Support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital: A Call to Action from 9to5Mac

Support St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: A Call to Action from 9to5Mac

Support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital: A Call to Action from 9to5Mac

# Relay’s St. Jude Fundraising Initiative: An Urgent Appeal

**Update September 27, 2024:** The final week of Relay’s St. Jude fundraising endeavor is upon us! This year’s campaign is approaching a remarkable $900,000, and we encourage the 9to5Mac community to help us conclude with a flourish!

You can contribute and discover more about corporate matching initiatives on the [campaign webpage]( We are also thrilled to introduce a new incentive: donate $15 or more to obtain a 9to5Mac sticker! Assisting children in need while receiving a delightful sticker is an opportunity you won’t want to overlook.

Please [visit the fundraising page today]( and think about making a contribution. Unlike many other hospitals, a significant portion of St. Jude’s funding is derived from kind-hearted donors. Sharing this link with your friends, family, and social media followers can further boost our efforts.

## About St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, situated in Memphis, Tennessee, has long served as a beacon of hope for children confronting cancer and other life-threatening ailments. The hospital’s mission is straightforward: to discover cures and save kids. Here are some essential points regarding St. Jude:

– **Pioneering Research and Treatment:** St. Jude leads the way in the exploration, treatment, and triumph over childhood cancer and other grave illnesses. Their objective is to discover cures and protect lives.

– **No Financial Strain on Families:** Families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, accommodation, or meals, allowing them to concentrate entirely on their child’s wellbeing and recovery.

– **Enhanced Survival Rates:** Since its founding over 50 years ago, treatments developed at St. Jude have boosted the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20% to over 80%. The hospital is dedicated to ensuring that no child succumbs to cancer.

– **Worldwide Influence:** St. Jude disseminates its discoveries with the global medical community, meaning that every child saved at St. Jude aids in rescuing thousands more children across the globe.

– **Funded by Generosity:** Unlike numerous other hospitals, St. Jude is heavily reliant on the kindness of donors to sustain its operations.

Relay co-founder Stephen Hackett has a personal link to St. Jude, which you can explore in more detail on his [blog](

## Donation Incentives

9to5Mac has established a specific fundraising page for St. Jude as part of the Relay FM campaign. By taking part, you can support both Relay FM and St. Jude while earning thrilling rewards.

**Important Reminder:** All rewards will be dispatched following the campaign’s conclusion at the start of October. If you select a reward that features a physical item, please make sure to provide your shipping address during the donation process.

As you contribute, don’t forget to verify if your employer has a matching gift program, which can amplify the effect of your donation.

## Donate Immediately

We urge you to [donate today]( Your support is vital, as the bulk of St. Jude’s funding comes from generous contributors. Sharing the fundraising link with your network can enhance our efforts even further.

A heartfelt thank you to all who contribute and spread the word about this campaign. A special acknowledgment goes to Myke and Stephen at Relay FM for their unwavering dedication each year, and of course, to St. Jude for the remarkable impact they have on countless lives.

## Relay Podcastathon for St. Jude 2024

Save the date for the annual Relay for St. Jude Podcastathon on September 20, from 12 p.m. to 12 a.m. EDT. Join us for 12 hours of captivating content with the Relay family, all in support of St. Jude.

Together, we can create a change in the lives of children fighting cancer and other illnesses. Let’s unite and complete this fundraising campaign with strength!