Relay and 9to5Mac Join Forces to Aid St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Relay and 9to5Mac Join Forces to Aid St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Relay and 9to5Mac Join Forces to Aid St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

# Supporting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital: Participate in the Relay Fundraiser

The Relay community has once more initiated its yearly fundraiser for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, a mission that has received significant awareness and backing since its beginning. Since 2019, the Relay community has successfully raised an impressive $2.9 million for St. Jude, highlighting the strength of united efforts in positively impacting the lives of children facing severe illnesses.

## A Collaboration for a Cause

9to5Mac is excited to once again participate in Relay’s fundraising endeavors this year. By getting involved, supporters not only aid the life-saving initiatives of St. Jude but also have a chance to earn exclusive 9to5Mac merchandise. This campaign perfectly marries charity and community involvement, inviting everyone to pitch in however they can.

### How You Can Contribute

To engage in this commendable cause, please visit the [fundraising page]( and think about making a donation. It’s essential to highlight that, unlike numerous other hospitals, most of St. Jude’s funding comes from kind donors. Sharing the fundraising link with friends, family, and on social media can significantly increase the campaign’s reach.

## About St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Established in 1962, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is situated in Memphis, Tennessee, and is committed to treating and curing childhood cancers and other life-threatening conditions. The hospital operates on a distinctive model where families are never billed for treatment, travel, accommodation, or meals, allowing them to concentrate solely on their child’s healing.

### Key Information About St. Jude:

– **Mission-Focused**: St. Jude leads in research and treatment for childhood cancer, with a clear goal: Finding cures. Saving children.

– **Expense-Free for Families**: Families receiving treatment at St. Jude don’t incur any costs for their care, ensuring financial constraints don’t impede a child’s treatment.

– **Survival Statistics**: Since opening, St. Jude has been instrumental in enhancing the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20% to over 80%.

– **Worldwide Influence**: The advances made at St. Jude are disseminated worldwide, enabling doctors and researchers around the globe to use this information to save countless more children.

– **Funding Structure**: The hospital heavily depends on donations, making every contribution vital for its programs and research.

Relay co-founder Stephen Hackett has a personal tie to St. Jude, lending a deeply emotional aspect to the fundraising activities. His family’s experience serves as a powerful example of the hospital’s influence, which you can explore further on his blog.

## Donation Incentives

9to5Mac has created its unique fundraising page through the Relay FM initiative, allowing supporters to aid both Relay FM and St. Jude while earning rewards.

### Important Details Regarding Rewards:

– All rewards will be issued once the campaign wraps up in early October.
– If you select a reward that includes a tangible item, please make sure to provide your shipping address.
– Consider verifying if your employer provides a matching gift program to enhance your contribution.

## Donate Now

To make an impact, please visit the [fundraising page]( and think about donating. Your support is crucial, and sharing the link can assist in reaching even more potential contributors.

A heartfelt appreciation to everyone donating and promoting this cause, as well as to Myke and Stephen at Relay FM for their steadfast dedication to this mission, and most importantly, to St. Jude for their extraordinary work.

## Upcoming Event: Relay Podcastathon for St. Jude 2024

Save the date for the annual Relay for St. Jude Podcastathon on Friday, September 20, from 12 p.m. to 12 a.m. EDT. This 12-hour event promises fun and interaction with the Relay family, all to support St. Jude. Tune in to be part of this thrilling initiative!

By uniting as a community, we can continue to uphold the essential efforts at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and help ensure that no child faces cancer solitary. Join us in making an impact today!