How to Activate Eye Tracking on iPhone in iOS 18 – 9to5Mac

How to Activate Eye Tracking on iPhone in iOS 18 - 9to5Mac

How to Activate Eye Tracking on iPhone in iOS 18 – 9to5Mac

# Delving into Eye Tracking in iOS 18: A Revolutionary Advancement in Accessibility

Apple has consistently led the charge in accessibility innovations, and with iOS 18’s launch, the company has unveiled transformative features aimed at improving user experiences for individuals with varied needs. A standout development is the capacity to operate your iPhone solely with your eyes. This cutting-edge feature paves the way for users who struggle with conventional touch controls. In this article, we will examine how to activate Eye Tracking on your iPhone and analyze its significance for accessibility.

## The Concept Behind Eye Tracking

Apple’s dedication to accessibility is reflected in its ongoing endeavors to incorporate functionalities that serve all users. With iOS 18, Eye Tracking joins a collection of new tools, such as Music Haptics and Vocal Shortcuts, intended to enhance the iPhone’s user-friendliness. Eye Tracking empowers users to navigate their devices by merely gazing at the screen, making it an essential resource for those with mobility restrictions or other accessibility requirements.

## How to Activate Eye Tracking in iOS 18

Activating Eye Tracking on your iPhone is an uncomplicated task. For optimal results, Apple suggests positioning your device on a stable surface about 1.5 feet away from your face. Here’s how you can enable this feature:

1. **Ensure Your Device is Updated**: Verify that your iPhone operates on iOS 18.

2. **Open the Settings App**: Find and tap on the Settings icon on your home screen.

3. **Access Accessibility Settings**: Scroll down and tap on the “Accessibility” option.

4. **Select Eye Tracking**: Swipe down to locate “Eye Tracking” within the “Physical and Motor” section.

5. **Activate Eye Tracking**: Press the toggle switch to enable Eye Tracking.

6. **Calibrate Your Device**: Follow the on-screen prompts to calibrate the feature by tracking a colored circle around the screen with your eyes.

After completing the calibration, Dwell Control will be automatically activated. This feature permits users to execute actions by sustaining their gaze on a particular area for a specified time.

## Grasping Dwell Control

Dwell Control is a fundamental element of the Eye Tracking functionality. By simply focusing your gaze on a button or app icon, you can select it, rendering navigation natural and fluid. Users can adjust the Dwell Control settings within AssistiveTouch to accommodate their preferences, crafting a personalized experience.

When AssistiveTouch is activated, Eye Tracking can be utilized to perform various actions, such as:

– Locking the iPhone
– Returning to the Home Screen
– Scrolling through content

This incorporation of Eye Tracking with AssistiveTouch enriches the overall performance and accessibility of the device.

## Visual Cues and Interaction

With Eye Tracking enabled, users will observe a white outline surrounding the area of their focus. This visual cue confirms that the device is tracking their gaze. To select an item, users simply need to maintain their focus (Dwell) on the chosen button or app.

Additionally, the brilliance of Eye Tracking lies in its non-restrictive nature regarding touchscreen use. Users can still engage with their device using touch gestures while taking advantage of Eye Tracking, offering a versatile navigation method.

## Troubleshooting Eye Tracking

Should you notice that Eye Tracking is not operating as accurately or responsively as anticipated, consider recalibrating the feature. Ensure that your iPhone is situated on a stand or stable surface, maintaining a distance of approximately 1.5 feet from your face for ideal tracking.

## Conclusion

The advent of Eye Tracking in iOS 18 signifies a remarkable leap in accessibility technology, enabling users to engage with their devices in fresh and pioneering manners. Whether for users with specific accessibility requirements or those eager to explore new functionalities, Eye Tracking provides a glimpse into the future of inclusive technology. As Apple continues to prioritize accessibility, users can anticipate further advancements that ensure technology remains accessible to everyone.

For additional information on iOS 18 and its features, stay tuned for updates and tutorials that will assist you in maximizing your iPhone experience.