FDA Announces Homeopathic Firm’s Denial to Recollect Potentially Hazardous Nasal Spray

FDA Announces Homeopathic Firm's Denial to Recollect Potentially Hazardous Nasal Spray

FDA Announces Homeopathic Firm’s Denial to Recollect Potentially Hazardous Nasal Spray

### FDA Issues Warning Over Contaminated Homeopathic Nasal Spray: A Concerning Blend of Pseudoscience and Microbial Hazards

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has delivered a serious alert to consumers about the use of *SnoreStop* nasal spray, a homeopathic item created by Green Pharmaceuticals. Marketed as a solution for snoring and even suggested for children aged five and up, the spray has been discovered to harbor hazardous microbial contamination. In spite of the FDA’s persistent requests for a recall, Green Pharmaceuticals has declined to withdraw the product from shelves, prompting significant worries regarding public safety.

#### Ongoing Microbial Contamination Concerns

During an April 2024 FDA inspection, it was determined that a batch of *SnoreStop* nasal spray was heavily tainted with harmful microbes. When inhaled through the nasal passages, these contaminants can result in severe, potentially life-threatening infections, especially for those with weakened immune systems and young children. Despite these alarming findings, Green Pharmaceuticals repackaged some of the contaminated products and continued to distribute them, both as individual bottles and within starter kits.

Although the company eventually disposed of the rest of the compromised batch and ceased online sales of the nasal spray, it has not opted to recall the possibly hazardous items already in circulation. The FDA has reiterated its recall recommendation on several occasions, yet as of September 2024, Green Pharmaceuticals remains unresponsive. The FDA’s message is clear: consumers should cease using *SnoreStop* nasal spray immediately due to the risk of serious infections.

#### A Worrying Track Record of Contamination

This situation is not Green Pharmaceuticals’ first encounter with microbial contamination. In 2022, the firm had to recall *SnoreStop* nasal spray after the FDA identified elevated levels of bacteria and fungi in the product. The contamination was severe, with certain samples displaying up to 6,200 colony-forming units (CFU) per milliliter for total aerobic microbial count and as much as 3,800 CFU/mL for yeast and mold. These figures greatly surpass permissible safety thresholds, particularly for a product meant for direct nasal application.

Among the detected contaminants was *Providencia rettgeri*, a bacterial pathogen frequently linked to healthcare environments. This opportunistic bacteria can trigger various infections, such as urinary tract infections, pneumonia, and even central nervous system infections in at-risk populations. The FDA’s warning letter from 2022 emphasized the heightened dangers posed by the contaminated product, especially for children and individuals with weakened immune systems.

#### The Pseudoscience of Homeopathy

While the microbial issue is critical, it is essential to recognize that *SnoreStop* is a homeopathic product, resting on pseudoscientific foundations. Homeopathy adheres to two primary principles: “like cures like” and the “law of infinitesimals.” The first principle posits that substances inducing symptoms similar to a disease can remedy that disease. The second asserts that diluting these substances enhances their efficacy, even to the extent where no remnants of the original substance exist.

In the case of *SnoreStop*, the formulation features extreme dilutions of components like:

– **Nux vomica** (a natural strychnine source)
– **Belladonna** (deadly nightshade)
– **Ephedra vulgaris** (source of ephedrine)
– **Hydrastis canadensis** (a toxic herb)
– **Kali Bichromicum** (potassium dichromate, a known carcinogen)
– **Teucrium marum** (catnip-like)
– **Histaminum hydrochloricum** (histamine dihydrochloride)

Though these ingredients are diluted to the point where they are unlikely to cause immediate harm, the belief that such dilutions can effectively treat ailments lacks scientific support. Many homeopathic products are so diluted that they contain no active ingredients, making them ineffective at best.

#### The Hazards of Inadequate Homeopathy Manufacturing

While most homeopathic products pose no threat due to their extreme dilutions, they can become perilous when manufacturers do not follow proper dilution guidelines. In 2016, improperly diluted belladonna in homeopathic teething remedies resulted in the deaths of 10 infants and the poisoning of over 400 others. This tragic event highlights the inherent risks associated with homeopathic products when they are not produced accurately.

For *SnoreStop*, the microbial issue compounds the danger. The significant presence of bacteria and fungi in the product, along with its direct usage in the nasal passages, renders it a possible conduit for severe infections. The FDA has made it clear that *SnoreStop* is not only ineffective but also risky, particularly for vulnerable groups such as children and those with compromised immune systems.

#### The Regulatory Hurdle

One of the significant challenges