“ChatGPT Incorporated into TI-84 Calculator, Stirring Worries About Possible Academic Abuse”

"ChatGPT Incorporated into TI-84 Calculator, Stirring Worries About Possible Academic Abuse"

“ChatGPT Incorporated into TI-84 Calculator, Stirring Worries About Possible Academic Abuse”

# The Ultimate Cheating Gadget: A Tweaked TI-84 Calculator That Links to ChatGPT

In an era where technology increasingly obscures the lines between ease and moral standards, a YouTube creator named “ChromaLock” has elevated the stakes. In a recent video titled *”I Created The Ultimate Cheating Gadget”*, ChromaLock showcases how he altered a Texas Instruments TI-84 graphing calculator to connect to the Internet and utilize OpenAI’s ChatGPT, potentially granting students the means to cheat on assessments. This endeavor intertwines hardware modifications, software creation, and ethical dilemmas.

## The Hack: The Mechanics Behind It

ChromaLock’s venture commenced by investigating the TI-84’s link port, which is usually employed for transferring educational applications between devices. However, rather than adhering to its designated function, ChromaLock engineered a bespoke circuit board, referred to as the “TI-32,” that integrates a Wi-Fi-capable microcontroller—the Seed Studio ESP32-C3, priced around $5. This microcontroller enables the calculator to connect to the Internet, facilitating the transmission and reception of data from ChatGPT.

The hardware adjustment presented several engineering hurdles, involving voltage incompatibilities and signal integrity concerns. After numerous revisions, ChromaLock successfully embedded the custom board into the calculator’s casing, leaving no apparent evidence of alteration. Consequently, from an external perspective, the calculator appears entirely ordinary, complicating the ability of educators or exam supervisors to identify any changes.

### Custom Software

Alongside the hardware, ChromaLock created custom software for both the microcontroller and the calculator. This software is accessible as open-source code on GitHub, allowing others to imitate the project. The system replicates another TI-84 calculator, enabling users to transfer files using the built-in “send” and “get” commands. This simplifies the download of a launcher program that offers access to various “applets” intended for cheating.

One significant applet is a ChatGPT interface, allowing users to input questions and receive real-time replies from OpenAI’s chatbot. While this function could be beneficial for addressing brief inquiries, it is not without its constraints. The TI-84’s keypad is not optimized for rapid typing, making it cumbersome to enter lengthy, intricate queries.

## Beyond ChatGPT: Extra Cheating Resources

The ChatGPT interface represents just one of several resources available through the TI-32 modification. ChromaLock’s gadget also features an image viewer that enables users to consult pre-prepared visual aids hosted on a central server. This could include anything from mathematical equations to diagrams—essentially any visual data that could aid in an examination.

Furthermore, the app browser capability permits students to download text-based cheat sheets disguised as program source code. This means that even if an educator scrutinizes the calculator’s memory, the cheat sheets could be concealed in plain view, posing as legitimate educational software.

ChromaLock has even hinted at prospective features, including a camera function, though details on this were minimal in the current presentation. If realized, this could expand the cheating opportunities, such as capturing exam questions and transmitting them to outside sources for assistance.

## Evading Anti-Cheating Mechanisms

A particularly alarming aspect of ChromaLock’s device is its proficiency in circumventing typical anti-cheating measures. For example, numerous schools implement a feature known as “Test Mode” on TI-84 calculators, which restricts the device to prevent dishonesty. However, ChromaLock asserts that his modification can override Test Mode, essentially rendering this security measure ineffective.

Moreover, the launcher program for the cheating resources can be downloaded as needed, suggesting that students could potentially evade discovery if a teacher inspects or clears the calculator’s memory prior to a test. Once the exam is underway, the student could merely re-download the launcher and regain access to the cheating resources.

## Ethical Considerations

Although ChromaLock frames his project as a technological feat, the ethical ramifications are impossible to overlook. Utilizing ChatGPT or any external resource during an exam without authorization is almost certainly a breach of academic integrity policies in the majority of educational institutions. In many schools, cheating can lead to serious repercussions, including failing grades, suspension, or even expulsion.

The video acts as a stark reminder of the increasing friction between technological progress and ethical accountability. As tools like ChatGPT become more prevalent, students might be swayed to employ them inappropriately. However, it’s vital to recognize that while technology can provide shortcuts, genuine learning stems from grasping the material, not from discovering methods to circumvent the system.

## Conclusion: A Technical Wonder with Ethical Dilemmas

ChromaLock’s TI-84 modification is unquestionably remarkable from a technical viewpoint. The project reveals a profound comprehension of both hardware and software, extending the possibilities of what a basic graphing calculator can achieve. Nonetheless, the potential for misuse is substantial, and