Author: sparta

Insights into the Design of Apple Watch Series 10 Discussed in Recent Interview – 9to5Mac

# Perspectives on Apple Watch Series 10 and Apple Watch Ultra 2: A Design Outlook

Apple’s design team, spearheaded by Molly Anderson and Alan Dye, recently provided perspectives on the latest versions of the Apple Watch—the Series 10 and the sleek black Apple Watch Ultra 2. In a discussion with *British GQ*, they explored the journey of the Apple Watch, emphasizing design breakthroughs, durability, and the artistic process behind new watch faces. Here’s an in-depth look at the main points from their discussion.

## Advantages of Expanded Displays

As the Apple Watch marks its 10th anniversary, the Series 10 unveils an updated design while maintaining the fundamental strengths of its forerunners. One of the most noteworthy updates is the expanded display, which improves functionality and design versatility. Alan Dye mentioned that the team had become skilled at optimizing smaller screens, but the larger size opens up avenues for a more generous interface. This change allows designers to prioritize features in new ways, setting the stage for more creative applications and functions in impending models.

## Robustness of the New Black Titanium Ultra 2

Concerns regarding the robustness of the freshly launched black Apple Watch Ultra 2 are prevalent among potential customers. However, Anderson provided users with reassurance regarding the watch’s durability. The Ultra 2 sports a diamond-like carbon coating that exceeds the hardness of natural titanium. Thus, unless users come into contact with extremely hard substances like diamonds, the watch is expected to resist scratching and preserve its elegant look. This robustness is particularly attractive for those who lead dynamic lives or operate in challenging conditions.

## The Process Behind New Watch Face Design

Crafting new watch faces is a detailed process that merges artistry with technology. Dye expanded on the development of the new Reflections face, which draws influence from traditional hand-carved guilloche dials, reminiscent of high-end timepieces from brands such as Breguet and Audemars Piguet. The Reflections face employs the watch’s integrated gyroscope and sensors to create fluid visual effects that react to environmental factors, simulating reflections akin to sunlight. This inventive method exemplifies Apple’s commitment to fusing state-of-the-art technology with classic design principles.

## Further Insights from the Design Team

The conversation unveiled several captivating elements of the Apple design team’s culture and philosophy:

– A number of team members are fans of classic analog watches, which influences their design perspectives.
– Dye expressed delight in witnessing the Apple Watch featured on the red carpet during movie premieres, underscoring its role as both a practical tool and a stylish accessory.
– Despite Apple’s identity as a technology company, the design team encountered hurdles in integrating diving capabilities into the Ultra and Series 10, highlighting their commitment to exploring new frontiers.
– The team remains devoted to ongoing exploration and innovation, showcasing a bold attitude towards fresh design ideas.

## Summary

The Apple Watch Series 10 and the black Apple Watch Ultra 2 signify crucial progress in wearable technology, weaving together visual allure with functional sturdiness. The insights shared by Anderson and Dye highlight Apple’s commitment to design excellence and innovation. As the Apple Watch continues to advance, it stands as a symbol of the fusion between technology and creativity.

For those eager to explore the design philosophy behind these new models further, the complete interview with the Apple design team is available in *British GQ*. What are your impressions of the revamped designs of the Apple Watch? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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Three Mile Island Resumes Operations to Provide Energy for AI Data Centers Following New Agreement

# Microsoft and Constellation Energy to Reactivate Three Mile Island Nuclear Facility: A Fresh Chapter for Clean Energy and Data Centers

In a momentous decision, **Microsoft** and **Constellation Energy** have disclosed an agreement to reopen the inactive **Three Mile Island nuclear facility** in Pennsylvania. This arrangement, subject to regulatory clearance, would enable Microsoft to acquire all the plant’s energy production—about **835 megawatts**—for a duration of 20 years beginning in **2028**. This level of energy is sufficient to power roughly **800,000 households**, representing a vital advancement in addressing the escalating energy requirements of the technology sector, especially for **data centers** that support cloud computing, streaming services, and **generative AI technologies**.

## The Three Mile Island Story

Three Mile Island is notorious due to the **1979 partial meltdown** in Unit 2, which sparked extensive worries regarding nuclear safety nationwide. However, the newly forged agreement concentrates on **Unit 1**, which was decommissioned in **2019** because of financial difficulties. The resurgence of Unit 1, to be renamed the **Crane Clean Energy Center**, would position it among the initial nuclear facilities in the U.S. to be reinstated after being taken offline.

Constellation Energy aims to allocate **$1.6 billion** towards upgrading the facility, encompassing inspections and enhancements to vital components such as the **reactor’s turbines** and **cooling systems**. The initiative will also gain from **federal tax incentives** and grants offered by the **Inflation Reduction Act**, designed to bolster clean energy efforts.

## The Case for Nuclear Power

In spite of its contentious background, nuclear power is increasingly recognized as a **trustworthy and carbon-neutral** energy option. While incidents like the Three Mile Island crisis and the **Fukushima incident** in Japan have heightened issues surrounding safety and long-term **nuclear waste** management, nuclear energy has been linked to **fewer fatalities** relative to other power generation methods, especially when the ecological effects of **air pollution** are taken into account.

Indeed, nuclear power is perceived as an essential element in the worldwide endeavor to **decarbonize** the energy grid. As highlighted by **Our World in Data**, nuclear energy exhibits a significantly lower death rate per terawatt-hour (TWh) than fossil fuels, such as coal and oil. As global society navigates the urgent challenges posed by **climate change**, nuclear energy provides a scalable option to meet rising energy needs without contributing to **greenhouse gas emissions**.

## Microsoft’s Clean Energy Goals

Microsoft’s participation in the Three Mile Island initiative is part of its extensive dedication to achieving **carbon negativity** by **2030**. The firm is actively pursuing **clean energy sources** to power its worldwide operations, especially its swiftly growing network of **data centers**. These facilities serve as the backbone of Microsoft’s cloud offerings, including **Azure**, **Office 365**, and its expanding array of **AI-driven solutions**.

Microsoft has significantly intensified its focus on nuclear power, as seen in a **job announcement** last year for a program manager tasked with overseeing nuclear energy infrastructure initiatives. The Three Mile Island agreement marks a notable achievement in these efforts as the company persists in working with energy providers to craft **carbon-free energy solutions**.

“This agreement signifies a crucial milestone in Microsoft’s endeavors to assist in decarbonizing the grid as part of our pledge to become carbon negative,” stated **Bobby Hollis**, Microsoft’s Vice President of Energy. “Microsoft remains committed to collaborating with energy suppliers to develop carbon-free energy sources that align with the grid’s capacity and reliability requirements.”

## The Increasing Energy Needs of Data Centers

The revival of Three Mile Island comes at a critical juncture for the tech industry, which is encountering **unprecedented energy demands**. A **Bloomberg assessment** indicates that data centers utilized over **350 TWh** of power in **2024**, a dramatic rise from around **100 TWh** in **2012**. This trend is anticipated to persist, with the **International Energy Agency (IEA)** estimating that data center energy demands could soar to between **620 and 1,050 TWh** by **2026**.

A considerable share of this energy requirement is spurred by the emergence of **generative AI models**, which necessitate extensive computational power. A recent report suggested that energy usage linked to AI could climb to between **85 and 134 TWh** by **2027**, a benchmark akin to the energy needs of the **PC gaming sector**.

By securing a long-term energy source from Three Mile Island, Microsoft is strategically positioning itself to ensure its data centers operate efficiently while mitigating their environmental footprint. The agreement also underscores the escalating significance of **nuclear energy** as a viable solution to the tech industry’s energy hurdles.

## A Wider Industry Movement

Microsoft is not

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United Nations Urges Immediate Worldwide Measures on AI, Similar to Climate Change Action

### United Nations Suggests Global Oversight of Artificial Intelligence: A Move Towards International AI Governance

The United Nations (UN) has made a noteworthy advancement in tackling the global issues associated with artificial intelligence (AI) through a fresh report advocating for the establishment of a global governance framework for AI. Released by the UN Secretary General’s High-Level Advisory Body on AI, this report details a thorough approach for overseeing and regulating AI technologies, highlighting the necessity for international collaboration to reduce risks while enhancing the advantages of AI.

#### A Worldwide AI Governance Framework

The report advocates for the creation of a global entity akin to the **Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)**, tasked with collecting current information on AI advancements and evaluating their risks. This organization would foster international discussion among the UN’s 193 member countries, permitting them to deliberate and agree upon measures to regulate AI. The objective is to guarantee that AI technologies are designed and utilized in manners that are safe, secure, and fair.

A prominent suggestion is the establishment of an **AI fund** aimed at assisting initiatives in lower-income nations, particularly within the Global South. This initiative would help to close the digital gap and ensure that every country, independent of its economic standing, can reap the benefits of AI innovations. Additionally, the report proposes the creation of **AI standards** and **data-sharing frameworks**, alongside offering training and resources for nations to build their own AI governance systems.

#### Tackling the Risks of AI

The swift advancement of AI technologies, especially **large language models** like ChatGPT, has sparked both enthusiasm and apprehension. Although AI has the potential to transform industries and enhance productivity, it brings with it significant dangers. These encompass the likelihood of AI to:

– **Automate disinformation**: AI might be utilized to disseminate false information on an unprecedented scale, eroding trust in institutions and media.
– **Generate deepfake videos and audio**: Content created by AI could be exploited for harmful ends, such as impersonating individuals or fabricating news.
– **Displace workers widely**: Automation propelled by AI could result in substantial job loss, particularly in sectors reliant on repetitive tasks.
– **Intensify algorithmic bias**: AI systems could perpetuate and even magnify existing societal prejudices, resulting in unjust treatment of specific groups.

The report underscores the immediate need to confront these dangers, stating that the pace of AI development may soon render it challenging to manage. This concern has prompted experts and policymakers to advocate for more stringent regulation and oversight.

#### Diverging Views from Major Powers

The UN’s proposals emerge at a moment when major global powers, especially the **United States** and **China**, compete for dominance in AI. Both nations have put forward resolutions at the UN that encapsulate their distinct visions for AI governance. The U.S. resolution, presented in March, advocates for the creation of “safe, secure, and trustworthy AI,” while China’s resolution, unveiled in July, prioritizes international cooperation and the widespread accessibility of AI technologies.

Despite these resolutions, notable disparities exist between the two nations’ strategies regarding AI governance. The U.S. generally favors a less interventionist stance, enabling firms to innovate with minimal governmental oversight, whereas China supports a more centralized approach and regulation. These differences are likely to hinder efforts to craft a cohesive global AI governance framework.

#### The UN’s Position in AI Governance

While the UN is ideally suited to facilitate international collaboration on AI, some experts argue that it cannot oversee global AI governance in isolation. **Joshua Meltzer**, a specialist at the Brookings Institute, contends that AI governance will necessitate a “distributed architecture,” with individual countries also playing crucial roles in regulating AI technologies. Given the rapid pace of AI evolution, solely depending on the UN may not suffice to keep up with the dynamic environment.

Nevertheless, the UN report aims to establish a common foundation by rooting its recommendations in **human rights**. This method, according to **Chris Russell**, a professor at Oxford University, offers a robust grounding in international law and focuses on addressing tangible harms brought about by AI. By framing AI governance through the lens of human rights, the UN aspires to formulate a framework that is both inclusive and enforceable.

#### Global Collaboration on AI Safety

In spite of the geopolitical rivalry between major nations, there is an increasing agreement among scientists and scholars regarding the necessity for international collaboration in AI safety. Earlier this year, a cohort of eminent academics from both the West and China called for enhanced cooperation on AI safety following a conference in Vienna, Austria.

This collaborative spirit is echoed by **Alondra Nelson**, a member of the UN advisory body and a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study. Nelson believes that governmental leaders can unify efforts to tackle the challenges presented by AI, but she warns that much will hinge on how the UN and its member nations choose to enact the report’s recommendations. “The devil will be in the details of implementation,” she states.

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YouTube Launches Advertisements on Paused Clips

# YouTube’s New Pause Ads: A Shift That’s Here to Stay

YouTube, the largest video-sharing site globally, has announced a pivotal transformation in its advertising approach — and it seems to be a permanent fixture. The platform has officially launched **pause ads**, which present advertisements when users press pause on a video. This innovative ad format has already ignited conversations among viewers, and it appears to be a component of YouTube’s extensive plan to boost ad income while preserving viewer interest.

## Essential Information

– **Pause ads are now operational**: YouTube has confirmed that ads will be shown when users pause videos.
– **Users have observed the shift**: The new advertisements were first noticed on smart TVs and mobile platforms before YouTube provided an official update.
– **Part of a broader trial**: YouTube had earlier tested picture-in-picture (PIP) ads for mid-roll segments, and this same idea has now been incorporated into paused videos.

## The Pause Button: An Innovative Ad Zone

In a remark to *The Verge*, YouTube’s communications manager, Oluwa Falodun, verified that pause ads are now available for all users. “As we’ve received both robust advertiser and viewer feedback, we’ve since broadly introduced Pause ads to all advertisers,” Falodun stated.

This change follows users beginning to see ads surface on their screens when they pause videos. On smart TVs, the ads generally appear on the right side, with the paused video minimizing to the left. On mobile devices, the ads emerge from the screen’s bottom.

The rollout of pause ads is not entirely unforeseen. YouTube has been trialing multiple ad formats, including picture-in-picture options, which let viewers keep watching while an ad plays in a smaller window. This idea has now been broadened to include paused videos, providing advertisers a fresh avenue to connect with viewers.

## A Long Awaited Development

The concept of pause ads has been in development for quite a while. Indeed, YouTube started experimenting with this ad format in the previous year. During Alphabet’s Q1 2024 earnings conversation, Google’s Chief Business Officer, Philipp Schindler, noted that advertisers were especially excited about the new format. “Advertisers unsurprisingly love them!” Schindler stated, adding that these ads demand premium pricing.

For advertisers, pause ads create a distinctive opportunity. Unlike conventional pre-roll or mid-roll ads, which disrupt viewing, pause ads emerge when the viewer has already opted to halt the video. This makes them theoretically less intrusive and provides advertisers a chance to engage viewers without interfering with their content viewing.

## Viewer Reactions: A Mixed Bag

Despite YouTube’s assertion that pause ads are “less disruptive,” numerous users have shown annoyance. Various threads on Reddit have surfaced, with users sharing images of the new ads and expressing their frustration. One user tweeted, “Seriously @YouTube? You’re putting ads when you pause a video now? I’m about to set up a computer instead of the fire stick so I can use an ad blocker… Your ads are becoming absurd.”

This feeling is quite common. Many viewers believe that YouTube’s growing dependence on ads is diminishing the platform’s user experience. In recent years, YouTube has integrated more ad formats, including non-skippable ads, mid-roll ads, and now pause ads. For many, this has led to increasing frustration, especially as YouTube continues its efforts against ad blockers.

## The Bigger Picture: YouTube’s Advertising Strategy

The launch of pause ads is part of a wider trend in YouTube’s advertising strategy. In August, the platform was seen testing picture-in-picture mid-roll ads. These ads minimize the video to a smaller view, allowing viewers to continue watching while the ad plays. This format is akin to how sports broadcasts display ads during breaks without pulling viewers away from the action.

YouTube’s intention is evident: to discover new methods to capitalize on its extensive user base without alienating viewers. However, the platform is navigating a delicate balance. While advertisers may appreciate the new ad formats, viewers are increasingly vocalizing their discontent.

## The Clash Against Ad Blockers

YouTube’s pursuit of new ad formats coincides with the platform’s crackdown on ad blockers. In recent months, YouTube has been trialing server-side ads, which are incorporated directly into the video feed and are impervious to standard ad-blocking tools. This initiative is perceived as a direct reaction to the rising number of users relying on ad blockers to evade YouTube’s ads.

As YouTube continues to investigate new ad formats and confront ad blockers, it’s clear the platform is dedicated to maximizing its ad income. However, this strategy might come at the expense of user contentment.

## Conclusion: A New Chapter of YouTube Ads

YouTube’s pause ads signify the most recent advancement.

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Apple Discloses Battery Capacities for Every iPhone 16 Model

# iPhone 16 Battery Specifications: Capacities Unveiled for Every Model

Apple has officially unveiled its iPhone 16 series, and as usual, the tech giant has withheld some technical specifications. Among the details that Apple typically refrains from disclosing are the battery capacities and RAM configurations of their devices. Nonetheless, due to regulatory filings and leaks, we now have a more definitive understanding of the battery capacities across the entire iPhone 16 range.

## Battery Capacity Overview

As per regulatory reports, the iPhone 16 models feature significant battery enhancements when compared to their forerunners, the iPhone 15 series. Below is a summary of the battery capacities for each iPhone 16 variant and their comparisons to the iPhone 15 counterparts:

– **iPhone 16**: 3,561 mAh (compared to iPhone 15’s 3,349 mAh)
– **iPhone 16 Plus**: 4,674 mAh (against iPhone 15 Plus’s 4,383 mAh)
– **iPhone 16 Pro**: 3,582 mAh (versus iPhone 15 Pro’s 3,274 mAh)
– **iPhone 16 Pro Max**: 4,685 mAh (in contrast to iPhone 15 Pro Max’s 4,422 mAh)

The increase in battery capacities ranges from 6% to 9.4%, with the iPhone 16 Pro Max experiencing a 6% enhancement and the iPhone 16 Pro registering the highest increase at 9.4%. These improvements are anticipated to lead to enhanced battery life, particularly when paired with Apple’s new A18 chips, which are designed to be more power-efficient than their predecessors.

## Real-World Battery Capabilities

Initial assessments and practical tests indicate that the iPhone 16 models provide outstanding battery longevity, with the iPhone 16 Pro Max at the forefront. Apple’s assertions regarding enhanced battery performance appear to be validated, with the Pro Max model achieving the best battery longevity ever recorded on an iPhone.

For example, during real-life evaluations, the iPhone 16 Pro Max sustained a charge for 18 hours and 6 minutes, while the iPhone 16 Plus lasted 16 hours and 29 minutes. Even the smaller iPhone 16 Pro achieved 14 hours and 7 minutes, marking a notable upgrade compared to prior models.

## iPhone 16 vs. Android Flagships

Though the iPhone 16 series has undeniably enhanced its battery life, Android rivals often present larger batteries on paper. For instance:

– **Samsung Galaxy S24**: 4,000 mAh (13 hours and 28 minutes in testing)
– **Google Pixel 9**: 4,700 mAh (13 hours and 18 minutes in testing)
– **OnePlus 12**: 5,400 mAh (17 hours and 41 minutes in testing)

Despite having smaller battery sizes, the iPhone 16 models frequently outperform these Android flagships in practical battery life assessments. This is primarily due to Apple’s seamless integration of hardware and software, which facilitates superior power management.

## Conclusion: Larger Batteries, Enhanced Efficiency

The iPhone 16 series has achieved considerable progress in battery performance, owing to both increased battery sizes and enhanced components such as the A18 chip. While Android competitors may claim larger battery capacities, Apple’s optimization guarantees that the iPhone 16 models stay competitive in real-world usage. Whether you choose the standard iPhone 16 or the premium iPhone 16 Pro Max, expect improved battery life compared to earlier generations, making these devices highly dependable for all-day use.

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“Apple Store Official Images Taken on iPhone 16 Release Day”

# The Introduction of the iPhone 16: A Worldwide Event

Today signifies a notable event in the technology sector as Apple officially unveils the much-awaited iPhone 16 collection, paired with the Apple Watch Series 10, the sleek black titanium Apple Watch Ultra 2, AirPods 4, and new hues for AirPods Max. The thrill is unmistakable as shoppers flood into Apple Stores across the planet to be among the first to engage with these groundbreaking devices.

## Worldwide Launch Celebrations

The launch commenced across multiple nations, with avid customers sharing their experiences from Apple Stores in Australia, Malaysia, Japan, and Germany. Apple has started publishing official images from its outlets, beginning with sites in China and South Korea. Noteworthy venues include Jing’an in Shanghai and Myeongdong in Seoul, where Apple staff greeted the initial customers with enthusiasm and tailored shopping assistance.

On September 20, Apple staff members joined in the celebration by helping consumers discover the new gadgets and providing services such as device trade-ins and carrier promotions. The energy in the stores was vibrant, with numerous customers eagerly documenting their new acquisitions, including the iPhone 16 and Apple Watch Series 10.

## Key Moments from the Launch

### Apple Jing’an, Shanghai, China

The Apple Jing’an outlet in Shanghai was bustling with activity. Customers were observed with their fresh AirPods Max, trying on the newest Apple Watch, and savoring moments with their newly purchased iPhone 16 Pro. The store’s environment was filled with enthusiastic shoppers, all keen to dive into the latest technological advancements.

![Apple Jing’an, Shanghai](

### Myeongdong, Seoul, South Korea

In South Korea, the Myeongdong store displayed a comparable level of enthusiasm. Customers were seen testing the iPhone 16 Pro and the latest AirPods Max. The venue was crowded with individuals, including loyal Apple fans, eager to upgrade their gadgets.

![Myeongdong, Seoul](

## Customized Shopping Experience

Apple has highlighted its dedication to offering a customized shopping experience. Apple Specialists are on hand to guide customers with various services, such as setting up new devices, understanding Apple Intelligence, and locating the best carrier offers. This hands-on methodology has been warmly welcomed, enhancing the shopping journey for customers.

## Summary

The introduction of the iPhone 16 and its accompanying products has sparked considerable excitement globally. As Apple persists in sharing additional images and updates from its stores, it is evident that the company is committed to crafting unforgettable experiences for its clientele. Whether through cutting-edge technology or outstanding customer service, Apple continues to lead the tech industry.

For additional images and updates about the launch, please visit

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India Greenlights Advancement of Reusable Launch Vehicle and Space Station Component

India’s Space Aspirations Reach New Heights: Targeting the Moon, Mars, and Beyond

India’s space initiative, spearheaded by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), has been in the spotlight due to its latest successes and ambitious forthcoming projects. Following the triumphant landing of the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft on the Moon in August 2023, the Indian government has greenlit a number of daring new initiatives that may elevate the nation into the ranks of leading global space powers. These ventures encompass the creation of a reusable rocket, the launch of an Indian space station, a lunar sample retrieval mission, and a probe aimed at investigating Venus.

### A transformative chapter for India’s space exploration

On August 23, 2023, India achieved a historic milestone by becoming the fourth nation to successfully execute a lunar landing, with Chandrayaan-3 landing near the Moon’s southern pole. This success was a cause for nationwide celebration, as millions watched the live event on YouTube, breaking platform records. The accomplishment of Chandrayaan-3, which deployed a miniature rover to examine the lunar terrain, has paved the way for even more ambitious missions ahead.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has actively aligned himself with the country’s space accomplishments, showcasing them as a source of collective national pride. In a recent message on X (previously Twitter), Modi revealed that India’s union cabinet had sanctioned plans for multiple key space endeavors, with a cumulative budget of $2.7 billion. These initiatives include a reusable rocket, a space station, a lunar sample return project, and a probe designed to explore Venus.

### India’s Space Station: Bharatiya Antariksh Station

Among the most noteworthy projects endorsed by the Indian administration is the construction of a space station dubbed the Bharatiya Antariksh Station. Set for completion by 2035, the station will comprise five modules and have a mass of 52 metric tons. The inaugural module is predicted to launch in 2028, with the entire facility expected to be operational by 2035.

The space station will act as a hub for extended human space missions and microgravity-based scientific studies. This endeavor is part of India’s extensive Gaganyaan program, which aims to dispatch Indian astronauts into space. The Gaganyaan spacecraft, which has encountered delays, is now slated to ferry astronauts into orbit by 2025, thus making India the fourth nation to accomplish human spaceflight.

### Reusable Rocket: The Next Generation Launch Vehicle (NGLV)

India’s space program is on track to introduce a reusable rocket, referred to as the Next Generation Launch Vehicle (NGLV), or Soorya launcher. The NGLV will be a heavy-lift rocket designed to transport up to 30 metric tons of payload into low-Earth orbit. This rocket will incorporate a reusable first stage, akin to SpaceX’s Falcon 9, enabling vertical landings either on an offshore platform or back at the launch site.

Powered by nine methane-fueled engines, each producing a quarter-million pounds of thrust, the NGLV’s design is intended to provide a cost-effective means of accessing space while supporting both national and commercial missions, including crewed flights to the Indian space station. The NGLV is anticipated to become operational by 2033, with three test flights scheduled prior to its service debut.

### Lunar Sample Return Mission: Chandrayaan-4

Building on the achievements of Chandrayaan-3, India is orchestrating a more intricate lunar endeavor: Chandrayaan-4. Slated for launch in 2027, this mission aims to return samples from the Moon’s surface back to Earth. It will involve two launches, featuring a landing craft that will gather lunar soil before sending it back into lunar orbit, where it will rendezvous with an Earth return vehicle.

Chandrayaan-4 will validate essential technologies necessary for future human lunar missions, encompassing docking in lunar orbit and sample collection. The mission is regarded as a pivotal step towards India’s long-term aim of landing astronauts on the Moon by 2040.

### Investigating Venus: The Venus Orbiter Mission

India’s aspirations for space exploration stretch beyond the Moon and Mars. The government has allocated funding for the Venus Orbiter Mission, which is set for launch in March 2028. This mission will investigate Venus, the second planet from the Sun, noted for its harsh temperatures and dense atmosphere.

The Venus Orbiter Mission will be one of the limited government-led initiatives to explore the planet, alongside anticipated missions from NASA and the European Space Agency in the early 2030s. This mission aims to yield crucial data on Venus’s atmosphere, surface, and the potential for previous habitability.

### India’s Expanding Role in Global Space Ventures

India’s recent accomplishments and prospective initiatives have positioned the nation as an emerging space power. With a burgeoning space economy and an emphasis on public-private collaborations, India is poised to make significant contributions to the global space sector.

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“Australia May Encounter Possible Backlash as Millions Prepare for Unsatisfying ‘The Office’ Spinoff Due to Identity Theft Worries”

**Australia’s ‘The Office’ Reboot: A Painfully Awkward Blunder or Misjudged Humor?**

The cherished *The Office* franchise, which has already achieved success in both the UK and the US, is now being reimagined for Australia. However, the initial trailer for the Australian iteration of *The Office* has incited considerable backlash and letdown, especially among fans of the original series. The feedback has been predominantly negative, with numerous viewers sharing their disappointment at what they consider a tepid and unhumorous attempt to replicate the charm of the original.

### What’s Different in Australia’s *The Office*?

The Australian adaptation of *The Office* brings a notable alteration to the original setup: the notoriously hapless office manager, originally portrayed by Ricky Gervais as David Brent in the UK and by Steve Carell as Michael Scott in the US, is now embodied by a female character. Felicity Ward assumes the role of Hannah Howard, the new supervisor of the fictional office. Although the gender switch could be an intriguing angle, initial responses indicate that the execution is lacking.

The recently unveiled trailer features a collection of uncomfortable moments, physical gags, and characters that many viewers have labeled as “creepy” or “disturbing.” Unfortunately, the humor appears to miss the mark for a lot of viewers, with punchlines that fail to hit and a tone that leans more towards awkwardness than laughter.

### The Fan Response

The online reaction to the Australian reboot has been harsh. Social media platforms, especially YouTube, are overflowing with comments from fans who are far from thrilled. Some reactions have been biting, including one user wittingly stating, “I have been confined to a wheelchair for the past 20 years – today I stood up and walked just to turn this off.” Another user expressed, “On behalf of everyone in my country: we totally understand if this leads to a nuclear strike.”

These hyperbolic responses underscore the depth of disappointment many fans are experiencing. The original *The Office* occupies a cherished place in the hearts of many viewers, and any efforts to reboot or remake it are bound to attract scrutiny. Regrettably for the Australian version, it appears to have fallen short for numerous fans.

### What Went Awry?

So, what precisely went amiss with Australia’s *The Office*? From the trailer, several significant issues emerge:

1. **Lack of Freshness**: While the gender switch for the office manager role is a distinct change, much of the series feels like a rehash of well-trodden ground. The humor, characters, and office interactions all appear to closely imitate the UK and US iterations, yet lack the same charm or cleverness.

2. **Uncomfortable Humor**: *The Office* has traditionally thrived on awkward, cringe-worthy moments, but there’s a delicate balance between humorous and unsettling. The Australian version seems to have crossed that boundary, with many viewers describing the trailer as more painful to endure than entertaining.

3. **Uninviting Characters**: One of the original *The Office*’s greatest strengths was its ensemble of quirky, yet lovable characters. Even the most annoying personalities had moments of relatability. Conversely, the characters in the Australian reboot have been portrayed as “creepy” and “unpleasant,” making it more challenging for audiences to relate to them.

4. **Cultural Misalignment**: Comedy frequently hinges on cultural subtleties, and what resonates in one nation might not translate well in another. While the UK and US versions of *The Office* achieved a balance that connected with global audiences, the Australian version appears to be facing difficulties in carving out its own identity. The humor may simply not resonate with viewers outside of Australia, and even domestically, it seems divisive.

### Is There Potential for Improvement?

In spite of the largely negative reaction to the trailer, it’s vital to remember that trailers don’t always capture the entire picture. The Australian adaptation of *The Office* could still find its stride once the complete episodes air. Comedy is subjective, and what may not appeal to some could strike a chord with others. Furthermore, it’s conceivable that the series will enhance as it develops, with characters and humor maturing over time.

For now, however, the initial indicators are not bright. The trailer has left many fans of the original *The Office* feeling disillusioned and exasperated, and it remains uncertain whether the show can win them over when it debuts on Prime Video on October 18.

### Conclusion

Australia’s *The Office* reboot has certainly stirred attention, but not in the manner the creators likely hoped. The trailer has ignited a wave of criticism, with many fans mourning what they perceive as a feeble imitation of the original. While the show’s full potential is yet to be determined, the early feedback suggests

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Apple Fifth Avenue Shines with Vibrant Displays to Celebrate the Release of the iPhone 16

# iPhone 16 Release: Anticipations and Apple’s Enthralling Preparations

The eagerly awaited iPhone 16 is scheduled to launch tomorrow, September 20, following a fruitful pre-order phase that kicked off last week. Apple is pulling out all the stops to commemorate this release, particularly at its legendary Fifth Avenue store in New York, which has undergone a dazzling transformation to showcase the new capabilities of the iPhone 16.

## Apple Fifth Avenue Set for iPhone 16

In an effort to generate buzz around the iPhone 16, Apple has decked out its Fifth Avenue store with special lighting that mirrors the colors of the new Siri interface, backed by Apple Intelligence. Visitors to the store on Thursday night were treated to a breathtaking visual showcase, as the store’s iconic glass cube shone in shades reminiscent of cutting-edge technology.

Alongside the mesmerizing lighting, the cube displays decals proclaiming “iPhone 16” and “Hello Apple Intelligence.” This is not the first time Apple has made a statement at its Fifth Avenue location; earlier this year, the company highlighted a colossal Vision Pro on the cube to promote its launch.

## The Importance of Apple Intelligence

While the promotion for the iPhone 16 showcases the potential of Apple Intelligence, it’s crucial to understand that many of these features will not be accessible until next month with the rollout of iOS 18.1. Among the eagerly awaited upgrades are enhanced Siri features, Genmoji, and Image Playgrounds, which will be unavailable at the launch.

The initial collection of Apple Intelligence tools coming with iOS 18.1 includes:

– **Writing Tools**: Advanced functionalities for text composition.
– **Article and Notification Summarization**: More efficient information presentation.
– **Audio Transcription**: Turning spoken words into written text.
– **Clean Up in Photos App**: Enhanced photo organization features.

Initially, Apple Intelligence will support US English, with intentions to expand to other English variants later this year via iOS 18.2. Additional languages such as Chinese, French, Spanish, and Portuguese are anticipated to be incorporated next year.

## Pricing and Availability

For those keen to grab the iPhone 16, prices in the United States commence at $799 for the standard variant, while the iPhone 16 Pro starts at $999. These pricing tiers reflect Apple’s ongoing commitment to providing high-quality devices that address diverse consumer demands.

## Conclusion

As the unveiling of the iPhone 16 nears, Apple is honing in not just on the product itself but also on crafting a memorable experience for its customers. The illuminated Fifth Avenue store serves as a testament to Apple’s inventive marketing tactics and its commitment to enhancing user experience through technology. With the promise of Apple Intelligence approaching, the iPhone 16 is ready to change what users can anticipate from their smartphones.

Stay tuned for more updates as the iPhone 16 officially makes its market entry and the Apple Intelligence features begin to roll out in the upcoming weeks!

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How Offenders Acquire Credentials to Access Stolen Mobile Devices

### Law Enforcement Closes Down iServer: A Phishing-as-a-Service Platform for Unlocking Stolen Phones

In a notable triumph against cybercriminal activities, a coalition of global law enforcement organizations has effectively dismantled a criminal service that enabled the unlocking of over 1.2 million stolen or lost mobile devices. This service, referred to as iServer, was part of a broader phishing-as-a-service (PhaaS) model operating since 2018, mainly targeting mobile gadgets. This operation signifies an essential advancement in addressing the escalating concerns over mobile phone theft and the future resale of these devices.

#### The iServer Operation: A Phishing-as-a-Service Framework

iServer, situated in Argentina, provided an extensive array of phishing services, including email, text, and voice-focused attacks. Among its notable offerings was a specialized service aimed at assisting criminals in unlocking stolen or lost mobile phones by circumventing security mechanisms like Apple’s **Lost Mode**. This feature, integrated into iPhones, stops unauthorized access without the owner’s passcode. iServer’s platform enabled criminals to conduct phishing attacks to acquire the needed credentials to disable this security, rendering the stolen devices operable again.

As reported by **Europol’s European Cybercrime Center**, the operation led to the apprehension of the Argentinian individual behind iServer and the revelation of over 2,000 “unlockers” who utilized the platform. These unlockers were responsible for phishing the rightful owners of the stolen devices to gather the credentials mandatory for unlocking the phones. Investigators also uncovered 483,000 victims who received phishing communications aimed at obtaining their mobile credentials.

#### How iServer Functioned: Assisting Low-Skilled Criminals

The iServer platform was crafted to be accessible, enabling even low-skilled criminals to engage in the unlawful unlocking of mobile phones. According to **Group-IB**, the cybersecurity firm that initially identified the operation, iServer offered a web-based interface that automated the generation and distribution of phishing pages. These pages replicated genuine cloud-centric mobile platforms, such as iCloud, to deceive victims into submitting their credentials.

The process was simple:

1. **Unlockers**—criminals with expertise in unblocking stolen phones—would collect basic details about the device, including its **IMEI number**, language preferences, and owner information. This data was frequently acquired via the phone’s Lost Mode or cloud-based platforms.

2. The unlockers would use phishing domains supplied by iServer or develop their own to initiate a phishing campaign. They would select an attack scenario, and iServer would produce a phishing page that resembled a legitimate cloud service login page.

3. The phishing page would be forwarded to the victim via SMS, misleading them into entering their credentials.

4. Upon the victim submitting their credentials, the unlocker would receive the information through iServer’s web interface. They could then use these credentials to unlock the device, deactivate Lost Mode, and unlink the phone from the owner’s account.

This procedure allowed criminals to market the stolen phones as if they were brand new, greatly enhancing their value on the black market.

#### The Extent of the Operation

The extent of iServer’s operation was colossal. During its five years in operation, the platform unlocked over **1.2 million mobile phones**. The service attracted a broad spectrum of criminals, from petty thieves to organized crime groups handling substantial quantities of stolen devices. The platform’s user-friendly nature and automation made it available to individuals with minimal technical expertise, compounding the mobile phone theft dilemma.

#### The Takedown: A Joint International Initiative

The takedown of iServer was a result of a synchronized international operation conducted between **September 10 and 17, 2024**, spanning several countries, including **Spain, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru**. Authorities in these regions had been probing into iServer since 2022, following an alert from Group-IB.

Throughout the operation, law enforcement captured the architect behind iServer and confiscated the **** domain, thereby effectively shutting down the platform. Images of the website before and after the operation reveal a stark contrast: once a lively center for illicit activity, the site now displays a law enforcement seizure notice.

#### The Aftermath: A Setback for Mobile Phone Theft

The dismantling of iServer represents a substantial setback for the global trade in stolen mobile phones. By neutralizing a platform that streamlined the process for criminals to unlock and resell stolen devices, law enforcement has disrupted a vital segment of the supply chain for stolen phones. Nonetheless, the issue remains unresolved. Mobile phone theft continues to be a profitable enterprise, and new platforms may emerge to replace the void created by iServer.

#### How to Safeguard Against Phishing Attacks

While the closure of iServer is a positive step forward,

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