Tag: Source: Arstechnica.com

Unity Halts Disputed Per-Install Runtime Charge

# Unity Discontinues Controversial Runtime Fee: A Year of Grievances and New Pricing Adjustments

Unity Technologies, the creator of one of the leading cross-platform game development engines, has formally withdrawn its contentious **Runtime Fee**. This fee, which would have billed developers based on game installs instead of the conventional per-seat licensing system, encountered significant backlash from the development community. The cancellation of the fee occurs precisely one year after its initial declaration, highlighting a major alteration in Unity’s strategy regarding pricing and relations with developers.

## The Runtime Fee Dispute

In **September 2023**, Unity revealed a new pricing model that incorporated a **Runtime Fee** linked to game installs. This fee was set to impact games that exceeded specific revenue and install thresholds, with developers utilizing the free **Personal** tier being charged **20 cents per install** once their game accrued **$200,000 in revenue** and surpassed **200,000 installs**. For **Pro** and **Enterprise** users, the fee would be marginally reduced, applying after **$1 million in revenue** and **1 million installs**.

Although Unity characterized the Runtime Fee as a necessary move to sustain investments in the platform, developers perceived it as an inequitable and unpredictable expense, particularly harmful to thriving indie games. The fee structure threatened to disproportionately affect smaller developers who achieved success, potentially diminishing their profits or compelling them to transfer costs to consumers.

The reaction was immediate and intense. Developers voiced their anger on social media and gaming platforms, with many contemplating migrating to alternative game engines such as **Unreal Engine** or **Godot**. Some even weighed the option of ceasing updates to their games to escape retroactive fees, as Unity initially proposed to include installs counted before **January 2024** in the fee assessments.

## Unity’s Reaction and the Road to Abandonment

In light of the extensive criticism, Unity attempted to adjust the Runtime Fee to mitigate its repercussions. The firm eliminated retroactive install counting and capped fees at **2.5% of revenue**. Nevertheless, these modifications failed to assuage developers’ grievances, as many felt Unity had broken their trust.

The uproar also brought to light concerns regarding Unity’s **terms of service**, which seemed to enable the company to implement sudden and substantial changes to its pricing model without advance notice. This raised further worries about the reliability and predictability of Unity as a sustainable development platform.

In **October 2023**, Unity’s then-CEO **John Riccitiello** announced his resignation, which many within the game development community welcomed with relief. Riccitiello was viewed as a divisive figure, with some developers attributing Unity’s tarnishing reputation to his aggressive monetization tactics. His exit, although celebrated by some, did not completely restore confidence in the company.

By **January 2024**, Unity was confronting further obstacles, including a **significant wave of layoffs** that eliminated **25% of its workforce**. These job cuts were partially linked to financial challenges stemming from a series of acquisitions made during Riccitiello’s leadership. Unity’s financial reports suggested that the Runtime Fee would have negligible implications in 2024 but was projected to “increase from there as customers embrace our new releases.”

However, in a surprising development, Unity declared in **September 2024** that it would completely **eliminate the Runtime Fee**. In a blog post credited to Unity’s new President and CEO, **Matt Bromberg**, the firm acknowledged that the fee had been an error. Bromberg underlined the significance of fostering a “partnership built on trust” with developers and conceded that although price hikes were necessary, they ought not to take the form of “a novel and contentious new strategy.”

## Revised Pricing Structure

With the Runtime Fee now abolished, Unity has rolled out a new pricing framework designed to be more transparent and consistent for developers. The updated structure features the following revisions:

– **Unity Personal**: The free tier remains intact, but the revenue/funding cap has been elevated from **$100,000 to $200,000**. This adjustment permits more small developers to continue utilizing Unity without incurring extra expenses.

– **Unity Pro**: For developers who surpass the limits of the Personal tier, Unity Pro will experience an **8% price increase**, raising the cost to **$2,200 per seat**. This tier is tailored for mid-sized developers requiring more advanced tools and assistance.

– **Unity Enterprise**: For major studios and organizations with over **$25 million in revenue or funding**, Unity Enterprise will see a **25% price increase**. This tier encompasses customized packages and supplementary support tailored to the needs of high-revenue developers.

Bromberg also mentioned that Unity intends to return to a more conventional pricing model, with potential price adjustments contemplated only on an **annual basis**. Furthermore,

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AI Chatbots Might Outperform Humans in Convincing Conspiracy Theorists

### AI Chatbots: A Fresh Perspective in Disproving Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theories have historically been a persistent and concerning issue, especially in the United States. Some estimates indicate that nearly **50% of the population** subscribes to at least one conspiracy theory, from the well-known “JFK assassination” to more current allegations like “2020 election fraud” or “COVID-19 deception.” The task of refuting these beliefs has proven to be incredibly challenging. When faced with facts and evidence, numerous conspiracy theorists often double down on their convictions—a phenomenon attributed to **motivated reasoning**, a cognitive bias that compels individuals to interpret information in a manner that reinforces their existing beliefs.

Nevertheless, a recent study published in *Science* presents a beacon of hope. Researchers discovered that **AI chatbots**—particularly those utilizing advanced language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 Turbo—can substantially diminish the intensity of conspiracy beliefs through engaging personalized, fact-driven conversations. The study’s outcomes contest the common belief that conspiracy theorists are immune to evidence, demonstrating that customized, evidence-based counterarguments can have a meaningful effect.

### The Impact of Customized Counterarguments

A primary takeaway from the study is that conspiracy theories are highly **diverse**—they differ notably from individual to individual. Even within a single conspiracy theory, varying individuals might depend on distinct pieces of “evidence” to validate their beliefs. This renders sweeping, one-size-fits-all debunking strategies typically ineffective.

As **Thomas Costello**, a psychologist at American University and co-author of the study, states, “Individuals hold a broad spectrum of conspiracy theories, and the specific evidence each person uses to back even a single conspiracy might vary from one individual to another.” Hence, a more successful strategy would involve **customizing debunking efforts** to address the particular iteration of the conspiracy that each person subscribes to.

Here is where AI chatbots prove valuable. Unlike human debunkers, who may find it challenging to keep pace with the vast array of conspiracy theories and the specific evidence presented by believers, an AI chatbot can leverage extensive information to **tailor its responses**. The chatbot can engage in a dialogue with a conspiracy theorist, acknowledge their specific assertions, and then provide **carefully tailored counterarguments** based on factual evidence.

### The Research: How AI Chatbots Mitigated Conspiracy Beliefs

To evaluate their hypothesis, the research team executed a series of experiments involving **2,190 participants** who believed in one or more conspiracy theories. The participants conversed personally with an AI chatbot (GPT-4 Turbo), during which they disclosed their beliefs and the evidence they believed substantiated those ideas. The chatbot responded with **fact-checked, evidence-based counterarguments** customized to each participant’s specific claims.

For instance, if an individual believed that “9/11 was an inside job” because “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams,” the chatbot might respond with information from the **NIST report**, which clarifies that steel weakens at much lower temperatures, making the towers’ collapse feasible without the need for controlled demolition. A different individual who believed in the same theory but referenced other evidence—like the manner in which the towers fell—would receive an alternate, similarly customized response.

The outcomes were remarkable. After just one **eight-minute interaction** with the chatbot, participants exhibited a **20% reduction** in their belief in conspiracy theories. Even more impressively, this decline remained intact when participants were reassessed **two months later**.

### Wider Implications and Secondary Effects

The chatbot’s success was not confined to disproving specific conspiracy theories. Researchers discovered that the intervention also yielded **spillover effects**, diminishing participants’ overall propensity to endorse conspiracy theories. It even heightened their willingness to **block or ignore** social media accounts disseminating conspiratorial content.

As **David Rand**, a cognitive scientist at MIT and co-author of the study, commented, “The chatbot managed to meet people exactly where they are instead of just providing sweeping debunks.” This personalized method appeared to stimulate participants to engage in **critical thinking** and reevaluate their beliefs.

Interestingly, the chatbot’s effectiveness was chiefly attributed to its dependence on **facts and evidence**. In subsequent experiments, researchers explored different methodologies, such as having the chatbot establish rapport with participants or abstaining from using factual data altogether. These approaches proved significantly less effective, affirming that it was the **factual counterarguments** that truly made an impact.

### Challenges and Constraints

While the findings of the study are encouraging, challenges still need to be addressed. For example, the chatbot was less effective in contesting conspiracy theories related to **recent events**, like the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. In these instances, the chatbot’s effectiveness diminished to a **6-7% reduction** in belief,

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Unicode 16.0 Update Unveils Fresh Emojis, Raising Overall Character Total to 154,998

# Unicode 16.0: Exciting New Emoji, Scripts, and Their Path to Your Devices

The Unicode Consortium has officially unveiled **Unicode 16.0**, the most recent iteration of the universal character set that facilitates communication across digital platforms. This upgrade brings **5,185 new characters**, boosting the total character count in the Unicode standard to an impressive **154,998**. Among these fresh offerings are **eight new emoji** along with various modern and ancient scripts, affirming Unicode’s commitment to adapting alongside the myriad of languages and cultures worldwide.

## Fresh Emoji in Unicode 16.0

Although Unicode 16.0 encompasses thousands of new characters, the **eight new emoji** are set to garner notable interest. These emoji aim to represent a wide spectrum of human experiences, items, and symbols, including:

– **Shovel**
– **Fingerprint**
– **Leafless tree**
– **Radish** (officially categorized as “root vegetable”)
– **Harp**
– **Purple splat** (evoking the ’90s **Nickelodeon** logo)
– **Flag of Sark** (a tiny isle in the English Channel)
– **Face with bags under eyes** – a prominent emoji that seems to truly capture the fatigue and stress characteristic of contemporary life.

As is tradition, **Emojipedia** has provided **sample images** of these new emoji, showcasing how they may appear once adopted by various platforms such as Apple, Google, and Microsoft. However, final designs may show slight variations depending on each platform’s distinctive style.

### A Closer Examination of the “Face with Bags Under Eyes” Emoji

Among the novel emoji, the **”face with bags under eyes”** is already stirring considerable excitement. Its drained, tired expression has been interpreted as a mirror of our current times, where stress, exhaustion, and sleepless nights have become prevalent. Whether utilized to convey fatigue from work, parenting, or just life itself, this emoji is anticipated to become a widely-used addition to the digital vernacular.

## Newly Introduced Scripts in Unicode 16.0

Alongside emoji, Unicode 16.0 expands support for **seven new scripts**, essential for fostering and sustaining lesser-known languages and writing systems. These include:

– **Garay alphabet** from West Africa
– **Gurung Khema**, **Kirat Rai**, **Ol Onal**, and **Sunuwar** scripts from Northeast India and Nepal
– **Todhri alphabet** from Albania
– **Tulu-Tigalari script** from Southwestern India

These scripts mark a significant advancement in ensuring a broader array of languages and cultures can be accurately depicted in digital communication. By incorporating these scripts, Unicode continues to pursue its goal of inclusivity, allowing individuals from varied linguistic backgrounds to utilize their native writing systems on contemporary devices.

## The Progression of Emoji: From Unicode 15.1 to 16.0

The previous major emoji update was **Unicode 15.1** in 2023, which brought several new emoji, many of which were adaptations of existing characters. For instance, the **lime emoji** was developed by combining the lemon emoji with a green color modifier, and the **phoenix emoji** resulted from merging a bird with a fire emoji. These combinations were enabled by a **zero-width joiner (ZWJ)**, a unique character permitting multiple emoji to be showcased as a single, cohesive image.

In contrast, most emoji in Unicode 16.0 are **distinct characters** rather than blends of pre-existing ones. The only exception is the **Sark flag emoji**, which, akin to other flag emoji, is formed by placing two **regional indicator letters** adjacent to each other, without necessitating a ZWJ character.

## The Path from Unicode to Your Devices

Although the Unicode Consortium has ratified Unicode 16.0, the new characters won’t show up on your devices right away. The journey to make these characters a reality entails several stages:

1. **Design**: Companies such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Samsung must create their versions of the new emoji and characters, ensuring they align with their existing design style.
2. **Software Updates**: Once designs are finalized, these companies must distribute software updates that feature the new characters.
3. **User Adoption**: Ultimately, users must download and install these updates to access the new emoji and characters.

This sequence can span several months, meaning that although Unicode 16.0 is now official, it might take a while before you notice the new emoji and scripts on your device.

## The “Greenwashing Emoji” Myth

Following the release of Unicode 16.0, a peculiar hoax has circulated online. Some users have asserted that the update includes a **”greenwashing emoji”** conceived by **Shepard Fairey**, the artist behind the

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“U.S. Inquiry into Internet Firearm Component Sales Started by Package Marked ‘Fidget Spinner'”

### Federal Authorities Intercept More Than 350 Websites in Offensive Against Unauthorized Gun Part Imports

In a notable initiative aimed at halting the unlawful importation of weapon components into the United States, federal authorities have intercepted over 350 websites. These platforms were identified as participating in the unauthorized sale of gun parts, such as silencers and devices intended to convert semi-automatic pistols into fully automatic firearms. The operation, led by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) along with the Department of Justice (DOJ), uncovered that a significant number of these parts were being smuggled into the US from China, camouflaged as common items like toys, jewelry, automotive parts, and even fidget spinners.

This operation highlights the escalating concern regarding the illegal modification of firearms, which presents a considerable risk to public safety. The seized websites breached both import restrictions and the National Firearms Act by selling components capable of transforming lawful firearms into illegal, fully automatic weapons.

### The Illicit Trade of Gun Components

The websites under investigation were observed to be retailing switches—mechanisms that modify semi-automatic pistols into fully automatic machine guns—and silencers, which muffle the sound of a gun when fired. As per a DOJ

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Tim Walz, Renowned Dreamcast Aficionado, Transforms into Unofficial Character in Crazy Taxi

**Tim Walz’s Dreamcast Infatuation: From Personal Tale to Video Game Modification**

In a fascinating intersection of political narratives and gaming culture, Minnesota Governor and Democratic vice-presidential hopeful Tim Walz has stumbled upon a surprise video game modification. This tale originated from a seemingly inconsequential anecdote in a *New York Times* feature, revealing that Walz’s spouse had once seized his Sega Dreamcast due to his gaming excesses. This amusing tidbit has spurred the creation of a fan-generated mod for the Dreamcast classic *Crazy Taxi*, whimsically dubbed *Crazy Taxi: Tim Walz Edition*.

### The Creation of the Mod

The modification was developed by Edward La Barbera, motivated by the *New York Times* piece. “Word is that Tim Walz was so fond of *Crazy Taxi* that his wife took his Dreamcast from him… so I thought it would be fun to include him in the game,” La Barbera stated on the mod’s [Itch.io page](https://edward-la-barbera.itch.io/crazy-taxi-tim-walz-edition). The mod substitutes one of the original game’s characters, Gus, with a 3D representation of Walz, featuring his iconic black and red checkered shirt—a style that has earned him recognition as a “DNC fashion icon” according to *The Wall Street Journal*.

In addition to the character change, the mod features a range of clever political nods. The gear shift indicators “D” and “R” have been updated to read “Democrat” and “Republican,” the fare meter now tracks “campaign $$$,” and a countdown timer measures the seconds “till election time.” These whimsical elements introduce a layer of political humor to the already frenetic gameplay of *Crazy Taxi*.

### Technical Challenges

Although the mod has captured some attention, it is not merely a matter of burning it onto a CD-R for use on an actual Dreamcast. The mod is currently tailored for the Dreamcast emulator Flycast, which facilitates in-game texture replacements. Gamers hoping to enjoy the mod on genuine Dreamcast hardware may find disappointment; however, those experienced with emulation will find the process of setting it up fairly simple.

In addition to visual enhancements, the mod features new voice lines for both Walz and his running mate, Kamala Harris. These lines were taken from their respective speeches during the Democratic National Convention, adding further depth to the gameplay experience. However, integrating these audio clips into a standard *Crazy Taxi* ROM demands some technical skill and third-party ISO management software. For those less inclined to manipulate files, a [gameplay video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rWMN4XugBE) is accessible online, showcasing Walz exclaiming phrases like “Mind your own business!” to impatient fares.

### The Impact of Walz’s Dreamcast

While Walz has not publicly commented on his Dreamcast gaming experiences, the console has woven itself into gaming legend. Former campaign intern Tom Johnson recalls that Walz brought the console to his office in 2007 for donation purposes. Unfortunately, the Dreamcast languished in the campaign’s break room and eventually found its way into the possession of another intern, Alex Gaterud. Gaterud later sold the console via Craigslist for a mere $25 in 2012, long before Walz rose to national prominence.

The new owner, Bryn Tanner, has since turned the console into a bit of an online sensation. Tanner has shared details about the purchase on various internet forums and even exhibited the Dreamcast at local gaming conventions like

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EVgo and GM Introduce Improved Rapid Charging Experience for Electric Vehicles

# GM and EVgo Announce Plans for Upgraded EV Charging Stations

In the swiftly changing landscape of electric vehicles (EVs), a significant hurdle is to provide drivers with dependable, rapid, and user-friendly charging infrastructure. To tackle this issue, General Motors (GM) and EVgo, a leading public fast-charging network in the U.S., have been working together over the past few years to enhance the presence of fast chargers nationwide. Their most recent announcement introduces a novel concept aimed at improving the EV charging experience, which they intend to implement at key locations throughout the U.S.

## A New Era of EV Charging Stations

The newly designed charging stations draw inspiration from the familiar setup of conventional gas stations, featuring expansive canopies and pull-through access. This design prioritizes not only aesthetics but also functionality. The canopy, co-branded with EVgo and GM Energy, offers protection from weather elements, whereas the pull-through configuration enables drivers to easily charge their vehicles without the hassle of backing in—particularly advantageous for EVs that are towing trailers.

Safety and ease of use are also key considerations in the station design. Sufficient lighting and security cameras will be put in place to guarantee that drivers feel safe while charging, especially after dark. This addresses a widespread concern among EV drivers, as many existing charging stations are situated in poorly lit or remote areas, like the far reaches of shopping mall parking lots.

## High-Power Charging for Quick Turnaround

The new stations will be equipped with chargers capable of delivering 350 kW, essential for reducing charging durations for 800-volt EVs. This high-power feature will enable drivers to swiftly recharge their vehicles and resume travel, minimizing delays often associated with long journeys in an EV.

Moreover, while the announcement did not specifically outline the types of charging plugs that will be offered, it is anticipated that the stations will accommodate both the J3400 (previously known as the North American Charging Standard, or NACS) and CCS1 plugs. This aligns with GM’s recent decision to utilize the J3400 plug for its EVs, starting with the 2024 model year, in addition to EVgo’s adoption of the new connector.

## A Customer-Focused Approach

Dennis Kish, president of EVgo, highlighted the significance of tailoring charging stations to include features that appeal to customers. “The future of EV charging encompasses locations with larger stall counts, high-power charging, and designs that incorporate customer-friendly features—such as pull-through access, canopies, and convenient amenities,” Kish remarked. “Through this next phase of EVgo and GM’s respected partnership, the future of EV charging has arrived.”

GM Energy VP Wade Sheffer reinforced this perspective, emphasizing the necessity of delivering a smooth and trustworthy charging experience for customers. “Ensuring our customers have seamless access to convenient and dependable charging is crucial, and this initiative will elevate that experience,” Sheffer stated. “Through our collaborations with industry leaders like EVgo, we persist in innovating and expanding customer-centric charging solutions that will cater to the evolving needs of EV drivers nationwide.”

## Rollout Timeline and Locations

The initial roll-out of these upgraded charging stations is anticipated to commence in 2025, with plans for locations spread across the U.S. Although a fixed number of chargers per site hasn’t been established, the majority of stations will feature “up to 20 stalls,” with some locations potentially offering significantly more. The companies indicated that the stations will be spread “coast to coast,” focusing on urban areas in states like Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, New York, and Texas.

This timeline is consistent with GM and EVgo’s initial aim of deploying 3,250 chargers by 2025, though the target has since been adjusted to 2,850 chargers. The decrease in the number of chargers appears to have released funds for investing in these more sophisticated flagship stations.

## Progress So Far

Despite the adjusted target, the GM-EVgo partnership has made notable strides in expanding the fast-charging network. Last summer, the two companies installed their 1,000th charger and are on course to achieve 2,000 chargers by year-end 2023. Furthermore, GM and EVgo are partnering with Pilot Travel Centers to establish an additional 2,000 chargers at Pilot and Flying J travel centers across the U.S. By the end of 2023, the first 17 of these chargers were operational, with an objective of having 200 sites functioning by year’s end.

## Conclusion

As the EV marketplace continues to expand, the demand for a robust and dependable charging infrastructure grows ever more critical. GM and EVgo’s latest endeavor signifies a commendable advancement in meeting this demand, providing drivers with a more user-friendly, quicker, and safer charging experience. With plans set to deploy these upgraded stations across the U.S. starting in 2025, the outlook for EV charging is increasingly positive.

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iFixit Unveils FixHub Tools for Cordless, Portable Soldering

### iFixit Unveils FixHub: A Portable Soldering Solution for DIY Repairs

In a time when contemporary devices increasingly depend on circuit boards and discrete electronics, mastering the art of soldering has become an essential skill for anyone keen on DIY repairs. Whether it involves mending a frayed wire in your headphones, swapping out a component on a circuit board, or reviving an outdated gadget, soldering is frequently the sole method to prevent an otherwise functional device from being tossed into a landfill. However, many find soldering intimidating and out of reach, particularly in the absence of the proper tools or experience.

Introducing iFixit’s **FixHub**, a fresh array of portable soldering tools engineered to make soldering more accessible, even for novices. Renowned for its commitment to repairability and extensive repair guides, iFixit is now broadening its product range with a line of battery-operated soldering tools and kits. These items are crafted to assist both beginners and seasoned DIYers in performing repairs nearly anywhere, eliminating the need for a traditional soldering station.

#### The Significance of Soldering

Soldering constitutes a fundamental capability for repairing a broad spectrum of electronics. As devices grow increasingly complex, with elaborate circuit boards and minuscule components, soldering is often the sole method to replace or mend parts that are otherwise hard to reach. Lacking soldering skills means that many devices that could be easily repaired end up discarded, exacerbating electronic waste.

iFixit’s FixHub strives to diminish the barriers to soldering, providing tools that are mobile, user-friendly, and feature-rich, catering to both novices and those with greater experience.

#### Overview of the FixHub Lineup

The FixHub collection comprises several interconnected products, each tailored to function together or independently, based on your requirements:

1. **Smart Soldering Iron** ($80):
The centerpiece of the FixHub system is the **Smart Soldering Iron**, which operates via USB-C. It includes a beveled 1.5 mm tip, with iFixit planning to introduce six additional tips in the future. The iron can handle power up to 100 watts, outperforming many other USB-C soldering irons available, which typically peak at 60W or 88W on DC power. Additionally, it features a heat-resistant cap, allowing users to quickly pack up after completing a task.

2. **Portable Soldering Station** ($250):
For those requiring more than just the iron, iFixit provides the **Portable Soldering Station**, encompassing the Smart Soldering Iron and a dual-port battery pack. This battery pack powers the iron and serves as a standard backup battery equipped with two USB-C ports, making it a flexible tool for both soldering and charging other gadgets.

3. **Soldering Toolkit** ($300):
The **Soldering Toolkit** is a comprehensive set that contains the Smart Soldering Iron, the Portable Soldering Station, and an array of useful soldering tools. This kit is crafted to furnish everything necessary to embark on soldering, all neatly arranged in a portable, burrito-style carrying case.

#### What Differentiates FixHub?

iFixit recognizes the competitive landscape in the portable soldering market, which includes popular products like the **Pinecil** and **Miniware** USB-C soldering irons. Nonetheless, iFixit asserts that its FixHub system delivers several benefits:

– **Enhanced Power Output**: The Smart Soldering Iron can achieve power levels of up to 100 watts, while many rivals peak at 60W or 88W. This elevated power output enables the iron to heat up more quickly and sustain a steadier temperature, simplifying the work process.

– **Ergonomics and Accessibility**: iFixit has invested considerable resources into refining the ergonomics of the soldering iron, which includes the tip length, cable tension, and overall aesthetics. These enhancements are aimed at making the soldering experience more pleasant and less cumbersome, particularly for beginners.

– **Temperature Regulation**: The Smart Soldering Iron features dual control methods: via a dial on the battery pack or through a local browser interface. This versatility allows users to adjust the temperature accurately, without necessitating a complete soldering station equipped with a heat-setting display.

– **Customer Assistance and Warranty**: In contrast to many competitors, iFixit provides a warranty and customer support based in the US, offering reassurance for users who may require help with their tools.

#### Targeted at Novices and Aficionados

While the FixHub system is crafted to be user-friendly for novices, it also addresses more seasoned users who might lack the space or budget for a comprehensive soldering station. The modular design of the FixHub system permits users to begin with essential tools and enhance their kit as required. For those just

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GM and Hyundai Collaborate to Lower Expenses of New Cars and Eco-Friendly Technology

### Hyundai and GM Establish Strategic Alliance to Work on Future Vehicle Innovations

In a noteworthy advancement for the global auto sector, two of the largest manufacturers—Hyundai Motor Group (HMG) and General Motors (GM)—have revealed a strategic alliance focused on collaborating in several crucial areas, such as vehicle design, technology advancement, and supply chain management. Together, these automotive powerhouses sold a total of 13.5 million vehicles in 2023, and their partnership could lead to significant changes in the future of transportation.


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European Privacy Authority Probes Google’s Data Utilization for AI Training

**Google Being Examined by EU Privacy Regulator for AI Data Procedures**

Google is currently under scrutiny by the European Union’s privacy authority, the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC), regarding its management of personal data in the creation of its artificial intelligence (AI) systems. This investigation is part of a wider regulatory initiative to evaluate how major technology firms handle personal data during the development of AI solutions, which are increasingly critical to their business strategies.

### Investigation Focus: PaLM 2

The inquiry focuses on Google’s **Pathways Language Model 2 (PaLM 2)**, a sophisticated AI system launched in May 2023. PaLM 2 precedes Google’s latest **Gemini models**, released in December 2023, which are now fundamental to Google’s AI-based text and image generation offerings.

The DPC’s investigation seeks to assess whether Google has adhered to the **General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)**, particularly concerning its processing of personal data from EU and European Economic Area (EEA) citizens. The GDPR serves as a comprehensive data protection statute that mandates companies to follow stringent protocols when handling personal data, especially when such activities might significantly impact individuals’ rights and freedoms.

### Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)

A crucial part of the investigation is whether Google carried out a **Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)** prior to utilizing personal data for training its AI systems. The GDPR stipulates that a DPIA is required when data processing endeavors are likely to result in elevated risks to individuals’ privacy and rights. This is especially pertinent when incorporating emerging technologies like AI.

The DPC stressed that performing a DPIA is “of vital significance” to ensure the essential rights and freedoms of individuals are sufficiently acknowledged and safeguarded. The regulator is currently reviewing Google’s DPIA as part of the investigative process.

### Google’s Reaction

In light of the inquiry, a Google spokesperson remarked, “We take our responsibilities under the GDPR very seriously and will actively collaborate with the DPC to respond to their inquiries.” This statement indicates that Google is engaging with the investigation and is dedicated to addressing any issues raised by the regulator.

### A Wider Trend: Big Tech Facing Oversight

This investigation is indicative of a broader trend of heightened regulatory oversight on major tech firms, particularly those involved in the creation of large language models (LLMs) and other AI technologies. The DPC, tasked with enforcing GDPR compliance for many of the globe’s largest tech enterprises, has been particularly vigilant in this domain.

In June 2023, **Meta** (previously known as Facebook) halted its initiatives to train its AI model **LLaMA** on public content shared by adults on Facebook and Instagram within Europe. This choice followed discussions with the Irish regulator, which expressed concerns about the application of personal data in AI training. Consequently, Meta restricted some of its AI products’ availability to users in the area.

Similarly, in July 2023, users of **X** (formerly Twitter) learned that their posts were being utilized to train AI systems created by **xAI**, a startup established by Elon Musk. Following legal actions initiated by the DPC, X paused processing several weeks’ worth of European user data that had been collected to train its **Grok AI** model. This marked the initial instance of the DPC wielding its authority to take such measures against a tech company, indicating a firmer regulatory approach.

### The Increasing Relevance of AI Regulation

As AI technologies progress and become more embedded in everyday activities, regulators are paying closer attention to the development and training of these systems. Large language models like PaLM 2 and Gemini depend on extensive data sets, often containing personal information, to enhance their efficiency. However, this raises considerable privacy issues, particularly in regions such as the EU, where data protection regulations are strict.

The outcome of the DPC’s investigation into Google’s data management practices could establish a benchmark for the regulation of AI models moving forward. If the inquiry concludes that Google contravened GDPR, it could result in substantial fines and stricter governance of AI development throughout the tech sector.

### Conclusion

The inquiry into Google’s PaLM 2 model by the Irish Data Protection Commission underscores the escalating conflict between rapid advancements in AI technologies and the imperative to safeguard individuals’ privacy rights. As regulators like the DPC intensify their examination of Big Tech’s AI pursuits, companies will need to guarantee full compliance with data protection regulations such as the GDPR. This case could act as a precursor for future regulatory measures in the AI domain, as governments and oversight entities globally navigate the challenges posed by the emergence of artificial intelligence.

*Image Credit: Getty Images | Cesc Maymo*

*Source: The Financial Times Ltd. All rights reserved. Not to be redistributed, copied, or modified in any way.*

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Top Officials Indicate NASA Facilities as Some of the Most Degraded They’ve Observed

### NASA Confronts Obstacles with Old Infrastructure, Workforce, and Tech Progress

NASA, the leading space agency of the United States, is encountering substantial challenges that could impede its pursuit of long-term strategic objectives. A recent assessment from a panel of independent experts reveals that NASA is contending with outdated infrastructure, a diminishing budget for mission support, and the potential exodus of engineering talent to the private space sector. These factors, combined with inadequate long-term planning for technology advancement, threaten the agency’s capacity to execute its most ambitious endeavors, including the Artemis initiative aimed at returning humans to the Moon and upcoming crewed missions to Mars.

#### Deteriorating Infrastructure: An Increasing Concern

Among the most urgent challenges outlined in the report is NASA’s aging infrastructure. Approximately 83% of NASA’s facilities have surpassed their intended lifespans, with a maintenance backlog estimated at $3.3 billion. To illuminate the scale of the issue, NASA allocates about $250 million annually for routine maintenance, implying that a $600 million increase in yearly funding for infrastructure repairs would be necessary to clear the backlog within ten years.

“NASA’s dilemma is it always seems to have $3 billion more programs than it has in available funds,” stated Norm Augustine, chair of the National Academies panel responsible for the report. Augustine has chaired similar comprehensive evaluations of NASA’s space initiatives in 1990 and 2009, yet the current assessment presents an even more dire outlook.

The report indicates that a significant number of NASA’s facilities are rated as “marginal to poor” in terms of condition. For instance, the Johnson Space Center in Houston, which manages astronaut training and houses NASA’s Mission Control Center, contains some of the lowest-rated facilities. Other locations, such as the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California and the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi, perform better but still face notable challenges.

The declining condition of NASA’s infrastructure transcends superficial concerns. As Erik Weiser, a NASA official, emphasized, “You can possess a world-class microscope and materials lab, but if the building collapses, that microscope is rendered useless.”

#### A Declining Budget for Mission Support

Although NASA’s budget for missions has risen by 8% since 2010, the funding allocated for mission support has decreased by 33%. Consequently, each dollar designated for mission support now has to accommodate 50% more mission activity compared to just over a decade ago. This disparity is especially troubling as NASA embarks on some of the most intricate missions in its history, including the Artemis program aimed at returning humans to the Moon.

“In terms of both architectural complexity and technical complexity, NASA today—for instance, in the Artemis program—is tackling challenges that significantly exceed anything encountered during the Apollo program,” Augustine remarked.

The panel advised that Congress create a revolving working capital fund for NASA, akin to those employed by other federal agencies, to guarantee that the agency possesses the resources required to sustain and enhance its infrastructure. This proposal would necessitate federal legislation but could offer a more viable solution to NASA’s infrastructure dilemmas.

#### Absence of Long-Term Technology Planning

Another significant issue raised by the panel is NASA’s deficiency in having a long-range approach for technology development. The federal government functions within one-year budget cycles, with overall spending plans only reaching five years into the future. This short-sighted focus contradicts the extensive timelines necessary for NASA’s missions, which often require decades to accomplish.

“NASA’s operations and missions typically involve decades of efforts, or at least a decade of work,” Augustine noted. The panel urged NASA to create a more comprehensive plan for technology development, which includes establishing “need dates” for mission-critical technologies.

Ed Crawley, an engineering professor at MIT and a panel member, pinpointed three essential technologies that NASA must cultivate to fulfill its long-term objectives: in-space power and propulsion, technologies for entry, descent, and landing on Mars, and radiation safety measures for astronauts. These are what Crawley termed the “three miracles” needed to transport humans to Mars.

#### Competing for Engineering Expertise

The emergence of the commercial space sector, spearheaded by companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin, presents both opportunities and challenges for NASA. While the agency has reaped benefits from collaborations with these entities, particularly via fixed-price service agreements, there are concerns that NASA’s growing dependence on commercial partners could dilute its own engineering proficiency.

NASA’s commercial collaborators frequently depend on the agency’s technical knowledge and facilities. For example, SpaceX utilized NASA’s launch pads and vacuum chambers to test its Crew Dragon spacecraft. Nonetheless, the panel cautioned that over-reliance on service contracts could relegate NASA’s role to that of a supervisory entity rather than an active engineering organization.

“Very few of the nation’s most innovative scientists and engineers would likely seek or remain in such purely oversight roles,” the panel noted. This scenario could trigger a brain drain, with NASA’s most skilled engineers departing for other opportunities.

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