Tag: Source: Arstechnica.com

Brazilian Magistrate Directs Confiscation of Starlink Assets to Settle Penalty Enforced on Elon Musk’s X

### Brazil Takes Millions from Musk’s Starlink and X Over Legal Conflict

In a notable legal turn, Brazil’s Supreme Court has confiscated nearly $2 million from a Starlink bank account and an additional $1.3 million from X (previously known as Twitter) to recover fines levied against Elon Musk’s social media platform. These fines were imposed after X did not adhere to court orders to suspend accounts accused of spreading misinformation. The court’s ruling, revealed on Friday, represents the latest facet of an ongoing legal struggle between Musk’s enterprises and the Brazilian judiciary.

#### Background of the Conflict

The disagreement between Musk’s companies and Brazil’s Supreme Court dates back several months when X opted not to follow an order from Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes. The directive required X to suspend numerous accounts accused of spreading false information, especially regarding political events in Brazil. Musk publicly announced his intention to disregard the order, resulting in additional legal proceedings.

Justice de Moraes reacted by freezing the bank accounts associated with both Starlink and X, regarding them as part of the same *de facto* economic group due to Musk’s oversight of both firms. The court also mandated Brazilian Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to block access to X, effectively halting the platform in the country.

#### Confiscation of Funds and Account Unfreezing

The announcement from the Brazilian Supreme Court confirmed that two banks had transferred funds from Starlink and X to the Brazilian government. After the fines were settled, the court unfroze the companies’ accounts. Nonetheless, the suspension of X’s social media platform in Brazil continues to be enforced.

The fines originated from X’s noncompliance with the court’s requests to suspend accounts linked to misinformation, many of which were connected to supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro has been accused of inciting the January 8, 2023, assault on the Brazilian Congress following his defeat in the 2022 presidential election.

#### Starlink’s Initial Resistance and Later Compliance

At first, Starlink, Musk’s satellite internet venture, resisted the court’s order to block X from its broadband service. The company contended that the asset freeze was unwarranted and unconstitutional. However, Starlink swiftly reversed its position, consenting to block X while pursuing a legal challenge against the asset freeze.

Despite Starlink’s agreement, the Brazilian Supreme Court ruled that Starlink and X had missed the deadline to appeal the decision categorizing them as a single economic entity. This ruling enabled the court to treat both firms as one when imposing the fines.

#### Claims of Harassment

The legal confrontation has intensified into a heated exchange between Musk’s enterprises and the Brazilian judiciary. SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell accused Justice de Moraes of “harassing Starlink” and contended that the company should not bear responsibility for the fines imposed on X. Starlink has consistently argued that the fines are unconstitutional and that it is being unfairly targeted.

X has likewise opposed the court’s measures, asserting that the platform is being penalized for rejecting what it describes as “illegal orders” aimed at censoring political adversaries of Justice de Moraes. X’s Global Government Affairs account stated that the platform is not violating Brazilian law but instead contesting what it perceives as judicial overreach.

“We are certainly not demanding that other nations adopt the same free speech laws as the United States,” X’s statement asserted. “The core issue at play is that Judge de Moraes insists we violate Brazil’s own laws. We simply will not comply.”

#### Political Context: Bolsonaro and Musk

The legal struggle carries wider political ramifications, particularly due to the involvement of former President Jair Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro, a right-wing populist, has openly supported Musk, especially after Musk’s choice to defy the court orders related to suspending accounts associated with Bolsonaro’s supporters. In April 2024, Bolsonaro and his backers commended Musk for opposing what they perceived as judicial overreach.

Bolsonaro has also faced legal scrutiny for his involvement in the January 8, 2023, attack on the Brazilian Congress, orchestrated by his supporters after his electoral loss. The event has drawn parallels to the January 6, 2021, storming of the U.S. Capitol by supporters of then-President Donald Trump.

Reports from Brazilian news sources indicate that some of the accounts Justice de Moraes ordered X to suspend were tied to individuals who had issued threats against federal police officers involved in investigations concerning Bolsonaro. This has intensified the political tension surrounding the legal dispute, as Bolsonaro’s supporters view the court’s actions as efforts to suppress dissent.

#### Conclusion

The ongoing legal clash between Elon Musk’s enterprises and Brazil’s Supreme Court underscores the difficulties of reconciling free speech, misinformation, and judicial authority in the modern digital landscape. While Musk’s companies

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Larry Ellison Supports AI-Enhanced Cameras to Oversee and Encourage Positive Conduct

**Larry Ellison’s Perspective on an AI-Enhanced Surveillance Landscape: A Move Toward Pervasive Oversight**

On Thursday, Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison presented a daring and contentious outlook for an AI-enhanced surveillance landscape during a corporate financial meeting, as highlighted by *Business Insider*. Ellison, who briefly became the world’s second-richest individual last week, depicted a scenario where artificial intelligence (AI) systems would incessantly observe citizens through a comprehensive network of cameras and drones. Ellison asserted that this system would guarantee compliance with the law by both police officers and citizens, fostering a society where everyone is “on their best behavior.”

### The Horizon of AI Surveillance

Ellison’s vision encompasses AI models scrutinizing footage from various sources, such as security cameras, police body cameras, doorbell cameras, and dash cameras of vehicles. He envisioned a realm where AI would autonomously report any criminal acts or misbehaviors, facilitating unceasing oversight. “Citizens will be on their best behavior because we are perpetually recording and reporting everything that’s happening,” Ellison stated during the meeting. He further highlighted that police officers would operate under consistent scrutiny, with AI identifying any concerns for relevant authorities.

Beyond monitoring, Ellison forecasted that AI-operated drones would substitute police vehicles in high-speed chases. “You simply allow a drone to follow the car,” he clarified, emphasizing the simplicity and efficacy of employing autonomous drones for law enforcement in an AI-driven age.

Ellison, who co-founded Oracle in 1977 and served as CEO until 2014, currently acts as executive chairman and CTO at the firm. His comments during the meeting signal that Oracle is gearing up to emerge as a pivotal entity in the AI surveillance arena, capitalizing on its technological prowess to develop systems that could redefine how societies are overseen and governed.

### A Recognizable Dystopian Outlook?

Although Ellison endeavored to frame his notion of universal public surveillance in an optimistic manner, his statements have sparked considerable worries regarding privacy, civil liberties, and the risk of exploitation. The concept of continuous oversight by AI systems resonates with the dystopian narrative depicted in George Orwell’s *1984*, where the government of Oceania employs “telescreens” to monitor citizens persistently, creating a society lacking privacy and freedom of thought.

In Ellison’s portrayal, however, the ever-watchful eyes of authority are not human observers but AI systems. This transition from human supervision to AI-led surveillance raises new ethical and legal dilemmas. Who governs the AI? In what manner is the data utilized? What measures exist to avert misuse? These are merely a few of the issues that emerge when contemplating a world where AI assumes the role of monitoring and reporting human behavior.

### AI Surveillance in Practice

Ellison’s vision is not wholly hypothetical. AI-driven surveillance technologies are already undergoing trials and implementation in several regions worldwide. For instance, the London Underground has tested real-time AI surveillance tools to detect criminal activity, and the 2024 Olympics in Paris utilized AI systems to oversee crowds and identify potential security hazards.

China has emerged as a frontrunner in the adoption of AI surveillance technology. Since 2015, the nation has enacted its “Sharp Eyes” initiative, which employs a network of surveillance cameras to monitor both urban and rural environments. In 2022, *Reuters* reported that Chinese enterprises developed AI software capable of compiling data gathered from these cameras into individual profiles, leading some to label it a “path to digital totalitarianism.”

The application of AI in surveillance is not confined to authoritarian regimes. In democratic societies, the equilibrium between security and privacy remains a persistent source of tension. As AI surveillance systems advance, the potential for misuse—be it by governments, corporations, or malicious actors—escalates, making it imperative to establish explicit regulations and ethical frameworks.

### The Hardware Hurdle

Ellison’s vision of AI-driven surveillance necessitates substantial improvements in hardware, particularly in AI-accelerating components like GPUs (Graphics Processing Units). However, a shortage of these vital components could hinder the evolution and implementation of such systems. During the same financial gathering, Ellison recounted a dinner with Elon Musk and Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang, where both expressed the urgent need for more GPUs to satisfy the increasing demand for AI applications. “Please take our money… we need you to accept more of our funds,” Ellison reportedly stated, highlighting the fierce competition for the hardware essential to power AI systems.

### AI Beyond Monitoring

Surveillance constitutes just one of the numerous capabilities of AI that excites Ellison. Oracle, similar to other significant tech firms, is making substantial investments in AI across a wide array of sectors. For instance, Oracle recently collaborated with Musk’s SpaceX to formulate AI tools for agriculture, aiming to transform farming through advanced data analysis and automation.

Ellison forecasted that over the forthcoming five years, businesses will invest more than $100 billion in developing

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Researchers Utilize Doritos Colorant to Render Mice Translucent

**Stanford Researchers Innovate Reversible Skin Clarity Using Doritos Dye**

A major hurdle in medical imaging is the challenge of seeing through opaque tissues like skin. This limitation necessitates the use of technologies such as ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and X-rays for visualizing internal organs and structures. Although there are chemical solutions that can render tissues transparent, like acrylamide or tetrahydrofuran, they are seldom employed in living organisms due to their toxicity or the potential to dissolve vital biomolecules.

Nevertheless, a significant advancement has been achieved by a group of scientists at Stanford University. They have identified a method to temporarily render skin transparent without causing harm. The unexpected agent responsible for this breakthrough? Tartrazine, a yellow-orange food coloring commonly referred to as FD&C Yellow 5, often found in products such as Doritos.

### The Science of Clarity

The inability to see through skin stems from its intricate structure. Skin comprises various elements, including aqueous substances such as cell interiors and fluids, alongside proteins and lipids. These constituents possess differing refractive indices, which quantify how much light slows down as it passes through a medium. Aqueous elements have a low refractive index, whereas proteins and lipids have a high one. As light traverses the skin, it continually bends at the interfaces between these materials, resulting in scattering. This scattering obstructs light from penetrating deeply and returning, rendering the skin opaque.

To achieve skin transparency, the objective is to diminish light scattering by creating a more uniform refractive index. This is where tartrazine becomes crucial.

### An Unexpected Finding

Guosong Hong, an assistant professor of materials science and engineering at Stanford and the study’s senior author, expressed surprise at the outcomes. “The most unexpected aspect of this study is our usual assumption that dye molecules reduce transparency,” Hong noted. “For instance, adding blue pen ink to water results in decreased light transmission. However, in our tests, dissolving tartrazine in an opaque medium like muscle or skin, which typically scatters light, surprisingly increased clarity with more tartrazine. This contradicts our conventional expectations regarding dyes.”

### Crafting a “Clarity Solution”

The team created a “clarity solution” by dissolving tartrazine in an aqueous mixture. This solution effectively minimized the refractive index disparity between water and lipids in the skin. The researchers initially applied the solution to polymer gels designed to mimic light-scattering tissue properties. Following successful outcomes, they proceeded with more complicated models, including thinly sliced chicken breasts and live mice.

Upon application to a mouse’s skin, the solution began to take effect within minutes. When massaged into the shaved scalp of a mouse, it enabled researchers to visualize cerebral blood vessels using laser speckle contrast imaging, a method typically requiring scalp removal. When applied to the abdomen, the solution rendered internal organs, like the liver, bladder, and small intestine, visible to the naked eye. Importantly, the clarity effect was reversible—washing off the solution with water restored the skin’s opacity.

### Challenges and Constraints

Despite promising results, several challenges were encountered. One issue was that tartrazine absorbed most light at wavelengths around 257 and 428 nanometers, allowing visualization of violet and blue shades. However, it displayed minimal absorption above 600 nanometers, leading to a red hue when observing the transparent skin. Additionally, the depth of penetration posed a challenge. The solution worked efficiently on thinner skin areas but had difficulty penetrating thicker skin.

Moreover, the solution’s formulation was not universally applicable. The team needed to identify a chemical that corresponded to the refractive index of lipids in water, requiring extensive trial and error. Individual variations among mice also complicated the development of a standardized solution.

### Tackling Challenges: Tattoos and Needles

In response to the issues related to penetrating thicker skin, researchers contemplated more invasive approaches. “Using microneedle patch applicators or subcutaneous injections could facilitate the delivery of the molecules through thicker skin layers,” Hong proposed. Regarding the red tint, Hong’s lab is actively researching alternative dyes that absorb light in the near-ultraviolet spectrum, which could help reduce the red tone and enhance clarity.

Hong also pointed out potential human applications for this technology, although testing has only been conducted on animals thus far. If adapted successfully for human use, the clarity solution could transform areas such as biology, diagnostics, and even cosmetics. For instance, it could enable non-invasive assessment of deep-seated tumors, simplify vein location, thereby reducing stress during blood tests, and improve laser tattoo removal by allowing precise targeting of pigments beneath the skin.

### Warning: Don’t Attempt This at Home

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In-Depth Examination of macOS 15 Sequoia by Ars Technica

**macOS 15 Sequoia: An In-Depth Review**

The newest macOS update, macOS 15 Sequoia, has arrived, and although it might be referred to as “the AI version” in retrospect, the initial 15.0 release does not include the highly awaited Apple Intelligence features. These AI-based tools are anticipated to be introduced in subsequent updates, with some expected in 15.1 later this fall, while others, like image generation, might be postponed until year-end. Nevertheless, Sequoia presents numerous non-AI enhancements that render it a worthwhile update for Mac users, especially those utilizing Apple Silicon devices. Here’s a thorough exploration of what macOS 15 Sequoia brings to the table.

### System Requirements and Compatibility

Sequoia maintains support for the majority of Macs compatible with macOS 14 Sonoma, including Intel models. However, the disparity between Intel and Apple Silicon Macs is increasing, as the new Apple Intelligence functionalities will be reserved for Apple Silicon devices. Here’s the complete compatibility listing:

– 2019 iMac and newer
– 2020 MacBook Air and newer (both Intel and Apple Silicon)
– 2018 MacBook Pro and onward
– 2019 Mac Pro and beyond
– 2018 Mac mini and later
– 2017 iMac Pro
– All Mac Studio versions

Intel Macs will be left out of the Apple Intelligence features, but they can still use Sequoia, marking the first instance since 2019 that a macOS version is compatible with the same Intel Macs as the prior release.

### Notable Features in macOS 15 Sequoia

#### Window Tiling (Snapping)
A key highlight of Sequoia is the addition of window tiling, a frequently requested feature that enables users to snap windows to the edges or corners of their display, akin to Windows’ Aero Snap. This functionality simplifies multitasking by allowing users to swiftly arrange windows into halves or quarters of the screen. Keyboard shortcuts further improve the experience, making it an effective tool for those who appreciate a tidier workspace.

#### iPhone Mirroring
Sequoia debuts iPhone Mirroring, which allows users to see and interact with their iPhone screen directly from their Mac. This function is especially beneficial for managing applications lacking Mac versions or for quickly accessing iPhone-specific capabilities without needing to pick up the device. However, it comes with some constraints, such as the inability to access the lock screen or utilize Apple Pay.

#### Safari 18
Safari 18 introduces several enhancements designed to elevate the browsing experience. Highlights and Reader Summaries leverage AI to deliver swift summaries of articles, while the “Hide Distracting Items” function lets users temporarily eliminate bothersome page elements like advertisements and pop-ups. Safari Web Apps also receive upgrades with support for extensions and the capability to open links directly within web applications.

#### Passwords App
The new standalone Passwords app in Sequoia streamlines the organization of passwords, passkeys, and two-factor authentication codes in a more intuitive manner. It also connects with Chrome and Edge through an autofill extension, making it a feasible alternative to third-party password managers for users deeply embedded in the Apple ecosystem.

#### Photos and Notes
The Photos app introduces a new “Trips” view to categorize photos by travel dates, while the Notes app features collapsible subheadings and Math Notes that can process equations right within a note. These minor yet beneficial updates enhance the functionality of both apps for daily usage.

### Under-the-Hood Enhancements

#### Virtualization Improvements
Sequoia upgrades Apple’s Virtualization framework, enabling users to sign in to iCloud from macOS virtual machines for the first time. This is a major advancement for developers and testers who depend on VMs for testing iCloud-related features.

#### Game Porting Toolkit 2
The Game Porting Toolkit has been refreshed to include support for AVX2 instructions and ray tracing, simplifying the process of running Windows games on macOS. While Apple promotes this toolkit as a bridge for developers to transition games to macOS, third-party applications like Whisky have enabled the running of unmodified Windows games on Mac.

#### FSKit for Userspace File Systems
Sequoia rolls out FSKit, a new framework allowing developers to incorporate support for additional file systems without needing kernel extensions. This could potentially enhance support for file systems such as NTFS, ZFS, and ext4 in the future.

### Privacy and Security Enhancements

#### Stricter Gatekeeper
Sequoia fortifies security by eliminating the option to bypass Gatekeeper via a simple right-click. Users must now navigate through System Settings to permit unsigned applications to operate, adding an additional security layer while also increasing the inconvenience for users who often execute unsigned software.

#### Private and Rotating MAC Addresses
Sequoia incorporates iOS’s “Private Wi-Fi Address” feature, which assigns a unique MAC address for each Wi-Fi connection, enhancing user privacy.

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New iOS 17 and macOS 14 Updates Launched Today for Users Reluctant to Upgrade

# Apple Unveils iOS 18, iPadOS 18, macOS 15 Sequoia, and More: Essential Information

Today signifies the official launch of Apple’s newest operating systems: **iOS 18**, **iPadOS 18**, and **macOS 15 Sequoia**, along with various other software updates. These upgrades set the stage for Apple’s forthcoming advancements, such as the highly anticipated **Apple Intelligence** and additional features expected to be disclosed at next year’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). Nevertheless, while some users are keen to dive into the new functionalities, others might prefer to wait for enhanced stability before transitioning to these significant updates.

## Key Features in iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS 15 Sequoia

Apple’s new operating systems offer numerous new features and improvements aimed at elevating user experience, performance, and security. Below are some notable highlights:

### iOS 18 and iPadOS 18
1. **Apple Intelligence**: A significant element of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 is the incorporation of **Apple Intelligence**, a new AI-centered feature that enhances various aspects from Siri interaction to on-device machine learning. Apple Intelligence aims to make device interactions more intuitive and tailored to individual needs.

2. **Enhanced Widgets**: Widgets have become more dynamic and interactive, allowing users to carry out actions directly from the home screen without the necessity to open applications.

3. **Advanced Privacy Features**: Apple continues to emphasize privacy with new functionalities that provide users with more control over their information. This includes improved app tracking transparency and more detailed permission settings.

4. **Multitasking Enhancements**: iPadOS 18 rolls out new multitasking functionalities, featuring an upgraded Split View and Slide Over, simplifying the management of multiple apps at once.

5. **Health and Wellness**: iOS 18 introduces new health monitoring features, including mental health tracking and enhanced sleep monitoring capabilities.

### macOS 15 Sequoia
1. **Revamped Interface**: macOS 15 Sequoia presents a rejuvenated design language, complete with smoother animations and a more unified appearance across applications and system components.

2. **Universal Control Improvements**: Expanding on the success of Universal Control, macOS 15 Sequoia facilitates the use of a single mouse and keyboard across various Apple gadgets, including iPads and Macs.

3. **Enhanced iOS and iPadOS Integration**: macOS 15 Sequoia continues to bridge the gap between Mac and iOS/iPadOS devices, delivering improved continuity features such as **Handoff**, **AirDrop**, and **Universal Clipboard**.

4. **Performance Improvements**: Apple has refined macOS 15 Sequoia for optimal efficiency on both Intel and Apple Silicon Macs, guaranteeing quicker application launches, extended battery life, and enhanced overall performance.

## Is an Immediate Upgrade Recommended?

While the new features in iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS 15 Sequoia are thrilling, not everyone may feel compelled to upgrade right away. Historically, major operating system updates (those ending in “0”) can come with flaws and reliability issues that are resolved in later releases. If you value stability and dependability over new features, it might be wise to wait for a few bug-fix updates before transitioning.

### Security-Only Updates for Earlier Operating Systems

For those choosing to hold off, Apple is also providing **security-only updates** for previous-generation operating systems. These updates encompass:

– **iOS 17.7**
– **iPadOS 17.7**
– **macOS 14.7**
– **macOS 13 Ventura Security Update**
– **Safari 18 Update** (compatible with macOS 13 and 14)

These updates ensure that users opting not to upgrade to the latest operating systems can still receive essential security patches, preserving their devices’ safety without confronting potential bugs in the new software.

## Apple’s Dedication to Security Updates for Older Devices

Apple has consistently demonstrated a commitment to delivering security updates for older macOS versions, typically supporting them for approximately two years following the release of a new version. This approach enables users to use their devices securely without feeling the urgency to upgrade promptly.

With regard to iOS and iPadOS, Apple has traditionally ceased updates for older versions once a new iteration is launched. However, this policy shifted in **2021** when Apple began offering **security-only updates** for previous iOS versions. This adjustment was designed to accommodate users apprehensive about installing new operating systems that might contain bugs.

### How Long Will Support for Older Devices Last?

Eventually, users must update to iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 to continue receiving security updates. However, for older devices that are **incompatible** with iOS 18 or iPadOS 18

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“UFO 50: An Outstanding Homage to Retro Gaming Brilliance”

# **UFO 50: A Retro Gaming Goldmine**

If you’ve ever dabbled with retro gaming emulators, you likely understand the thrill of sifting through an extensive list of (legally acquired) ROMs, uncovering hidden treasures amidst the plethora of titles. The thrill of haphazardly selecting a game and rediscovering a classic is a nostalgic joy for many. **UFO 50**, a compilation of 50 games from the fictional developer UFO Soft, encapsulates that sentiment, merging the wild creativity of early video game design with contemporary enhancements. The outcome is an immensely enjoyable tribute to gaming history that is sure to enchant even the most cynical retro game enthusiasts.

## **A Heartfelt Tribute to the ’80s**

**UFO 50** presents itself as a trove of 50 vintage game cartridges from UFO Soft, a fictional entity said to have operated from 1982 to 1989. As you navigate through the collection, you’ll observe the progression of graphics, music, and gameplay mechanics that reflect the real gaming landscape of the 1980s. The titles include recurring characters, themes, and even credited “developers,” establishing a believable universe surrounding the games themselves.

While the individual entries in **UFO 50** showcase their influences openly, paying tribute to classic ’80s arcade and console games, none feel like mere imitators. Every game introduces its own spin or innovative concept, making them feel vibrant and thrilling. For instance, **Kick Club** clearly nods to **Bubble Bobble**, but instead of bubble-blowing dinosaurs, you control a soccer player who must perpetually pursue his only tool—a soccer ball.

## **An Eclectic Array of Games**

The incredible diversity of gameplay concepts in **UFO 50** is remarkable. From shoot-em-ups to puzzle games, from brawlers to strategy titles, the collection spans almost every genre that characterized the ’80s gaming landscape. And it goes beyond that. Some games in the assortment explore genres that didn’t even exist back in the day, re-envisioning what might have been achievable on an NES-like system.

For example, **Rock On! Island** serves as a caveman-themed tower defense game, a genre that was non-existent in the ’80s. **Hyper Contender** is an arena brawler reminiscent of **Super Smash Bros.**, featuring original characters with unique abilities and weapons. Then there’s **Velgress**, which merges retro run-and-gun platforming with modern roguelike procedural generation, offering a distinctive mix of old and new.

Some titles in **UFO 50** present entirely original ideas that challenge the limits of what could have been realized on retro hardware. **Lords of Diskonia**, for example, is a tactical combat game where you launch units depicted as **Crokinole**-style disks at foes. **Party House** tasks you with managing a Rolodex of party-goers to maximize your popularity without drawing the attention of the police. Lastly, there’s **Waldorf’s Journey**, where you launch a walrus on blind jumps, controlling his landing through energy-draining flaps of his flippers.

## **Meticulous Attention to Detail**

What distinguishes **UFO 50** is the remarkable attention to detail. Each game is designed with care, featuring stunning character design, pixel art, and catchy chiptune scores. Even if certain genres or concepts may not appeal to you, the craftsmanship that went into creating 50 unique miniature worlds is commendable.

In contrast to many contemporary “retro-inspired” games, **UFO 50** adheres closely to the technical limitations of the ’80s. The resolution, color palette, and audio design are confined to what would have been viable on an NES-like console, lending the collection an authenticity that any traditional gamer will cherish.

This authenticity extends to the quirky, often absurd character designs and deliberately cheesy dialogue that defined many ’80s games. For instance, **Kick Club**’s “USA World” showcases strolling football helmets, floating baseballs, and bouncing basketballs—a clichéd yet charming illustration of American sports culture.

## **A Test for Modern Gamers**

One of the most invigorating elements of **UFO 50** is its unwillingness to guide you through every step. Many of the titles, particularly the strategy games, demand that you decipher the controls and mechanics independently, reminiscent of the gaming style of the ’80s. There are no tutorials or in-game assistance to facilitate your journey. Instead, you must unravel the gameplay through experimentation, which can be both maddening and gratifying.

This sense of exploration harks back to an era where every new game posed a conundrum to unravel, and hidden secrets were the talk of the playground. **UFO 50** is laden with secrets and techniques that will take time to uncover, and while walkthrough

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DirecTV and Disney Settle Blackout, Unveil Strategies for Enhanced Channel Bundles

**DirecTV and Disney Announce New Distribution Agreement: Implications for Viewers**

Following a contentious two-week blackout that left countless DirecTV subscribers without access to beloved Disney-owned channels like ABC and ESPN, the two entertainment powerhouses have finally come to a new distribution accord. The blackout, which initiated in early September 2024, disrupted viewership of significant sporting events, such as the US Open, college football, and the kickoff of the NFL season, causing widespread frustration among fans. Nevertheless, on September 14, 2024, DirecTV and Disney revealed they had reached a preliminary agreement, reinstating Disney’s complete array of networks for DirecTV customers.

### The Blackout: A Dispute Over Content Worth

The contention between DirecTV and Disney revolved around the assessment of Disney’s programming. Disney charged DirecTV with “undervaluing” its channels, while DirecTV contended that it sought more flexibility to provide customers with slimmer, tailor-made channel options. DirecTV aimed to prevent customers from being compelled to pay for unwanted channels, a frequent grievance among cable and satellite television users.

Throughout the blackout, DirecTV endeavored to appease its clients by offering $20 credits to those impacted. However, the deprivation of access to Disney’s highly sought networks, including ESPN, Freeform, FX, and National Geographic, was a significant setback, particularly for sports enthusiasts eager to catch major events like the NFL season opener.

### The New Agreement: Enhanced Flexibility for Viewers

The new arrangement between Disney and DirecTV is set to deliver greater flexibility and choice for viewers. Per a joint statement, the deal will enable DirecTV to provide various genre-specific packages, including sports, entertainment, and kids & family, which will entail Disney’s linear channels. Furthermore, streaming platforms like Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+ will be part of select DirecTV packages under a wholesale deal, with options available à la carte as well.

This “first-of-its-kind partnership,” as the companies termed it, aims to empower consumers with more control over their viewing choices. For instance, sports enthusiasts might select a sports-focused package featuring ESPN and ESPN+, while families could choose a package that encompasses Disney Channel and National Geographic.

A key aspect of the agreement is that DirecTV will also acquire the rights to distribute Disney’s forthcoming ESPN flagship direct-to-consumer service upon its debut. This service, anticipated to be a major contender in the sports streaming arena, will be accessible to DirecTV customers at no extra charge.

### DirecTV’s Challenges: A Dwindling Business

Although the new agreement with Disney is a positive development for DirecTV in the immediate future, the satellite television provider is still grappling with considerable obstacles. DirecTV has been shedding customers at a concerning rate, a trend that predates the Disney blackout. AT&T, which acquired DirecTV for $48.5 billion in 2015, witnessed the service lose over 9.5 million subscribers within just four years. In 2021, AT&T spun off DirecTV into an independent entity, yet it retains a 70% ownership share.

Despite the spinoff, DirecTV’s subscriber attrition has persisted. In 2023, analysts estimated an additional loss of 1.8 million customers, reducing its total subscriber count to 11.3 million. The recent blackout involving Disney only exacerbated these losses, with DirecTV’s Chief Marketing Officer Vince Torres acknowledging that the company lost “not an immaterial number of customers” during the conflict.

To compound the situation, DirecTV revealed a price increase set to take effect on October 6, 2024. This decision is likely to further irritate customers, particularly those already dissatisfied by the Disney blackout.

### The Future of Television: Increased Customization, Enhanced Streaming

The recent agreement between DirecTV and Disney encapsulates wider trends within the television industry. As greater numbers of consumers cut ties with traditional cable in favor of streaming platforms, conventional cable and satellite providers are under increasing pressure to offer more flexible, tailored options. The era of bulky, one-size-fits-all channel packages is swiftly fading.

Streaming platforms like Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+ are emerging as vital elements in the offerings of television providers. By incorporating these services into its packages, DirecTV recognizes the rising demand for streaming content. The inclusion of Disney’s upcoming ESPN direct-to-consumer service further illustrates that the future of television is evolving towards a hybrid model that melds traditional linear channels with on-demand streaming alternatives.

### Conclusion: A Triumph for Consumers?

At present, the resolution of the Disney-DirecTV disagreement stands as a victory for consumers, particularly for sports fans eager to regain access to ESPN and other Disney-owned channels. The new agreement holds the promise of delivering increased flexibility and choice,

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Grasping the Aspirational Objectives of the Private Polaris Spaceflight Initiative

### SpaceX’s Polaris Dawn Mission: A New Era in Private Space Exploration

In the early hours of Sunday morning, a white spacecraft, bearing minor burn marks from its reentry, glided down from the night sky and immersed itself in the serene waters of the Gulf of Mexico, close to Key West. The vessel, designated *Resilience*, had just accomplished a landmark mission, signifying a pivotal moment in the journey of private space exploration.

The site for the landing was meticulously selected based on forecasts, ensuring tranquil seas and light winds for a seamless recovery process. As the spacecraft gently floated on the water’s surface, a recovery ship moved in, prepared to collect the four-member crew who had just concluded one of the most daring private spaceflights recorded.

### The Crew and Their Ambitious Voyage

Aboard *Resilience* were four astronauts: Commander Jared Isaacman, a billionaire entrepreneur who financed the expedition; Sarah Gillis and Anna Menon, SpaceX engineers on their inaugural trip to space; and Pilot Kidd Poteet. The crew had recently returned from an innovative mission named **Polaris Dawn**, which tested the limits of private space exploration.

Isaacman, who previously participated in SpaceX’s Inspiration4 mission, expressed his excitement upon returning to Earth. “Mission accomplished,” he declared after the successful splashdown.

### A Landmark Accomplishment

The Polaris Dawn mission proved to be a remarkable triumph, achieving multiple critical milestones in space exploration. The spacecraft ascended to an altitude of **1,408.1 kilometers**, the highest Earth orbit achieved since the Apollo missions more than half a century ago. This represented the furthest distance humans have ventured from Earth in recent years, even exceeding the orbits of the International Space Station (ISS).

However, the mission’s feats did not end there. On the third day of the journey, the crew made history by performing the **first-ever private spacewalk**. After releasing the cabin’s atmosphere into space, Commander Isaacman and Sarah Gillis dressed in newly engineered spacesuits and ventured outside the Dragon spacecraft. These suits, designed by SpaceX over the past two years, signify a considerable advancement in space technology. Unlike traditional suits funded by government agencies, these commercial spacesuits are more economically viable and may open avenues for future spacewalks on the Moon, Mars, and beyond.

While this spacewalk mirrored achievements made by the Soviet Union and the United States back in the 1960s, it represented a significant advancement for private space exploration. The mission demonstrated that private companies could not only replicate governmental milestones but also innovate on them.

### Starlink Connectivity in Orbit

Another major milestone of the Polaris Dawn mission was the effective demonstration of **Starlink satellite connectivity** in space. On the mission’s concluding day, the crew engaged in a 40-minute video conversation with SpaceX’s headquarters in Hawthorne, California. During this period, the spacecraft enjoyed continuous communication through a network of Starlink satellites positioned in low-Earth orbit.

This trial confirmed the feasibility of utilizing Starlink’s satellite framework to deliver high-speed internet to spacecraft in orbit. As SpaceX persistently enlarges its Starlink constellation, this technology has the potential to transform communication in space, ensuring dependable internet access for forthcoming missions and even space tourism.

### The Bigger Picture: Beyond a Billionaire’s Playground

Detractors of private space initiatives frequently label them as mere joyrides for the affluent, citing individuals like Jared Isaacman as billionaires indulging their whims. However, this viewpoint dismisses the wider implications of missions such as Polaris Dawn.

Isaacman and his team underwent nearly two years of preparation for this mission, equipping themselves to face the dangers and obstacles inherent in space travel. Unlike NASA’s missions to the ISS, which carry a loss-of-crew risk of 1-in-270, the Polaris Dawn mission carried greater dangers due to its elevated altitude and the undertaking of a spacewalk. The crew’s readiness to embrace these challenges showcases the gravity of their mission.

So, why take these risks? The rationale lies in the future of space exploration. After almost seventy years of spaceflight, the ultimate frontier remains significantly uncharted. For humanity to extend its reach beyond Earth and navigate other worlds, travel to space needs to become more attainable and cost-effective. Relying solely on government-sponsored missions will not fulfill this objective. Instead, private enterprises like SpaceX, propelled by visionary individuals like Isaacman, are at the forefront of crafting a future where space is accessible to all.

### Paving the Path for Tomorrow

The Polaris Dawn mission transcends being a personal triumph for Jared Isaacman and his team. It symbolizes a crucial stride towards democratizing space travel. By challenging the capabilities of SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft and accelerating the evolution of affordable spacesuits, the mission has established the foundation for upcoming missions that may one day carry everyday individuals into space.

Though Isaacman may have been the first to undertake such an audacious private mission, he will undoubtedly not be the last. Through his endeavors, he aspires

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Nine-Day Seismic Activity Connected to Enormous Landslide in Greenland

### The Skyscraper-Sized Tsunami That Resonated Across the Entire Globe—And No One Anticipated It

In September 2023, seismic researchers worldwide identified a strange and perplexing signal on monitoring stations, spanning from the Arctic to the Antarctic. It was not the usual quake rumble, but rather a steady, unchanging hum that lasted an incredible nine days. This enigmatic signal, initially designated as a “USO” (Unidentified Seismic Object), confounded specialists.

Following a thorough examination, the origin of the signal was traced to a colossal landslide in Greenland’s secluded Dickson Fjord. An astonishing volume of rock and ice—sufficient to fill 10,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools—had fallen into the fjord, resulting in a 200-meter-high mega-tsunami and a rare occurrence known as a seiche, a standing wave that oscillated back and forth in the fjord for nine days.

This incident, now reported in the journal *Science*, was a joint effort involving 66 scientists from 40 institutions across 15 nations. The inquiry required synthesizing seismic data, satellite images, water level monitors, and simulations depicting the tsunami’s progression. The results unveiled a disastrous sequence of events, intensified by years of global warming that had weakened the glacier, ultimately leading to the mountain’s collapse above it.

### Uncharted Waters: Climate Change and Seismic Events

Beyond the scientific wonder of this revelation, the occurrence highlights a more troubling truth: climate change is transforming our planet in ways we are just starting to comprehend. The notion that a seiche could persist for nine days would have seemed ludicrous just a year prior. Similarly, the idea that warming could destabilize slopes in the Arctic, resulting in colossal landslides and tsunamis, would have been regarded as implausible a century ago. However, these previously inconceivable occurrences are becoming our new normal.

Historically, conversations about climate change have centered on changes to the atmosphere and oceans—shifting weather patterns, rising sea levels, and melting ice caps. However, the Dickson Fjord event compels us to look downward, to the very crust beneath us. For perhaps the first time, climate change has instigated a seismic event with worldwide ramifications. The landslide in Greenland transmitted vibrations through the Earth, shaking the planet and producing seismic waves that enveloped the globe within an hour.

### The Future: More Landslide-Tsunamis Looming

This event in Greenland is not a standalone occurrence. As glaciers continue to thin and permafrost on steep inclines warms, we can anticipate even more landslide-tsunamis, possibly on an even grander scale. Unstable slopes in west Greenland and Alaska have already been recognized as potential disaster areas. For instance, scientists worry that a sudden collapse of slopes surrounding Barry Arm fjord in Alaska could produce a tsunami that would ravage adjacent communities.

As we face these extreme and unforeseen events, it is becoming apparent that our existing scientific methodologies may not be fully equipped to address them. The 2023 Greenland event necessitated an innovative approach to analyze and comprehend, as no standard processes existed for such an unprecedented phenomenon. Additionally, our current understanding of natural disasters has been shaped by a now near-extinct, formerly stable climate.

### A Call to Action

As we continue to modify our planet’s climate, we must be ready for unexpected phenomena that challenge our present understanding and require new perspectives. The ground beneath us is both literally and metaphorically shaking, and while the scientific community must adapt, it is up to decision-makers to act on this newfound knowledge.

The 2023 Greenland landslide-megatsunami serves as a stark reminder that climate change is not merely an atmospheric or oceanic challenge—it is reshaping the very ground beneath our feet. As we delve deeper into this new epoch, we must be prepared to confront the consequences of our changing planet, both visible and hidden.

*This article is republished from [The Conversation](https://theconversation.com) under a Creative Commons license. Read the

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“Unveiling a Peptide That Allows Starfish to Shedding Limbs When Faced with Danger”

**The Incredible Escape Mechanism of Starfish: Shedding Limbs to Avoid Predators**

For numerous creatures, falling prey to a predator often signals the end. Nonetheless, starfish have developed a captivating survival tactic that enables them to evade capture even when a limb is ensnared in a predator’s grip. This capability, referred to as **autotomy**—the intentional shedding of a limb—has long fascinated researchers. But what exactly allows starfish to execute this extraordinary act?

A recent investigation spearheaded by Professor Maurice Elphick from Queen Mary University of London has illuminated the biological mechanisms underlying this event. The findings, published in *Current Biology*, pinpoint a neurohormone critical for initiating autotomy in starfish, providing groundbreaking revelations about this survival technique.

### The Function of Neurohormones in Autotomy

Autotomy is not exclusive to starfish; other species, including lizards and salamanders, utilize this adaptation to escape foes. Nevertheless, the precise biological triggers involved in starfish were mostly ambiguous until this point. Elphick’s research group uncovered that a neuropeptide, a category of neurohormone, is vital in facilitating this action.

When a starfish finds itself in distress—such as during an encounter with a predator that tightens its grip on one of its arms—this neuropeptide is released. The hormone, designated **ArSK/CCK1**, activates a muscle at the arm’s base, permitting the starfish to sever the limb and flee. The severed arm acts as a decoy for the predator, providing the starfish with the opportunity to escape.

This study is the inaugural one to identify a neuropeptide as a modulator of autotomy in animals, representing a major leap in our comprehension of this biological mechanism.

### Investigating Autotomy

To delve deeper into how ArSK/CCK1 promotes autotomy, the scientists carried out trials on the European starfish species *Asterias rubens*. They mimicked predatory assaults by applying pressure to various sections of a starfish’s arm—either at the end, middle, or close to the base where autotomy generally happens, known as the **autotomy plane**.

In the initial phase of the investigation, the starfish were allowed to respond instinctively to the clamps. Autotomy was predominantly noted when the clamp was positioned near the autotomy plane, while minimal reactions occurred when the clamp was applied further from this area.

In the subsequent phase, the starfish received injections of ArSK/CCK1 to analyze its effects. The outcomes were remarkable: 85% of the starfish injected with ArSK/CCK1 autotomized their limbs, even when the clamp was situated in the arm’s middle or closer to the autotomy plane. Conversely, only 27% of starfish given a related neuropeptide, ArSK/CCK2, demonstrated autotomy.

### The Physiology Behind Autotomy

Though ArSK/CCK1 serves as a pivotal chemical initiator for autotomy, the starfish’s distinctive anatomy also plays an essential part in this function. Like all echinoderms, starfish possess an **endoskeleton** comprised of tiny bones called **ossicles**, which are linked by muscle and collagen fibers. This structure permits the starfish to maneuver and adjust posture.

Two specialized attributes in the autotomy plane facilitate limb detachment. First, the collagen fibers in this area are spaced farther apart, simplifying the disconnection for the starfish. Second, a muscle known as the **tourniquet muscle** resides near the collagen bundles. When stimulated by ArSK/CCK1, this muscle tightens, enabling the arm to separate.

The researchers noted that when a starfish’s arm is grasped by a predator, ArSK/CCK1 directs the nerves in the tourniquet muscle to tighten. Concurrently, the collagen in the body wall relaxes, and the muscles and ligaments binding the ossicles fracture. This synchronized action allows the starfish to discard its limb and flee.

### Regeneration: A Starfish’s Extraordinary Ability

One of the most astonishing features of autotomy is that starfish can regenerate their severed limbs. Following the loss of an arm, the starfish embarks on the regrowth process, ultimately restoring the limb to its initial condition. This capability is also seen in other species that undergo autotomy, such as lizards, which can regrow their tails.

Gaining insight into the regeneration processes in starfish may eventually illuminate why some creatures, including humans, lack this capacity. While humans can regenerate specific tissues, such as skin and liver cells, we cannot regrow entire limbs. Further investigations into the elements that enable regeneration in starfish could assist scientists in deciphering why this trait evolved in certain species but not in others.

### Future Explorations

While ArSK/CCK1 has been recognized as a crucial element in starfish

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