LG Launches Advertisements on Television Screensavers

LG Launches Advertisements on Television Screensavers

LG Launches Advertisements on Television Screensavers

### LG’s 2024 G4 OLED TV: A New Phase of Screensaver Advertisements and Smart TV Marketing

In recent times, the television sector has witnessed major transformations, particularly with the surge of smart TVs and streaming platforms altering our content consumption habits. A notably contentious change has been the growing incidence of advertisements on TV software, even in high-end devices. LG’s newest flagship offering, the **2024 G4 OLED TV**, is not an exception, as the brand has lately rolled out **screensaver ads**—a development that has ignited discussion among consumers and industry analysts.

#### The Rising Proliferation of Ads in TV Software

Recently, **Ars Technica** delved into the escalating trend of advertisements permeating TV operating systems (OS), a situation that has become increasingly unavoidable. Soon after, LG revealed its intention to incorporate ads into the screensavers of its smart TVs, notably including the premium G4 OLED variant. This move emphasizes a wider industry pattern: advertisements are becoming an essential component of the TV-viewing experience, even during inactive times when the TV is not showcasing content.

Remarkably, LG did not issue a public communication to its users regarding this new advertisement format. Instead, the organization opted to relay the change directly to advertisers, indicating a priority on capitalizing on idle screen time over consumer contentment. The ads, which emerge prior to the standard screensaver activation, are customized according to the geographic area where the TV is utilized. Reports from **FlatpanelsHD** suggest that the ads feature promotions for LG’s free ad-supported streaming service, **LG Channels**, alongside third-party advertisements.

#### Functionality of Screensaver Ads

The screensaver advertisements on LG’s G4 OLED TV are set to be active by default, though users can turn them off via the TV’s settings. Nevertheless, the mere existence of these ads—especially on a high-end device—underscores the growing significance of advertising income for TV manufacturers. Traditionally, screensavers have served to exhibit artwork, personal photographs, or soothing visuals that enhance a room’s atmosphere. Now, they are being reimagined as a venue for advertisements, transforming what was once a passive encounter into an “engagement opportunity” for brands.

According to **LG AD Solutions**, the firm’s advertising division, the aim is to leverage what they term “idle screen time.” The company asserts that screensaver ads can yield a **2.5 times higher increase in brand awareness** compared to alternative advertising methods. This is part of a larger scheme to convert every conceivable moment of TV usage into a revenue-generating opportunity.

#### The Evolving Nature of TV Viewing

LG AD Solutions CTO **Dave Rudnick** recognized that screensaver ads may not consistently engage an attentive audience. Previously, a screensaver may have indicated that viewers had vacated the room, but Rudnick highlighted that contemporary viewing patterns have evolved. Based on LG’s findings, **93 percent of viewers multitask** while watching TV, frequently engaging in activities such as messaging, shopping, or browsing social media on their devices. This shift in behavior has provided advertisers with new avenues to reach consumers, even when they are not fully immersed in the television screen.

#### The Wider Perspective: TV Advertising in 2024

Though LG’s screensaver ads may appear to be a minor adjustment, they are part of a broader shift within the TV landscape. TV operating systems are increasingly laden with ads, spanning from home screens to streaming services. For instance, **Roku** has trialed video ads on its OS home screen, and **Amazon’s Fire TV** has faced backlash for its advertisement-heavy interface. Certain TV manufacturers, like **Vizio**, have even transitioned their business models to focus more on advertising and data aggregation rather than solely hardware sales.

This transition has created a **slippery slope**, empowering TV manufacturers and OS operators to determine the volume of ads users will encounter, even on devices they have already acquired. As a consequence, ad-free streaming services and devices, such as **Apple TV**, are becoming increasingly scarce and precious to consumers desiring a more seamless, ad-free experience.

#### LG’s Expanding Advertising Strategy

LG’s venture into screensaver ads is merely one aspect of a larger initiative to enhance its advertising and data-tracking abilities. The organization has partnered with **Nielsen** to transmit **automatic content-recognition data** from LG TVs to Nielsen for audience analytics. Furthermore, LG has voiced aspirations to evolve from a hardware-centric company into a **“media and entertainment platform,”** which encompasses ad sales and exploring innovative interactive advertising formats.

Indeed, LG has recently established a new division known as **LG Ad Solutions**, dedicated to pioneering creative methods for displaying ads and monitoring user interactions on smart TVs. According to Rudnick, the objective is to “push the boundaries” of smart TV advertising and promote **“next-generation advertising,”** including interactive