Tag: Source: Arstechnica.com

Grasping the Hazards: Why Lead in Cinnamon Might Not Be a Cause for Concern

### Cinnamon and Lead Contamination: Should You Be Concerned?

Cinnamon rolls, with their inviting, spiced scent, are a cherished indulgence, particularly during autumn and festive times. Nevertheless, recent findings from Consumer Reports (CR) regarding lead contamination in cinnamon products have raised alarm among consumers. The report emphasizes lead presence in 36 ground cinnamon items, stirring fears, especially among parents, in light of the alarming lead poisoning of over 500 children linked to lead-contaminated cinnamon in applesauce pouches in 2024. But how concerned should we actually be about these results? Let’s explore the specifics.

#### What Did Consumer Reports Discover?

Consumer Reports assessed 36 ground cinnamon products from diverse sources, including supermarkets, specialty stores, and online platforms. The samples underwent analysis for lead levels, reported in parts per million (ppm), corresponding to milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). CR flagged products with lead levels surpassing 1 ppm, a benchmark set by the state of New York for spice recalls. However, it’s crucial to highlight that New York is the only state with such a stringent threshold. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Union (EU) have more lenient limits, with the FDA alerting on products exceeding 2 ppm and the EU imposing a maximum allowable lead level in bark spices at 2 ppm.

Among the 36 products examined, 12 surpassed New York’s 1 ppm limit, but only three crossed the 2 ppm threshold established by the FDA and EU. The highest level detected was 3.52 ppm in a product by the brand Paras, followed by 2.91 ppm in EGN, and 2.03 ppm in Mimi’s Products. Both Paras and EGN stated they would voluntarily recall their items.

#### How Much Lead Is Considered Excessive?

Lead in food poses a significant issue since it acts as a neurotoxin, posing particular risks to children and pregnant women. Nonetheless, minute lead traces are naturally found in many foods, making complete avoidance nearly impossible. The critical question is the acceptable level of lead exposure.

The FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) concur that no lead exposure level is wholly safe, yet they have set practical limits to reduce risk. The FDA utilizes an **Interim Reference Level (IRL)** to gauge the maximum daily lead intake that wouldn’t elevate blood lead levels beyond concerning thresholds. For children, the IRL is 2.2 micrograms of lead per day, whereas for pregnant individuals, it’s 8.8 micrograms per day.

Conversely, California enforces a significantly stricter limit under Proposition 65, setting the **Maximum Allowable Dose Level (MADL)** at 0.5 micrograms of lead per day. This limit is extremely conservative, being 1,000 times lower than the level where no observable harm has been noted in toxicology research.

#### How Much Cinnamon Would You Need to Consume?

Let’s simplify the math using a CR report example. Penzeys cinnamon, a well-known brand, had a lead level of 0.37 ppm. To determine how much cinnamon you’d need to ingest to hit either the FDA’s or California’s thresholds, we can figure the lead content in a standard serving.

A quarter teaspoon of cinnamon weighs about 0.005 kg. Given a lead concentration of 0.37 ppm, this serving contains approximately 0.185 micrograms of lead. For a child to reach the FDA’s daily threshold of 2.2 micrograms, they would need around 12 quarter-teaspoon servings (about a tablespoon) of Penzeys cinnamon in one day. To meet California’s stricter limit of 0.5 micrograms, they would have to consume roughly 2.7 servings, which CR rounds down to 2.

For a pregnant individual, achieving the FDA’s limit of 8.8 micrograms would necessitate around 48 quarter-teaspoon servings, or close to a quarter cup of cinnamon.

#### What About Products with Elevated Lead Levels?

Now, let’s examine those products with higher lead concentrations. The highest level included in the CR report was 3.52 ppm in Paras cinnamon. A quarter teaspoon of this cinnamon would consist of 1.76 micrograms of lead. A child could reach the FDA’s daily limit after consuming just 1.25 servings of this cinnamon, while they would surpass California’s limit with only a fraction of a serving.

Though these heightened levels are troubling, it’s essential to recognize that they remain significantly lower than the amounts found in the cinnamon that contributed to the devastating lead poisoning incident in 2024. The lead concentration in that specific cinnamon soared to an alarming 5,110 ppm, meaning a single quarter teaspoon contained 2,555 micrograms of lead—over 1,000

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Google Launches Voice-Enabled AI Chat Functionality for Android Users

# Google Gemini Live: A New Chapter in Voice-Driven AI Engagement

On Thursday, Google unveiled **Gemini Live**, its voice-driven AI chatbot feature, to all Android users at no cost. This initiative signifies a major advancement in voice-activated AI, enabling users to engage with Google’s Gemini AI through voice commands. Previously exclusive to **Gemini Advanced** subscribers, this functionality is now accessible to anyone utilizing the Gemini app or its overlay on Android devices.

This release is particularly significant as it places Google in a leading position compared to its rival, OpenAI, whose similar **Advanced Voice Mode** for ChatGPT is not fully available to the public yet. While OpenAI’s voice feature has been undergoing limited testing since July, Google’s voice-based AI is now widely accessible, potentially giving it an advantage in the race to lead the voice AI sector.

## What is Gemini Live?

Gemini Live is an extension of Google’s **Gemini AI**, a conversational AI platform intended to aid users with various tasks, from answering inquiries to brainstorming concepts. With the debut of the voice-based feature, users can now converse with Gemini by speaking, creating a more natural and intuitive experience.

### Key Features of Gemini Live:
1. **Voice Interaction**: Users can verbally ask questions or issue commands, and Gemini will provide real-time voice responses. This removes the need for typing, creating a smoother interaction.

2. **Interruptible Responses**: A standout aspect of Gemini Live is the ability to interrupt the AI while it’s speaking. This empowers users to take charge of the dialogue, guiding the conversation without waiting for the AI to conclude its response.

3. **Customizable Voices**: Users have the option to select from multiple voice choices for Gemini’s replies, enhancing personalization. This feature improves user experience by allowing individuals to pick a voice that aligns with their preferences.

4. **Versatile Use Cases**: According to Google’s official documentation, Gemini Live can assist with a range of tasks:
– **Engage in conversation**: Have a natural back-and-forth dialogue with Gemini without needing to type.
– **Brainstorm verbally**: Whether organizing a gift, planning an event, or devising a business strategy, Gemini can assist in verbal idea development.
– **Delve into topics**: Explore subjects of interest by posing follow-up questions and obtaining detailed answers.
– **Practice out loud**: Rehearse important occasions, such as presentations or speeches, in a conversational style.

## How to Access Gemini Live

To engage with Gemini Live, users can tap a new **waveform icon** located in the bottom-right corner of the Gemini app or overlay. This action activates the microphone, allowing users to ask questions or provide commands verbally. The interface also features options to “hold” Gemini’s response or “end” the conversation, granting users control over the interaction flow.

Currently, Gemini Live supports only **English**, but Google has expressed intentions to broaden language support later. Moreover, while the feature is currently exclusive to Android devices, Google has confirmed plans to launch Gemini Live on **iOS** in the forthcoming months, although no specific timeline has been shared.

## How Does Gemini Live Compare to OpenAI’s Advanced Voice Mode?

Google’s introduction of Gemini Live occurs while OpenAI’s **Advanced Voice Mode** for ChatGPT remains in limited rollout. OpenAI first showcased its voice capability in May during the debut of **GPT-4o**, but it has only been accessible to a small group of users since late July. Some AI experts suggest that OpenAI’s gradual rollout may stem from the **compute-intensive** characteristics of voice-driven AI, which necessitates substantial processing power.

Conversely, Google has succeeded in making Gemini Live broadly available, indicating that the company has either optimized the feature for wider usage or has access to the essential computing resources to cater to a large user demographic. This may provide Google with a competitive edge, as voice-driven AI is anticipated to become an integral part of future AI engagements.

## The Future of Gemini Live

While Gemini Live is currently restricted to English-speaking users on Android devices, Google harbors ambitious ambitions for this feature. The company has announced plans to broaden language support, making the AI accessible to a wider global audience. Additionally, the forthcoming release of Gemini Live on iOS devices will further extend its reach, potentially enticing users from Apple’s ecosystem.

As voice-driven AI continues evolving, features such as Gemini Live are expected to grow more sophisticated, providing users with even more natural and intuitive methods to interact with technology. Whether it’s brainstorming ideas, rehearsing for critical moments, or simply conversing, Gemini Live signifies a substantial advancement in how we connect with AI.

## Conclusion

Google’s introduction of Gemini Live signifies a critical milestone in the evolution of voice

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Cartoon Illustration of Soap with Clenched Buttocks Shows Up in My Digital Ads

**The Surge of Unrelated and Off-Putting Online Advertisements: An Examination of “Buttvertising”**

In the era of digital technology, online advertising has emerged as an ever-present force, permeating every nook of the internet. From social networking sites to news portals, advertisements abound, competing for our focus. However, while the idea of “targeted advertising” has been praised as a means of presenting relevant content to users, the reality often disappoints. Rather than receiving personalized, significant ads, many users find themselves inundated with irrelevant, peculiar, and occasionally inappropriate content. A notable instance of this trend is the emergence of what can only be termed “buttvertising”—ads that prominently showcase, well, behinds.

### The Punchline: A Personal Anecdote

In a recent piece, a writer amusingly shared their encounter with an advertisement that popped up in the midst of a New York Times article. The particular ad featured an illustrated backside with a bar of soap lodged between its cheeks. This surprising and unsettling image led the writer to contemplate the situation of online advertising, especially in “highbrow” media outlets like The New York Times and The Atlantic.

This isn’t the first time such advertisements have graced these esteemed publications. In 2022, the same writer captured a snapshot of an ad promoting wipes with the slogan: “When your butt doesn’t smell like butt.” Yet another ad depicted a sorrowful-looking dog alongside a note about addressing “anal gland issues.” While these ads may seem humorous in retrospect, they pose significant questions regarding the efficacy and appropriateness of online advertising.

### The Flaw in “Targeted” Advertising

Online advertisements are frequently marketed as “targeted,” suggesting they should be customized to the user’s preferences and demographic profile. Ideally, this should yield ads that are pertinent and beneficial. However, as illustrated by the writer’s situation, this is not always true. Despite the extensive data gathered by marketers, the advertisements delivered to users can be wildly inappropriate.

For example, the writer, who is dog-free, received an ad addressing canine anal glands. Similarly, a bidet ad claimed it would make their “butt crack smile,” even though the writer had no discernible interest in such items. These instances underscore a critical defect in the existing targeted advertising framework: while advertisers possess a wealth of data, they frequently misinterpret it in ways that fail to produce meaningful or relevant advertisements.

### The Rise of Automated Ads

One factor contributing to the increase in irrelevant ads is the growth of programmatic advertising. Programmatic ads are traded and sold via automated systems, often through real-time auctions. This enables advertisers to reach broad audiences quickly and effectively but takes away publishers’ control over the advertisements displayed on their sites.

Programmatic ads are commonly cheaper and less refined than those negotiated directly between advertisers and publishers. Consequently, they may appear out of sync or even offensive, particularly on premium media platforms. The “buttvertising” trend exemplifies this, as these ads frequently include crude or subpar visuals that clash with the otherwise sophisticated nature of the publication’s content.

### The Consequences for Brand Image

The existence of low-quality or unsuitable ads can adversely affect a publisher’s reputation. Readers turn to platforms like The New York Times or The Atlantic for insightful, well-crafted journalism, not for advertisements featuring cartoonish behinds or canine anal glands. When these ads emerge, they can detract from the overall user experience and lessen the perceived worth of the publication.

This dilemma is not confined to news organizations. Even social networks such as Facebook have faced criticisms for delivering irrelevant or low-grade ads. A 2021 analysis in the *Financial Times* remarked that despite Facebook’s extensive data collection capabilities, the ads it provides often fall short of accuracy or proper targeting. This raises concerns about the effectiveness of online advertising and whether the current system honestly caters to the needs of both advertisers and consumers.

### The Efficacy of Online Advertisements

The effectiveness of online ads has long been a topic of contention. While digital marketing is often perceived as highly efficient, research has indicated that this may not hold true. For instance, a comprehensive study of advertisements on eBay revealed that the efficiency of brand search ads was exaggerated by as much as 4,100%. Likewise, an analysis of Facebook ads showed that over half the time, ads reached an audience other than the advertiser’s intended recipients.

These insights suggest that the current online advertising apparatus is far from flawless. Although advertisers may successfully connect with extensive audiences, they do not consistently reach the right audiences. This lack of precision not only squanders advertising budgets but also fosters the spread of irrelevant and off-putting ads.

### The Prospects of Online Advertising

As the realm of digital advertising continues to transform, publishers and advertisers must discover methods

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Ancient Geological Findings Offer Proof of “Snowball Earth” Event

### The Snowball Earth: A Deep Chill That Molded Life on Our Planet

Earth has experienced numerous dramatic geological and climate phases, but few are as remarkable as the era when the planet was enveloped in a deep chill, referred to as “Snowball Earth.” This phenomenon, occurring hundreds of millions of years ago, transformed the planet from a warm, tropical habitat into a frozen desert. Recent geological discoveries in Scotland have illuminated when and how this global chill commenced, offering essential insights into one of the most extreme climate occurrences in Earth’s history.

#### A Tropical Earth for Billions of Years

For almost 2 billion years, Earth basked in a relatively stable tropical climate. During this span, simple life forms such as algae and single-celled organisms flourished in the planet’s warm oceans. This period of stability, known as the Tonian period, began about 1 billion years ago. However, this tropical haven was not to endure. Approximately 717 million years ago, Earth entered a significant cooling phase that would lead to the first of two “Snowball Earth” phenomena.

#### The Discovery in Scotland: Proof of a Global Chill

Until recently, researchers were unsure about the exact timing of Earth’s shift from a tropical climate to a frozen one. Nevertheless, scholars from University College London have found vital evidence in a rock outcrop in Scotland, termed the Port Askaig Formation. Located in the Garvellach Islands, this formation harbors a distinctive geological record that illustrates the transition from a warm Earth to a cold one.

The Port Askaig Formation provides the initial definitive evidence of when Earth began to freeze over, marking the initiation of the Sturtian glaciation. This glaciation was the first of two significant “Snowball Earth” events, during which much of the planet’s surface became enveloped in ice. The subsequent event, known as the Marinoan glaciation, followed closely on the heels of the Sturtian and continued for millions of years.

#### The Snowball Effect: How Earth Became Icy

What triggered Earth to enter such a dramatic deep freeze? Experts theorize that a sudden reduction in solar radiation may have initiated the initial cooling. This decrease in sunlight likely resulted in an extended winter, sparking a feedback cycle referred to as the “snowball effect.” As the planet cooled, additional ice formed, and the greater ice coverage reflected more sunlight back into space. This feedback loop caused the Earth to cool even more, facilitating further ice formation and perpetuating the cycle.

To ascertain when this global freeze commenced, the research team examined 11 sandstone samples from the Garvellach Islands. These samples contained zircons, ancient minerals that are resistant to chemical degradation and can date geological formations accurately. Zircons are especially useful for dating because they contain uranium, which decays into lead over time. By assessing the uranium-to-lead ratio in the zircons, the researchers could establish the rocks’ age and confirm the timeline of the Sturtian glaciation.

#### The Cryogenian Period: Icy Earth for Millions of Years

The Sturtian glaciation, which initiated around 717 million years ago, persisted for around 58 million years. Following it was the Marinoan glaciation, lasting an additional 16 million years. Together, these two glaciations constitute the Cryogenian period, one of the coldest and most extreme intervals in Earth’s history.

The Port Askaig Formation holds significant importance as it contains one of the most comprehensive records of the Cryogenian glaciation. While glaciers in various regions eroded much of the geological evidence from this epoch, the rocks within the Port Askaig Formation remained intact, providing a rare insight into this frozen time.

#### The Thaw and the Rise of Complex Life

As Earth began to warm around 635 million years ago, the ice sheets gradually retreated, ushering in a new chapter in the planet’s history. The melting ice coincided with the rise of complex multicellular life during the Ediacaran period. Scientists speculate that several factors contributed to this surge of life, including increasing seawater temperatures, enhanced sunlight, and a surge in nutrient availability.

However, the life forms that endured the Cryogenian period encountered a novel challenge: adapting to a rapidly altering environment. After millions of years in a frozen world, these organisms had to swiftly acclimatize to warmer conditions or face extinction. Those that managed to adapt became the ancestors of all animals that have ever existed, including humans.

#### Conclusion: A Frozen Heritage

The revelation of the Port Askaig Formation in Scotland has provided critical insights into one of the most extreme climate events in Earth’s chronology. The evidence encased in these rocks narrates the tale of a planet transitioning from a tropical haven to a frozen desert and then back again. This

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Boeing Employees Go on Strike Following Rejection of Agreement Due to Bonus Cuts and Unfulfilled Salary Requests

**Boeing Employees Go on Strike Over Dismissed Contract: A Battle for Just Compensation and Employment Security**

On Friday, over 33,000 unionized employees at Boeing initiated a strike, turning down what they deemed an inadequate contract proposal from the aerospace firm. The suggested agreement, which featured a 25% salary hike and a commitment to produce Boeing’s upcoming jet in the Puget Sound area, aimed to ensure long-term job security. Nonetheless, the workforce, represented by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) District 751, decisively rejected the contract, pointing to unmet requests for increased wages and the discontinuation of annual bonuses.

The strike commenced at midnight after the vote and signifies the first substantial walkout by Boeing employees since 2008, when a 57-day strike led to a loss of around $1.5 billion for the company. Analysts estimate that the ongoing strike could extend for roughly 50 days, potentially costing Boeing between $3 and $3.5 billion, according to *Bloomberg* reports.

### Reasons Behind the Rejection of the Proposal

Despite claiming to offer the “largest-ever general wage increase” in the firm’s history, union members felt that Boeing’s proposal did not meet their needs. Employees had been advocating for a 40% pay raise, citing years of stagnant income, increasing healthcare expenses, and the relocation of thousands of union positions. The suggested 25% raise was viewed as inadequate to tackle these persistent issues.

Moreover, the proposal removed annual bonuses, which had formed a crucial part of the employees’ overall compensation. As reported by *The Seattle Times*, these bonuses approximated over $6,100 pretax for workers in Washington state and about $7,600 pretax across the company. The removal of bonuses was a significant point of contention, as many employees saw it as a regression in their total compensation.

Another contentious issue was mandatory overtime. While the proposed agreement included some reductions in mandatory overtime, many employees believed that it did not sufficiently address their concerns. Joe Philbin, a structures mechanic with just six months at Boeing, shared with *The Washington Post* that he was already looking for adjustments to the company’s overtime practices.

### Stance of Union Leadership

IAM District 751 president Jon Holden had encouraged union members to approve the agreement, stressing that it represented the best possible terms the union could secure without initiating a strike. In a message to the workforce, Holden acknowledged the intense emotions surrounding the contract talks and assured them that the tentative agreement was non-binding. He indicated that this deal was merely the most favorable offer Boeing was willing to present at that moment.

Nonetheless, Holden made it clear that the ultimate choice was in the hands of the workers. “The true power is in your hands. Right where it is supposed to be,” he communicated to union members. Despite his recommendation to accept the deal, around 96% of the employees chose to strike, reflecting their belief that a walkout could yield improved conditions.

### Workers Capitalize on Leverage Amid Boeing’s Troubles

The timing of the strike is crucial, as Boeing is grappling with various financial and production challenges. The company is already experiencing assembly delays at vital facilities in Washington, and a prolonged strike could exacerbate its operational disruptions. Boeing’s financial landscape is also shaky, with the firm encumbered by $45 billion in debt, as stated by *CNBC*. This scenario has afforded workers a unique opportunity to leverage their position and advocate for more advantageous terms.

“We’ve got a lot of leverage—why waste that?” Philbin expressed to *The Washington Post* prior to the vote. Many employees share this outlook, convinced that Boeing cannot sustain an extended work stoppage and will ultimately need to present better offers.

### Consequences of the Strike

The strike has the capability to cause significant upheavals not just for Boeing but also for its suppliers and clients. Boeing employees play a crucial role in assembling some of the company’s top-selling aircraft, and any slowdowns in production could impact Boeing’s market share. Analysts caution that this strike might present one of the most disruptive challenges the company has faced.

A representative from Boeing informed *Ars Technica* that the company is keen to resume negotiations. “The message was clear that the tentative agreement we reached with IAM leadership was not acceptable to the members,” the spokesperson remarked. “We remain committed to resetting our relationship with our employees and the union, and we are ready to get back to the table to reach a new agreement.”

### Role of Government and Mediation

As the strike protests what the union considers unfair labor practices, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) will appoint a mediator to oversee forthcoming negotiation sessions. The Biden administration is also reportedly keeping a close watch on the situation. According to the NLRB, employees who strike to protest unfair labor practices cannot be terminated or permanently replaced when the strike concludes, barring any serious misconduct.

### Workers’ Resolve

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“Neofetch Retired: Other System Info Screenshot Tools Accessible”

### The Legacy of Neofetch and Its Successors: A New Era of System Info Tools

For numerous Linux enthusiasts, **Neofetch** represented more than just a terminal-based system info utility—it served as a mark of pride, a means to exhibit the complexities of their configurations. Whether utilizing a custom Linux variant, an unusual operating system, or aiming to showcase their desktop environment, Neofetch delivered a polished, visually appealing method to present essential system metrics alongside an ASCII-art logo of their OS.

However, like many open-source initiatives, Neofetch’s progression eventually decelerated. The most recent official update was released in April 2021, and its developer, Dylan Araps, has since transitioned to an entirely different realm—farming, as noted in his [GitHub profile](https://github.com/dylanaraps). While Neofetch continues to operate, its stagnation has created a demand for users desiring greater customization, enhanced performance, or merely a fresh perspective on the concept.

As is common in the open-source community, that gap has been bridged by an array of alternatives, each presenting its unique twist on the system information display tool. Let’s take a look at some of the notable successors to Neofetch and evaluate their capabilities.

### The Rise of Neofetch Alternatives

#### 1. **Fastfetch**
[Fastfetch](https://github.com/fastfetch-cli/fastfetch) has risen as the primary suggestion for those in search of a Neofetch substitute. It’s under active development, with frequent updates, and it offers several improvements over its forerunner.

Fastfetch is built for high customization, enabling users to modify the output according to their preferences. It is compatible with various platforms and distributions, including Wayland, which is gaining traction in the Linux ecosystem. Moreover, it offers more exhaustive memory and storage insights, making it a more thorough utility for system observation.

True to its name, Fastfetch is also quicker than Neofetch, presenting a considerable benefit for users who often run the tool. For those keen on delving deeper into customization, a [tutorial](https://itsfoss.com/fine-control-fastfetch/) is accessible to maximize its potential.

#### 2. **NerdFetch**
[NerdFetch](https://github.com/ThatOneCalculator/NerdFetch) adopts a distinct approach by emphasizing icon customization. If you enjoy meticulously organizing your desktop and capturing screenshots, NerdFetch could be the solution for you. By installing one of the popular [Nerd Fonts](https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts), you can substitute text in your system readout with icons, enhancing the output’s visual appeal and readability at a glance.

However, NerdFetch is more constrained regarding customization and module options compared to Fastfetch. It also falls short of the large, custom OS emblems that Neofetch users have come to appreciate. Instead, it showcases a minimalist ASCII Tux penguin, which may not provide as much satisfaction for those wanting their OS logo prominently featured. Nonetheless, its concise design and unique angle render it a formidable contender.

#### 3. **Hyfetch**
[Hyfetch](https://github.com/hykilpikonna/hyfetch) is like Neofetch with an interesting twist—it incorporates pride flags into the output. Upon the initial use of the tool, users are greeted with a selection of pride flag options, allowing them to modify the color scheme to align with their identity. For those who prefer a more neutral appearance, Hyfetch also offers “neowofetch,” a variant of Neofetch without the pride colors.

While Hyfetch doesn’t add many new features beyond the pride flag choices, it presents a fun and inclusive interpretation of the traditional Neofetch model. It’s ideal for users looking to inject a personal touch into their system information display.

#### 4. **Cpufetch**
[Cpufetch](https://github.com/Dr-Noob/cpufetch) is a more targeted tool that emphasizes providing detailed CPU data. As implied by its name, Cpufetch is solely focused on the processor, showcasing in-depth information about your CPU along with a logo. Notably, when used on an ARM-based MacBook with Asahi Linux, the tool displayed an “arm” logo, whereas it switched to an Apple logo when operating on macOS. This adaptability makes Cpufetch a distinctive choice for users seeking more granular CPU information.

#### 5. **Macchina**

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Elon Musk Slams Suggested Penalties for Misinformation on X, Labeling Supporters as “Fascists”

**Elon Musk Critiques Australian Government Regarding Proposed Social Media Regulations**

Elon Musk, the wealthy proprietor of the social media platform X (previously Twitter), has stirred debate by branding the Australian government as “fascists” in reaction to suggested legislation aimed at overseeing online material. The proposed bill, which intends to enforce stricter regulations on social media firms to fight disinformation and online fraud, has garnered considerable attention both within Australia and beyond.

### The Proposed Legislation

The Australian government has proposed a bill that would empower the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) with heightened authority to hold social media firms accountable for the content shared on their sites. Should it be enacted, the law would permit the regulator to impose fines of up to 5 percent of a company’s worldwide revenue for noncompliance with the new regulations. This legislation is part of a broader initiative by Australia to tackle the proliferation of dangerous misinformation, online scams, and various forms of harmful content that have emerged on social media platforms.

The bill remains in its early phases and has yet to receive approval from the Australian Parliament. Nonetheless, it has already sparked a contentious discussion regarding the balance between free speech and the necessity for regulation in the modern digital era.

### Musk’s Reaction

Musk’s response to the proposed regulations was immediate and straightforward. On Friday, he tweeted a single word—”fascists”—indicating his strong disapproval of the Australian government’s stance. A long-time supporter of free speech, especially since his acquisition of X, Musk has often critiqued governmental efforts to regulate online platforms.

However, his remarks have faced pushback. Senior Australian officials swiftly countered Musk’s comments, with Finance Minister Stephen Jones dismissing them as “crackpot stuff.” Jones underlined that the legislation concerns national sovereignty and aims to safeguard Australians from harmful online content.

Bill Shorten, a former head of the Australian Labor Party and a current cabinet minister, was notably more harsh in his assessment. During a radio interview, Shorten asserted that Musk only champions free speech when it serves his commercial interests. “Elon Musk’s had more positions on free speech than the Kama Sutra,” Shorten humorously pointed out, emphasizing what he perceives as Musk’s inconsistent views on the subject.

### A History of Strain

This is not the first instance of Musk encountering friction with Australian authorities regarding technology regulation. In May 2023, Musk accused the country’s eSafety Commissioner of censorship when the governmental agency took legal action against X, seeking to compel the platform to remove graphic footage of a stabbing incident in Sydney. A court ultimately rejected the eSafety Commissioner’s request, but the episode highlighted the escalating tension between Musk’s platform and Australian regulators.

Musk has faced regulatory hurdles in other nations as well. In Brazil, the Supreme Court recently determined that X should be temporarily blocked after the platform failed to eliminate certain accounts accused of disseminating misinformation and hateful material. These episodes underscore the broader global conflict between social media companies and governments striving to regulate the digital landscape.

### Australia’s Wider Regulatory Initiative

Australia has been leading the charge in regulating the tech sector, often positioning itself against some of the globe’s largest social media entities. The nation has enacted a variety of measures aimed at mitigating the adverse effects of social media, particularly concerning young people and vulnerable groups.

This week, the Australian government unveiled plans to establish a minimum age requirement for social media usage in an effort to address “screen addiction” among youth. Furthermore, the government has been developing new data privacy regulations, including substantial fines and possible prison sentences of up to seven years for individuals guilty of “doxxing”—the malicious release of personal information online.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s administration has signaled its commitment to a stringent stance on online safety and privacy. The movement to criminalize doxxing gained traction earlier this year when the personal information of a private WhatsApp group containing hundreds of Jewish Australians was leaked online, provoking outcry and demands for enhanced protective measures.

Australia is among the first nations to pursue laws explicitly aimed at doxxing, and it is anticipated to propose further regulations in the upcoming months to manage how personal data can be utilized by artificial intelligence (AI) systems. These initiatives reflect a broader global trend toward technology sector regulation, as governments wrestle with the ethical and societal ramifications of swiftly evolving digital platforms.

### The Global Discussion: Free Speech versus Regulation

Musk’s remarks and the Australian government’s suggested legislation are components of a larger, ongoing discussion regarding the role of social media in contemporary culture. On one side, proponents like Musk claim that excessive regulation hampers free speech and stifles innovation. Conversely, governments and regulators argue that unregulated platforms can turn into hotbeds for harmful content, misinformation, and online harassment.

As social media increasingly dominates public dialogue, the issue of how to balance free expression with necessary oversight remains a pressing question.

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United Airlines Will Provide Complimentary Starlink Internet on Every Flight

# United Airlines Joins Forces with Starlink for Complimentary In-Flight Wi-Fi: A Revolutionary Shift in Air Travel

In a remarkable advancement for in-flight connectivity, United Airlines has revealed a collaboration with SpaceX’s Starlink to deliver complimentary, high-speed satellite Wi-Fi throughout its fleet. The implementation is scheduled to commence in 2025, representing a substantial enhancement of the travel experience for passengers. This initiative is set to transform how travelers maintain connections in the air, providing effortless access to streaming platforms, online gaming, and much more.

## A Prolonged Path to In-Flight Connectivity

The progression of in-flight technology has been gradual yet consistent. At the beginning of the 21st century, air travel was predominantly an isolated endeavor. Power outlets were uncommon, and the notion of online connectivity during flights seemed implausible. Laptops suffered from limited battery longevity, leading passengers to rely on books or magazines for entertainment.

By 2011, changes were underway. Wi-Fi was becoming increasingly prevalent, and smartphones and tablets were on the rise. Nevertheless, initial in-flight internet systems fell short of expectations. Early efforts to deliver connectivity, like the air-to-ground cellular systems launched in 2008, were sluggish, inconsistent, and often excessively costly for many travelers.

### The Satellite Advancement

Jump to 2018, and while the scenario had slightly improved, it had not transformed significantly. Although air-to-ground internet access became marginally more economical, it remained exasperatingly slow, particularly for those engaged in data-heavy activities such as uploading photos or streaming videos. The advent of satellite internet provided a viable resolution, as airlines globally began to adopt this technology. Companies like Viasat supplied the necessary bandwidth for passengers to stream, browse, and work while airborne.

However, even with satellite systems, in-flight Wi-Fi continued to be classified as a premium service, often incurring additional costs for access. The connection quality also depended on factors like airline and flight route, leaving much to be desired.

## Introducing SpaceX and Starlink

In 2022, SpaceX’s Starlink made its entry into the aviation sector, presenting a new frontier of in-flight connectivity. Initially, Starlink’s satellite internet service was aimed at smaller regional and private jets. Yet, the company quickly broadened its scope to include commercial passenger aircraft from major manufacturers like Airbus and Boeing. Airlines such as Qatar Airways and Air New Zealand were among the first to adopt Starlink’s innovative technology, offering passengers a faster and more dependable internet experience.

Now, United Airlines is stepping into the arena alongside other carriers embracing Starlink’s satellite Wi-Fi. The airline intends to commence testing the hardware in early 2025, with the first passenger flights equipped with Starlink anticipated later that same year. In contrast to some current systems that only operate above 10,000 feet, Starlink’s service will be accessible gate-to-gate, ensuring a consistent connection throughout the flight.

## Implications for Passengers

The rollout of Starlink’s satellite internet on United flights is expected to significantly enhance the flying experience for passengers. Here are some of the primary advantages:

### 1. **Complimentary Wi-Fi for Everyone**
One of the most thrilling elements of United’s collaboration with Starlink is the provision of completely free in-flight Wi-Fi for passengers. This marks a major shift from the prevailing model, where travelers frequently must pay for internet access, often at exorbitant prices.

### 2. **Rapid Connectivity**
Starlink’s satellite network is engineered to deliver high-speed internet access, even in isolated areas like the vast ocean or high altitudes. This implies passengers can anticipate quicker and more dependable connections compared to conventional air-to-ground systems.

### 3. **Streaming and Gaming Access**
In contrast to many existing in-flight Wi-Fi networks, which struggle to accommodate high-bandwidth activities like video streaming or online gaming, Starlink’s service will explicitly facilitate such endeavors. Passengers will have the ability to stream movies, TV series, and even engage in online games during their flights, enhancing the enjoyment of long-distance travel.

### 4. **Support for Multiple Devices**
Starlink’s system will also enable multiple devices to be connected per passenger. This is a notable enhancement over various current systems, which frequently restrict the number of devices that can be linked at one time. Whether you are traveling with a smartphone, tablet, and laptop, or sharing the connection with family, you will maintain connectivity on all your devices.

### 5. **Comprehensive Gate-to-Gate Service**
Unlike certain in-flight Wi-Fi systems that become functional only after reaching cruising altitude, Starlink’s service will be accessible from the moment passengers board until they exit the aircraft. This means no more waiting to check emails or begin streaming your favorite content until you’re airborne.

## A Gradual Introduction

While the anticipation of free, high-speed Wi-Fi on United

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Birds with Enhanced Memory Abilities Exhibit Better Survival Rates in Their Natural Habitats

### The Significance of Spatial Memory in Chickadee Survival: An Innovative Study on Cognitive Abilities

It seems logical that an increase in intelligence would enhance an animal’s likelihood of thriving in nature. Nevertheless, for many years, researchers faced challenges in proving this connection as measuring intelligence in animals such as lions, crocodiles, or even smaller species like mountain chickadees proved complex. Scientists typically utilized indirect indicators, such as the dimensions of the brain, or cognitive assessments conducted in controlled settings, like reversal learning, which gauges an animal’s capacity to adapt to environmental changes. However, a recent extensive study on wild mountain chickadees, spearheaded by Joseph Welklin, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Nevada, unveiled an unexpected conclusion: neither brain size nor reversal learning capacity showed significant correlation with survival. Rather, the predominant factor for these diminutive birds was their capacity to recall the locations where they had hidden their food.

### The Research: Evaluating Chickadee Cognitive Abilities

Mountain chickadees are petite birds that conceal food items in various caches over broad regions, especially during the autumn, to endure the winter months. These caches can number in the tens of thousands, and the birds depend on their spatial memory to later recover the food. Due to their light weight—approximately 12 grams—chickadees need to consume food frequently to avoid peril of death within hours. This dependence on remembering cache locations is vital for their survival.

“Chickadees store one food item in one spot, repeating this process across a vast area. They may establish tens of thousands of caches. They perform this in the fall and, during winter, utilize a unique form of spatial memory to locate and retrieve their stored food,” explains Vladimir Pravosudov, an ornithologist at the University of Nevada and the senior co-author of the research.

The researchers selected chickadees for their investigation since the predominant cause of mortality among them is the failure to locate their food caches. This focus enabled the team to explore the influence of cognitive abilities on survival, reducing the impact of other variables such as predation or illness.

### Study Implementation

To evaluate the cognitive capabilities of a large cohort of chickadees, the team devised an inventive methodology. They positioned metal squares with intelligent feeders attached to trees within the chickadees’ natural ecosystem. Each feeder featured RFID receivers that could identify individual birds, outfitted with microchip leg bands. When a chickadee perched on a feeder, the system would deliver a single seed. Following several days of training, the researchers commenced their experiments.

The initial task assessed the chickadees’ ability to connect a specific location with food and retain that information. Every one of the 227 chickadees in the experiment was paired with a feeder that opened upon their arrival, while other feeders remained closed. The researchers tracked how many attempts it took each bird to discern which feeder belonged to them and the number of mistakes made over four days.

“If you were to locate the right feeder by chance, it should take approximately 3.5 attempts on average. All the birds learned and performed significantly better than chance,” notes Pravosudov.

The second task examined reversal learning, a trait frequently regarded as a solid indicator of survival. After the chickadees memorized the feeder location, the researchers altered the feeder’s position to determine how rapidly the birds could adapt.

### Key Insights: Spatial Memory Crucial for Survival

The findings were remarkable. Chickadees that excelled in the spatial memory assessment—those that swiftly identified and recalled their designated feeder—exhibited considerably higher survival rates. The top-performing birds made nearly no mistakes during the initial 20 trials, whereas the least successful ones made about 2.5 errors for each trial. This seemingly minor difference had a profound influence on survival: the most proficient birds survived an average of 3.1 years, while the least proficient birds only lasted about 1.2 years, with many perishing before the first winter ended.

Curiously, the outcomes of the reversal learning trial did not correlate with survival rates. Chickadees that struggled in the spatial memory evaluation were equally likely to succeed or fail in the reversal learning challenge. This implies that, for chickadees, being adaptable and flexible is less critical than possessing a robust spatial memory.

“In our previous research, we found that spatial skills and memory in chickadees are highly heritable. There exists a strong genetic influence and consistency in this aspect. We do not observe such genetic signals for reversal learning. For them, being adaptable is not as crucial as retaining those location memories for as long as possible,” asserts Pravosudov.

### Evolutionary Advantages: Increased Offspring for Top Learners

In addition to their extended lifespan, chickadees with superior spatial memory also produced a greater number of offspring. Most chickadees form lifelong mating bonds and breed annually, with typical clutch sizes comprising seven eggs. As the best-performing birds lived twice as long as the least competent ones,

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“China Makes Progress in Rocket Reuse; 19 Astronauts Now in Space”

**China’s Landspace Reaches Key Milestone in Reusable Rocket Development**

In a major advancement for China’s emerging private space sector, Landspace, a Chinese private aerospace startup, successfully executed a 10-kilometer vertical takeoff and vertical landing (VTVL) test of its Zhuque-3 (ZQ-3) reusable rocket prototype. The test, held at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on September 11, 2024, represents a pivotal moment in the company’s mission to create a fully reusable orbital-class rocket, comparable to SpaceX’s Falcon 9.

### The Test: A Detailed Overview

The 18.3-meter (60-foot) Zhuque-3 test vehicle rose to an elevation of 10,002 meters (33,000 feet) before executing a controlled vertical descent and landing 3.2 kilometers (2 miles) away from its launch site. During the flight, the rocket’s methane-fueled engine was intentionally extinguished mid-flight, mimicking the conditions for a future full-scale booster flyback. The engine was later reignited for the descent phase, showcasing the rocket’s capacity for a controlled landing—an essential characteristic for reusable rockets.

The test also highlighted the vehicle’s sophisticated control systems, incorporating grid fins and cold gas thrusters, which were crucial in stabilizing the rocket during the engine shutdown. Landspace stated, “All indicators matched the expected design,” indicating that the test achieved remarkable success.

### Importance of This Achievement

Landspace’s milestone aligns with a broader movement within China’s quasi-commercial space industry, which has swiftly transitioned from reliance on solid-fueled rockets based on military technology to more sophisticated liquid-fueled options. The Zhuque-3 rocket, utilizing methane—known for being a cleaner and more efficient fuel compared to traditional kerosene—marks a notable advancement for China’s private space sector. Methane-fueled rockets are anticipated to represent the future of reusable launch vehicles, given their enhanced efficiency and lower carbon outputs.

The successful test positions Landspace nearer to the launch of the full-scale Zhuque-3 rocket, projected for debut in 2025. Initially, the rocket will operate in an expendable configuration, capable of delivering 21 metric tons (46,300 pounds) to low-Earth orbit. By 2026, the company aims to recover and reuse the rocket’s first stage, further driving down launch expenses and increasing mission frequency.

### The Expanding Landscape of China’s Reusable Rocket Industry

Landspace is among several Chinese firms striving to advance reusable rocket technology. Other companies, such as Deep Blue Aerospace, are also making progress in this domain, with plans for a 100-kilometer (62-mile) suborbital test of their Nebula-1 rocket—another methane-fueled reusable system—in the near future.

These advancements mirror SpaceX’s early initiatives with its Grasshopper and Falcon 9 Reusable Development (F9R Dev1) programs, which established the foundation for the company’s current leadership in the reusable rocket arena. However, in contrast to SpaceX, which functions within a comparatively open and competitive commercial space environment, Chinese firms like Landspace and Deep Blue Aerospace operate within a quasi-commercial framework where private companies frequently collaborate with state-owned enterprises and benefit from governmental backing.

### Looking Ahead

Landspace’s successful trial is an encouraging indication for the trajectory of China’s private space sector. With the Zhuque-3 rocket poised for its inaugural orbital flight next year, the company is positioning itself as a formidable contender in the global space arena. If successful, Landspace could emerge as one of the first non-U.S. companies to create a fully reusable orbital-class rocket, a remarkable achievement that would substantially lower the costs associated with accessing space and create new avenues for satellite launches, space tourism, and scientific research.

As China invests significantly in its space capabilities, driven both by state-sponsored initiatives and private enterprises, the nation is set to become a key player in the global aerospace industry. With reusable rockets at the forefront of this endeavor, the coming decade may witness China challenging the supremacy of American firms like SpaceX and Blue Origin in the commercial space landscape.

### Conclusion

Landspace’s recent test of its Zhuque-3 reusable rocket signifies a major milestone not only for the company but also for China’s entire private space sector. By successfully showcasing crucial technologies such as mid-flight engine reignition and controlled vertical landing, Landspace has made a substantial stride toward developing a fully reusable rocket, which could transform the cost structure and accessibility of space travel.

As the global space race intensifies, it is evident that China’s private space companies are no longer satisfied with merely keeping pace. With ambitious objectives for reusable rockets and other state-of-the-art technologies, enterprises like Landspace are positioning themselves to compete internationally, potentially redefining the future of space exploration and commercialization.

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