Tag: Source: Arstechnica.com

DEA Raises ADHD Medication Production Quota by 23.5% Due to Persistent Shortages

### Vyvanse Shortage: DEA Raises Quota to Tackle ADHD Medication Supply Challenges

Following a prolonged shortage, the availability of Adderall and its generics is finally beginning to stabilize. Now, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is focusing on another vital ADHD medication: Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine) and its generic forms.

To tackle rising concerns regarding Vyvanse’s availability, the DEA has recently declared it will **boost the permitted production quota of lisdexamfetamine by 23.5 percent**. This revision elevates the current quota from 26,500 kg to 32,736 kg, an increase of 6,236 kg. Additionally, the DEA has sanctioned a corresponding rise in d-amphetamine, a crucial ingredient for lisdexamfetamine production.

As per the DEA, these modifications are vital to ensure that the United States sustains a sufficient and continuous supply of lisdexamfetamine to fulfill both domestic and international demand.

### The Function of Quotas in ADHD Medication Supply

Vyvanse is categorized as a **Schedule II drug** under the DEA’s classification criteria, similar to Adderall. This classification indicates it has a substantial potential for abuse yet is recognized for legitimate medical applications. Consequently, the DEA regulates its manufacturing to balance genuine medical requirements against the risk of diversion to illegal markets. The DEA accomplishes this by establishing an **aggregate production quota** for controlled substances such as lisdexamfetamine, which is adjusted periodically in response to demand and other considerations.

In recent years, the DEA’s quota system has faced scrutiny, especially during ADHD medication shortages. Certain medical and industry organizations have criticized the agency for underestimating demand, which they contend has contributed to the supply issues. For instance, the **Adderall shortage** that arose in 2022 was initially triggered by a labor shortage at Teva, the drug’s producer. Nevertheless, even after production resumed, demand surged due to factors including rising ADHD diagnoses and the increased utilization of telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a 2024 report, the **American Society of Health-System Pharmacists** identified the DEA’s quotas as a contributing factor that was “exacerbating” shortages. However, the DEA and the **Food and Drug Administration (FDA)** have countered this narrative, asserting that the core issue lies with manufacturers not fully leveraging their allocated production capabilities.

### Manufacturers and Unutilized Quotas

In an **August 2023 joint letter**, the DEA and FDA indicated that manufacturers of amphetamine-based products, such as Adderall and Vyvanse, had sold only **70 percent of their allotted quota** for the year. This resulted in around **1 billion doses** that could have been produced but were left unmanufactured. The agencies observed a similar trend in 2023, highlighting manufacturers’ inability to achieve their full production potential.

To rectify this situation, the DEA and FDA have committed to collaborating with manufacturers to either boost production or relinquish their unutilized quotas, allowing other manufacturers to meet demand.

### The Vyvanse Shortage: A Multifaceted Challenge

The existing shortage of Vyvanse and its generics presents a similarly intricate challenge. The DEA’s choice to raise the production quota followed a letter from the FDA in July 2023 that requested the adjustment. However, the shortage had already initiated in **June 2023**, when Vyvanse’s manufacturer, **Takeda**, attributed the low inventory to a “manufacturing delay compounded by increased demand.”

The outlook appeared to improve in **August 2023**, when the FDA approved **multiple generic versions** of Vyvanse after the expiration of Takeda’s patent exclusivity. Nonetheless, despite the release of these generics, supply challenges have continued. In **November 2023**, the **Association for Accessible Medicines** (AAM), representing generic drug manufacturers, sent a letter to the DEA stating that generic makers were encountering difficulties acquiring sufficient raw materials to enhance production, citing the DEA’s quotas as a hindrance.

### Other Contributors to the Shortage

Several other elements may be influencing the persistent Vyvanse shortage:

1. **Manufacturing Delays and Market Factors**: Industry analysts have pointed to concerns about the timing of Takeda’s manufacturing delays, which happened just months before generics hit the market. With significantly lower profit margins linked to generic and off-patent drugs, there’s speculation that manufacturers might be deprioritizing the production of these medications.

2. **Increased Exports**: The DEA has also noted a rising demand for lisdexamfetamine in international markets. While the FDA projected a **6 percent increase** in domestic demand for lisdexamfetamine between 2023 and

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Law Enforcement Utilizes AI-Created Images of Adolescent Girls to Identify Predators: Ethical Advancement or Debatable Strategy?

### AI-Created Images of Fabricated Minors: An Innovative Weapon in the Battle Against Online Child Exploiters

In a significant and contentious development, law enforcement agencies have begun utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to produce images of fictitious minors in order to apprehend child predators on the internet. This innovative strategy was disclosed in a lawsuit initiated by the state of New Mexico against Snapchat, as part of a continuing initiative to address child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and sextortion across social media networks. The lawsuit underscores the growing reliance on AI in policing and sparks critical ethical discussions regarding this technology’s application.

#### The Function of AI in Covert Investigations

As detailed in the charges, the New Mexico Department of Justice (DOJ) initiated a covert inquiry to reveal how Snapchat’s algorithm reportedly links minors with adult predators. As part of this investigation, an investigator established a decoy profile for a fictitious 14-year-old girl named “Sexy14Heather,” complete with a profile picture generated by AI. Despite the account being private and having no followers, the fabricated minor was quickly suggested to accounts with explicit usernames like “child.rape” and “pedo_lover10.”

The probe revealed that after “Sexy14Heather” accepted a follow request from just one account, the platform went on to recommend over 91 additional users, many of whom were adults wanting to share sexually explicit materials. The New Mexico DOJ contends that Snapchat’s architecture and algorithmic suggestions create a space where predators can easily identify minors, aiding in the distribution of CSAM and other illegal activities.

#### The Ethical Discussion: Is AI a Solution or a Dilemma?

The deployment of AI-generated likenesses in sting operations is regarded by some as a more ethical choice compared to using real images of children or younger-looking adults. Carrie Goldberg, a lawyer with expertise in sex crimes, conveyed to *Ars Technica* that the utilization of AI decoys might raise fewer issues than employing actual minors’ images. “An AI decoy profile is less problematic than using images of an actual child,” she stated.

Nonetheless, the application of AI in these inquiries is not devoid of ethical dilemmas. Goldberg cautioned that AI could complicate legal matters, especially in instances where defenders assert entrapment. “In terms of AI being utilized for entrapment, defendants can argue that the government led them to commit a crime they were not predisposed to,” she clarified.

Furthermore, the rise of AI-generated CSAM is an escalating concern. Experts in law enforcement and child safety have alerted that the internet is increasingly inundated with AI-generated explicit imagery, complicating the investigation of genuine cases of child abuse. Specialists warn that AI image generators must never be trained on datasets that combine real children with explicit content, as this could foster the creation of dangerous and illegal materials.

#### Snapchat’s Role: A Hotbed for Predators?

The lawsuit presented by New Mexico Attorney General Raúl Torrez portrays Snapchat in a negative light, suggesting it connects minors with predators. The allegations assert that Snapchat’s algorithm, particularly the “Quick Add” feature, introduces minors to adult users, enabling predators to identify, groom, and exploit children. The state’s inquiry discovered that Snapchat was the predominant source of non-consensual images and videos on dark web platforms, with over 10,000 records relating to CSAM in the previous year.

The lawsuit also brings to light several incidents where Snapchat was purportedly employed to facilitate child exploitation. In one case, a man named Alejandro Marquez received an 18-year prison sentence for assaulting an 11-year-old girl he encountered via Snapchat’s Quick Add function. Another case involved Jeremy Guthrie, who was sentenced for violating a 12-year-old girl he met on the platform.

The New Mexico DOJ posits that Snapchat’s features—such as disappearing messages, Snap Maps, and the Quick Add functionality—cultivate an environment where predators can easily pursue children. The complaint asserts that Snapchat’s design “openly encourages and promotes illicit sexual material involving children and facilitates sextortion and child trafficking.”

#### Legal and Ethical Consequences for AI and Social Media Platforms

The inclusion of AI in law enforcement brings forth a range of legal and ethical dilemmas. While AI-generated decoys could aid in capturing predators, they simultaneously present the risk of entrapment defenses, wherein defendants claim they were compelled to commit a crime they would not have otherwise engaged in. Additionally, the production of AI-generated CSAM, even for law enforcement objectives, might be interpreted as exacerbating the issue rather than addressing it.

Goldberg stressed the necessity for definitive guidelines on the responsible use of AI by law enforcement. “There ought to be standards within law enforcement regarding how to use AI responsibly,” she asserted, cautioning that the inappropriate use of AI could lead to an increase in entrapment defenses and ethical issues.

Conversely, social media platforms like Snapchat may also face legal repercussions due to their role in enabling child exploitation. The New Mexico lawsuit contends that Snapchat’s design features

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280 Android Applications Found Utilizing OCR to Hijack Cryptocurrency Credentials

### Malicious Android Applications Exploit Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to Acquire Cryptocurrency Wallet Credentials

In a troubling revelation for the cybersecurity sector, analysts have exposed an advanced malware operation targeting Android devices. More than 280 harmful applications have been detected, all crafted to confiscate cryptocurrency wallet credentials from compromised devices by employing Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. These applications masquerade as legitimate services, including banking, governmental, TV streaming, and utility applications, but their actual intent is significantly more sinister.

### The Methodology of the Malware

The harmful applications are not listed on the Google Play Store; instead, they are disseminated through deceptive messages and harmful websites. Once installed, these apps comb through infected phones for confidential information, such as text messages, contact details, and saved images. This data is then clandestinely transmitted to remote servers overseen by the malware creators.

A key feature of this malware campaign is its utilization of OCR technology to retrieve sensitive data from images saved on infected devices. Specifically, the malware focuses on cryptocurrency wallet credentials, which are frequently stored as mnemonic recovery phrases. These phrases consist of a series of random words, making them easier for users to memorize compared to intricate private keys, hence becoming a prime target for attackers.

### How Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Functions

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a technology that transforms images of typed, handwritten, or printed text into machine-readable text. This technology has existed for years and is commonly applied in digitizing printed documents, though its application in malware operations is a relatively new and advanced phenomenon.

In this instance, the malware employs OCR to analyze images held on infected devices, searching for mnemonic recovery phrases or other confidential information. Once the text is retrieved from the images, it is dispatched to the attackers’ servers, where it can be utilized to access victims’ cryptocurrency wallets.

### Discovery and Investigation

The malware campaign was brought to light by SangRyol Ryu, a researcher at McAfee, who gained unauthorized entry into the servers utilized by the attackers. This breach was facilitated by inadequate security configurations on the servers. Once inside, Ryu was able to examine administrative pages that revealed the processing of the stolen data.

One of the most revealing pieces of evidence was a page displaying a list of words extracted from an image, alongside the corresponding image captured from an infected device. This confirmed that the attackers were specifically aiming for mnemonic recovery phrases for cryptocurrency wallets.

In a blog post, Ryu articulated the importance of this finding:
> “Upon reviewing the page, it became apparent that a central objective of the attackers was to acquire the mnemonic recovery phrases for cryptocurrency wallets. This indicates a significant focus on gaining access to and potentially emptying the crypto assets of victims.”

### Technical Specifications of the Malware

The malware employs Python and JavaScript on the server-side to handle the stolen data. The images are converted to text utilizing OCR techniques, which are then organized and administered through an administrative interface. This level of sophistication suggests that the attackers have dedicated considerable time and resources to develop the malware.

In prior iterations of the malware, communication between the infected devices and the control servers was conducted using HTTP. However, the malware has been updated to utilize WebSockets, a more adaptable communication protocol that presents greater challenges for security software to detect and block. WebSockets also facilitate real-time communication, allowing the attackers to receive stolen data rapidly.

### Evolving Threats and Obfuscation Strategies

The malware has matured over time, with the developers consistently enhancing it to avoid detection. One of the principal strategies employed to obfuscate the malware’s operations is the encoding of strings within the code, complicating understanding for human analysts. Furthermore, the developers have inserted irrelevant code and altered function and variable names to mislead security researchers.

A timeline of the malware’s progression indicates that it has mainly targeted users in South Korea, but there are indications that it is beginning to disseminate to other areas, including the UK. This geographical expansion implies that the attackers are aiming to widen their operations and reach new user demographics.

### What Actions Can You Take?

If you suspect that you may have installed one of these harmful applications, McAfee has released a list of related websites and cryptographic hashes to assist in identifying the malware. It is also advisable to regularly inspect your device for any suspicious applications and to refrain from downloading apps from unverified sources.

### Conclusion

This malware operation signifies a substantial intensification in the utilization of OCR technology for malicious ends. By targeting cryptocurrency wallet credentials, the attackers are pursuing a highly valuable asset, and their employment of sophisticated methodologies like OCR and WebSockets positions this as a particularly hazardous threat.

As always, individuals should remain cautious when downloading applications and be alert to phishing messages or dubious websites. With the escalating sophistication of malware, it is more critical than ever to stay vigilant and safeguard your digital assets.

### Key Takeaways:
– Over 280 harmful Android applications have been uncovered, using

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Nvidia AI Chip Rental Prices Reduced in China Relative to the US

### The Consequences of U.S. Export Regulations on Nvidia AI Chips and the Chinese Market

In recent times, the international semiconductor sector has emerged as a central point of geopolitical friction, especially between the United States and China. The U.S. government has enforced rigorous export regulations designed to restrict China’s access to sophisticated technologies, such as state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) chips manufactured by companies like Nvidia. Nonetheless, Nvidia’s AI chips, primarily the A100 and H100 models, have still penetrated the Chinese market, frequently via unofficial means. This article examines the ramifications of this situation, the tactics employed to bypass export limitations, and the wider effects on the AI and cloud computing sectors in both the U.S. and China.

#### U.S. Export Regulations and Nvidia’s AI Chips

The U.S. government has enacted export limitations on Nvidia’s A100 and H100 AI chips, citing national security issues and the risk of these technologies enhancing China’s military and surveillance capabilities. The A100 and H100 chips rank among Nvidia’s most powerful AI accelerators, crafted to train extensive language models and support various AI applications. These chips are vital for progressing AI research and development, rendering them highly coveted in the global technology landscape.

In the fall of 2022, the U.S. restricted the export of A100 chips to China, and H100 chips have never been permitted for sale there. These actions aimed to limit China’s access to advanced AI technologies and hinder its advancements in the sector. However, the efficacy of these export restrictions has been questioned, as reports suggest these chips remain widely accessible in the Chinese market.

#### The Chinese Market for Nvidia AI Chips

In spite of the U.S. export limitations, Nvidia’s AI chips have infiltrated China through various avenues, including smuggling and the underground market. Smaller Chinese cloud providers have been providing access to servers featuring Nvidia A100 processors at markedly reduced prices compared to U.S. counterparts. For example, some Chinese suppliers charge about $6 per hour for a server with eight A100 processors, as opposed to approximately $10 per hour from similar vendors in the U.S.

The presence of these chips in China clearly indicates that export controls are being circumvented. Industry sources reveal that the chips are often smuggled into China from nearby nations like Japan, Malaysia, and Indonesia. In certain instances, the serial numbers on the chips are removed to complicate tracing efforts, further hindering enforcement of export regulations.

#### The Influence of Chinese Cloud Providers

China’s cloud computing landscape is led by major entities such as Alibaba and ByteDance, renowned for their reliability and security. These firms charge higher rates for accessing Nvidia-powered servers, with fees varying from $15 to $32 per hour, similar to those of Amazon Web Services (AWS). However, smaller Chinese cloud providers, which place less emphasis on compliance and regulatory matters, provide comparable services at significantly lower prices. This price difference underscores the difficulties faced by larger corporations in adhering to U.S. export regulations while trying to remain competitive.

#### The Underground Market and Smuggling Routes

The underground market for Nvidia’s AI chips in China is flourishing, with vendors openly promoting the sale of A100 and H100 processors on social media platforms like Xiaohongshu and e-commerce sites such as Alibaba’s Taobao. The chips are frequently sold at slight markups compared to overseas prices, making them accessible to a broad array of customers, including tech startups and research institutions.

Smuggling networks are key in delivering these chips to China. Reports indicate that vendors in countries such as Malaysia, Japan, and Indonesia transport Nvidia processors or servers containing these chips to Hong Kong, from where they are moved across the border into Shenzhen. The relatively compact size of the chips, approximately that of a book, facilitates their smuggling, further undermining U.S. attempts to limit their availability within China.

#### The Wider Implications

The prevalent availability of Nvidia’s AI chips in China, despite U.S. export controls, holds considerable consequences for both American and Chinese tech industries. For China, access to these advanced chips is essential for sustaining its trajectory in AI research and development. The presence of these chips at lower prices also simplifies entry for smaller firms and startups into the AI arena, promoting innovation and competition.

For the U.S., this scenario emphasizes the difficulties of enforcing export controls in a globalized economy. While the U.S. government can set restrictions on domestic firms like Nvidia, controlling the distribution of these products post-export is far more challenging. The presence of smuggling networks and the underground market further complicates enforcement, making it tough to completely prevent China’s access to advanced technologies.

#### Conclusion

The continued flow of Nvidia’s AI chips into China, despite U.S. export controls, highlights the intricacies of regulating the global semiconductor sector.

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Leaked Financial Documents from Disney+ Might Clarify Recent Rise in Subscription Costs

### Disney+ Revenue Leak Unveils Streaming Service’s Financial Insights

A recent data breach has unveiled Disney’s financial and strategic details, offering compelling insights into its streaming services, mainly Disney+. This incident, amassing over a terabyte of data, has afforded an extraordinary look into the revenue generated by Disney+ and the hurdles the platform confronts in the fiercely competitive streaming arena.

#### The Breach: Key Details

In August 2024, Disney acknowledged that it was probing a substantial data breach involving more than a terabyte of information from one of its communication systems. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that the breach, connected to a hacking collective known as Nullbulge, encompassed a vast array of sensitive material, such as financial figures, strategic documents, login details for Disney’s cloud services, and millions of internal communications.

The leaked information comprised over 44 million messages from Disney’s Slack communications platform, 18,800 spreadsheets, and at least 13,000 PDFs. While Disney opted not to detail the specifics of the breach, the information has opened a window into the company’s streaming operations.

#### Disney+ Revenue: Detailed Insights

One of the most notable findings is that Disney+ reported around $2.4 billion in revenue during Disney’s fiscal quarter concluding on March 30, 2024. This number is especially significant since Disney typically refrains from revealing the revenue from its individual streaming platforms.

As per the WSJ, the $2.4 billion figure accounts for approximately 42.5% of Disney’s direct-to-consumer (DTC) revenue for that quarter, which amounted to $5.642 billion. This represents a 13% increase in DTC revenue compared to the same quarter in the prior fiscal year. The DTC division encompasses Disney+, Hulu, and Disney+ Hotstar.

The leaked material also pointed out that Disney+ and Hulu experienced a rise in subscriber numbers year over year in Q2 2024. However, the leaked data did not detail the revenue generated by Disney’s streaming services in Q3 2024. Disney subsequently announced that DTC revenue grew to $5.8 billion in Q3.

#### The Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) Challenge

The average revenue per user (ARPU) remains a crucial metric in the streaming sector. The leaked information enables us to deduce that each Disney+ subscriber in Q2 2024 contributed approximately $5.21 in monthly revenue. Excluding Disney+ Hotstar from this calculation raises the ARPU to $6.80.

Nevertheless, this amount falls short of the ARPU reported by Disney for the US/Canada market, which stood at $8.00 in Q2 2024. This difference can be attributed to various elements, including advertising revenue, promotional discounts, and the division of revenue among different services.

Despite these nuances, the $5.21 figure highlights the difficulties Disney faces in enhancing profitability for Disney+. In comparison, Netflix disclosed an ARPU of $11.50 for the same timeframe, underscoring a notable gap between the two streaming giants.

#### The Way Ahead: Price Increases and Profitability

In light of the financial strains exposed by the leak, Disney declared price increases across its streaming platforms, including Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+, of up to 25% starting in October 2024. These price hikes are part of Disney’s strategy to encourage subscribers to opt for bundle packages, aimed at reducing churn and boosting revenue.

Disney CFO Hugh Johnston has defended the price adjustments, claiming that Disney’s streaming catalog justifies the elevated prices. Nonetheless, the leaked information indicates that there is still potential for growth in ARPU for Disney+, particularly compared to Netflix.

As Disney continues to traverse the competitive streaming landscape, the company will need to strike a balance between subscriber growth and profitability. The leaked data offers insights into the financial challenges confronting Disney+ and emphasizes the obstacles the platform must overcome to secure long-term success.

### Conclusion

The recent exposure of Disney’s financial and strategic information has shed light on the company’s streaming services, especially Disney+. While the platform has achieved notable revenue growth, it remains behind competitors such as Netflix regarding ARPU. As Disney+ evolves, the company will need to devise methods to boost profitability while fostering subscriber growth. The forthcoming price hikes and strategic changes will play a pivotal role in shaping the future success of Disney’s streaming empire.

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China Set to Take Charge of Mars Sample Return Amid NASA’s Difficulties

### China’s Ambitious Tianwen-3 Mars Sample Return Mission: A Significant Step Toward Leading in Space Exploration

In a bold initiative that highlights its expanding expertise in space exploration, China has revealed its intention to launch the Tianwen-3 Mars sample return mission in 2028. This endeavor, which plans to deploy two heavy-lift Long March 5 rockets to Mars, seeks to retrieve pristine samples from the Red Planet, potentially positioning China as the first nation to accomplish this milestone. Liu Jizhong, the mission’s lead designer, recently shared insights into the mission’s overarching design at a Chinese space exploration conference, although numerous technical specifics remain undisclosed.

### The Tianwen-3 Mission: A Multifaceted Undertaking

The Tianwen-3 mission stands as one of the most ambitious and technically demanding space exploration projects since NASA’s Apollo program. The mission will entail a series of complex actions, including landing on Mars, gathering samples, launching them back into space, and ensuring their safe return to Earth. The timeline for the mission is projected to last about three years, with samples expected to arrive on Earth around 2031, provided there is a successful launch in 2028.

China’s strategy for this mission is thorough. In contrast to NASA, which currently has the Perseverance rover collecting samples on Mars, China does not possess an active mission gathering materials for Tianwen-3. This indicates that the Tianwen-3 mission must carry all the requisite equipment to land on Mars, gather samples, and return them to Earth. The initiative will use two Long March 5 rockets—the most powerful launch vehicles in China’s arsenal. One rocket will transport the lander and ascent module, while the second will carry the return spacecraft and Earth reentry capsule.

### The Race to Mars: A Collective Global Initiative

China’s Tianwen-3 mission is part of a larger international effort to investigate Mars and return samples. NASA, alongside the European Space Agency (ESA), is also advancing a Mars sample return project. However, NASA’s effort has encountered obstacles related to budget and schedule, with forecasts suggesting it could extend until 2040 and cost up to $11 billion. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson has voiced his concerns regarding the substantial expenditures and extended timelines, highlighting the significance of Mars sample return as a primary focus for the agency’s planetary science sector.

In light of these challenges, China has a legitimate opportunity to become the inaugural nation to return samples from Mars. Wu Weiren, the chief designer of China’s lunar exploration initiative, has conveyed confidence in China’s capability to reach this landmark, articulating that if all missions proceed as planned, China is poised to be the first to collect Martian samples.

### Beyond Mars: China’s Expanding Aspirations in Space

China’s aspirations in space reach well beyond Mars. The nation is also planning to investigate giant planets like Jupiter, carry out asteroid sample return missions, and even establish an asteroid defense framework. The Tianwen-2 mission, scheduled for launch next year, will concentrate on asteroid exploration and sample return. These endeavors form a component of China’s overarching strategy to solidify its status as a leader in space exploration.

Additionally, China’s lunar exploration program is advancing swiftly. The country aims to send astronauts to the Moon by 2030 and ultimately establish a lunar base known as the International Lunar Research Station. The Chang’e missions have already successfully returned lunar samples to Earth, with plans to make these samples accessible for global research. A similar approach is anticipated for the samples returned by the Chang’e 6 mission, which has recently gathered material from the Moon’s far side.

### International Cooperation and Planetary Safeguarding

China has shown a willingness to engage in international collaboration concerning the Tianwen-3 mission. Liu Jizhong remarked that China is open to incorporating international payloads into the mission and working with global researchers to analyze the Martian samples. This collaborative stance aligns with China’s commitment to facilitating lunar samples for international research purposes.

Planetary protection is another essential aspect of the Tianwen-3 mission. Liu affirmed that China would comply with international agreements on planetary safeguarding to protect Mars, Earth, and the samples from contamination. The primary scientific objective of the mission is to seek indicators of life on Mars, making the safeguarding of these samples from terrestrial pollutants a top priority.

### Conclusion: A New Era in Space Exploration

China’s Tianwen-3 Mars sample return mission symbolizes a noteworthy achievement in the nation’s space exploration endeavors. Should it succeed, it will position China at the forefront of planetary science and exploration, with the potential to become the first nation to return samples from Mars. The mission forms part of a broader strategy that encompasses lunar exploration, asteroid missions, and aspirations to investigate the outer planets.

As China continues to expand the horizons of space exploration, global attention will be keen. The success of the Tianwen-3 mission could significantly influence international cooperation, planetary science, and our comprehension of the Solar System. Regardless of whether China is the first to return Martian samples, its contributions are undeniably shaping the future of space exploration.

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Michigan’s Latest “I Voted” Sticker Showcases a Werewolf Ripping Its Shirt, Selected by Online Voters

**The Werewolf of Democracy: How a 12-Year-Old’s Sticker Design Captivated Michigan**

In a realm where the Internet’s shared sense of humor often leads to surprising results, the state of Michigan recently became the focal point of a charming and slightly surreal voting event. This occasion, however, wasn’t about electing officials or enacting legislation. Instead, Michigan residents were invited to vote on something far more playful: the design for their “I Voted” stickers.

### A Howling Triumph

The idea of “I Voted” stickers is well-known across the United States. These little tokens of civic participation are distributed at polling places, allowing voters to proudly showcase their involvement in the democratic process. Typically, these stickers are adorned with patriotic imagery like the American flag or state insignias. However, in 2024, Michigan opted to switch things up by initiating a contest encouraging local schoolchildren to contribute their own designs.

State officials likely anticipated designs featuring the renowned Michigan mitten or perhaps a bald eagle soaring above the Great Lakes. Instead, they received a werewolf—a werewolf tearing its shirt into shreds, howling at the heavens, with an American flag waving triumphantly in the background.

This design, crafted by 12-year-old Jane Hynous from Grosse Pointe Farms, captivated the hearts of voters statewide. Among the nine winning designs, Hynous’ werewolf sticker stood out as the clear favorite, winning by a significant margin.

### The Influence of the Internet

The tale of Michigan’s werewolf sticker illustrates the unpredictable nature of online voting. History has shown that when the Internet is tasked with making a decision, the outcome might not align with expectations. From the notorious “Boaty McBoatface” to the “Harry Baals” government center, the Internet has a long-standing tradition of transforming serious polls into platforms for humor and creativity.

In this instance, however, the Internet’s choice was not merely a jest—it was a celebration of the unexpected. The werewolf design struck a chord with voters because it was unique, bold, and, most importantly, enjoyable. It served as a reminder that voting doesn’t always have to be a grave undertaking; it can also provide a chance to express uniqueness and creativity.

### The Creator Behind the Werewolf

When asked about her inspiration, Jane Hynous provided an admirably candid response: “I didn’t want to do something that you typically associate with Michigan. I thought, ‘Why not create a wolf ripping off its shirt?'”

Her design embodies a youthful irreverence and a propensity to think outside conventional norms—characteristics that undoubtedly resonated with the electorate. In a climate where political discussions can frequently feel burdensome and divisive, Hynous’ werewolf brought a moment of joy and togetherness.

### A Million Stickers Ready

Michigan intends to produce a million stickers featuring the nine winning designs, including Hynous’ werewolf. Local election officials will have the option to request specific designs from the state, meaning that soon voters throughout Michigan may find themselves proudly sporting a werewolf on their lapels after casting their votes.

Of course, for those who lean towards a more traditional design, the classic American flag “I Voted” stickers will still be accessible. However, given the werewolf’s popularity, it’s difficult to imagine why anyone would opt for the old design over the new.

### A Missed Chance?

While the werewolf sticker has been a phenomenal success, some may contend that a chance was overlooked. After all, in a contest that invited Internet input, one might have expected a design like “Votey McVoteface” to surface. Perhaps that could be a thought for the next election cycle.

### Conclusion

The narrative of Michigan’s werewolf “I Voted” sticker serves as a reminder that democracy can possess both seriousness and fun. It demonstrates that when given the opportunity, individuals will embrace creativity and laughter, even in the most unforeseen circumstances. So, if you’re participating in the election in Michigan this November, keep an eye out for the werewolf sticker—it might just become the highlight of your voting experience.

And who knows? Perhaps in 2028, we’ll finally witness “Votey McVoteface” on the ballot.

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Telegram Is Not an Unregulated Platform, CEO Pavel Durov Claims After Recent Arrest

### Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Addresses Arrest and Critiques: Is This a New Chapter in Moderation?

In a noteworthy turn of events that has stirred the tech community, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has shared his first public remarks following his arrest by French officials. Durov, a strong proponent of privacy and free expression, tackled the rising worries regarding Telegram’s moderation policies and its involvement in facilitating unlawful activities. His comments arrive at a time when the messaging service is facing heightened examination, not only from French officials but also from international organizations concerned about the proliferation of dangerous content.

#### Telegram: Not an “Anarchic Paradise”

Durov swiftly countered assertions that Telegram serves as an “anarchic paradise,” a phrase some media have employed to depict the platform’s alleged leniency in content oversight. “The assertions in certain media that Telegram is a kind of anarchic paradise are entirely false,” Durov stated on his Telegram channel. He highlighted that the platform removes millions of harmful posts and channels daily and releases transparency reports every day to illustrate its efforts against illegal content.

To back his statements, Durov shared links to Telegram channels that document the number of groups and channels banned for terrorist activities and child exploitation. These documents are part of Telegram’s extensive attempt to affirm its dedication to responsible content curation.

Nonetheless, Durov recognized that Telegram’s swift rise to 950 million users has created “growing pains,” facilitating easier exploitation by criminals. He reassured both users and authorities that Telegram is proactively enhancing its moderation approaches and pledged to share further insights on these initiatives shortly.

#### Legal Issues in France

Durov’s statements follow his arrest in France, where he has been charged with multiple offenses. French prosecutor Laure Beccuau has alleged that Telegram has not sufficiently cooperated with law enforcement regarding cases tied to crimes involving minors, drug trafficking, and online hate speech. Durov is currently barred from leaving France as the judicial process unfolds.

The allegations against Durov are serious, comprising complicity in “web-mastering an online platform to facilitate an illegal transaction in an organized group” and “failure to provide, upon request from competent authorities, necessary information or documents for lawful interception.” If found guilty, Durov could face a prison sentence of up to 10 years and a financial penalty of 500,000 euros.

One of the more debatable points is Telegram’s application of encryption, which French authorities claim has not been adequately reported to the nation’s cybersecurity agency, ANSSI. Per French law, providers of cryptographic services must make specific declarations, including sharing the technical specifics and source code of the encryption methods utilized.

#### A Shift in Telegram’s Stance on Private Messages

In a significant update, Telegram has revised its FAQ section to signify a more assertive approach toward moderating illegal content, even within private conversations. Previously, the FAQ asserted that all chats and group chats were private, and Telegram processed no requests regarding them. This phrasing has now been eliminated, and the FAQ now advises users to report illegal content directly through the app’s “Report” buttons.

This modification implies that Telegram may be steering toward more rigorous moderation methods, even in domains previously regarded as off-limits, like private chats. While Telegram messages do not have end-to-end encryption by default, this feature can be activated for one-on-one discussions. However, group messages do not support end-to-end encryption, potentially rendering them more open to moderation.

#### The Wider Consequences

Durov’s arrest and the following adjustments in Telegram’s moderation strategies may have extensive repercussions for the tech sector. Durov criticized the French authorities for directly targeting him, contending that CEOs should not bear responsibility for the illegal actions of users. “Employing laws from the pre-smartphone age to charge a CEO for crimes committed by third parties on the platform he oversees is an ill-conceived strategy,” Durov expressed.

He also suggested that Telegram might consider exiting markets inconsistent with its principles, referencing the platform’s prohibitions in Iran and Russia as examples. In spite of these hurdles, Durov remains steadfast in his aspirations for Telegram, stating that the platform is “not motivated by profit” and is ready to make tough choices to honor its principles.

#### Conclusion

As Telegram charts its course through this tumultuous era, the platform’s future appears ambiguous. Durov’s arrest and the ensuing legal hurdles could compel Telegram to implement stricter moderation measures, potentially reshaping the platform’s fundamental essence as a bastion for free expression and privacy. Nonetheless, Durov’s commitment to refining Telegram’s moderation practices indicates that the platform is attentive to the concerns raised by both authorities and users.

The months ahead will be crucial for Telegram as it endeavors to reconcile its principles with the increasing calls for accountability.

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WaveCore Sends Gigabit-Speed Network Signal Through Concrete Barriers

### Triumphing Over Concrete Barriers: How WaveCore is Transforming Office Networking

In the realm of office networking, a major hurdle is navigating the physical obstructions posed by contemporary commercial structures—especially concrete. In contrast to the relatively thin walls found in homes, commercial edifices are typically built with concrete walls averaging 8 inches in thickness. These walls serve not only as obstacles to physical passage but also create significant issues for network connectivity.

### The Concrete Challenge

Concrete walls are infamous for their ability to obstruct wireless signals. Conventional networking strategies, such as routing cables through walls, frequently prove impractical in commercial environments. Penetrating concrete requires specialized tools and expertise, and it’s not merely a matter of drilling a hole. Many walls serve as structural supports or are integral to essential systems like fire safety, necessitating meticulous imaging, permits, and often the cooperation of contractors for any alterations.

Furthermore, the wireless frequencies capable of permeating these walls, like 3G, are being retired in favor of advanced technologies such as 5G. However, while the higher frequencies associated with 5G offer increased bandwidth, they face challenges penetrating robust concrete, creating a void in effective solutions for present-day office facilities.

### Introducing WaveCore: A Revolutionary Player in Office Networking

Here is where **WaveCore** from Airvine Scientific steps in. WaveCore is engineered to tackle the difficulties presented by thick concrete walls in commercial structures. This technology represents a further development of Airvine’s previous product, **WaveTunnel**, which successfully penetrated less dense materials such as plaster and thick glass.

WaveCore advances this concept by facilitating high-speed data transfer through even the toughest materials. As reported by Airvine, two WaveCore units positioned on either side of a concrete wall—or on different floors—can relay data through up to 12 inches of concrete. In their internal assessments, Airvine managed to transfer nearly 4Gbps through 12 inches of garage concrete, with the signal capable of navigating corners, including 90-degree turns. This flexibility makes WaveCore a highly adaptable solution for intricate office designs.

### How Does WaveCore Function?

WaveCore’s effectiveness stems from its utilization of a 6 GHz radio frequency, which allows for “beam steering” to guide the signal through concrete. This is complemented by a 2.4 GHz radio for operational control. The device supports Power over Ethernet (PoE) or can be powered through a barrel connector, featuring RJ45 Ethernet ports with speeds that range from 1Gbps to 10Gbps.

This blend of technologies enables WaveCore to uphold high integrity in data transmission, even through dense materials like concrete. The potential uses for this technology are extensive, especially in settings where conventional networking options are inadequate.

### The Future of Office Networking

WaveCore exemplifies how groundbreaking technologies are emerging to tackle the specific obstacles of office networking. Another burgeoning technology is **LiFi**, which employs light waves to transmit data. Standardized as 802.11bb, LiFi provides high-speed wireless connectivity but has limitations, making it suitable for areas where security or RF safety is prioritized. However, its shortcoming lies in its inability to pass through walls, positioning it as a complementary technology rather than a rival to WaveCore.

At the same time, **Wi-Fi 7**, certified earlier this year, aims to enhance data rates by aggregating connections across various bands, including the 6 GHz band utilized by WaveCore. This could further elevate the capabilities of office networks, particularly in scenarios where multiple high-bandwidth applications are actively utilized.

### Conclusion

As workplace environments continue to advance, so too must the technologies that underpin them. WaveCore signifies a major leap forward in addressing one of the most persistent challenges in office networking: concrete walls. By facilitating high-speed data transfer through even the most formidable barriers, WaveCore is set to become an essential asset in the networking toolkit of modern offices. As more businesses implement this technology, we may witness a future where the physical constraints of office buildings no longer impede smooth, high-speed connectivity.

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The 2025 Hyundai Ioniq 5 N: An Electrifying High-Performance Vehicle Redefining Thrills

### Hyundai Ioniq 5 N: A Revolutionary Force in the EV Performance Landscape

The transformation of Hyundai over the last ten years has been truly impressive. Once recognized for its economical yet unremarkable offerings, the automaker has evolved into a beacon of innovation and design. This shift is particularly marked in its electric vehicles (EVs), where Hyundai has successfully established itself as a frontrunner in efficiency, rapid charging, and now, performance. The 2025 Hyundai Ioniq 5 N serves as a shining example of this progression, highlighting the brand’s capability to fuse avant-garde technology with thrilling driving experiences.

#### A Legacy of Ingenuity

Hyundai’s ascent to a formidable player in the automotive industry commenced with an intentional recruitment effort, drawing in top talent from high-end brands like BMW and Audi. This surge of knowledge has yielded significant benefits, especially in the electric vehicle sector. The Ioniq 5, which has been available for some time, epitomizes Hyundai’s expertise. With its retro-futuristic aesthetics and an 800V powertrain offering best-in-class charging speeds, the Ioniq 5 is already a preferred choice among EV aficionados.

Yet Hyundai’s ambitions extend beyond this. The company’s N division, famed for elevating standard cars into performance beasts, has now focused its attention on the Ioniq 5. The outcome is the Ioniq 5 N, a vehicle that amplifies all the strengths of its predecessor.

#### Engineering Brilliance

The Ioniq 5 N is not merely a surface enhancement; it’s an extensive revamp of an already exceptional model. Hyundai’s engineers have meticulously reworked the Ioniq 5 N to ensure it is more than a mere speedster. The structure has been reinforced with additional welds and adhesives, and new front and rear subframes have been installed. Even the drive axles have been lightened to minimize unsprung mass, utilizing techniques taken from Hyundai’s World Rally Championship vehicle.

The power steering system has been enhanced and recalibrated to provide greater feedback, and the suspension has been finely tuned. The result is a vehicle that feels grounded and agile, whether you’re navigating through mountain roads or city traffic.

#### Power and Performance

Beneath its flooring, the Ioniq 5 N houses two electric motors, delivering a combined output of 601 hp (448 kW) and 545 lb-ft (739 Nm) of torque. With a simple press of a button, these figures can be momentarily increased to 641 hp (478 kW) and 568 lb-ft (770 Nm), allowing the Ioniq 5 N to accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in just 3.3 seconds. This level of performance places it alongside some of the most formidable internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles currently available.

The Ioniq 5 N features an 84 kWh battery that can recharge from 10 to 80 percent in only 18 minutes. However, this level of performance does come with a drawback. The EPA-estimated range stands at 221 miles (355 km), which falls short of the standard Ioniq 5 due to the additional weight and aerodynamic drag from the performance enhancements.

#### The N E-Shift: A Controversial Feature

Among the most discussed elements of the Ioniq 5 N is the N E-Shift, a system that simulates an eight-speed paddle-shift transmission. This feature is sure to evoke mixed reactions, as it alters the throttle response and lift-off regeneration to replicate the sensation of gear shifts in a conventional ICE vehicle. The system also introduces a synthetic sound reminiscent of the pops and cracks of a high-performance engine.

While some may view this as a mere novelty, others will value the added engagement it offers. The “gear ratios” are thoughtfully designed, with “third” and “fourth” gears being especially effective for enthusiastic driving on twisty roads. The N E-Shift is disabled in Eco mode, but can be activated or deactivated in Normal, Sport, and N modes, providing drivers the choice in how they wish to enjoy their driving experience.

#### A Daily Driver with Performance Prowess

Despite its sporty nature, the Ioniq 5 N serves as a sensible daily driver. In Eco mode, it can achieve over 4 miles per kWh (15.5 kWh/100 km), rendering it relatively efficient for an EV of this caliber. The interior offers ample space for both passengers and cargo, while the sports seats deliver comfort and support.

Nonetheless, the Ioniq 5 N does have its trade-offs. The lowered suspension, while superb for handling, might not be the best fit for uneven terrains.

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