Astrobotic’s Lunar Expedition Encountered Failure Owing to Valve Issue on Lander

Astrobotic's Lunar Expedition Encountered Failure Owing to Valve Issue on Lander

Astrobotic’s Lunar Expedition Encountered Failure Owing to Valve Issue on Lander

### Astrobotic’s Expedition to the Moon: Insights from Peregrine Mission One and Future Directions

Astrobotic, a space enterprise based in Pittsburgh, has emerged as a leader in the commercial lunar exploration sector, with the goal of transporting payloads to the Moon through NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) initiative. The company’s inaugural venture, Peregrine Mission One, launched in January 2024, represented a landmark achievement, being the first U.S. lunar lander mission in over fifty years. Nevertheless, the mission met with disappointment due to a valve failure, resulting in the loss of the spacecraft. In spite of this hurdle, Astrobotic is forging ahead, leveraging lessons learned and refocusing on its forthcoming mission, Griffin.

### The Peregrine Mission One: A Near Miss with Triumph

Peregrine Mission One was not only a pivotal mission for Astrobotic but also for the U.S. space sector as a whole. The lander was sent into space atop United Launch Alliance’s inaugural Vulcan rocket on January 8, 2024. The objective was to deliver a range of scientific payloads to the lunar surface, signifying the first U.S. attempt at a lunar landing since Apollo 17 in 1972.

However, just after separating from the rocket, the lander faced a serious complication during its propulsion system’s activation sequence. An investigation panel chaired by John Horack, a professor of aerospace and mechanical engineering at Ohio State University, concluded that the incident stemmed from a failure in a helium Pressure Control Valve (PCV2). This valve was meant to manage the helium flow into the oxidizer tank, but a mechanical malfunction caused an uncontrollable helium flow, leading to tank over-pressurization and rupture.

Despite the disastrous outcome, Astrobotic’s ground crew was able to keep the lander operational for ten and a half days, making minor adjustments to maintain the alignment of its solar panels toward the Sun. Ultimately, Earth’s gravitational pull caused the spacecraft to re-enter the atmosphere, where it disintegrated over the Pacific Ocean.

### Analyzing the Setback: The Pressure Control Valve

The malfunction of the Pressure Control Valve was a substantial setback for the mission, yet it was not wholly unanticipated. Astrobotic executives recognized the potential risk, as a similar valve on the fuel side had demonstrated leakage during ground tests. However, replacing the valve on the oxidizer side would necessitate disassembling significant portions of the lander, further postponing a mission already behind schedule. As a result, the decision was made to continue with the existing valve, which eventually failed in space.

Follow-up tests on a spare valve revealed that the component could leak after being subjected to vibrations akin to those experienced during a rocket launch. The failure was traced back to a mechanical flaw deep within the valve, where vibration-induced relaxation between threaded parts hindered the valve from sealing correctly.

### Advancing Ahead: The Griffin Lander

Astrobotic’s upcoming mission, Griffin, marks a notable advancement in both scale and intricacy. The Griffin lander is more substantial and capable than Peregrine, intended to transport heavier payloads to the lunar surface. Drawing lessons from the Peregrine failure, Astrobotic has instituted several redesigns in the propulsion system, such as updated pressure control valves, pressure regulators, and latch valves to avert a similar failure.

“We’ve achieved enhanced reliability in the system to mitigate against that single point failure,” stated Steve Clarke, Astrobotic’s vice president of landers and spacecraft.

### The Hurdles of Commercial Lunar Exploration

Astrobotic’s experience with Peregrine underscores the inherent hazards and challenges of commercial lunar exploration. The CLPS initiative, under which Peregrine was developed, aims to establish a new industry for delivering instruments and cargo to the Moon at a fraction of the expense of conventional NASA missions. However, this cost-conscious strategy compels companies like Astrobotic to make difficult choices, weighing risk, expense, and timelines.

“We must keep in mind that this is not a multibillion-dollar mission,” commented John Thornton, Astrobotic’s CEO. “These are the inaugural missions. It’s akin to the first launch of a new launch vehicle in a commercial setting. How often have we witnessed a first launch not succeed? It’s integral to the development process. It’s part of how we learn. It’s part of our growth as an industry.”

### The Future Trail: Griffin and Beyond

Astrobotic’s Griffin lander is set to launch in late 2025, carrying a mass simulator and a compact lunar rover developed by the company. Although NASA’s VIPER rover, initially intended to fly on Griffin, was canceled due to budgetary and scheduling issues, the space agency remains supportive of the Griffin mission. NASA officials have expressed a desire to see Griffin succeed, as it can transport more substantial cargo to the lunar surface than most other CLPS participants.

Astrobotic is also exploring avenues to reutilize