face ID, the App Store, and Retina displays that raised industry standards. However, in the recent past, Apple’s iPhone updates seem more iterative than revolutionary.

To re-capture the excitement of tech enthusiasts regarding the iPhone, Apple must introduce a foldable iPhone. A foldable would not only re-establish Apple’s relevance in conversations about cutting-edge technology, but it would also provide users with a fresh means of interacting with their devices. Envision an iPhone that unfolds into a larger display for enjoying movies, gaming, or editing documents. This would represent the ideal fusion of Apple’s design prowess and foldable functionality.

Of course, Apple wouldn’t be the pioneer in foldable phones. Brands like Samsung, Huawei, and Google are already recognized as frontrunners in this domain. However, Apple’s legacy involves honing existing technologies to perfection. A foldable iPhone could be the game-changing device that ultimately persuades mainstream users to adopt foldable technology.

### What Would Tempt Me to Move Away from the Google Pixel 9 Pro Fold?

Currently using the **Google Pixel 9 Pro Fold**, switching back to a traditional iPhone would require significant motivation. The Pixel 9 Pro Fold encompasses everything I seek.

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