“Age of Mythology: Retold Provides Seamless Controller Support for a Real-Time Strategy Game”

"Age of Mythology: Retold Provides Seamless Controller Support for a Real-Time Strategy Game"

“Age of Mythology: Retold Provides Seamless Controller Support for a Real-Time Strategy Game”

# Age of Mythology: Retold – A Contemporary RTS with Controller Compatibility

**Age of Mythology: Retold**, the recent revival of the iconic 2002 real-time strategy (RTS) title, delivers a range of enhancements that enthusiasts of the genre have come to anticipate. With improved visuals and a more user-friendly interface, **Retold** seeks to update the gameplay while maintaining the original’s allure. Nonetheless, one of the most unexpected features in this reboot is comprehensive support for handheld controllers—a bold addition designed to make RTS games more approachable for console and handheld players.

Although the concept of controlling an RTS with a controller isn’t unprecedented, developers have historically faced challenges in matching the accuracy and fluidity of a mouse and keyboard configuration. **Age of Mythology: Retold** is no exception, yet it provides the most effective and refined controller layout for an RTS to date. However, in spite of the advancements, there remain significant obstacles that hinder controllers from emerging as the favored control scheme for many gamers.

## The Challenge of Adapting RTS Controls to a Controller

One primary obstacle in converting an RTS for controller use is the vast array of commands and functions necessitating mapping to a finite set of buttons. **Age of Mythology: Retold** utilizes every button on the Xbox controller, incorporating multi-button combinations and context-sensitive radial menus. For instance, basic functions such as “Stop” or “Delete” demand the simultaneous press of two shoulder buttons, while various actions are assigned to distinct taps and holds.

The radial menus, activated by tapping either trigger button, facilitate access to construction options or general commands. These menus frequently feature multiple pages, compelling players to scroll through them to locate the desired choice. While this system is functional, it can feel unwieldy, particularly when contrasted with the simplicity of navigating menus via a mouse.

To simplify the experience, the game incorporates shortcuts for frequently used actions. For example, pressing the **Y** button while selecting a structure automatically initiates production of the most common unit, and holding **Y** optimizes the production queue. These shortcuts aid in refining gameplay, but do not wholly eliminate the necessity for menu navigation.

## Panning and Zooming: Easy to Master, but Unit Selection Can be Difficult

Navigating the terrain using dual joysticks is notably smooth and user-friendly. The right stick controls zooming, while the left stick pans across the map. The **RB** button calls up the minimap for rapid panning, nearly matching the speed of mouse use. However, the challenge arises when attempting to select specific units on the map, where the controller shows its limitations.

**Age of Mythology: Retold** features a “camera snap” option that automatically centers the cursor on a nearby building or unit. While this function can be advantageous, it often reacts too aggressively, snapping to unintended units or structures while merely panning the map. Disabling the camera snap helps, yet it exposes another challenge—analog sticks do not lend themselves well to the precision required for selecting individual units, particularly with the camera zoomed out.

To address this, the game provides various shortcuts for selecting units. For instance, pressing a direction on the D-pad selects a single villager or hero, while holding a direction selects all military units. These shortcuts become instinctive with practice but do not fully replace the necessity for exact unit selection.

## Managing Unit Groups: An Awkward Task

Managing unit groups is crucial to RTS gameplay. In **Age of Mythology: Retold**, creating and toggling between unit groups on a controller involves multiple steps. To designate a group, players must hold the **A** button to select units, then engage both shoulder triggers, maneuver the analog stick, and press **X** to assign the group to a radial menu. Switching between groups requires a comparable series of maneuvers, involving the shoulder buttons, the analog stick, and several button presses.

This procedure is considerably more complicated than simply hitting a number key on a keyboard and can make it difficult to remember the necessary button combinations. While the game effectively showcases on-screen prompts for identifying button functions, the extensive array of needed actions can feel overwhelming, especially amid action-packed gameplay.

## The Verdict: Effective, but Not Optimal

In spite of these difficulties, **Age of Mythology: Retold** is surprisingly functional with a controller. The developers have evidently dedicated considerable thought to ensuring a smooth experience, and for players favoring console or handheld gameplay, the controller interface is sufficiently functional to deliver a complete experience. Xbox users lounging on the couch or Steam Deck gamers playing on the move are likely to appreciate the endeavor made to enhance accessibility without relying on a mouse and keyboard.

Nevertheless, for gamers equipped with a conventional mouse and keyboard setup,