“Novel Technology for Grasping Items Beneath Water Influenced by Octopus Suction Cups”

"Novel Technology for Grasping Items Beneath Water Influenced by Octopus Suction Cups"

“Novel Technology for Grasping Items Beneath Water Influenced by Octopus Suction Cups”

# Adhesive Technology Inspired by Octopuses: A Significant Advancement in Underwater Gripping

Recently, researchers at Virginia Tech have been inspired by one of nature’s most intriguing beings—the octopus—to create innovative technologies for gripping objects in underwater settings. Their newest creation, a switchable adhesive influenced by the suckers of the octopus, signifies a considerable advancement in the fields of underwater robotics and soft materials engineering. This innovation, recently published in the journal *Advanced Science*, holds the potential to transform our interactions with aquatic environments, paving the way for new opportunities in underwater exploration, marine biology, and industrial uses.

## The Octopus: Nature’s Expert in Underwater Gripping

The octopus is famous for its capability to grip and manipulate objects with extraordinary precision, even under difficult underwater circumstances. Its suckers enable it to adhere to rough, curved, and uneven surfaces, and it can instantly let go when necessary. Scientists, including Michael Bartlett, co-author of the study and leader of the research team at Virginia Tech, have long been captivated by this exceptional ability.

“I find it remarkable how an octopus can firmly grasp something one moment and then release it in an instant. It accomplishes this underwater, on surfaces that are rough, curved, and irregular—that’s quite an achievement,” Bartlett stated. “We are now closer than ever to mimicking the incredible skill of an octopus in gripping and manipulating objects with accuracy, which opens up new avenues for exploring and handling wet or submerged environments.”

## Nature’s Experts in Adhesion

The octopus isn’t the sole organism that has developed efficient techniques for gripping items underwater. Mussels, for instance, produce adhesive proteins that let them stick to wet surfaces, while frogs utilize specialized toe pads to generate capillary and hydrodynamic forces for adhesion. Nonetheless, cephalopods like the octopus enjoy a distinct advantage: their adhesion can be easily reversed. This allows them to adapt to varying conditions, effortlessly gripping both wet and dry surfaces.

From a mechanical engineering standpoint, the octopus’s adhesion mechanism operates actively and via pressure. The broad outer rim of the sucker forms a seal with the target by creating a pressure differential between the chamber inside the sucker and the water outside. Muscles within the sucker function as actuators, contracting and relaxing the cupped area behind the rim to modulate the pressure and adhesion.

## Imitating the Octopus: The Octa-Glove

In 2022, Bartlett and his team aimed to replicate not just the octopus’s switchable adhesion but also its integrated sensing and control systems. The outcome was the *Octa-Glove*, a wearable device engineered to grasp underwater objects mimicking the octopus’s arm.

The Octa-Glove marked a significant advancement in soft robotics. It was equipped with silicone stalks topped with pneumatically controlled membranes that imitated the structure of octopus suckers. These adhesive components were combined with a series of LIDAR optical proximity sensors and a microcontroller to identify objects in real-time. Once the sensors registered an object, the adhesion mechanism would activate, simulating the octopus’s nervous and muscular systems. The glove was built using a neoprene wetsuit as a foundation, with the adhesive components and sensors embedded in each fingertip. Flexible pneumatic tubes were incorporated at the base of the adhesive elements to regulate the pressure and adhesion.

## Enhancing the Octa-Glove: The Latest Advancement

The most recent advancement from Bartlett’s research team enhances the successful Octa-Glove, improving the adhesive technology to increase its versatility and effectiveness. The updated switchable adhesive, detailed in the *Advanced Science* article, is engineered to more adeptly manage a diverse range of objects in underwater environments. The researchers refined the design of the silicone stalks and membranes, enhancing their adaptability to various shapes and textures.

The new adhesive system is proficient at grasping objects of different sizes and forms, from smooth, flat surfaces to rough, irregular ones. This capability is showcased in a video released by the research team, highlighting the adhesive’s precision and rapidity in gripping and releasing objects. The system is incredibly responsive, thanks to the incorporation of advanced sensors and control systems.

### Video Demonstration: Gripping and Releasing Underwater Objects

In a video demonstration, the octopus-inspired adhesive is illustrated gripping and releasing underwater objects of various sizes and shapes. The system’s capacity to adjust to different objects, paired with its swift response time, emphasizes its potential for numerous applications.