Michigan’s Latest “I Voted” Sticker Showcases a Werewolf Ripping Its Shirt, Selected by Online Voters

Michigan's Latest "I Voted" Sticker Showcases a Werewolf Ripping Its Shirt, Selected by Online Voters

Michigan’s Latest “I Voted” Sticker Showcases a Werewolf Ripping Its Shirt, Selected by Online Voters

**The Werewolf of Democracy: How a 12-Year-Old’s Sticker Design Captivated Michigan**

In a realm where the Internet’s shared sense of humor often leads to surprising results, the state of Michigan recently became the focal point of a charming and slightly surreal voting event. This occasion, however, wasn’t about electing officials or enacting legislation. Instead, Michigan residents were invited to vote on something far more playful: the design for their “I Voted” stickers.

### A Howling Triumph

The idea of “I Voted” stickers is well-known across the United States. These little tokens of civic participation are distributed at polling places, allowing voters to proudly showcase their involvement in the democratic process. Typically, these stickers are adorned with patriotic imagery like the American flag or state insignias. However, in 2024, Michigan opted to switch things up by initiating a contest encouraging local schoolchildren to contribute their own designs.

State officials likely anticipated designs featuring the renowned Michigan mitten or perhaps a bald eagle soaring above the Great Lakes. Instead, they received a werewolf—a werewolf tearing its shirt into shreds, howling at the heavens, with an American flag waving triumphantly in the background.

This design, crafted by 12-year-old Jane Hynous from Grosse Pointe Farms, captivated the hearts of voters statewide. Among the nine winning designs, Hynous’ werewolf sticker stood out as the clear favorite, winning by a significant margin.

### The Influence of the Internet

The tale of Michigan’s werewolf sticker illustrates the unpredictable nature of online voting. History has shown that when the Internet is tasked with making a decision, the outcome might not align with expectations. From the notorious “Boaty McBoatface” to the “Harry Baals” government center, the Internet has a long-standing tradition of transforming serious polls into platforms for humor and creativity.

In this instance, however, the Internet’s choice was not merely a jest—it was a celebration of the unexpected. The werewolf design struck a chord with voters because it was unique, bold, and, most importantly, enjoyable. It served as a reminder that voting doesn’t always have to be a grave undertaking; it can also provide a chance to express uniqueness and creativity.

### The Creator Behind the Werewolf

When asked about her inspiration, Jane Hynous provided an admirably candid response: “I didn’t want to do something that you typically associate with Michigan. I thought, ‘Why not create a wolf ripping off its shirt?'”

Her design embodies a youthful irreverence and a propensity to think outside conventional norms—characteristics that undoubtedly resonated with the electorate. In a climate where political discussions can frequently feel burdensome and divisive, Hynous’ werewolf brought a moment of joy and togetherness.

### A Million Stickers Ready

Michigan intends to produce a million stickers featuring the nine winning designs, including Hynous’ werewolf. Local election officials will have the option to request specific designs from the state, meaning that soon voters throughout Michigan may find themselves proudly sporting a werewolf on their lapels after casting their votes.

Of course, for those who lean towards a more traditional design, the classic American flag “I Voted” stickers will still be accessible. However, given the werewolf’s popularity, it’s difficult to imagine why anyone would opt for the old design over the new.

### A Missed Chance?

While the werewolf sticker has been a phenomenal success, some may contend that a chance was overlooked. After all, in a contest that invited Internet input, one might have expected a design like “Votey McVoteface” to surface. Perhaps that could be a thought for the next election cycle.

### Conclusion

The narrative of Michigan’s werewolf “I Voted” sticker serves as a reminder that democracy can possess both seriousness and fun. It demonstrates that when given the opportunity, individuals will embrace creativity and laughter, even in the most unforeseen circumstances. So, if you’re participating in the election in Michigan this November, keep an eye out for the werewolf sticker—it might just become the highlight of your voting experience.

And who knows? Perhaps in 2028, we’ll finally witness “Votey McVoteface” on the ballot.