Reasons Behind the Current High Demand for Rust Developers

Reasons Behind the Current High Demand for Rust Developers

Reasons Behind the Current High Demand for Rust Developers

# Rustaceans Are in High Demand These Days, But What’s the Reason?

By Amanda Kavanagh

In the past few years, the need for Rust developers, affectionately termed “Rustaceans,” has increased significantly. While artificial intelligence (AI) is frequently highlighted as a potential disruptor in programming, a recent report from QT and Forrester indicates that nearly two-thirds (63%) of embedded code remains manually produced. This figure emphasizes the ongoing significance of human programmers, even as AI technology progresses. But what is driving the particular surge in interest for Rust?

## The AI Upskilling Discussion

Despite the escalating capabilities of AI, many CEOs, CIOs, and CTOs are recommending that software engineers enhance their skills in AI, suggesting that this technology could take over some or all of their programming tasks. For example, during a recent fireside chat at Amazon Web Services (AWS), CEO Matt Garman stated, “If you project 24 months ahead, or some duration — I can’t predict precisely where it lands — it’s feasible that a majority of developers are not engaged in coding.”

Nevertheless, Garman clarified that this evolution wouldn’t necessarily mean job eliminations. Rather, developers would likely migrate to positions that emphasize more innovative and strategic endeavors, with AI managing the more monotonous coding responsibilities. An Amazon representative later stressed that Garman’s comments didn’t imply immediate layoffs but intended to convey a vision for how AWS would enhance the developer experience.

## The Rust Benefit

Amid AI’s increasing influence, numerous developers are redirecting their focus toward languages deemed more resistant to AI encroachment. While languages such as Python, Java, JavaScript, and SQL are relatively straightforward for AI to replicate, Rust and C++ are viewed as more complex for AI to emulate effectively. This positioning makes Rust a treasured skill for developers aiming to secure their careers against future changes.

Rust, which was publically released in 2009 after originating as a personal project at Mozilla in 2006, has seen its popularity rise, partly due to its reputation as a “memory-safe” language. This characteristic aids in avoiding typical bugs and vulnerabilities, including buffer overflows that could provoke security issues.

In fact, Rust’s focus on memory safety has garnered attention from significant organizations. A December 2023 report co-authored by the National Security Agency (NSA) and cybersecurity experts from the U.S., Australia, Canada, the UK, and New Zealand recommended Rust as a superior alternative to C for secure software development. Enterprises like Microsoft, Amazon, Discord, and Dropbox are already implementing Rust within their operations, further elevating its standing.

## Rust’s Increasing Popularity

Rust is becoming increasingly popular. The September 2024 TIOBE Index, which evaluates programming languages based on their popularity, showed Rust advancing to 14th place, up from 17th the previous year. Experts foresee Rust entering the top 10 in the upcoming months.

One of Rust’s core strengths lies in its adaptability. It is utilized to develop low-level system components for a variety of applications, including:

– Internet of Things (IoT) devices
– Operating systems
– System utilities
– Device drivers
– Game and virtual reality (VR) simulation engines

Notably, Rust is also gaining traction in the financial sector, a traditionally cautious industry regarding new technological advances. This trend signifies Rust’s expanding credibility in both performance and safety assurances.

## High Earnings for Rust Developers

The demand for Rust developers is evident not only in job advertisements but also in compensation. A recent survey of 342 salaries revealed that the average annual income for a Rust developer in the United States is $156,000. Less-experienced developers can anticipate starting salaries around $121,875, while veteran Rustaceans can earn close to $200,000 annually.

These figures are favorable when compared to general software developer roles. For instance, system engineers earn an average of $115,184, software engineers make $123,594, and developers attain $112,502 each year.

Regionally, Rust developers in Texas and New York earn the highest wages, averaging $187,500 annually, followed by Georgia ($175,000) and California ($150,000).

## The Future Outlook for Rust

As companies continue to emphasize security and performance, Rust’s popularity is projected to rise. Its memory safety features, coupled with its versatility, render it an appealing choice for businesses aiming to develop secure, high-performance systems. For developers, mastering Rust could offer a valuable opportunity for increasing salaries and expanding job prospects in the near future.

While AI might persist in automating various coding duties, developers proficient in both AI and sought-after languages like Rust will be better positioned to excel in the changing tech environment. After all, AI coding still necessitates human guidance and oversight, and those capable of leveraging both AI and Rust will be in high demand.

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