Tag: Source: Arstechnica.com

Restaurants Are Now Employing AI Hosts to Manage Customer Calls

### The Emergence of AI Voice Hosts in the Dining Sector

In recent times, artificial intelligence (AI) has penetrated various fields, ranging from healthcare and finance to retail and entertainment. One of the most recent domains to adopt AI is the hospitality sector, especially restaurants. An increasing number of dining establishments are leveraging AI voice assistants to manage customer queries and bookings via phone. These AI-driven “hosts” are rapidly gaining traction in cities like New York, San Francisco, Miami, and Atlanta, providing a preview of the future of client service in the culinary world.

#### The Introduction of AI Voice Hosts

Picture calling a restaurant and being welcomed by a friendly, human-like voice. “Hello, I’m Jasmine, an assistant for Bodega. How may I assist you?” This isn’t a human host but rather an AI voice assistant, meticulously crafted to manage everyday customer interactions. Jasmine, akin to numerous other AI voice hosts, can respond to questions regarding the restaurant’s seating availability, menu selections, and even aid with reservations. If you’ve made a call to a restaurant in a prominent U.S. city lately, there’s a strong likelihood you’ve interacted with one of these AI helpers.

While consumer-facing AI solutions like ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini Live have captured much public interest, AI voice assistants specifically designed for the hospitality sector are making a subtle impact. Companies such as **Maitre-D AI**, **Newo**, **RestoHost**, and **Slang** are at the forefront, providing AI voice technology to restaurants nationwide.

#### Why Dining Establishments Are Embracing AI

The restaurant sector has been historically burdened by staffing challenges, especially in roles like hosts and phone operators who interact with customers. The COVID-19 pandemic amplified these issues, leading many restaurants to struggle with employee retention and escalating labor costs. AI voice assistants present a remedy to these complications by offering a dependable, 24/7 service that can address routine customer inquiries without needing human participation.

David Yang, the founder of Newo, underscores the financial advantages of AI voice hosts. “At $17 per hour, you can barely cover your fuel to get to work,” he comments, emphasizing that human hosts often leave these roles quickly due to low compensation and high stress levels. In contrast, AI hosts are capable of managing a considerable number of calls without exhaustion, making them a viable choice for eateries aiming to reduce expenses and boost efficiency.

#### The Functionality of AI Voice Hosts

AI voice hosts are created to manage a wide range of client interactions, from responding to basic inquiries about the restaurant’s dress code or allergy guidelines to overseeing reservations. These systems are generally subscription-based, with various tiers providing added features such as multilingual support or compatibility with popular booking platforms like OpenTable.

For instance, **Maitre-D AI**, which debuted in the Bay Area in 2024, offers a service that can handle calls, assist with reservations, and even transfer the caller to a human if required. Nevertheless, according to Tomas Lopez-Saavedra, co-founder of RestoHost, only roughly 10% of calls necessitate human involvement. The vast majority of customer queries can be entirely addressed by the AI.

#### Who’s Reaching Out to Restaurants in the Modern Age?

In a time when most individuals can locate restaurant information online or make bookings through apps like Resy, one might question why anyone would still call a restaurant. However, as Alex Sambvani, CEO and co-founder of Slang, points out, many still prefer to speak on the phone. “Restaurants receive a high volume of calls compared to other businesses, especially if they are well-liked and accept reservations,” he states.

Typical callers comprise last-minute reservers, tourists, older demographics, and those who like to manage their to-dos while driving. Matt Ho, the proprietor of Bodega SF, affirms this. “The phones would continuously ring during service,” he shares, observing that many inquiries could be easily addressed by an AI assistant. By adopting Maitre-D AI, Ho managed to lessen the workload on his human staff, enabling them to concentrate on in-person patrons.

#### The Hurdles of AI Voice Hosts

Although AI voice hosts present numerous advantages, they aren’t devoid of obstacles. A prevalent concern is **latency**—the duration it takes for the AI to formulate a response. Many users report that AI assistants frequently request them to hold while they “think,” or remain silent for an uncomfortably long period before responding. Moreover, these systems can find it challenging to deal with **nondeterministic behavior**, meaning they might struggle when a conversation takes an unexpected turn. For instance, if a customer alters their mind about a reservation or poses a vague query, the AI may have trouble delivering a satisfactory answer.

Furthermore, AI voice hosts are not ideally suited for addressing sensitive or complicated matters. “When it comes to delicate subjects—say, you experienced food poisoning during dinner and want to express your frustrations—humans are better equipped for those calls,” Sambvani acknowledges.

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European Leadership Transition Brings New Obstacles for Major Tech Companies

**The Evolving Terrain of EU Tech Regulation: Fresh Faces, Persistent Challenges**

Over the last five years, the European Union (EU) has adopted a stringent approach towards Big Tech, implementing an array of regulations to rein in the influence of American tech behemoths such as Apple, Google, Meta, and TikTok. Leading this regulatory initiative was Thierry Breton, the outspoken EU Commissioner for the Internal Market, who became emblematic of Europe’s mounting irritation with Silicon Valley.

Breton’s time in office was defined by his confrontational and vocal tactics. He gained a reputation for directly challenging tech leaders, frequently leveraging social media to underline his alerts. Whether it was calling out Apple for “squeezing” its rivals out of the industry or reminding Elon Musk of the repercussions of spreading harmful content on X (previously Twitter), Breton made it abundantly clear that the EU was determined to hold Big Tech to account.

Nevertheless, in an unexpected development, Breton has recently stepped down from his role, citing internal negotiations between EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and French President Emmanuel Macron. His exit signifies the conclusion of a chapter, yet it does not indicate the halting of the EU’s regulatory ambitions. In fact, the leadership baton has been handed to a new cadre of officials, including Finnish politician Henna Virkkunen, who will assume Breton’s responsibilities under a newly elevated designation: Executive Vice President for Tech Sovereignty, Security, and Democracy.

### A Refined Strategy for Big Tech Regulation

Henna Virkkunen’s appointment signals a potential transformation in the EU’s strategy toward regulating Big Tech. While Breton was characterized by his assertive demeanor, Virkkunen is anticipated to take a more calculated and less adversarial stance. As noted by Umberto Gambini, a former adviser at the EU Parliament, “Her approach will definitely be less harsh and perhaps less visible on X than Breton. This could provide a chance to refresh and reboot the relationships.”

Virkkunen’s new title embodies a wider transformation in the EU’s focus. Whereas Breton concentrated on the internal market and the enforcement of regulations like the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA), Virkkunen’s portfolio will cover a broader spectrum of topics, including tech sovereignty and security. This modification implies that the EU is increasingly alarmed about its dependency on external technologies, especially in vital sectors such as semiconductors and raw materials.

This redirection in focus was underscored in a recent report from economist and former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, who cautioned that Europe risks becoming “vulnerable to coercion” internationally if it does not secure its supply chains for essential technologies. Consequently, Virkkunen’s responsibilities will encompass not only the enforcement of current tech regulations but also the geopolitical and security ramifications of Europe’s technology dependencies.

### The Legacy of Thierry Breton and Margrethe Vestager

Breton’s resignation is not the sole significant shift in the EU’s regulatory framework. Margrethe Vestager, another key player in the battle against Big Tech, has also left her position. Vestager, who has been the EU’s antitrust chief for ten years, established herself as one of the world’s most influential regulators. She played a crucial role in cases such as the one that compelled Apple to pay $14.4 billion in back taxes to Ireland, a verdict that Apple CEO Tim Cook famously criticized as “total political crap.”

Vestager’s exit marks the conclusion of a notable period in EU antitrust regulation, but her influence will continue to affect the regulatory scene. She will be succeeded by Spanish politician Teresa Ribera, whose responsibilities will encompass competition as well as Europe’s environmental transition. Ribera’s emphasis on sustainability hints that Big Tech may no longer be the primary focus for the EU’s competition regulators, as the bloc redirects its efforts towards climate-related initiatives.

### Challenges in Enforcement Ahead

Despite these leadership shifts, the EU’s regulatory apparatus remains vigorous. The regulations enacted over the past five years, including the DSA and DMA, still await enforcement. Numerous high-profile investigations are ongoing, targeting companies like Apple, Google, and Meta for potential violations of the DMA. Under the DSA, platforms such as TikTok, Meta, AliExpress, and X are also under scrutiny for their management of harmful content and user safety.

One of the most scrutinized cases involves Elon Musk’s X, which faces allegations of promoting harmful content. J. Scott Marcus, a senior fellow at the think tank Bruegel, cautions that Musk’s operations are likely to conflict with the DSA, irrespective of who leads the enforcement efforts. “The nature of the confrontation may become somewhat more civil, but the issues are unlikely to dissipate,” Marcus observes.

### The Future for Big Tech in Europe

As the EU embarks on a new chapter of tech regulation, the emphasis is shifting from crafting new legislation to enforcing existing ones. Although the leadership has changed, the hurdles facing Big

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“Transforming Plastics into Gas Through Vaporization for Recycling Purposes”

### An Advancement in Plastic Recycling: Converting Polyolefins into Valuable Chemicals

Our planet is grappling with an escalating plastic dilemma, with landfills and oceans increasingly overwhelmed by refuse that requires decades, if not centuries, to decompose. Among the primary culprits are **polypropylene** and **polyethylene**, two categories of plastics that are omnipresent in daily life. These substances are present in everything from food packaging and plastic bags to car bumpers and toys. Although they are recyclable, the recycling process for these plastics is frequently ineffective, expensive, and detrimental to the environment, resulting in considerable emissions of greenhouse gases such as methane.

Nevertheless, a recent breakthrough by researchers at the **University of California, Berkeley** presents an encouraging solution. They have devised an innovative method to effectively recycle these persistent plastics, transforming them into valuable chemicals that can be utilized to produce new plastics. This technique has the potential to revolutionize plastic waste management and significantly decrease our dependence on fossil fuels.

### The Issue with Polyolefins

Polypropylene and polyethylene are classified as **polyolefins**, which are polymers formed through the polymerization of ethylene and propylene—raw materials primarily sourced from fossil fuels. These plastics pose particular challenges for recycling due to their molecular structure, which features lengthy chains of single carbon-carbon bonds that are notoriously difficult to decompose. In contrast, most other polymers contain at least one carbon-carbon double bond, making them simpler to break down.

While it is possible to recycle polypropylene and polyethylene technically, the procedure is often inefficient and costly. Additionally, it frequently leads to methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas. Considering the vast quantities of these plastics in circulation, discovering a more effective recycling process is essential.

### A Novel Recycling Approach: Isomerizing Ethenolysis

The research team at UC Berkeley has created a recycling technique known as **isomerizing ethenolysis**, which employs catalysts to disassemble the long polymer chains of polypropylene and polyethylene into smaller molecules. These smaller molecules, primarily **propylene** and **isobutylene**, are gases at ambient temperature and can be reused to create new plastics.

The method consists of two crucial phases:

1. **Disrupting the Polymer Chains**: The initial phase employs a catalyst composed of **sodium on alumina** to sever the long polymer chains into shorter ones. This stage also generates carbon-carbon double bonds at the ends of the chains, enhancing their reactivity and facilitating further breakdown.

2. **Olefin Metathesis**: The subsequent phase involves exposing the fragmented chains to a stream of **ethylene gas** while incorporating a catalyst made from **tungsten oxide on silica**. This interaction results in the rupture of the carbon-carbon bonds, transforming the polymers into propylene and isobutylene.

According to the researchers, the ethylene gas is vital for this reaction. “The ethylene is essential to this reaction, as it acts as a co-reactant,” noted **R.J. Conk**, one of the authors of the study. “The broken links then react with ethylene, which eliminates the links from the chain. Without ethylene, the reaction cannot proceed.”

### Exceptional Selectivity and Valuable Byproducts

One of the most encouraging facets of this method is its **high selectivity**, indicating that it yields a significant amount of the sought-after products—propylene and isobutylene. Both of these chemicals are in substantial demand:

– **Propylene** is a crucial raw material within the chemical industry, utilized in the production of a wide array of products, including plastics, textiles, and chemicals.
– **Isobutylene** is a monomer used in manufacturing various polymers, including synthetic rubber, and serves as a gasoline additive.

By transforming waste plastics into these valuable chemicals, this technique could aid in lessening the need for fossil fuel-derived raw materials, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

### Recycling Mixed Plastics

A significant hurdle in plastic recycling is that plastics are often combined in waste streams, complicating efficient recycling. To tackle this, the researchers applied their method to a blend of polypropylene and polyethylene. The outcomes were promising: the process effectively converted the mixture into propylene and isobutylene, yielding slightly more propylene than isobutylene.

The team also tested the method on actual plastic waste, including a centrifuge and a bread bag, both containing remnants of other polymers. Although the yield of propylene and isobutylene was somewhat lower than with pure polypropylene and polyethylene, the results remained promising.

However, when the researchers introduced additional types of plastics, such as **PET** (polyethylene terephthalate) and **PVC** (polyvinyl chloride), the yield decreased significantly. This implies that for the method to be viable on a larger scale, contaminants will need to be minimized.

### Expanding for the Future

While this innovative recycling approach shows considerable potential, it will require significant scaling to effectuate a meaningful impact on global plastic waste.

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NASA’s Strategy for Deorbiting the ISS Encounters Possible Obstacles from Russia

### The Prospects of the International Space Station: Charting a Course Through Turbulence and Global Strains

The International Space Station (ISS) has for years represented a hallmark of global collaboration, especially between the United States and Russia. Nevertheless, recent geopolitical friction, notably following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, has overshadowed the future of this joint space initiative. In spite of these hurdles, the ISS continues its operations, with both NASA and Roscosmos, Russia’s space agency, adhering to their obligations to the station—at least for the time being.

#### A Chaotic Phase for the ISS Alliance

Just over two years ago, the outlook for the ISS became uncertain when Dmitry Rogozin, the former head of Roscosmos, made divisive remarks hinting that Russia might withdraw from the space station due to Western sanctions linked to the Ukraine situation. Rogozin, recognized for his dramatic social media antics, frequently used the ISS to negotiate, issuing ambiguous threats about Russia’s potential exit from the program. However, in July 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin dismissed Rogozin and appointed Yuri Borisov, a former deputy prime minister, indicating a change in strategy.

Although the ongoing conflict in Ukraine continues to strain relations between Russia and Western nations, the ISS has remained one of the few domains where collaboration endures. In 2022, Russia officially prolonged its engagement with the ISS until 2028, while NASA and additional space agencies, including those from Europe, Japan, and Canada, have committed to keeping the station functioning until 2030.

#### The 2028-2030 Gap: A Point of Anxiety

The two-year discrepancy between Russia’s commitment (ending in 2028) and the plans of other ISS partners (extending to 2030) raises concerns among NASA officials. This unpredictability has led NASA to adopt precautionary steps. In June 2024, NASA awarded SpaceX a contract to design a deorbit vehicle based on the Dragon spacecraft. This vehicle would guide the ISS, which weighs in excess of 450 tons, toward a controlled reentry over a remote oceanic area when its operational period concludes.

Robyn Gatens, the director of the ISS program at NASA Headquarters, recognized the ambiguity during a recent session of NASA’s advisory council. “We do face that uncertainty, from 2028 to 2030, with Roscosmos,” she stated. “We anticipate updates from them in the coming year or two regarding their future plans, hoping that those will also extend to 2030.”

#### Russia’s Space Program: A Vital Dependence on the ISS

Russia’s choice to extend its involvement in the ISS through 2028 was strategic. The Russian space program relies heavily on the ISS for its human spaceflight endeavors. Should Russia depart from the program in 2028, it would encounter vast challenges. The nation currently lacks its own space station in low-Earth orbit, and the likelihood of developing one within four years is minimal. Without the ISS, Russia’s Soyuz spacecraft, which currently transports astronauts to and from the station, would lack a destination.

While Russia has been strengthening ties with China in space exploration, China’s Tiangong space station is not reachable from Russia’s launch facilities, complicating Russia’s options further. This places Roscosmos in a vulnerable position, with its future in human spaceflight intricately linked to the ISS.

#### The Interconnectedness of the US and Russian Components

The ISS represents an incredible feat of international engineering, with various parts of the station operated by different nations. The US and Russian sections of the ISS are notably interlinked. The US segment produces the majority of the station’s power and manages its orientation without consuming rocket fuel. Conversely, Russia maintains the station’s altitude and navigates it to evade space debris. Although Northrop Grumman’s Cygnus cargo vessel has shown it can boost the station’s orbit, Russia’s contribution remains essential.

Should Russia opt to exit the ISS program prematurely, it would pose significant operational challenges for both NASA and its international collaborators. As Ken Bowersox, NASA’s associate administrator for space operations, remarked, “Much hinges on what happens after the Russian team decides they won’t continue past 2028. Is that a definitive cutoff, where they shut everything down and stop providing any propulsion? Or could they still offer propulsion, requiring us to provide some alternative support?”

#### The Final Chapter for the ISS: Preparation for Deorbit

Assuming the ISS functions as anticipated until 2030, NASA is already strategizing for its eventual deorbit. The final deorbit maneuver could occur in early 2031, with NASA targeting to have the deorbit vehicle ready for deployment by 2029. This will facilitate a controlled reentry for the station, ensuring it

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Human Infections Caused by Raccoon Parasite Emphasize Possible Requirement for Drastic Pest Management Strategies

### Raccoon Roundworm: An Unseen Danger and How to Safeguard Yourself

Raccoons may be viewed as adorable, playful animals, but they can also harbor a perilous parasite that presents a significant health threat to humans. Recently, the Los Angeles County health department documented two instances of human infection linked to a parasitic roundworm known as *Baylisascaris procyonis*, or raccoon roundworm. Although such infections are uncommon, their ramifications can be serious, potentially lethal, underscoring the importance of awareness regarding risks and prevention strategies.

#### What is *Baylisascaris procyonis*?

*Baylisascaris procyonis* is a parasitic roundworm that predominantly affects raccoons. These adult worms reside in the intestines of raccoons, generating eggs that are expelled in their feces. A single female worm can produce as many as 200,000 eggs each day, leading to environmental contamination. These eggs are incredibly durable, capable of surviving for years in soil, wood, or other substrates, and can endure most chemical treatments, including bleach.

People can become infected by unintentionally ingesting soil or materials tainted with raccoon feces harboring the parasite’s eggs. Once ingested, the eggs hatch into larvae, which can travel to different organs, such as the eyes, liver, and brain. This can result in a disease called *baylisascariasis*, which may inflict severe neurological damage, blindness, paralysis, and even death.

#### Who is at Risk?

Infections are uncommon—only 29 recorded instances took place from 1973 to 2015—yet certain demographics are more at risk. Young children, especially those who play outdoors and might place contaminated objects in their mouths, face an elevated danger. Individuals with developmental disabilities are likewise more vulnerable due to their tendency to engage in behaviors like mouthing potentially contaminated items.

A heartbreaking case involved an 18-month-old boy with Down syndrome in Illinois who died after biting on pieces of firewood tainted with raccoon feces. An autopsy indicated that his brain tissue was severely affected by parasitic larvae, emphasizing the tragic consequences of this infection.

#### The Symptoms and Consequences

The symptoms connected to *baylisascariasis* can fluctuate based on the larvae’s migration within the body. Common manifestations include:

– **Neurological problems**: Seizures, loss of coordination, paralysis, and cognitive difficulties.
– **Vision issues**: Blindness or blurred eyesight if the larvae settle in the eyes.
– **Organ damage**: Infections can impact the liver, heart, and additional organs.

Regrettably, once symptoms manifest, the outlook is often grim. Those who survive may endure lasting neurological impairment, including brain atrophy, cognitive challenges, and motor dysfunction.

#### Prevention: How to Safeguard Yourself

The positive news is that *baylisascariasis* can be avoided. The primary strategy is to minimize contact with raccoon feces and to take actions to eliminate potential contamination sources around your home.

##### 1. **Identify and Remove Raccoon Latrines**

Raccoons typically defecate in communal areas referred to as latrines, often found at the base of trees, on woodpiles, decks, patios, or even in attics and garages. These latrines serve as a major contamination source, housing substantial quantities of parasite eggs.

If you suspect a raccoon latrine on your property, it’s vital to clean it up safely. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest the following procedures:

– **Outdoor latrines**: Employ extreme heat to eradicate the eggs. Boiling water or a propane torch can be effective. The CDC explicitly advises against chemical treatments, as they are usually ineffective against the hardy eggs. If opting for fire, ensure careful handling. The CDC cautions that using a flamethrower or propane torch may result in fire hazards, burn injuries, or property damage. Always consult your local fire department before attempting this method.

– **Indoor latrines**: For indoor locations, fire is not a viable method. Instead, carefully remove the feces using gloves and dispose of it in sealed plastic bags. Clean the area with hot, soapy water to mitigate contamination. If feasible, any removed feces or contaminated materials can be incinerated outside or buried.

##### 2. **Prevent Raccoons from Entering Your Property**

To minimize the chances of raccoons using your property as a latrine, take the following preventive steps:

– **Secure trash bins**: Raccoons are infamous for rummaging through garbage. Implement raccoon-proof trash cans with securely fitting lids.

– **Seal entry points**: Ensure that attics, garages, and other possible nesting sites are properly sealed to deter raccoons from entering.

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Investigating Grid-Scale Energy Storage: Advancing Beyond Lithium Solutions

### The Growing Market for Grid-Scale Batteries: Investigating Alternatives to Lithium-Ion Technology

With the global surge in renewable energy initiatives, the need for effective, large-scale energy storage systems is rising dramatically. Grid-scale batteries, which allow for energy storage for subsequent use, are becoming an essential element in the shift towards renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. Nonetheless, conventional lithium-ion batteries, despite their widespread application, have numerous drawbacks, including environmental issues, safety concerns, and supply chain problems related to essential minerals. Consequently, the market is actively investigating other battery technologies that may provide safer, more sustainable, and economical solutions for grid and industrial uses.

### The Demand for Extended-Duration Storage

Mark Higgins, Chief Commercial Officer and President of North America at Redflow, emphasizes the growing market for extended-duration energy storage. “We are experiencing a significant increase in the types of projects we are engaged in and the scale of these projects,” he stated. Redflow has implemented approximately 270 projects globally, primarily small off-grid or remote-grid systems. However, the focus is now shifting toward larger, grid-connected initiatives.

Giovanni Damato, President of CMBlu Energy, shares this perspective, noting that the appetite for grid-scale batteries is climbing daily. “We are genuinely enthusiastic about the opportunity to deliver as much capacity as we can,” he expressed, highlighting the tremendous growth potential within this industry.

New industrial markets are also becoming increasingly involved, particularly in industries such as chemical manufacturing, steel production, and metal processing. Traditionally, these sectors have been reluctant to embrace renewable energy solutions due to the fire risks associated with lithium-ion batteries. Mukesh Chatter, Co-Founder and CEO of Alsym Energy, notes that these facilities produce considerable heat, which exacerbates fire risk concerns. “You don’t want to utilize any battery that poses a fire hazard,” Chatter remarked.

### Investigating Alternative Battery Technologies

A number of companies are working on alternative battery chemistries that might overcome the challenges associated with lithium-ion technology. This article examines three promising alternatives: zinc-bromine flow batteries, organic redox-flow batteries, and sodium-sulfur batteries.

#### 1. Zinc-Bromine Flow Batteries: Redflow’s Approach

Since 2010, Redflow has been producing zinc-bromine flow batteries. Unlike lithium-ion batteries, zinc-bromine batteries do not depend on critical minerals that are often obtained from areas with unsafe labor standards or geopolitical instability. The materials used in these batteries, like zinc and bromine, are inexpensive and abundantly accessible.

Flow batteries, such as those from Redflow, utilize liquid or gaseous electrolytes that circulate through cells from external reservoirs. As stated by the

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“ChatGPT Incorporated into TI-84 Calculator, Stirring Worries About Possible Academic Abuse”

# The Ultimate Cheating Gadget: A Tweaked TI-84 Calculator That Links to ChatGPT

In an era where technology increasingly obscures the lines between ease and moral standards, a YouTube creator named “ChromaLock” has elevated the stakes. In a recent video titled *”I Created The Ultimate Cheating Gadget”*, ChromaLock showcases how he altered a Texas Instruments TI-84 graphing calculator to connect to the Internet and utilize OpenAI’s ChatGPT, potentially granting students the means to cheat on assessments. This endeavor intertwines hardware modifications, software creation, and ethical dilemmas.

## The Hack: The Mechanics Behind It

ChromaLock’s venture commenced by investigating the TI-84’s link port, which is usually employed for transferring educational applications between devices. However, rather than adhering to its designated function, ChromaLock engineered a bespoke circuit board, referred to as the “TI-32,” that integrates a Wi-Fi-capable microcontroller—the Seed Studio ESP32-C3, priced around $5. This microcontroller enables the calculator to connect to the Internet, facilitating the transmission and reception of data from ChatGPT.

The hardware adjustment presented several engineering hurdles, involving voltage incompatibilities and signal integrity concerns. After numerous revisions, ChromaLock successfully embedded the custom board into the calculator’s casing, leaving no apparent evidence of alteration. Consequently, from an external perspective, the calculator appears entirely ordinary, complicating the ability of educators or exam supervisors to identify any changes.

### Custom Software

Alongside the hardware, ChromaLock created custom software for both the microcontroller and the calculator. This software is accessible as open-source code on GitHub, allowing others to imitate the project. The system replicates another TI-84 calculator, enabling users to transfer files using the built-in “send” and “get” commands. This simplifies the download of a launcher program that offers access to various “applets” intended for cheating.

One significant applet is a ChatGPT interface, allowing users to input questions and receive real-time replies from OpenAI’s chatbot. While this function could be beneficial for addressing brief inquiries, it is not without its constraints. The TI-84’s keypad is not optimized for rapid typing, making it cumbersome to enter lengthy, intricate queries.

## Beyond ChatGPT: Extra Cheating Resources

The ChatGPT interface represents just one of several resources available through the TI-32 modification. ChromaLock’s gadget also features an image viewer that enables users to consult pre-prepared visual aids hosted on a central server. This could include anything from mathematical equations to diagrams—essentially any visual data that could aid in an examination.

Furthermore, the app browser capability permits students to download text-based cheat sheets disguised as program source code. This means that even if an educator scrutinizes the calculator’s memory, the cheat sheets could be concealed in plain view, posing as legitimate educational software.

ChromaLock has even hinted at prospective features, including a camera function, though details on this were minimal in the current presentation. If realized, this could expand the cheating opportunities, such as capturing exam questions and transmitting them to outside sources for assistance.

## Evading Anti-Cheating Mechanisms

A particularly alarming aspect of ChromaLock’s device is its proficiency in circumventing typical anti-cheating measures. For example, numerous schools implement a feature known as “Test Mode” on TI-84 calculators, which restricts the device to prevent dishonesty. However, ChromaLock asserts that his modification can override Test Mode, essentially rendering this security measure ineffective.

Moreover, the launcher program for the cheating resources can be downloaded as needed, suggesting that students could potentially evade discovery if a teacher inspects or clears the calculator’s memory prior to a test. Once the exam is underway, the student could merely re-download the launcher and regain access to the cheating resources.

## Ethical Considerations

Although ChromaLock frames his project as a technological feat, the ethical ramifications are impossible to overlook. Utilizing ChatGPT or any external resource during an exam without authorization is almost certainly a breach of academic integrity policies in the majority of educational institutions. In many schools, cheating can lead to serious repercussions, including failing grades, suspension, or even expulsion.

The video acts as a stark reminder of the increasing friction between technological progress and ethical accountability. As tools like ChatGPT become more prevalent, students might be swayed to employ them inappropriately. However, it’s vital to recognize that while technology can provide shortcuts, genuine learning stems from grasping the material, not from discovering methods to circumvent the system.

## Conclusion: A Technical Wonder with Ethical Dilemmas

ChromaLock’s TI-84 modification is unquestionably remarkable from a technical viewpoint. The project reveals a profound comprehension of both hardware and software, extending the possibilities of what a basic graphing calculator can achieve. Nonetheless, the potential for misuse is substantial, and

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“How Splitting Google Might Result in Reduced Online Shopping Expenses”

### The DOJ vs. Google: A Confrontation Regarding Ad Tech Monopoly and Its Effects on Consumers

As the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) advances its antitrust case against Google, the tech behemoth’s grip on the online advertising sector is facing vigorous examination. The DOJ’s objective is to unravel what it claims is a monopoly that has suppressed competition, negatively impacted publishers, and escalated costs for advertisers. However, experts contend that the verdict of this trial might carry substantial consequences for consumers, potentially transforming our online advertising experiences and the wider internet economy.

#### The Purported Monopoly: Google’s Control of the Ad Tech Sector

Central to the DOJ’s argument is the assertion that Google has secured a monopoly in the ad server domain through a series of acquisitions and strategic initiatives. By merging its ad tech offerings on both the buyer and seller fronts, Google purportedly takes a considerable percentage from each online ad transaction. The DOJ posits that this arrangement confines publishers to utilizing Google’s seller-side platform, as it is the sole route to engage with the extensive pool of advertisers that Google oversees. Consequently, this has created barriers for publishers to transition to competing platforms, further solidifying Google’s dominance.

The DOJ asserts that this monopolistic conduct has enabled Google to impose increased fees—referred to by some experts as a “Google tax”—which has raised the costs of online advertising. These heightened expenses are ultimately passed down to consumers through higher prices for goods and services.

#### The Consumer Consequence: Elevated Costs, Diminished Privacy, and Reduced Ad Quality

While a significant portion of the trial has concentrated on the detriment to advertisers and publishers, there are wider ramifications for consumers. According to Sacha Haworth from Tech Oversight, Google’s alleged price gouging for online ads has inflated the price of common items, costing advertisers and publishers nearly $2 billion over the last four years. These expenses are subsequently transferred to consumers during online purchases.

However, the potential risks to consumers go beyond financial aspects. Google’s supremacy in the ad tech arena has also raised alarm over privacy concerns. The firm’s ad strategy heavily relies on gathering extensive amounts of personal data to deliver highly targeted ads. This data-centric method has resulted in an influx of low-quality, intrusive ads that inundate users with irrelevant products.

Elise Phillips, a policy advisor for Public Knowledge, contends that Google’s monopoly has curtailed innovation in the ad tech sector, leading to a deficiency in diversity and relevance in the advertisements consumers encounter. Should the DOJ prevail in the case, Phillips posits that dismantling Google’s ad tech empire could spark increased competition and innovation, ultimately granting consumers more agency over how their personal data is utilized.

#### A Future with Superior Ads and Enhanced Privacy?

A primary argument from analysts observing the trial is that breaking apart Google’s ad tech monopoly could facilitate the introduction of less intrusive ad models. Karina Montoya, a policy analyst at the Open Markets Institute, highlights “conceptual advertising” as a viable alternative. Unlike Google’s data-centric targeting, conceptual advertising employs signals that do not depend on extensive personal information datasets. This method could bolster privacy while still providing relevant ads to consumers.

The aspiration is that heightened competition in the ad tech market would compel firms to integrate these less invasive models, resulting in superior-quality ads that are more pertinent and less disruptive. This shift could also alleviate the “junk ad epidemic” that has afflicted the internet, as observed by *The New York Times* in 2023.

#### The Wider Impact: Could Dissolving Google Transform the Internet?

In addition to enhancing the quality of online ads, experts claim that dismantling Google’s ad tech monopoly could yield expansive consequences for the internet at large. One hypothesis suggests that if publishers were no longer obliged to rely on Google’s ad infrastructure, they might observe increased revenues. This could, in turn, diminish the necessity for paywalls, rendering more content accessible to the public.

Karina Montoya, who also contributes to the Center for Journalism & Liberty, argues that the existing model—where publishers rely on reader subscriptions or contributions to survive—is unsustainable. If publishers had greater alternatives and could generate more income from ads, it could result in a more open and accessible internet, where information is freely available to all.

#### Google’s Counterargument: Integration as a Benefit, Not a Flaw

As the trial unfolds, Google is gearing up to defend its business practices. The tech giant maintains that its integration of ad tech offerings is not a monopolistic endeavor but rather a benefit that aids both publishers and advertisers by providing a cost-effective method to connect. Google contends that it faces rigorous competition in the online advertising field, highlighting the diverse types of advertisements bought and sold across the web.

Nevertheless, industry analysts remain doubtful. Many suspect that Google’s internal documents, which have been introduced as evidence, will complicate its defense. These documents allegedly reveal that Google’s strategy was to acquire competitors to “park” them and dominate the ad

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Google Supports Ending WHOIS in TLS Domain Validation Procedure

# The Conclusion of WHOIS-Dependent Domain Validation: A New Chapter for TLS Certificates

In a pivotal decision that may alter the terrain of online security, certificate authorities (CAs) and browser developers are set to abandon the use of WHOIS information for verifying domain ownership. This action follows findings that unveiled how malicious entities could take advantage of the WHOIS-based verification method to illegitimately acquire Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates. The shift, anticipated to commence in late 2024, could have far-reaching effects for website proprietors, certificate authorities, and the larger internet environment.

## The Importance of TLS Certificates in Online Security

TLS certificates serve as the foundation for secure internet communications. They verify that a website is owned by a legitimate entity and encrypt all interactions between the server and the user. These certificates are vital for establishing HTTPS connections, which are essential for safeguarding sensitive data such as passwords, credit card information, and personal details.

CAs, as trusted intermediaries, are responsible for issuing TLS certificates and verifying the identities of domain owners. The verification process for domain ownership is critical to prevent malicious users from acquiring certificates for domains they do not control, potentially leading to man-in-the-middle attacks, phishing, and other security vulnerabilities.

## The WHOIS-Based Validation Method

Traditionally, one of the methods CAs have relied on to authenticate domain ownership has been WHOIS data. WHOIS is a public registry that holds details about the registered owner of a domain, including contact information like email addresses. According to current regulations, CAs can dispatch a verification email to the address found in the WHOIS record for a domain. If the recipient activates the verification link, the certificate is automatically validated.

However, this approach has long faced criticism regarding its security weaknesses. WHOIS data frequently suffers from being outdated, incorrect, or concealed behind privacy services, rendering it an unreliable information source. Furthermore, the absence of standardized rules for verifying WHOIS records has made it susceptible to exploitation, as evidenced by recent studies.

## The Security Vulnerability Uncovered by watchTowr

In a recent study, analysts from the security firm watchTowr highlighted how malicious actors could misuse the WHOIS-based verification process to gain fraudulent TLS certificates. The analysts successfully created a fraudulent WHOIS server and filled it with fictitious records for domains that end in `.mobi`, a top-level domain (TLD). Through this method, they could receive verification emails for domains they did not own, thus circumventing the security measures that were intended to avert such situations.

The flaw occurred because the official WHOIS server for `.mobi` domains had been moved to a new domain, while the former domain, `dotmobiregistry.net`, was allowed to lapse. The watchTowr team registered the expired domain, established a fake WHOIS server, and discovered that CAs continued to depend on it for domain authentication.

This revelation underscored a vital defect in the WHOIS-based verification method: the absence of a centralized, authoritative source for WHOIS data. Without standardized protocols for validating WHOIS records, CAs found themselves vulnerable to manipulation by malicious entities.

## The CA/Browser Forum’s Reaction

The discoveries made by watchTowr were not overlooked by the CA/Browser Forum (CAB Forum), the industry organization that establishes the guidelines for the issuance and verification of TLS certificates. In light of the findings, a representative from Google suggested that the dependence on WHOIS data for domain ownership verification should be terminated.

The official proposal, presented in September 2024, urges CAs to cease using WHOIS data to determine domain contacts by November 1, 2024. Specifically, the proposal asserts that “CAs MUST NOT rely on WHOIS to identify Domain Contacts” and that “validations using this

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Extensive Handbook on iOS Power-User Capabilities: Unveiling the Updated Control Center and Enhanced Tools

# iOS 18: An In-Depth Look at the Enhanced Control Center and Advanced Features for Power Users

iOS 18 has officially been released, and although the highly awaited **Apple Intelligence** feature is still forthcoming, the update introduces notable improvements in customization, especially within the **home screen** and **Control Center**. This article will highlight the enhanced **Control Center** along with other power-user functionalities, including advancements in **iCloud**, **Files**, and the capability to lock or conceal apps.

While iOS 18 may not have unveiled revolutionary features like **Shortcuts** or the **Files app** from earlier updates, it nonetheless provides an array of new capabilities that empower users to customize their iPhones to a greater extent. Let’s explore these new functionalities.

## Enhanced Control Center

The **Control Center** has always been a fundamental aspect of iOS, allowing users quick access to key functionalities with just a swipe. In iOS 18, Apple has elevated its capabilities by integrating customization options, controls for third-party apps, and a paginated layout.

### Significant Updates in Control Center:
– **Customization**: Users now have the option to reorder, resize, and incorporate additional controls directly from the Control Center, eliminating the need to access the Settings app.
– **Third-party app controls**: For the first time, third-party applications can present their own controls within the Control Center, unlocking new avenues for quick app functionalities.
– **Shortcuts integration**: You’re able to add **Shortcuts** to the Control Center, enhancing automation and rapid actions even further.

### New Interface Features:
When you swipe down from the top-right corner of the display to engage the Control Center, you’ll observe some new additions:
– **A “+” symbol in the top-left corner**: This opens the customization menu, letting you reorder and resize controls.
– **A power icon in the top-right corner**: Pressing and holding this brings up the swipe-to-power-off interface.
– **Three icons along the right side of the display**: These signify the three default pages in the newly paginated Control Center.

### Paginated Control Center

The Control Center is now segmented into multiple pages, each indicated by an icon on the right side of the screen:
1. **First page (Heart icon)**: This page retains all the controls from the previous version of Control Center, with ample opportunities for customization.
2. **Second page (Music icon)**: This page features a substantial “Now Playing” widget for music and audio along with **AirPlay** controls.
3. **Third page (Connectivity icon)**: Dedicated to connectivity options, this page includes toggles for **Wi-Fi**, **Bluetooth**, **AirDrop**, **Cellular**, and **VPN**.

Users can swipe vertically to navigate between these pages, and they have the option to add or remove pages by customizing the controls.

### Customizing Pages and Controls

The customization process has become more straightforward and user-friendly. You can activate customization mode by tapping the **“+”** icon or long-pressing any empty area in the Control Center. In this mode, a grid appears, enabling you to add, remove, and rearrange controls.

– **Adding controls**: Click “Add a control” at the bottom of the display to pull up a searchable list of available controls, including those from third-party applications.
– **Resizing controls**: Controls can be resized by moving a marker located at the bottom-right corner of each control. However, most controls lack substantial additional features when resized, which could be seen as a missed opportunity.

### Third-Party App Controls

While there is currently a limited selection of third-party app controls, the potential for this feature is immense. Given that the Control Center can be accessed anytime in iOS, the inclusion of third-party app controls could significantly enhance workflows and make the iPhone even more effective for power users.

## iCloud, Files, and External Drives

In addition to the Control Center, iOS 18 introduces several smaller yet valuable updates in the **Files app** and **iCloud**.

### Files App Improvements:
– **Keep Downloaded**: You can now mark specific files to stay downloaded on your device, preventing iOS from automatically offloading them to the cloud when storage is low.
– **External Drive Compatibility**: iOS 18 adds support for formatting external drives connected via USB-C in **APFS**, **exFAT**, or **MS-DOS (FAT32)** formats. You can also erase drives directly from the Files app, though this function is only available on USB-C enabled iPhones.

### iCloud Management:
– **Redesigned iCloud panel**: The iCloud management panel within the Settings app has been overhauled for improved readability and easier navigation.

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