“Cards Against Humanity Sues SpaceX, Alleging Company of Land Infringement at the US-Mexico Border”

"Cards Against Humanity Sues SpaceX, Alleging Company of Land Infringement at the US-Mexico Border"

“Cards Against Humanity Sues SpaceX, Alleging Company of Land Infringement at the US-Mexico Border”

### Cards Against Humanity Takes Legal Action Against SpaceX for Alleged Land Seizure in Texas

In an unexpected legal conflict, **Cards Against Humanity (CAH)**, the creators of the famed party game, have initiated a lawsuit against **SpaceX**, the aerospace firm established by **Elon Musk**. The suit, submitted in the **Cameron County District Court** of Texas, asserts that SpaceX unlawfully seized a parcel of land that CAH acquired in 2017 as part of a political movement against former President **Donald Trump’s** proposed border wall.

The disputed land is situated close to the **US-Mexico border**, and CAH contends it was purchased with contributions from supporters opposing the wall’s construction. The company claims that SpaceX has since utilized the land for its own activities without authorization, causing considerable damage and disruption.

### Background: CAH’s 2017 Opposition to Trump’s Border Wall

In 2017, CAH initiated a **holiday initiative** aimed at countering Trump’s intentions to construct a border wall. This campaign was financed by **$15 contributions** from over **150,000 supporters**, forming part of the company’s wider objectives to engage in political advocacy. CAH allocated a portion of the funds to acquire a **vacant parcel of land** in Cameron County, Texas, specifically to complicate the government’s efforts to erect the wall.

The company assured its backers that it would “make it as time-consuming and expensive as possible for Trump to build his wall” on the property. CAH managed the land, delineating its borders with a fence and a **”No Trespassing”** sign. However, rather than the government attempting to take the land for the border wall, CAH alleges that **SpaceX** began utilizing the property for its own construction projects.

### The Claim of Land Seizure by SpaceX

The lawsuit claims that SpaceX encroached upon CAH’s property in connection with its expansion endeavors near its **Starbase** site in Boca Chica, Texas. The legal filing alleges that SpaceX “never requested permission” to occupy the land and that the company or its contractors cleared vegetation, compacted the soil, and commenced storing construction materials and equipment there.

The complaint includes **before-and-after photographs** purporting to illustrate the land’s condition when CAH acquired it in 2017 and its current state following SpaceX’s construction activities. CAH accuses SpaceX of treating the property as though it were its own for a minimum of six months, using it as a staging ground for vehicles, equipment, and materials.

Additionally, the legal document asserts that SpaceX has not only damaged the land but has also jeopardized its safety, transforming it into a worksite that should adhere to **OSHA safety regulations**. Nevertheless, CAH contends that SpaceX has made no attempts to clarify or apologize for its actions.

### CAH Seeks $15 Million in Compensation

In its legal action, CAH is pursuing up to **$15 million** in restitution. This includes the expenses required to restore the land, the **decline in its fair market value**, and compensation for the **unauthorized use** of the property by SpaceX. The company is also seeking damages for the **loss of goodwill** and damage to its reputation, in addition to punitive damages.

CAH argues that this incident has already harmed its standing with its supporters, who relied on the company to safeguard the land from exploitation by billionaires such as Musk. The lawsuit underscores that CAH has a “longstanding reputation as a company that makes outrageous promises and actually fulfills them,” and that allowing Musk to commandeer the land without repercussions would erode that trust.

### CAH’s Public Reaction: “Go F@#k Yourself, Elon Musk”

True to its bold and irreverent style, CAH has taken a striking approach to publicizing the lawsuit. It has unveiled a website titled **”CAH Sues Musk”**, detailing its complaints in vibrant language. The site asserts, “Seven years ago, 150,000 people contributed $15 to protect a pristine piece of land on the US-Mexico border from racist billionaire Donald Trump’s very stupid wall. Unfortunately, an even richer, more racist billionaire—Elon Musk—sneakily advanced upon us and thoroughly messed that land up with gravel, tractors, and space debris.”

The website further claims that SpaceX made a **”lowball offer”** to purchase the land after CAH raised alarms about the encroachment. According to CAH, SpaceX issued a **12-hour ultimatum** for the company to accept an offer that was under half the land’s assessed value. CAH rejected the proposal and replied with, “Go fuck yourself, Elon Musk. We’ll see you in court.”

### CAH Commits to Sharing Benefits with Support