North Carolina Gubernatorial Hopeful Alleges AI Created Racist and Pornographic Forum Messages

North Carolina Gubernatorial Hopeful Alleges AI Created Racist and Pornographic Forum Messages

North Carolina Gubernatorial Hopeful Alleges AI Created Racist and Pornographic Forum Messages

### Mark Robinson and the “Deep Doubt” Era: AI as a Political Shield

In a political environment increasingly influenced by technological advancements, North Carolina’s Lieutenant Governor and gubernatorial hopeful, Mark Robinson, has found himself embroiled in a controversy highlighting the rising role of artificial intelligence (AI) in public discourse. On September 19, 2024, CNN revealed a story about incendiary remarks made by Robinson on a pornography website’s forum over ten years ago. The remarks, which included characterizations of Robinson as a “black NAZI” and endorsements for enslaving individuals again, were allegedly posted between 2008 and 2012 under the username “minisoldr” on a platform called “Nude Africa.”

However, Robinson has refuted the claims, asserting that the remarks were fabricated using AI. This contention has sparked a wider discussion on AI’s impact on public opinion and accountability, particularly in an era some experts are dubbing the “deep doubt” age.

### The Allegations

CNN’s investigation uncovered Robinson’s comments through a mix of biographical information, a mutual email address, and profile images. The statements, made well before Robinson rose to prominence in politics, have incited significant backlash. Despite the corroborating evidence, Robinson vehemently denies the allegations, claiming they stem from a smear campaign led by his political adversaries employing AI-generated material.

In a CNN interview with reporter Andrew Kaczynski, Robinson remarked, “Listen, I’m not going to delve into the details of how someone concocted these outrageous tabloid fabrications, but I can tell you this: Over one million dollars has been funneled against me via AI by a billionaire’s son who is hell-bent on ruining me.” He further contended that the comments did not originate from him and were part of a larger scheme to divert voters’ attention from the genuine issues confronting North Carolina.

### The “Deep Doubt” Era: A Handy Justification?

Robinson’s rebuttal aligns with a rising trend where public figures utilize AI as a convenient excuse to dismiss damaging proof. This trend, referred to as the “deep doubt” era, encapsulates the growing skepticism surrounding digital content prompted by the emergence of generative AI models capable of crafting hyper-realistic deepfakes. Although AI technology has certainly progressed to the extent that it can produce, convincing images, videos, and text, the timeframe of Robinson’s alleged comments—between 2008 and 2012—calls into question the legitimacy of his assertions.

At the period the comments were made, AI technology was not nearly as developed as it is today. Deepfakes, in the form we recognize now, were not a major issue in the early 2010s, raising doubts about the possibility that Robinson’s remarks were AI-generated. Furthermore, CNN’s inquiry hinged on a trail of evidence encompassing biographical information and a shared email address, which further complicates Robinson’s defense.

### The “Liar’s Dividend” and the Decline of Trust

The notion of “deep doubt” closely relates to what researchers Danielle K. Citron and Robert Chesney have referred to as the “liar’s dividend.” In their 2019 scholarly article, Citron and Chesney posited that the rise of deepfakes and other AI-generated content could facilitate liars in evading accountability. By questioning the genuineness of digital evidence, people can leverage the uncertainty induced by AI to dismiss valid accusations.

This strategy has already been utilized by several prominent figures. Former President Donald Trump, for instance, has repeatedly asserted that credible images were produced by AI, despite overwhelming contrary evidence. The “liar’s dividend” allows individuals to construct an alternate reality in which they remain blameless, further dividing public sentiment and undermining trust in democratic institutions.

In Robinson’s scenario, his rejection of the allegations has begun to fracture public opinion. While some within his own party have urged him to resign, the North Carolina GOP has so far supported him, and Robinson shows no sign of stepping back from the gubernatorial contest. This division reflects the broader societal challenge wrought by the “deep doubt” era: the emergence of parallel narratives that make it increasingly difficult for the public to ascertain the truth.

### The Future of Accountability in the AI Era

As AI technology advances, the challenges posed by deepfakes and other digital manipulations are poised to become more significant. Experts caution that we may soon witness the proliferation of “context attacks,” wherein generative AI models are employed to fabricate an endless stream of counterfeit evidence that bolsters false narratives. These attacks could justify lies as needed, complicating the quest for holding public figures responsible.

The implications for democracy are immense. If individuals can routinely dismiss incriminating proof by claiming it was created by AI, the very foundation of accountability in public life could be jeopardized.