Tag: Source: Arstechnica.com

Microsoft Implements Functions Utilizing Various Error-Corrected Qubits

### Quantum Computing Breakthroughs: Microsoft and Collaborators Extend the Limits of Error Correction

On Tuesday, Microsoft unveiled a series of revolutionary announcements concerning its **Azure Quantum Cloud** service, indicating substantial advancements in the field of quantum computing. A key highlight was the demonstration of logical operations utilizing the highest number of error-corrected qubits to date. This represents a pivotal advancement in the mission to render quantum computing dependable and scalable for real-world applications.

Krysta Svore, a Microsoft Technical Fellow, emphasized the swift advancements: “Since April, we’ve tripled the number of logical qubits here,” she stated. “We are speeding towards that hundred-logical-qubit capability.” This milestone is part of an extensive partnership with hardware collaborators like **Quantinuum** and **Atom Computing**, both playing a role in the creation of quantum systems capable of executing calculations significantly beyond the reach of classical computers.

### The Quantum Error Correction Dilemma

Quantum computing promises to tackle intricate problems that remain unsolvable for classical computers. Nevertheless, one of the most daunting challenges is the elevated error rate associated with quantum bits, or **qubits**. Unlike classical bits, qubits can inhabit multiple states at once due to the principle of superposition. However, this feature also renders them more prone to errors caused by environmental noise, quantum decoherence, and other influences.

In classical computing, error correction is relatively straightforward: bits can be measured and compared to identify and rectify errors. Conversely, in quantum computing, measuring a qubit results in the collapse of its superposition, nullifying the quantum information. This complicates error correction significantly.

The resolution lies in **logical qubits**, which distribute quantum information across various physical qubits. This redundancy facilitates the detection and correction of errors without the need to directly measure the qubits containing the data. However, deploying this requires additional qubits known as **ancillary qubits**, which assist in the error detection and correction processes.

### Quantinuum’s H2 Processor and the Tesseract Code

Microsoft’s recent showcase was enabled by **Quantinuum’s H2 quantum processor**, which employs **trapped ion qubits**. These qubits are recognized for their stability and resistance to errors, making them exceptionally suitable for error correction trials. The H2 processor’s “racetrack” configuration promotes flexible qubit connectivity, essential for executing sophisticated error-correction techniques.

One such technique is the **tesseract code**, inspired by the four-dimensional geometric figure. The tesseract code arranges qubits in a fashion akin to the vertices of a tesseract, permitting efficient error detection and correction. This strategy is especially compatible with Quantinuum’s technology, as trapped ion qubits can be manipulated physically, allowing for dynamic interconnections among qubits.

In the recent experiment, the tesseract code enabled the formation of **logical qubits** from 16 physical qubits, with capacity for correcting up to three simultaneous errors. The team successfully encoded 12 logical qubits within the 56 physical qubits from the H2 processor. The outcomes were noteworthy: the error rate decreased from 2.4% (utilizing only physical qubits) to a mere 0.11% with error correction—a remarkable 22-fold enhancement.

Although this error rate remains excessive for extensive quantum algorithms, it serves as evidence that error correction functions as anticipated, bringing us nearer to actionable quantum computing.

### Streamlining Error Correction with Q#

One of the primary obstacles in quantum computing is the intricacy of error correction. Executing calculations necessitates not only the operations essential for the algorithm but also supplementary operations to locate and rectify errors. This ongoing interaction between the quantum processor and classical control systems can be tedious.

In response to this, Microsoft has incorporated error correction into its **Q# programming language**, part of the Azure Quantum platform. Q# enables developers to create quantum algorithms without needing to delve into the intricate error-correction processes. Microsoft’s compiler automatically produces the required instructions for error correction, simplifying the task for developers to concentrate on high-level algorithm creation.

“We aren’t drafting assembly code on a daily basis,” Svore elaborated. “So here the analogy holds. You want to design your application in a high-level language. For that, we have introduced Q#, a high-level language for authoring quantum algorithms, which is then transformed to be compatible with the hardware and compiled for you.”

This methodology is vital for making quantum computing more accessible to a wider array of developers and researchers. By abstracting the complexities of error correction, Microsoft aims to expedite the evolution of quantum applications.

### The Contribution of Atom Computing and Neutral Atoms

Alongside its endeavors with Quantinuum, Microsoft has collaborated with **Atom Computing**, a firm utilizing **neutral atoms** to store qubits. Neutral atoms present an alternative strategy for quantum computing, with the potential for expansive systems due to their capability to trap vast numbers of atoms.

Atom Computing has already demonstrated hardware that accommodates over 1,000 qubits.

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“Satisfactory Version 1.0 Launched: The Time to Jump In Is Now!”

# The Captivating Charm of *Satisfactory*: An In-Depth Look at Coffee Stain Studios’ Industrial Gem


In *Satisfactory*, you aren’t merely engaged in gameplay; you’re setting off on an adventure of industrial development on an uncharted extraterrestrial world. Crafted by Coffee Stain Studios, the minds behind *Goat Simulator* and the publishers of *Deep Rock Galactic*, *Satisfactory* has enchanted millions of gamers since its early access debut in 2019. With the highly awaited 1.0 release now here, the game has ascended to unprecedented levels of intricacy and engagement.

The concept is straightforward yet intriguing: you play as a Pioneer for the imaginary megacorporation FICSIT, responsible for gathering resources, constructing factories, and streamlining production processes. However, hidden beneath this seemingly simple objective is a rich, complex system that can easily take up hours—if not days—of your attention. The game has achieved sales of over 5.5 million copies, with many players amassing hundreds, if not thousands, of hours in their pursuit of the ultimate factory.

## FICSIT Corporation: A Darkly Witty Dystopia

FICSIT, the entity behind your tasks, echoes other corporate dystopias in gaming, much like Aperture Science from *Portal* or Vault-Tec from *Fallout*. Similar to these notorious companies, FICSIT is a nameless, profit-oriented organization that shows little concern for the welfare of its workforce—or the environment you’re depleting. Your avatar serves as a replaceable cog in a much larger apparatus, inundated with falsehoods and urged to overlook the ecological devastation and moral quandaries that arise from your endeavors.

The game’s dark comedy emerges in instances like the in-game alert you receive after two hours of continuous play. FICSIT, ever the kindhearted dictator, reminds you to keep a “work-life balance,” while simultaneously demanding that you enhance productivity and fine-tune your factory to its utmost potential.

## The Gameplay Cycle: Construct, Enhance, Repeat

At its essence, *Satisfactory* is a first-person factory construction game. You kick off with nothing but a few rudimentary tools and a vibrant, alien terrain filled with diverse life. Your initial goal is to break down your landing vehicle and utilize its components to create a H.U.B. (Habitat and Utility Base). From that point, the game unfolds as you gain access to new tools, machines, and advancements.

The gameplay cycle is straightforward but mesmerizing: collect resources, construct machines, and refine production lines. You’ll mine ore, gather fuel, and even capture animal parts for research purposes. As you advance, the intricacy of your factory expands, propelling you to continuously adjust and optimize your arrangements for peak efficiency.

One of the most gratifying elements of the game is the feeling of advancement. Each new upgrade grants you access to more sophisticated tools and machines, permitting you to automate a larger portion of your production workflow. Yet, with every increment in complexity arises new hurdles. You must find a balance between power consumption, manage resource distribution, and contend with the occasional aggressive wildlife unwelcoming of your industrial presence.

## The Moral Quandary: Industrialization versus Nature

As your factory grows, you start to see the impact it’s having on the environment. The previously untouched landscape gradually gives way to conveyor belts, smelters, and smoke-spewing machines. The indigenous fauna, once a tranquil part of the ecosystem, becomes a nuisance—often addressed with force.

The game doesn’t compel you to face these moral dilemmas outright, but they linger persistently in the background. Why are you depleting the planet’s resources? What is the final objective of this production? And why is the construction of a colossal “Space Elevator” your ultimate goal?

These queries may persist at the back of your mind, yet the game is crafted to keep you centered on optimization. Can you enhance the efficiency of your conveyor belts? Is it possible to automate your power supply so that you don’t have to constantly refuel it manually? The deeper you delve into the game, the more these questions fade, overshadowed by an ever-present ambition for efficiency.

## Multiplayer: Cooperation and Confrontation

One of the notable elements of *Satisfactory* is its multiplayer functionality, which enables up to four players to join forces in constructing a factory. While this can foster excellent teamwork, it can also spark passionate discussions over the “best” method for establishing production lines. Should you focus on mining iron or copper? What is the optimal way to arrange your conveyor belts for the shortest travel distances? These considerations can lead to extensive deliberations—and sometimes, frustration.

However, when everything aligns, the sense of achievement is unmatched. Witnessing a finely tuned machine—one that you and your companions crafted from the ground up—produce goods with flawless efficiency is immensely rewarding.

## The Time Sink: A Thousand Hours and More

It’s a breeze to lose oneself in *Satisfactory*. The game has a way

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Apple Required to Compensate €13 Billion in Back Taxes Following Final Appeal Defeat

# Apple Experiences Significant Loss in EU Court Regarding €13 Billion Tax Liability

Apple has encountered a considerable defeat after the highest court in the European Union decreed that the technology behemoth is obligated to pay €13 billion in outstanding taxes to Ireland. This ruling reverses a prior decision favorable to Apple and signifies a crucial juncture in the enduring conflict between major tech firms and European authorities regarding taxation practices.

## The Context: A 2016 Allegation of Tax Dodging

This issue traces back to 2016 when Margrethe Vestager, the competition chief of the EU, accused Ireland of providing Apple with an illegitimate tax arrangement. Vestager contended that Ireland allowed Apple to pay a tax rate under 1%, significantly lower than the average corporate tax rates in the EU. According to the European Commission, this was tantamount to state aid, which violates EU regulations.

Central to the controversy was Apple’s utilization of a tax strategy dubbed the “Double Irish,” facilitating the transfer of profits through Ireland while incurring minimal tax liabilities. The European Commission mandated Ireland to recover €13 billion in owed taxes from Apple, a ruling contested by both Apple and Ireland.

## The Judicial Conflict: Apple’s Counterarguments and the Commission’s Resolution

Apple has persistently rejected any allegations of misconduct, with CEO Tim Cook labeling the European Commission’s position as “complete political nonsense.” The company asserted its compliance with global tax regulations and maintained that its revenues were already taxed in the United States. Apple claimed the EU was attempting to retroactively alter the rules.

Ireland, for its part, has insisted that it did not provide preferential tax benefits to Apple or any other firm. The Irish government has long defended its corporate tax framework, which has enticed numerous multinational corporations to set up operations in the country.

In 2020, a lower court in the EU sided with Apple and Ireland, overturning the order from the European Commission. However, the European Court of Justice (ECJ), the EU’s top court, has now reversed that verdict, upholding the Commission’s initial finding.

## The ECJ’s Decision: A Significant Ruling

On Tuesday, the ECJ determined that Ireland had indeed conferred unlawful state aid on Apple by permitting the company to circumvent taxes on profits derived from intellectual property licenses held by its international and European branches. Consequently, Ireland is mandated to reclaim the €13 billion from Apple, which has been secured in an escrow account since 2018.

The ECJ’s ruling is viewed as a substantial triumph for the European Commission and a pronounced setback for Apple. Margrethe Vestager celebrated the decision as a victory for tax equity and the level playing field of the internal market. She stressed that this ruling reinforces the EU’s commitment to ensuring that all businesses, irrespective of size, fulfill their tax obligations.

## Wider Consequences for Big Tech and Tax Compliance

This case has garnered significant attention throughout Europe as a potential watershed moment in the EU’s initiatives to curb the tax strategies employed by multinational corporations, especially within the tech industry. The ruling could lead to significant changes in how profits are distributed across countries and how multinationals arrange their tax obligations.

Dan Neidle, founder of the Tax Policy Associates think tank, remarked that the ECJ’s ruling would compel member states and multinational corporations to reassess their tax approaches. He characterized the judgment as a “massive win” for the European Commission, which has employed competition law and state aid regulations to confront domestic tax policies.

The ruling arrives amidst a global movement towards tax reform. In 2021, several nations agreed to adopt a global minimum corporate tax rate of 15%, designed to deter companies from shifting profits to low-tax countries. Apple subsequently discontinued its “Double Irish” tax model after Ireland closed the loophole in 2015.

## Ireland’s Reaction: A Public Discourse on Fund Allocation

Ireland has been directed to recover the €13 billion from the escrow account, which has been allocated to eurozone government bonds. However, the total has diminished from the initial €14.3 billion owing to a decline in bond values.

Within Ireland, the ruling has ignited public discussion regarding the intended use of the recovered funds. Aidan Regan, associate professor of political economy at University College Dublin, indicated there would likely be a “public outcry” to utilize the resources for pressing matters like the nation’s chronic housing crisis.

The Irish finance ministry has announced it will assess the ruling but reiterated its stance that Ireland does not provide preferential tax treatment to any organization.

## A Wider Clampdown: Google Also in Legal Trouble

Apple was not alone in facing legal repercussions on Tuesday. In a separate case, the ECJ upheld a €2.4 billion penalty against Google for exploiting its market dominance by prioritizing its own shopping services over those of its competitors. This antitrust case, which originated in 2017, serves as another illustration.

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Ars Technica Reveals Speaker Lineup for Forthcoming Infrastructure Event in San Jose

### Ars Technica and IBM Collaborate for Two Thrilling In-Person Events on AI and IT Infrastructure

**Hello, Arsians!** Following the success of last year’s in-person gathering in Houston, where we teamed up with IBM to discuss the future of IT against the impressive backdrop of Space Center Houston, we’re excited to share that we’re returning with not just one, but **two** in-person events this year. These gatherings will concentrate on the swiftly changing landscape of IT infrastructure, generative AI, and cybersecurity. This time, we’re going bi-coastal, with events in **San Jose, California** and **Washington, DC**.

Both gatherings will showcase expert-led panel discussions, delving into the future of IT, AI, and data management. Each event will wrap up with a happy hour, giving attendees the chance to socialize, network, and share thoughts from the day over cocktails. Here’s all the essential information about these exciting events.

### **September 18: San Jose, California**

Our first event, titled **”Beyond the Buzz: An Infrastructure Future with GenAI and What Comes Next,”** will be held in **San Jose, California** on **September 18**. It will concentrate on the repercussions of generative AI (GenAI) on data management and IT infrastructure.

#### **Venue: The Computer History Museum**

We’re hosting the event at the **Computer History Museum**, an ideal setting for conversations about the future of technology. The museum is a must-see for tech aficionados, showcasing the rich narrative of computing and its societal impacts. Just be cautious not to spill anything—we wouldn’t want to be liable for damaging any of the exhibits!

#### **Panel Discussions and Speakers**

We have assembled a series of insightful panels featuring industry authorities who will investigate the intersection of AI, infrastructure, and cybersecurity. Here’s an overview of the panels:

#### **1. Infrastructure’s Environmental Footprint: Navigating Impacts and Responsibilities**

As AI pushes large-scale infrastructure investments higher, the energy requirements of these systems are increasing dramatically. This panel will address the environmental effects of AI and hybrid cloud infrastructures, with a special focus on energy consumption and the hurdles of measuring ROI for compute-heavy AI tools.

– **[Jeffrey Ball](https://sfi.stanford.edu/people/jeffrey-ball)**, Scholar-In-Residence, Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy & Finance, Stanford University
– **[Subbu Iyer](https://www.linkedin.com/in/skiyer)**, Group Vice President, Data Science, Albertsons
– **[Joanna Wong](https://hk.linkedin.com/in/joanna-wong-6027b5314)**, Solutions Architect, Storage for AI, HPC, IBM

**Moderator:** Lee Hutchinson, Senior Technology Editor, Ars Technica

#### **2. Identifying Infrastructure Vulnerabilities with Today’s AI Tools**

AI serves not only as a creation tool but also as a formidable weapon for cybercriminals. This panel will discuss how AI can be harnessed to uncover vulnerabilities in infrastructure and code, and how threat actors are utilizing these resources to conduct more sophisticated attacks. We will also explore strategies for safeguarding your data in this evolving threat environment.

– **[Patrick Gould](https://www.diu.mil/team/patrick-gould)**, Director, Cyber & Telecoms Portfolio, Defense Innovation Unit (DIU)
– **[Ram Parasuraman](https://mediacenter.ibm.com/media/theCube+interview+with+Ram+Parasuraman+%E2%80%93+Beyond+Firewalls/1_suy2fx9h)**, Executive Director, Data & Resiliency, IBM Storage
– **[Stephen Goldschidt](https://www.linkedin.com/in/sgoldschmidt)**, Senior Staff Security Engineer, Box

**Moderator:** Lee Hutchinson, Senior Technology Editor, Ars Technica

#### **3. Infrastructure’s Environmental Footprint: Navigating Impacts and Responsibilities**

This panel will shed light on the necessity of secure and strategic infrastructure planning. We’ll examine how to develop a flexible infrastructure strategy that can accommodate any workload while steering clear of common mistakes.

– **[Pete Brey](https://www.linkedin.com/in/petebrey)**, Global Product Executive, IBM
– **

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Self-Driving Semi Trucks Anticipated to Debut in a Few Months

### Aurora’s Driverless Trucking Revolution: A New Era in Freight Transportation

On a bright December morning, an 18-wheeler will arrive at a truck depot in Palmer, Texas, located just south of Dallas. The driver will exit the cab and assist in transferring his trailer to a second vehicle equipped with advanced sensors. This second truck will then set off on a journey southbound along Interstate 45 towards Houston. The truck will navigate cautiously, primarily maintaining the right lane at 65 mph despite the 75 mph speed limit. After three and a half hours, it will exit the freeway in Greenpoint, a northern Houston neighborhood, and head to another truck depot. Here, the trailer will be moved to yet another rig, and a different driver will transport the cargo to its final destination.

While it is common for trucks to cover the 200 miles between Dallas and Houston, this specific trip will be distinctive. The middle segment of this journey will be executed without a human driver in the vehicle. This achievement signifies a major milestone for Aurora, a startup that has dedicated seven years and invested hundreds of millions of dollars to prepare for this driverless endeavor.

### Aurora: Pioneering the Future of Autonomous Trucking

Founded by industry veterans from Google, Tesla, and Uber, Aurora is leading the charge in the autonomous trucking revolution. The company has been painstakingly preparing for this occasion, developing state-of-the-art technology to ensure the safe and dependable operation of driverless trucks. Aurora’s vehicles are fitted with sophisticated sensors, including proprietary lidar systems, along with backup systems incorporated into essential functions such as steering, braking, and power. This design guarantees that if one system experiences a failure, another can take over, thereby avoiding catastrophic incidents.

Sterling Anderson, co-founder of Aurora, highlighted the significance of these safety redundancies. “In a self-driving truck, the option for human backup is gone,” he mentioned. “Therefore, modifications to the actuation architecture must be made: steering actuators, braking actuators, and power structure. You need to add redundancies across several channels. A single point of failure cannot exist.”

The implications are substantial. If Aurora’s inaugural driverless journey down I-45 is successful, it may set the stage for countless similar trips in the future. Given that the United States has hundreds of thousands of long-haul truck drivers, the market for autonomous trucking is extensive and holds great potential. Additionally, driverless technology could help diminish the number of fatal accidents involving large trucks, which currently result in thousands of fatalities annually in the U.S.

### The Competitive Landscape: Aurora vs. Kodiak and Gatik

Aurora isn’t the sole contender in the race toward developing autonomous trucking technologies. Various other companies, including Kodiak Robotics and Gatik, are also progressing with driverless trucks, each adopting its own distinctive method.

#### Kodiak Robotics: A Scrappier Rival

Kodiak Robotics, established by Don Burnette, a former Google engineer and co-founder of Uber’s self-driving truck initiative Otto, is a scrappier opponent to Aurora. While Aurora has secured over $1 billion in funding and employs 1,700 individuals, Kodiak has garnered a more modest $165 million and has a workforce of 210. Despite its smaller stature, Kodiak has made noteworthy advancements in the realm of autonomous trucking.

Kodiak’s strategy is more modular compared to Aurora’s. Instead of deeply embedding its technology into specific vehicle models, Kodiak utilizes off-the-shelf lidar sensors, consolidating all necessary sensors for autonomy into the truck’s mirrors, referred to as SensorPods. This modular design facilitates Kodiak’s technology integration across various vehicle types. However, the absence of deep integration might hinder the scaling process since trucks won’t roll off assembly lines with Kodiak technology pre-installed.

Kodiak has also adopted a more aggressive approach in pursuing short-term revenue opportunities. In 2022, the company entered into a $50 million agreement with the U.S. military to enhance its autonomous capabilities. Additionally, Kodiak began transporting sand in the Permian Basin of West Texas for Atlas Energy Solutions, operating on private roads at a maximum speed of 20 mph. These contracts yield immediate revenue while enabling Kodiak to continue advancing its technology.

#### Gatik: Focusing on Short-Haul Routes

In contrast to Aurora and Kodiak, which concentrate on long-haul trucking, Gatik specializes in shorter routes, transporting goods between distribution centers and retail outlets. Gatik’s trucks are smaller, and the routes are less lengthy and more predictable, which streamlines the driving environment’s complexity.

Gatik has already accomplished significant milestones, including operating fully driverless trucks on a 7.1-mile route for Walmart in Bentonville, Arkansas. The company’s approach entails carefully choosing routes that bypass intricate driving situations, such as unprotected left turns, while gradually phasing out safety drivers once the software has undergone extensive testing.

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Private Spaceflight Scheduled to Take Off Early Tuesday After Weather Approval

# SpaceX’s Polaris Dawn Mission: Redefining the Frontiers of Private Space Travel

On a serene Tuesday morning, the pre-dawn sky over Florida was brightened by the blazing ascent of a **Falcon 9 rocket**, signaling the start of one of the most ambitious private spaceflights ever attempted. The mission, named **Polaris Dawn**, is headed by billionaire pilot **Jared Isaacman** and seeks to extend the limits of human space exploration, especially in the sector of private space initiatives.


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NASA Ready to Start Last Preparations for Europa Clipper Launch Next Month

# NASA’s Europa Clipper Mission: Set for Launch Despite Radiation Issues

Earlier this year, there was a brief moment when NASA’s eagerly awaited Europa Clipper mission encountered the risk of a significant postponement. In May, engineers expressed worries that specific transistors integrated into the spacecraft’s circuitry might be susceptible to the extreme radiation conditions surrounding Jupiter, potentially threatening the mission. Nevertheless, following months of thorough testing, NASA has approved the mission to move forward as scheduled, with a launch window beginning on October 10, 2024.

## Addressing Radiation Issues

The Europa Clipper mission aims to investigate Jupiter’s icy moon, Europa, which is thought to have a subsurface ocean beneath its frozen surface. This ocean might be capable of supporting life, rendering Europa one of the most captivating targets in the quest for extraterrestrial existence. Nonetheless, the spacecraft must navigate Jupiter’s intense radiation belts, which can harm delicate electronics.

The transistors in question handle approximately 200 distinct functions, many of which are vital for the spacecraft’s operations. These transistors are already in place on the spacecraft, and extracting or substituting them would have pushed the mission back to late 2025. Given the tight 21-day launch period starting October 10, 2024, NASA engineers had to devise a solution that would enable the mission to move forward without significant holdups.

Following comprehensive ground evaluations of similar transistors, engineers determined that the components on board Europa Clipper could endure the radiation conditions near Jupiter. “A major challenge was assessing how those transistors on the spacecraft would perform in Jupiter’s radiation environment,” remarked Jordan Evans, Europa Clipper’s project manager at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). “After extensive testing and analysis, we have high confidence we can execute the original mission to explore Europa as intended.”

NASA’s senior management concurred with this evaluation, and the mission successfully cleared its final review, allowing launch preparations to proceed.

## Launch Preparations Underway

With the radiation issues addressed, teams at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida are now gearing up the spacecraft for launch. One of the next crucial phases involves loading nearly 3 metric tons (6,600 pounds) of propellant into the spacecraft. This propellant will make up almost half of the spacecraft’s total weight, making Europa Clipper the largest planetary exploration vehicle NASA has ever created.

Once filled with fuel, the spacecraft will be encased in its protective fairing and positioned atop a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket for its voyage to Jupiter. “I’m excited to announce that we are confident our remarkable spacecraft and skilled team are poised for launch, operations, and our comprehensive science mission at Europa,” stated Laurie Leshin, JPL’s center director.

## The Remarkable Mission Journey

Post-launch, Europa Clipper will set off on a multi-year expedition to the outer solar system. Initially, the spacecraft will execute a gravity-assist flyby of Mars in February 2025 to increase its speed. A second flyby of Earth in December 2026 will further refine its course, paving the way to intercept Jupiter’s orbit in April 2030.

Upon reaching Jupiter, Europa Clipper will fire its engines to decelerate and be captured by the gas giant’s tremendous gravitational pull. Over the span of four years, the spacecraft will conduct 49 close flybys of Europa, approaching as near as 16 miles (25 kilometers) from the moon’s icy surface.

During these flybys, Europa Clipper’s nine scientific instruments will map the moon’s surface, investigate its ice layer, and search for potential signs of habitability within the subsurface ocean. One of the mission’s most thrilling prospects is the chance to fly through plumes of water vapor that may be venting from fissures in Europa’s surface. If the spacecraft encounters such plumes, its instruments could directly analyze materials from the ocean beneath, providing an exciting glimpse into the moon’s potential for life.

“This is a groundbreaking mission,” commented Curt Niebur, Europa Clipper’s program scientist at NASA Headquarters. “It allows us to explore not a world that might have been habitable billions of years ago, but a world that could be habitable today, right now.”

## Radiation Defense and Self-Repairing Electronics

As Europa Clipper orbits Jupiter, it will encounter extreme radiation levels, but the spacecraft is equipped with strong protective solutions. The most sensitive electronic components are located within a vault made of aluminum-zinc alloy, which provides shielding from the most harmful radiation from Jupiter. However, some transistors are positioned outside this vault, particularly in the scientific instruments mounted on the spacecraft’s exterior.

Fortunately, the transistors possess a self-repair capability known as annealing, which enables them to regain much of their functionality after radiation exposure. For the majority of its orbit around Jupiter, Europa Clipper will traverse a relatively mild radiation environment, allowing time for the transistors to recover between close flybys.

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DOJ Charges Google with Possessing “Trifecta of Monopolies” in Ad Tech on Trial’s Opening Day

### Google Confronts Significant Antitrust Trial Regarding Ad Tech Supremacy

On Monday, September 9, 2024, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) initiated its third notable antitrust trial against Google, this time aimed at the tech titan’s supremacy in the digital advertising technology (ad tech) sector. The trial, taking place in Alexandria, Virginia, follows two major legal setbacks for Google, where courts determined the company possessed monopolies in both **general search** and the **Android app marketplace**. Currently, the DOJ is zeroing in on Google’s ad tech operations, which are purportedly suppressing competition and negatively impacting both advertisers and publishers.

### The DOJ’s Allegations Against Google

In its **complaint**, the DOJ charges Google with methodically hijacking the digital advertising marketplace, encompassing tools utilized by publishers, advertisers, and intermediaries. The DOJ claims that Google’s anti-competitive behaviors have enabled it to retain at least **30 cents of each advertising dollar** processed through its ad tech tools, with opportunities for even greater profits in certain circumstances. This, the DOJ contends, culminates in **elevated costs for advertisers** and **diminished earnings for publishers**, hindering competition and innovation within the ad tech industry.

During her opening remarks, DOJ attorney **Julia Tarver Wood** highlighted the seriousness of the issue, asserting, “One monopoly is troubling, but a trifecta of monopolies is our reality.” Wood contended that Google has skewed the rules of ad auctions to its benefit, leaving publishers with minimal options. The DOJ intends to call various publishers as witnesses, including executives from **USA Today**, **News Corp.**, and the **Daily Mail**, to articulate the damages inflicted by Google’s actions.

### Google’s Counterarguments

Google, led by chief attorney **Karen Dunn**, has countered the DOJ’s assertions. Dunn maintained that Google operates in a fiercely competitive environment, contending with challengers such as **Microsoft**, **Amazon**, and **Disney**, as well as smaller firms like **Criteo** and **The Trade Desk**. Google asserts that its ad tech tools are favored for being **straightforward, economical, and efficient**, and insists that dismantling its ad business would merely advantage other tech behemoths, offering little improvement to competition.

In a blog post released the day prior to the trial, Google cautioned that efforts to dismantle its ad operations could detrimentalise **small enterprises** and **publishers** reliant on its tools. Google argued that its ad tech fees are below industry norms and that the DOJ’s actions could elevate costs for advertisers and decrease returns for publishers. “Let’s not disrupt what’s functioning,” read the blog.

### The Stakes: A Potential Dissolution of Google’s Ad Operations

This ad tech trial is projected to last **four to six weeks**, and experts assert it may be the most pivotal of the recent antitrust proceedings against Google. Unlike the search monopoly situation, where the DOJ remains vague on possible remedies, the DOJ has been clear in this instance. It is requesting the court to mandate the **divestiture of Google’s Ad Manager suite**, which oversees many of the display ads seen online.

Antitrust specialists suggest that a defeat in this case could trigger substantial restructuring of Google’s operations. **Shubha Ghosh**, an antitrust authority, proposed that if the DOJ prevails, it could pave the way for breaking Google into distinct search and advertising entities. The DOJ’s claims propose that reviving competition in the ad tech landscape necessitates reversing Google’s anti-competitive acquisitions and halting its exclusionary tactics.

### The Impact on Publishers and Advertisers

The DOJ asserts that Google’s hold over ad tech has compelled publishers to employ its tools, even when superior alternatives may be available, due to the **exclusive connection** Google has established between its ad server and its advertising demand. This has resulted in a stagnant competitive landscape, with no new publisher ad servers emerging in recent times. Consequently, publishers have had to increase ad placements on their websites, place content behind paywalls, or, in select scenarios, shut down entirely.

The initial witness summoned by the DOJ was **Tim Wolfe**, an executive from **Gannett Co.**, which publishes **USA Today** among other newspapers. Wolfe testified that Gannett feels it is compelled to use Google’s ad tech offerings, despite Google taking a **20% share** of every ad dollar. Gannett has previously litigated against Google, alleging that its practices have contributed to the closure of over **170 publications** since 2019.

### Google’s Wider Legal Challenges

This trial is merely one of several legal difficulties Google is confronting. The company recently experienced a major loss regarding its search monopoly, and the DOJ is anticipated to suggest remedies for that case by **December 2024**. Analysts project that Google could incur substantial financial penalties and be required to divest

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Roblox Unveils AI-Driven Tool for Generating 3D Game Environments from Textual Descriptions

# Roblox’s Innovative Generative AI Tool: Revolutionizing 3D Game Creation

On Friday, Roblox revealed a significant advancement in its platform’s journey: an open-source generative AI tool aimed at simplifying the process of creating 3D environments and objects through straightforward text commands. This upcoming feature, which is still in the development stages, has the potential to transform how game developers craft captivating worlds on Roblox, empowering those without in-depth 3D design expertise to engage in game development. The announcement, presented at the 2024 Roblox Developers Conference (RDC), signifies a major milestone in Roblox’s comprehensive AI integration plan.

## A Look Ahead at Game Development

The innovative AI tool, referred to by Roblox as a “3D foundational model,” enables users to create complete game settings simply by inputting basic commands. In a demonstration provided by the company, a user enters “create a race track” followed by “set the scenery to a desert,” and the AI model generates a 3D race track set in a desert environment. This user-friendly approach could notably reduce entry barriers for aspiring game makers, allowing more individuals to manifest their imaginative ideas without requiring advanced technical know-how.

Additionally, the AI tool will permit users to alter the created environments. For instance, users can adjust the time of day or replace entire terrains with different prompts. Roblox has ambitious aspirations for the tool, indicating that the multimodal AI model will eventually accommodate not only text inputs but also video and 3D data, further broadening its functionality.

## Functionality: Predictive Modeling in 3D

The 3D foundational model from Roblox operates on a bespoke next-token prediction framework akin to the large language models (LLMs) that drive applications like ChatGPT. In this context, the “tokens” are not mere fragments of text but 3D elements, which the system interprets as numerical units. By estimating the most probable next structural 3D component in a sequence, the AI is capable of producing intricate objects and settings.

Anupam Singh, Roblox’s VP of AI and growth engineering, shared some of the hurdles faced in crafting this technology. “Acquiring high-quality 3D data poses a challenge,” Singh remarked to MIT Tech Review. “Even if you assemble all conceivable data sets, predicting the next cube necessitates an understanding of three dimensions: X, Y, and Z.”

A primary challenge stems from the shortage of extensive 3D training materials, leading to issues like a dog with an excessive number of legs. To address this, Roblox employs a secondary AI model that functions as a visual moderator, identifying errors and rejecting them until the appropriate 3D component is produced. This iterative methodology aids the AI in enhancing its outputs over time.

## Open Source: A Collaborative Approach

In an impressive initiative, Roblox intends to open-source its 3D foundational model. This action enables developers—and even rivals—to utilize and adapt the model for their own needs. While this might appear to be a charitable act, it also serves Roblox by allowing the company to harness the shared expertise of the AI development community. By inviting external developers to participate in the project, Roblox can hasten the advancement of its AI solutions.

## Striving for a Larger Share of Gaming Revenue

Roblox’s unveiling of the new AI tool coincided with other ambitious objectives disclosed at the 10th annual Roblox Developers Conference in San Jose, California. The company aims to secure 10 percent of global gaming content revenue through its platform. To support this ambition, Roblox also launched “Party,” a new feature intended to facilitate group play among friends.

The rollout of the 3D foundational model is a crucial component of Roblox’s long-term plan to “democratize” game development. In March 2023, Roblox initiated its journey into AI-assisted game creation with the launch of a Code Assist beta, which generates basic Lua functions from textual descriptions, along with a Material Generator for crafting 2D surfaces featuring texture maps. These initial tools laid a solid foundation for the more sophisticated 3D AI model introduced at this year’s conference.

## The Horizon of Game Development on Roblox

The new AI tool could drastically accelerate content generation on the platform, potentially aiding Roblox in reaching its ambitious revenue targets. By making game development more inclusive, Roblox could draw in a wider array of creators, spanning from hobbyists to professionals, all of whom could enrich the platform’s diverse library of user-generated content.

“We envision a bright future where Roblox experiences feature extensive generative AI capabilities for real-time creation integrated with gameplay,” Roblox stated. “We aim to offer these functionalities in a resource-conserving manner, making them accessible to all users on the platform.”

As Roblox continues to weave AI into its fabric, the opportunities for game creation appear boundless. Whether you’re an experienced developer or a newcomer with an idea,

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Apple Unveils A18 and A18 Pro Chips in Newest iPhone Variants

# Apple’s A18 and A18 Pro Chips: A Major Advancement in iPhone Performance

In recent years, Apple has focused its most impactful silicon advancements on its iPhone Pro models, leaving the standard iPhones equipped with chips from the previous year. However, for 2024, Apple has shifted its strategy by launching new A18-series chips for both Pro and non-Pro iPhones. As stated by Apple, these chips are “engineered for Apple Intelligence from the ground up,” signaling a significant advancement in performance and features throughout the iPhone range.

## The A18 Chip: Driving the iPhone 16 and 16 Plus

The new **Apple A18** chip is set to power the **iPhone 16** and **iPhone 16 Plus**, taking the place of the A16 Bionic chip used in the iPhone 15. This upgrade of two chip generations within a single year promises remarkable performance enhancements for the non-Pro iPhone models.

### Noteworthy Specifications of the A18 Chip:
– **6-Core CPU**: The A18 maintains the well-known six-core CPU setup, featuring **two high-performance cores** and **four high-efficiency cores**. Apple asserts that the CPU is **30% faster** than the A16 chip in the iPhone 15, delivering a considerable performance increase.

– **5-Core GPU**: The A18 is equipped with a **5-core GPU** that is **40% faster** than the GPU in the iPhone 15. Significantly, this GPU supports **hardware-accelerated ray tracing**, a capability first seen in the A17 Pro chip. This upgrade will greatly enhance graphic performance, particularly in gaming and augmented reality scenarios.

– **16-Core Neural Engine**: The A18 features a **16-core neural engine** aimed at accelerating AI and machine learning tasks, referred to by Apple as “Apple Intelligence.” This neural engine will boost the iPhone’s proficiency in performing complex tasks such as image recognition and natural language processing, along with other AI-enhanced functionalities.

– **Memory Bandwidth**: The A18 offers **17% greater memory bandwidth** in comparison to the A16, improving overall system performance, especially during multitasking and in applications that require significant memory resources.

– **Manufacturing Process**: The A18 is produced utilizing a **second-generation 3 nm manufacturing process**, likely from Apple’s long-time manufacturing partner, **TSMC**. This cutting-edge process delivers enhanced performance and power efficiency, resulting in extended battery life and improved thermal management.

Although Apple hasn’t revealed the exact RAM specifications for the A18, it is anticipated to come with at least **8GB of RAM**, an upgrade over the 6GB in the A16-powered iPhone 15.

## The A18 Pro Chip: Enhancing the iPhone 16 Pro

The **iPhone 16 Pro** and **iPhone 16 Pro Max** are driven by the **A18 Pro** chip, which offers subtle yet significant improvements over the standard A18 chip. While the A18 Pro shares numerous features with the A18, it includes various upgrades tailored for professional users, especially those engaged in gaming, photography, and video production.

### Key Upgrades in the A18 Pro:
– **6-Core CPU with Enhanced Caches**: Similar to the A18, the A18 Pro is fitted with a **6-core CPU** comprising two high-performance cores and four high-efficiency cores. Nevertheless, Apple has upgraded the A18 Pro with **larger caches** and **next-generation machine learning (ML) accelerators**, yielding a **15% performance improvement** compared to the A17 Pro chip in the iPhone 15 Pro.

– **6-Core GPU**: The A18 Pro sports a **6-core GPU**, offering one additional core than the A18. This GPU is **20% faster** than the A17 Pro’s GPU, making it perfectly suited for graphics-heavy tasks like gaming and 3D rendering. Furthermore, Apple claims that **hardware-accelerated ray tracing** in the A18 Pro is up to **twice as fast** as in the A17 Pro, providing a remarkable enhancement in visual quality for games and augmented reality applications.

– **16-Core Neural Engine**: Like the A18, the A18 Pro also incorporates a **16-core neural engine** that accelerates AI and machine learning processes. The Pro version benefits from the identical **17% boost in memory bandwidth**, guaranteeing seamless performance even in resource-heavy applications.

### Pro-Level I/O and Media Enhancements:
A primary distinction between the A18 and A18 Pro lies in the **I/O and media capabilities** tailored for professional users:
– **ProRes Video Encoding**: The A18 Pro includes support for **ProRes video encoding**, a feature crafted for high-definition video recording and editing. This is especially advantageous for content creators and filmmakers who depend on their iPhones for professional-grade video output.

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