Employing Dungeons & Dragons as a Healing Resource for Collective Therapy

Employing Dungeons & Dragons as a Healing Resource for Collective Therapy

Employing Dungeons & Dragons as a Healing Resource for Collective Therapy

# Dungeons & Dragons as a Therapeutic Instrument: Investigating the Advantages of Role-Playing in Therapy

This year celebrates the 50th anniversary of the tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) *Dungeons & Dragons* (*D&D*), which has captivated the imaginations of millions of players globally. Originally developed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson in 1974, *D&D* has transformed from a niche pastime into a widespread cultural marvel, influenced by its features in popular media such as Netflix’s *Stranger Things* and the 2023 hit film *Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves*. Beyond its entertainment appeal, *D&D* is being investigated for its potential as an effective therapeutic instrument.

Psychologists and therapists are increasingly utilizing *D&D* to assist patients in addressing emotional and psychological hurdles in a group therapy context. This article explores the expanding realm of *D&D* therapy, evaluating its prospective advantages, the research surrounding it, and how therapists leverage the game to support individuals in enhancing their mental well-being.

## The Therapeutic Opportunities of *D&D*

At its essence, *D&D* is a game rooted in imagination, creativity, and collaboration. Players develop characters with unique traits, skills, and backgrounds, embarking on adventures guided by a Dungeon Master (DM). These journeys often entail problem-solving, teamwork, and emotional choices, all of which can reflect real-world challenges.

Therapists are beginning to see the potential of *D&D* to promote personal development, boost social skills, and offer a secure environment for individuals to delve into their emotions. While research continues, preliminary results indicate that *D&D* therapy could help alleviate social isolation, enhance interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, and even assist in trauma recovery.

Gary Colman, chairperson of Game Therapy UK, a charity that creates evidence-backed therapeutic gaming initiatives, states: “It appears especially beneficial in countering the impacts of social isolation and enhancing both interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, such as problem-solving.” Colman and his colleagues are collaborating with various UK universities to establish objective criteria to evaluate the efficacy of *D&D* as a therapeutic instrument.

## Understanding How *D&D* Functions in Therapy

In a standard *D&D* therapy session, the experience begins with an introduction that helps players immerse themselves into their characters’ personas. The gameplay spans 70 to 90 minutes, followed by a 15- to 20-minute debriefing where both players and therapists reflect on the game’s events and their connections to the players’ real lives.

The therapist, who often assumes the role of the DM, devises scenarios that encourage players to address emotional or psychological concerns. These scenarios may require reenacting challenging moments from the players’ pasts or presenting fresh challenges that provoke emotional reactions. By engaging with these scenarios through their characters, players are able to investigate their feelings in a manner that appears less personal and more approachable.

A significant therapeutic advantage of *D&D* is the “bleed” phenomenon, where a player’s emotions and experiences influence their character (referred to as “bleeding in”) or when a character’s experiences impact the player (known as “bleeding out”). This emotional exchange can provide players with valuable insights into their own emotions and behaviors.

Dr. Vinny Malik Dehili, a staff therapist at Vassar College, remarks: “Much of what I accomplish implicitly with *D&D* is assisting individuals in transitioning from a self-centered perspective of their emotions as a dilemma to a systems-oriented viewpoint… acknowledging that our emotions are adaptive and an external phenomenon rather than simply an internal assessment of our value.”

## The Group Therapy Advantages

One of the distinct features of *D&D* therapy is its group-oriented format. In contrast to traditional one-on-one therapy, *D&D* group therapy promotes collaboration, communication, and teamwork. Players are required to jointly tackle problems, navigate obstacles, and further the narrative, fostering social skills and building a sense of community.

This group dynamic can be particularly advantageous for those who experience social anxiety or have trouble creating connections with others. By collaborating in a fictional environment, players can practice social engagements in a low-pressure setting, which can bolster their confidence and enhance their real-life relationships.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, *D&D* group therapy achieved greater significance as a means to mitigate the social isolation many experienced during lockdowns. Online *D&D* sessions allowed participants to connect with others and partake in meaningful social exchanges, even when in-person gatherings were infeasible.

## Tackling Trauma and Emotional Hurdles

*D&D* therapy can also assist individuals in processing past trauma or emotional difficulties. By crafting scenarios that reflect real-life circumstances, therapists can lead players through challenging emotions in a controlled and supportive environment.