Possible Return of Blood Oxygen Monitoring Functionality on Apple Watch: Anticipated Developments

Possible Return of Blood Oxygen Monitoring Functionality on Apple Watch: Anticipated Developments

Possible Return of Blood Oxygen Monitoring Functionality on Apple Watch: Anticipated Developments

# The Apple Watch Blood Oxygen Measurement Controversy: A Way Forward?

The persistent patent conflict between Apple and Masimo has posed considerable challenges for consumers aiming to upgrade to the latest Apple Watch versions. Starting in 2024, U.S. users who currently possess an Apple Watch equipped with blood oxygen monitoring capabilities will discover that this feature is absent in the upcoming models. This predicament arises from a legal engagement that has left both firms and their customers in uncertainty.

## Overview of the Conflict

The origins of this issue date back to 2013 when Apple approached Masimo to explore a possible partnership. However, Masimo contends that these conversations were simply a cover for Apple to scout and hire essential personnel from their organization. Subsequent to these discussions, Apple did recruit several Masimo staff members, including its chief medical officer, prompting concerns regarding the potential appropriation of Masimo’s proprietary technology, especially its blood oxygen sensor technology.

Masimo, recognized for its pioneering pulse oximeter technology that is extensively utilized in healthcare settings, lodged a complaint with the International Trade Commission (ITC). The result of this complaint prompted a decision that obligated Apple to eliminate the blood oxygen monitoring feature from new Apple Watch models sold in the U.S. beginning January 18, 2024. While existing devices could keep the feature, new models would be restricted from including it, presenting a considerable disadvantage for prospective buyers.

## The Present Stalemate

The conflict has reached a standstill, with both companies adopting a rigid position. Apple has declined to license Masimo’s technology, whereas Masimo’s former CEO, Joe Kiani, demonstrated a comparable reluctance to enter negotiations. This deadlock has not only impacted the involved companies but has also placed consumers in a challenging predicament, as they cannot access a feature that has become a distinctive aspect of the Apple Watch.

In a prior assessment, it was proposed that Apple should take a practical route—licensing the technology while still disputing the legal claims. This approach would enable Apple Watch users to maintain access to the blood oxygen monitoring feature as the legal issues are worked through.

## A New Possibility for Resolution

Recent occurrences have revealed a potential inflection point in this dispute. Joe Kiani has stepped down as CEO of Masimo and has been replaced by Michelle Brennan. Although the reasons behind Kiani’s exit remain unknown, it is speculated that his management of the dispute may have influenced the leadership transition. A new CEO could indicate a shift in Masimo’s stance on negotiations, possibly paving the way for licensing discussions.

Yet, the pivotal question persists: will Apple be inclined to engage in talks? Industry experts, including Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, propose that a compromise benefiting both parties may be achievable without requiring a financial exchange. One potential avenue is for Apple to collaborate with Masimo to incorporate its hospital technology with the Apple Health app, thereby enhancing the Apple Watch’s functionality and providing Masimo with a platform to showcase its technology.

## The Advantages of a Compromise

Should a resolution be achieved, it would not only reinstate the blood oxygen monitoring feature for Apple Watch users but also facilitate the integration of Masimo’s hospital equipment with Apple’s Health app. This integration could motivate hospitals to adopt new Masimo technologies, resulting in extra revenue for the company while offering Apple Watch users a more extensive health monitoring experience.

While the practicability of such a compromise remains to be seen, it offers a potential win-win scenario for both organizations. A cooperative strategy could benefit both Apple and Masimo while fulfilling the needs of consumers.

## Conclusion

The ongoing conflict between Apple and Masimo regarding blood oxygen monitoring technology has posed significant hurdles for both companies and their clientele. Nonetheless, with the recent change in leadership at Masimo, there is a glimmer of hope for resolution. As both organizations navigate this intricate legal terrain, a practical approach that prioritizes consumer interests could ultimately foster a positive outcome for all parties involved.

As we await further updates, Apple Watch users remain optimistic for the return of a feature emblematic of the brand’s dedication to health and wellness.