Tag: Source: Arstechnica.com

Astrobotic’s Lunar Expedition Encountered Failure Owing to Valve Issue on Lander

### Astrobotic’s Expedition to the Moon: Insights from Peregrine Mission One and Future Directions

Astrobotic, a space enterprise based in Pittsburgh, has emerged as a leader in the commercial lunar exploration sector, with the goal of transporting payloads to the Moon through NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) initiative. The company’s inaugural venture, Peregrine Mission One, launched in January 2024, represented a landmark achievement, being the first U.S. lunar lander mission in over fifty years. Nevertheless, the mission met with disappointment due to a valve failure, resulting in the loss of the spacecraft. In spite of this hurdle, Astrobotic is forging ahead, leveraging lessons learned and refocusing on its forthcoming mission, Griffin.

### The Peregrine Mission One: A Near Miss with Triumph

Peregrine Mission One was not only a pivotal mission for Astrobotic but also for the U.S. space sector as a whole. The lander was sent into space atop United Launch Alliance’s inaugural Vulcan rocket on January 8, 2024. The objective was to deliver a range of scientific payloads to the lunar surface, signifying the first U.S. attempt at a lunar landing since Apollo 17 in 1972.

However, just after separating from the rocket, the lander faced a serious complication during its propulsion system’s activation sequence. An investigation panel chaired by John Horack, a professor of aerospace and mechanical engineering at Ohio State University, concluded that the incident stemmed from a failure in a helium Pressure Control Valve (PCV2). This valve was meant to manage the helium flow into the oxidizer tank, but a mechanical malfunction caused an uncontrollable helium flow, leading to tank over-pressurization and rupture.

Despite the disastrous outcome, Astrobotic’s ground crew was able to keep the lander operational for ten and a half days, making minor adjustments to maintain the alignment of its solar panels toward the Sun. Ultimately, Earth’s gravitational pull caused the spacecraft to re-enter the atmosphere, where it disintegrated over the Pacific Ocean.

### Analyzing the Setback: The Pressure Control Valve

The malfunction of the Pressure Control Valve was a substantial setback for the mission, yet it was not wholly unanticipated. Astrobotic executives recognized the potential risk, as a similar valve on the fuel side had demonstrated leakage during ground tests. However, replacing the valve on the oxidizer side would necessitate disassembling significant portions of the lander, further postponing a mission already behind schedule. As a result, the decision was made to continue with the existing valve, which eventually failed in space.

Follow-up tests on a spare valve revealed that the component could leak after being subjected to vibrations akin to those experienced during a rocket launch. The failure was traced back to a mechanical flaw deep within the valve, where vibration-induced relaxation between threaded parts hindered the valve from sealing correctly.

### Advancing Ahead: The Griffin Lander

Astrobotic’s upcoming mission, Griffin, marks a notable advancement in both scale and intricacy. The Griffin lander is more substantial and capable than Peregrine, intended to transport heavier payloads to the lunar surface. Drawing lessons from the Peregrine failure, Astrobotic has instituted several redesigns in the propulsion system, such as updated pressure control valves, pressure regulators, and latch valves to avert a similar failure.

“We’ve achieved enhanced reliability in the system to mitigate against that single point failure,” stated Steve Clarke, Astrobotic’s vice president of landers and spacecraft.

### The Hurdles of Commercial Lunar Exploration

Astrobotic’s experience with Peregrine underscores the inherent hazards and challenges of commercial lunar exploration. The CLPS initiative, under which Peregrine was developed, aims to establish a new industry for delivering instruments and cargo to the Moon at a fraction of the expense of conventional NASA missions. However, this cost-conscious strategy compels companies like Astrobotic to make difficult choices, weighing risk, expense, and timelines.

“We must keep in mind that this is not a multibillion-dollar mission,” commented John Thornton, Astrobotic’s CEO. “These are the inaugural missions. It’s akin to the first launch of a new launch vehicle in a commercial setting. How often have we witnessed a first launch not succeed? It’s integral to the development process. It’s part of how we learn. It’s part of our growth as an industry.”

### The Future Trail: Griffin and Beyond

Astrobotic’s Griffin lander is set to launch in late 2025, carrying a mass simulator and a compact lunar rover developed by the company. Although NASA’s VIPER rover, initially intended to fly on Griffin, was canceled due to budgetary and scheduling issues, the space agency remains supportive of the Griffin mission. NASA officials have expressed a desire to see Griffin succeed, as it can transport more substantial cargo to the lunar surface than most other CLPS participants.

Astrobotic is also exploring avenues to reutilize

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SpaceX Experiences First Booster Landing Failure in More Than Three Years

### SpaceX Falcon 9 Booster Topples After Successful Starlink Launch: Consequences and Future Plans

#### Early Morning Launch and Attempted Landing

In the early hours of Wednesday at 3:48 am ET, SpaceX successfully lifted off a Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex-40 in Cape Canaveral, Florida. The main goal of the mission was to place 21 Starlink satellites into orbit, including 13 of the larger units equipped with direct-to-cell technology. These satellites are part of SpaceX’s ongoing initiative to enhance its global internet coverage, especially in remote and underserved regions.

However, the mission encountered an unforeseen issue during the landing attempt. After completing its 23rd flight, the Falcon 9 booster aimed to touchdown on the drone ship *A Shortfall of Gravitas*, located in the Atlantic Ocean. Unfortunately, the booster tipped over shortly after landing, representing SpaceX’s first landing failure in more than two years.

#### An Uncommon Setback in a Series of Triumphs

Before this event, SpaceX had achieved a remarkable record of 267 successful booster landings in a row, a streak that had been ongoing since February 2021. The reason behind Wednesday’s landing failure is still being investigated, but initial evaluations indicate there might have been a timing issue with the engine burn during the landing process. SpaceX’s teams are presently examining the booster’s flight data to ascertain the exact reason for the failure.

#### The Booster’s Background and Importance

The Falcon 9 booster involved in this situation, designated Booster 1062, has a notable history. It made its first flight in November 2020, launching the GPS III-04 mission for the U.S. Space Force. Throughout the years, it has proven to be one of SpaceX’s most dependable boosters, successfully completing 23 missions prior to Wednesday’s incident. In fact, after this latest launch, Booster 1062 temporarily claimed the title of fleet leader among SpaceX’s collection of reusable first stages.

Although booster landings are viewed as secondary objectives in comparison to the main mission of delivering payloads into orbit, they are vital to SpaceX’s business strategy. The capacity to reuse boosters significantly cuts down the costs of space launches, thereby enhancing accessibility to space. Each Falcon 9 first stage is estimated to cost between $20 to $30 million in manufacturing, testing, and transportation to the launch site. Consequently, SpaceX has increasingly focused on successful landings, even postponing launches in adverse recovery weather conditions.

#### Immediate Effects and Canceled Launches

The landing mishap had immediate consequences for SpaceX’s launch timeline. A subsequent Starlink launch scheduled for later Wednesday morning from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California was canceled. SpaceX chose to postpone this launch to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the cause of the landing failure in Florida.

#### Potential Effect on the Polaris Dawn Mission

The landing mishap also raises concerns regarding the forthcoming Polaris Dawn mission, a high-profile Falcon 9 launch aimed at advancing private space exploration. This mission, spearheaded by billionaire Jared Isaacman, is designed to transport a crew of four on an ambitious expedition to an orbit exceeding 1,200 kilometers above Earth. It will also include the first private spacewalk, marking a significant milestone in the commercialization of space.

The Polaris Dawn mission has already encountered delays. A launch originally slated for Tuesday morning was canceled due to a helium leak in the ground systems supporting the rocket. A second attempt on Wednesday was also halted due to unfavorable weather conditions. Meteorologists are especially worried about sea states for the Crew Dragon vehicle’s landing, expected to take place three to five days post-launch in waters near Florida.

Jared Isaacman addressed the situation on social media, stating, “Our launch criteria are heavily constrained by forecasted splashdown weather conditions. With no ISS rendezvous and limited life support consumables, we must be absolutely sure of reentry weather before launching.” As it stands, the earliest launch date for Polaris Dawn is Friday morning at 3:38 am ET (07:38 UTC), depending on favorable weather and SpaceX’s assurance in resolving the issues that led to Wednesday’s landing failure.

#### Looking Forward

While the tipping of the Falcon 9 booster is an unusual setback for SpaceX, it highlights the challenges of space exploration and the necessity for ongoing improvement. The company’s capability to swiftly identify and remedy issues has been a crucial element in its success, and this incident is expected to follow the same pattern.

As SpaceX continues to explore new possibilities in space, both with its Starlink network and ambitious missions like Polaris Dawn, the insights gained from this landing failure will surely aid in the company’s future achievements. For now, all attention is on SpaceX as it endeavors to resolve the issue and prepare for its next launch.

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IT Company Charged with Postponing Onboarding for 2,000 New Hires Across Multiple Years

### Infosys Faces Backlash Over Prolonged Onboarding and Uncompensated Training for Engineering Graduates

The Indian technology behemoth Infosys is facing scrutiny for purportedly taking advantage of thousands of engineering graduates by extending job offers while postponing their onboarding for as long as two years. This issue has ignited indignation among the impacted graduates and garnered the attention of labor advocacy organizations and government representatives.

#### The Claims

The Nascent Information Technology Employees Senate (NITES), a group supporting IT workers in India, has accused Infosys of acting in an unprofessional and exploitative manner. A letter dispatched by NITES to Mansukh Mandaviya, India’s Minister of Labor and Employment, states that the company has been extending job offers to engineering graduates since April 2022 but has not onboarded many of them. The letter asserts that more than 2,000 recruits are experiencing these delays.

NITES alleges that Infosys compelled the recruits to engage in an unpaid, virtual “pre-training” program held from July 1, 2024, to July 24, 2024. The graduates were reportedly informed that their onboarding would be completed by August 19 or September 2, yet those dates passed without any further updates from the company. Instead, recruits were told they would need to retake the pre-training exam in an offline format, again without compensation.

#### Continuous Unpaid Training

The situation has caused significant frustration, anxiety, and uncertainty among many graduates. Reports suggest that recruits faced multiple unpaid virtual and in-person training sessions and evaluations. Emails sent to these recruits indicated that failure to attend these sessions, which sometimes lasted as long as six weeks, would result in disqualification from onboarding.

NITES has condemned Infosys for squandering the valuable time of these young graduates, alleging that the company is hindering their potential contributions to India’s economy. The advocacy organization has urged the Indian government to step in and avert further exploitation.

#### Infosys’ Reaction

In defense of the allegations, Infosys CEO Salil Parekh claimed that all graduates who received job offers would eventually join the company, although he did not specify when this would take place or the reasons behind the prolonged delays. “Every offer that we have provided will result in an eventual joining. We have adjusted some timelines, but everyone will come on board, and that commitment remains unchanged,” Parekh communicated in an interview with the Press Trust of India.

However, this reassurance has offered little relief to the concerned graduates and advocacy groups. NITES has insisted that Infosys provide full salary compensation for the duration of the onboarding delays or aid the recruits in securing alternative positions within the organization.

#### Consequences for India’s Economy

NITES has also contended that Infosys’ conduct is detrimental to India’s economic advancement. The IT sector is a vital component of the country’s economy, and delaying the professional journeys of young engineering graduates could lead to long-lasting ramifications. “These young engineering graduates are essential to the future of our nation’s IT landscape, which is crucial to our economic framework. By stalling their careers and exposing them to unpaid labor and recurrent assessments, Infosys is not only misusing their valuable time but also undermining the potential benefits they could bring to India’s development,” stated the letter from NITES.

The situation is further complicated by the wider challenges affecting India’s employment market. Currently, the country is grappling with a job scarcity, especially in the IT domain. A June 2024 analysis of Indian hiring patterns indicated a 9 percent year-over-year drop in IT job opportunities in hardware and networking, alongside a 5 percent decrease in software and software services. Additionally, attrition rates in the IT sector have declined, resulting in fewer job openings, particularly for entry-level positions.

#### The Broader Context

Infosys is not alone in encountering difficulties in onboarding new staff. The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic downturn have created logistical hurdles for many companies, causing delays in hiring and onboarding. However, the duration of these delays and the repetition of unpaid training sessions have prompted scrutiny of Infosys’ methodologies.

The organization has also faced criticism for not conducting any campus recruitment in 2023 or 2024, a trend noted throughout the Indian IT sector. With a limited number of job prospects, many graduates may feel compelled to wait for Infosys to complete their onboarding, despite the financial strain and mental health challenges they are encountering.

#### Conclusion

The scandal surrounding Infosys’ delayed onboarding and uncompensated training underscores the difficulties confronting India’s IT sector and the broader economy. While the company has guaranteed that all recruits will eventually join, the absence of transparency and communication has left many graduates in a state of ambiguity. As the situation develops, it remains uncertain whether Infosys will take measures to address the issues faced by the affected graduates and restore its standing in the industry.

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Optional Update Delivers Ryzen Performance Enhancements for Windows 11 Version 23H2

### AMD Ryzen 7 7700X and Windows 11 24H2: An In-Depth Examination of Performance Enhancements

The AMD Ryzen 7 7700X, a processor that has attracted considerable attention since its debut, remains a central topic in conversations regarding CPU performance, especially concerning gaming and productivity tasks. With the impending Windows 11 24H2 update, AMD fans have new performance enhancements to anticipate—improvements designed to maximize the potential of not just the Ryzen 7 7700X but also other CPUs within AMD’s Ryzen 5000, 7000, and 9000 series.

### The Windows 11 24H2 Update: What’s New?

Microsoft’s Windows 11 24H2 update goes beyond a mere software refresh. It introduces a new compiler, kernel, and scheduler, all crafted to enhance CPU performance across varying architectures. Although initial efforts primarily focused on optimizing Arm CPUs and streamlining the speed of x86 app translation, the update also significantly benefits AMD’s Zen-based processors.

A notable enhancement in the 24H2 update is the refined CPU scheduler, tasked with managing how workloads are distributed across CPU cores. This upgrade is particularly advantageous for AMD’s cutting-edge Ryzen 9000 series, built on the Zen 5 architecture. Moreover, AMD has guaranteed that users with older Ryzen CPUs, including those utilizing Zen 3 and Zen 4 architectures, can also benefit from these advancements.

### Backporting to Windows 11 23H2: A Win for AMD Users

Instead of keeping users in suspense for the official 24H2 release, AMD and Microsoft have backported these scheduler enhancements to the current Windows 11 23H2 version. Consequently, owners of Ryzen 5000, 7000, and 9000 CPUs can now experience these performance enhancements by installing the KB5041587 update, readily available through Windows Update in the “Optional Updates” section.

AMD suggests that the performance boost with the KB5041587 update applied should closely match what users will observe with the complete 24H2 update. This development is a meaningful advantage for those eager to enhance their systems without delaying for the formal debut of 24H2.

### Performance Gains: What to Expect

AMD has released several benchmarks to illustrate the performance gains that users should anticipate with the 24H2 update. For the Ryzen 9000 series, the company asserts that performance can improve by anywhere between 0 to 13 percent, depending on the specific workload. While AMD has not provided precise figures for older CPUs like the Ryzen 5000 and 7000 series, initial tests by independent reviewers shed some light.

The Hardware Unboxed YouTube channel conducted preliminary gaming tests with the 24H2 update, concentrating on the Ryzen 7 7700X and the newer Ryzen 7 9700X. The findings were encouraging: on average, across a variety of games, the Ryzen 7 7700X achieved a 10 percent boost in average frame rates. The Ryzen 7 9700X, as expected, performed slightly better with an 11 percent increase. However, it should be noted that under default settings, the 9700X was merely 2 to 3 percent faster than the nearly two-year-old 7700X in these titles, irrespective of whether the 24H2 update was applied.

### Real-World Implications

While these performance gains are indeed welcomed, they come with certain limitations. The testing executed by Hardware Unboxed was performed at a 1080p resolution using a high-end Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 GPU. In this context, the CPU is more likely to act as the bottleneck, making the performance tweaks more evident. Conversely, gamers who engage at higher resolutions such as 1440p or 4K may find the GPU to be the limiting factor, thus diminishing the visibility of CPU performance enhancements.

Furthermore, the performance improvements are most apparent in contexts where frame rates are already elevated. For instance, one game recorded an average frame rate increase from 142 FPS to 158 FPS on the Ryzen 7 7700X, and from 167 FPS to 181 FPS on the Ryzen 7 9700X. While these figures are impressive, many users may struggle to perceive the differences during actual gameplay.

Additionally, AMD has noted that productivity workloads might also see advantages from the 24H2 update. The company reported a 6 percent improvement in the Procyon Office benchmark, which emulates tasks such as word processing and spreadsheet calculations. However, further analysis is required to grasp the complete impact on various real-world workloads.

### Ryzen 7 9700X vs. Ryzen 7 7700

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Continuing Discussion on “Open Source AI” Initiates Attempts to Define It Clearly

### The Movement for Clarity in AI: OSI’s Initiative to Establish “Open Source AI”

In the swiftly changing landscape of artificial intelligence, the phrase “open source” has sparked considerable discussion. As AI technologies increasingly permeate our everyday experiences, the urgency for transparency and understanding in the development, distribution, and utilization of these systems has intensified. The Open Source Initiative (OSI), a prominent supporter of open software principles, has recently made noteworthy strides to tackle this challenge by putting forth a draft definition of “open source AI.”

#### The Uncertainty of “Open Source” in AI

Traditionally, “open source” refers to software that anyone can access, modify, and share freely. However, applying this notion to AI has revealed intricacies. Companies like Meta have introduced AI models such as Llama 3, which are available at no cost but are subject to usage limitations. These limitations, which might restrict the model’s application based on factors like company size or content type, have ignited discussions among advocates of free software regarding the true essence of “open source” when it comes to AI.

For instance, although Meta’s Llama 3 model can be accessed, it doesn’t fulfill the conventional open source criteria established by the OSI for software. The AI image synthesizer Flux represents another instance of a model labeled as “open,” yet it doesn’t fully adhere to open source values. This lack of clarity has led to the emergence of alternative terms like “open-weights” or “source-available” to describe AI models that come with restrictions on code or weights without corresponding training data.

#### OSI’s Initiative to Define Open Source AI

In an effort to clarify this matter, the OSI has gathered a varied group of around 70 contributors, including scholars, legal experts, policymakers, and advocates, to formulate a definition for “open source AI.” Representatives from leading technology firms like Meta, Google, and Amazon have also participated in this initiative. The current draft definition (version 0.0.9) highlights “four essential freedoms” reminiscent of those that characterize free software: the freedom to utilize the AI system for any reason, analyze its workings, modify it, and distribute it with or without changes.

By delineating clear standards for open source AI, the OSI seeks to create a framework against which AI systems can be assessed. This will likely empower developers, scholars, and users to make more enlightened choices concerning the AI tools they create, study, or utilize.

#### The Significance of Transparency

A crucial advantage of genuinely open source AI lies in the potential for enhanced transparency. When researchers can delve into the workings of AI models, they are better positioned to pinpoint and rectify possible software vulnerabilities. This stands in stark contrast to opaque systems like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which operates as a proprietary entity with a carefully protected architecture.

The OSI’s project timeline suggests a stable version of the “open source AI” definition is anticipated to be unveiled in October during the All Things Open 2024 event in Raleigh, North Carolina.

#### “Unrestricted Innovation”

In a May press release, the OSI stressed the necessity of accurately defining what open source AI entails. Stefano Maffulli, the OSI’s executive director, remarked, “AI differs from standard software and compels all stakeholders to reassess how Open Source principles pertain to this domain. OSI believes everyone should retain agency and oversight of technology. We also acknowledge that markets thrive when clear definitions facilitate transparency, collaboration, and unrestricted innovation.”

The organization’s latest draft definition expands beyond merely the AI model or its weights, covering the full system and its components. For an AI system to be deemed open source, it must grant access to what the OSI refers to as the “preferred form for modifications.” This entails comprehensive information about the training data, the complete source code used for training and operating the system, as well as the model weights and parameters. All these elements are required to be provided under OSI-sanctioned licenses or terms.

Notably, the draft does not require the sharing of raw training data. Instead, it demands “data information”—detailed metadata about the training data and methodologies. This strategy seeks to deliver transparency and replicability without necessarily releasing the actual dataset, effectively addressing privacy or copyright concerns while upholding open source principles.

#### A Diverse Coalition with a Clear Objective

The OSI’s strategy for formulating the “open source AI” definition dates back to 2022 when it initially reached out to organizations for their insights on the term. The initiative has included a series of global workshops that have convened varied groups from diverse backgrounds. According to the OSI, 53 percent of the participants in the working groups on Open Source AI identified as people of color, with 28 percent being women.

“After nearly two years of gathering perspectives from around the globe to pinpoint the principles of Open Source fit for AI systems, we’re launching a worldwide roadshow to refine…

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NASA Issues Revised Cost Projection for SLS Launch Tower, Sparking Worries

### NASA’s Mobile Launch Tower Initiative: An Expensive and Prolonged Challenge

NASA’s visionary efforts to back its Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, especially the enhanced Block 1B version, have faced notable hurdles regarding the construction of a new mobile launch tower. Initially estimated at $383 million, the project’s costs have surged to around $2.7 billion, as indicated by a recent report from NASA’s Office of Inspector General (OIG). This article examines the factors contributing to the escalating costs, the repercussions for NASA’s Artemis initiative, and the larger difficulties the agency encounters in managing substantial projects.

#### The Tower’s Expanding Dimensions

The mobile launch tower, referred to as Mobile Launcher 2 (ML-2), is an essential infrastructure element intended to support the SLS Block 1B rocket. Designed for use in the Artemis IV mission, this rocket version incorporates a more robust second stage named the Exploration Upper Stage. The mission’s goal is to transport both a crewed Orion spacecraft and a component of the Lunar Gateway into lunar orbit, representing a pivotal achievement in NASA’s Artemis initiative.

Nevertheless, building the ML-2 tower has been plagued by setbacks and budget overruns. Initially slated for completion in March 2023, the project is now anticipated to wrap up no sooner than September 2027, with expenses soaring to $2.7 billion—almost double the construction cost of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building globally.

#### Root Causes: Misjudgment and Complexity

A central factor driving the ballooning costs and delays is Bechtel National, Inc.’s miscalculation of the project’s scope and complexity. The OIG report notes that Bechtel profoundly underestimated the labor hours needed for project completion. Consequently, the firm has logged far more labor hours than forecasted, with estimated overtime nearly doubling from May 2022 to January 2024.

This miscalculation has triggered a cascading effect on the project’s schedule and budget. The report indicates that Bechtel’s efforts to meet NASA’s timeline have resulted in a significant rise in labor costs, compounding the project’s financial difficulties.

#### The Consequences for NASA’s Artemis Initiative

Delays in the ML-2 project present critical challenges for NASA’s Artemis initiative, especially the Artemis IV mission. To adhere to the mission’s target launch date of 2028, the ML-2 tower must be ready by November 2026. However, both NASA and the OIG report concur that there exists a zero percent likelihood of achieving this deadline. Consequently, the Artemis IV mission, assuming it employs the upgraded SLS rocket, is not expected to launch before mid-2029 at the earliest.

This delay may have a cascading impact on subsequent Artemis missions, potentially pushing back NASA’s schedule for returning humans to the Moon and establishing a lasting presence on the lunar surface.

#### The Obstacles of Cost-Plus Contracts

A key insight from the OIG report is the limited bargaining power NASA has over Bechtel due to the cost-plus contract structure applied to the ML-2 project. Under a cost-plus arrangement, the contractor is reimbursed for all permissible expenses incurred and receives an additional fee for profit. This contract model offers minimal motivation for the contractor to manage costs or accelerate project timelines.

The report highlights that NASA could opt to modify the contract to a fixed-price structure, which would set a defined cost for the endeavor. However, NASA officials have stated that they do not plan to pursue this option, as they believe Bechtel would likely submit a cost proposal that exceeds NASA’s budget capacity to compensate for the additional risks linked to a fixed-price contract.

This scenario underscores the broader challenges NASA encounters in overseeing large-scale projects. While the cost-plus contracting model can be advantageous in specific situations, it has been criticized for causing cost overruns and delays in governmental undertakings. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson has previously voiced his discontent with the cost-plus approach, advocating for a transition towards fixed-price contracts to foster competition and cost management.

#### Conclusion: A Lesson for Future Endeavors

The persistent issues with the ML-2 project act as a cautionary example for NASA and other governmental organizations engaged in significant infrastructure projects. The substantial cost overruns and delays illuminate the necessity for accurate project forecasting, robust contract administration, and accountability in executing intricate engineering initiatives.

As NASA moves forward with its ambitious objectives under the Artemis program, it is vital for the agency to derive lessons from the ML-2 project. By adopting more rigorous project management strategies and investigating alternative contracting options, NASA can enhance its capacity to fulfill its long-term goals while mitigating the risks of future cost overruns and delays.

In the interim, the soaring costs and delays of

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Martin Shkreli Reportedly Duplicated His $2M Wu-Tang Album and Shared Them with Several Women

### The Odyssey of the Wu-Tang Clan Album: Martin Shkreli, PleasrDAO, and the Clash Over “Once Upon a Time in Shaolin”

In the chronicles of contemporary music history, there are few narratives as surreal and intricate as the account of Wu-Tang Clan’s “Once Upon a Time in Shaolin.” This album, a singular artifact crafted as only one physical edition, has become embroiled in a legal and cultural tempest featuring infamous “pharma bro” Martin Shkreli, the decentralized collective called PleasrDAO, and the United States legal framework. The saga has sparked discussions about ownership, copyright, and the significance of art in the digital era.

#### The Album That Initiated It All

“Once Upon a Time in Shaolin” was envisioned as a rebellion against the diminishing value of music in the digital age. Wu-Tang Clan, a revered hip-hop ensemble, created the album as a one-of-a-kind artistic expression. It was more than just an album; it was a proclamation, encased in a specially designed nickel and silver box, accompanied by a 174-page leather-bound tome of lyrics and production stories, along with a pair of tailored audio speakers. The album aimed to serve as a singular cultural treasure, with only one copy ever produced.

In 2015, Martin Shkreli, at that time a hedge fund manager and CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, acquired the album for $2 million. Shkreli’s purchase was contentious, given his rising infamy for drastically hiking the price of the life-saving medication Daraprim by over 5,000%. The acquisition only heightened his notoriety, making him a representation of corporate avarice.

#### Shkreli’s Legal Issues and the Album’s Confiscation

Shkreli’s luck took a drastic downturn when he was found guilty of securities fraud in 2017. As part of his punishment, he was mandated to surrender $7.4 million in assets, including the Wu-Tang Clan album. The U.S. government confiscated the album and subsequently sold it to an unnamed middleman to assist in covering Shkreli’s fines.

Enter PleasrDAO, a “digital autonomous organization” consisting of 74 individuals who jointly acquired the album from the intermediary for $4.75 million. PleasrDAO, which focuses on obtaining culturally significant digital artifacts, minted a non-fungible token (NFT) to signify their ownership of the album. This NFT functioned as a digital title, representing the collective ownership of the physical album by PleasrDAO’s members.

#### The Exposé: Shkreli’s Replicas

However, PleasrDAO’s thrill over possessing the “one-of-a-kind” album was fleeting. In June 2022, Shkreli disclosed on his YouTube channel that he had created multiple versions of the album before it was confiscated by the authorities. “Naturally, I made MP3 duplicates,” Shkreli stated, mentioning that they were “secured in safes all around the globe.” He even asserted to have shared copies with various people and played the album on his Discord server, mocking PleasrDAO members by claiming that “>5000 people have” the album.

Shkreli’s antics, which included offering to distribute copies to random internet users and hosting listening events on his social media platforms, prompted PleasrDAO to initiate a lawsuit against him. The organization argued that Shkreli was breaching the asset forfeiture order and misappropriating “trade secrets” as per New York law. PleasrDAO contended that Shkreli’s dissemination of the album’s material was undermining its marketability and worth.

#### Shkreli’s Counterargument: A Matter of Rights

In facing the lawsuit, Shkreli’s defense was clear-cut: he believed he retained the right to make and distribute copies of the album. According to Shkreli, upon purchasing the album in 2015, he also obtained 50% of the copyrights related to the package. He asserted that the government had only seized the physical version of the album, not the duplicates he had already produced. Moreover, he argued that the album could no longer qualify as a “trade secret” since it had been rendered non-secret due to his actions.

#### The Legal Dispute: A Temporary Restraining Order

As the proceedings progressed, a federal judge in Brooklyn issued a temporary restraining order on August 26, 2024, barring Shkreli from “owning, using, distributing, or selling any interest in the Wu-Tang Clan album ‘Once Upon a Time in Shaolin,’ including its data and files or the contents of the Album.” The judge further mandated Shkreli to surrender all versions of the album, in any format, to his legal team and to submit an affidavit confirming he no longer holds any copies.

Additionally, by the conclusion of September 2024, Shkreli

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Grok by X to Guide Users to Vote.gov Following Misleading Ballot Question Situation

### Elon Musk’s X Platform Modifies AI Assistant Grok to Mitigate Election Misinformation

In a pivotal effort to limit the transmission of misinformation, Elon Musk’s X platform, previously known as Twitter, has implemented significant modifications to its AI assistant, Grok. These changes are a response to the concerns expressed by several U.S. Secretaries of State regarding the spread of inaccurate information about election ballot deadlines. Consequently, Grok will now guide users to Vote.gov when queried about election matters, ensuring that users obtain accurate and trustworthy information.

#### The Challenge: Inaccurate Information on Ballot Deadlines

The issue arose on July 21, 2024, when Grok, an AI created by Musk’s firm xAI and accessible to paying subscribers on the X platform, produced and circulated erroneous information regarding ballot deadlines for the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election. The AI incorrectly asserted that the ballot deadline had already elapsed in nine states, causing confusion and the possibility of voter disenfranchisement. This misinformation rapidly spread across various social media platforms, alarming election officials.

The misleading information was particularly alarming as it surfaced just hours after President Joe Biden announced his decision to withdraw from his presidential candidacy. The timing of the erroneous information heightened fears that voters could be misinformed about their participation in the election, particularly in such a crucial year as 2024.

#### Reaction from Secretaries of State

On August 5, 2024, the Secretaries of State from Minnesota, Michigan, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Washington penned a letter to Elon Musk, requesting immediate measures to rectify the misinformation and avert similar occurrences in the future. The correspondence underscored the necessity for accurate election information and urged X to direct Grok users to CanIVote.org, a resource run by the National Association of Secretaries of State, for dependable election-related information.

The letter pointed out that Grok had continued to disseminate incorrect information for ten days, from July 21 to July 31, even after being made aware of the mistake. This delay in addressing the misinformation further emphasized the need for a more robust system to guarantee that voters receive precise guidance.

#### X’s Reaction and the Implementation of Modifications

In answer to the concerns brought forth by the Secretaries of State, X’s Head of U.S. and Canada Global Government Affairs informed the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State on August 21, 2024, that the platform had modified Grok. The AI assistant will now redirect users to Vote.gov, a website operated by the U.S. government, when inquiries about election matters arise.

Though the Secretaries of State had initially suggested directing users to CanIVote.org, they expressed contentment with the decision to utilize Vote.gov, recognizing that both are credible resources. In a collective statement, the state officials stated, “We appreciate X’s efforts to enhance their platform and hope they continue to implement improvements that will ensure their users have access to accurate information from reliable sources during this vital election year.”

#### The Significance of Accurate Information in AI Systems

The situation with Grok underscores the broader difficulties associated with AI systems, particularly those utilizing large language models like Grok. While these systems are robust, they are not immune to errors and can occasionally produce incorrect or misleading information. The potential for such inaccuracies is particularly troubling in scenarios like elections, where misinformation can have dire implications for democratic processes.

Acknowledging this, the Secretaries of State reiterated in their letter that “inaccuracies can be anticipated in any AI products, especially chatbots based on large language models.” However, they also emphasized that platforms like X hold a responsibility to ensure voters receive accurate information, particularly in a significant election year.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT, another AI system, was already designed to direct users to CanIVote.org for election-related inquiries, establishing a benchmark for how AI systems can be structured to deliver reliable information. The recent updates to Grok demonstrate a growing recognition of the need for similar protections across all AI platforms.

#### Conclusion

The modifications made to Grok by Elon Musk’s X platform mark a crucial advancement in tackling the issues of misinformation in the digital era. By steering users to Vote.gov for election-related inquiries, X is contributing to ensuring that voters have access to accurate and trustworthy guidance as they exercise their constitutional right to vote.

As AI plays an ever-growing role in our daily lives, the necessity of accuracy and reliability in these systems cannot be emphasized enough. The recent alterations to Grok act as a reminder that while AI has the capability to enrich our access to information, it must be properly managed to inhibit the spread of misinformation, especially in contexts as essential as elections.

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“Return to Moria Debuts on Steam with Mining, Crafting, and Significant ‘Golden Update'”

### The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria – An In-Depth Look at the Dwarven Survival Crafting Experience

The dwarves in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-Earth embody a rich tapestry of enigma, tough-mindedness, and a profound dedication to their crafts. These traits are vividly portrayed in *The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria*, a survival crafting game that has recently broadened its availability to Steam and Xbox, following its inaugural year as an Epic Games Store exclusive. With the launch of the 1.3 “Golden Update,” the game is now accessible on various platforms, including PlayStation, and is steadily approaching Steam Deck compatibility.

### Exploring the Abyss of Moria

In *Return to Moria*, players assume the role of a dwarf during the Fourth Age of Middle-Earth, commissioned by the legendary Gimli Lockbearer to reclaim the forsaken treasures of Moria, renowned as Khazad-dûm. However, this is not just another dungeon crawl. Each iteration of Moria is procedurally generated, ensuring that every player’s journey is distinct, featuring varying layouts, challenges, and rewarding discoveries.

The fundamental gameplay focuses on extracting resources, crafting equipment, and establishing base camps to navigate the perils lurking within the depths. As you venture further into the mines, you’ll encounter an array of foes, such as goblins and other beings that have made the shadowy tunnels their lairs. The game’s procedural design guarantees that no two journeys are alike, keeping the adventure invigorating and uncertain.

### The Golden Update: A New Dawn for Moria

The latest 1.3 “Golden Update” has introduced a plethora of new features and enhancements to *Return to Moria*. One of the standout enhancements is the addition of a procedurally generated sandbox mode, which complements the game’s storyline. This mode grants players the freedom to explore and survive in Moria without narrative limitations, presenting a more open-ended adventure.

Furthermore, the update brings new armaments and armor, providing players with more choices to personalize their dwarven characters and gear up for upcoming challenges. Crossplay functionality across all platforms is now implemented, enabling teams of up to eight players to collaborate and traverse Moria together, no matter their chosen gaming system. Additionally, the update has introduced specific difficulty sliders, allowing players to customize the game’s challenge to suit their tastes.

For single-player aficionados, one of the most appreciated innovations is the introduction of a pause feature during offline play, which had been notably missing until now. This minor yet impactful addition enhances the game’s accessibility and enjoyment for those who prefer to engage with Moria’s trials independently.

### An Ongoing Journey: From Rough Gem to Refined Masterpiece

When *Return to Moria* debuted in October 2023, it sparked mixed reactions. Critics lauded the game’s fidelity to Tolkien’s lore and its captivating representation of subterranean environments. Nevertheless, it faced backlash due to bugs, frame rate issues, and other technical flaws that overshadowed the experience.

PC Gamer acknowledged that while the game embraced the essence of Tolkien’s dwarves, it was hindered by technical difficulties and peculiarities in gameplay. Polygon offered a more critical perspective, noting the game’s tiled layouts and the tedious backtracking demanded in certain areas. Both reviews indicated that while the game held promise, it required additional time for refinement and enhancement.

In response to these critiques, the developers at North Beach Games have been diligently working to enhance the game. A recent “Quality of Life Showcase” led by Game Director Jon-Paul Dumont spotlighted the numerous improvements made over the last 10 months. These enhancements include a clearer, color-coded map, enriched ambient music and transitions, and upgraded combat systems. The team has also tackled player feedback regarding inventory management, cooking, building, and crafting, elevating the game’s user experience and enjoyment.

### A Promising Horizon for Moria

With the launch of the Golden Update and the game’s expansion to additional platforms, *The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria* is set to attract a wider audience. The game’s exceptional combination of survival crafting, procedural generation, and Tolkien-themed lore provides a captivating experience for fans of both the genre and the Middle-Earth narrative.

Although the game may have had a tumultuous start, the continuous efforts by the development team to address player insights and enhance the quality of the game suggest that *Return to Moria* is on track to become a notable title in the survival crafting landscape. Whether you’re an experienced dwarf eager to reclaim Moria’s lost treasures or a newcomer excited to explore its vastness, there’s no better time than now to immerse yourself in the realm of *Return to Moria*.

So grab your pickaxe, rally your friends, and get ready to journey deep into the mines of Khazad-dûm. Excitement, peril, and uncharted fortunes await those courageous enough to confront the abyss below.

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Tattoo Ink Available on Amazon Discovered to Have Elevated Levels of Rare Bacteria

### The Concealed Risks of Tattoo Inks: Essential Information You Should Have

Tattoos have surged in popularity as a means of personal expression, with millions globally opting to embellish their skin with detailed designs. Nonetheless, while the creativity and personal meaning behind tattoos are frequently honored, there is an increasing apprehension regarding the safety of the inks utilized in the procedure. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has voiced concerns for years about the health hazards tied to tattoo inks, especially those tainted with dangerous bacteria.

#### The FDA’s Worries: Examining Tattoo Ink Contamination

The FDA has consistently expressed worries over the safety of tattoo inks, cautioning that some of these products are “teeming with bacteria.” When such contaminated inks are introduced into the skin, they can trigger a variety of negative health impacts, including inflammatory responses, allergic reactions, toxic effects, and infections. This issue is further complicated by the reliability of labels that assert the inks are sterile.

A recent product recall involving three tattoo pigments from Sierra Stain, a now-defunct producer, underscores the FDA’s apprehensions. The water-based inks, which were marketed nationwide via Amazon, were discovered to harbor an unusual assortment of bacteria at elevated levels, according to FDA evaluations. These bacteria encompassed species that are generally not harmful to humans but can induce infections under specific circumstances, particularly in those with weakened immune systems.

#### The Bacterial Variety in Tattoo Inks

One of the recalled inks, labeled “Carolina Blue,” harbored six distinct bacterial species. Among these were *Citrobacter braakii*, a bacterium that often exists in the gastrointestinal tract and can irritate the mucosal lining of the intestines, and *Cupriavidus pauculus*, a bacterium associated with water. Additional bacteria located in the ink included *Citrobacter farmeri*, *Achromobacter xylosoxidans*, *Ochrobactrum anthropi*, and *Pseudomonas fluorescens*—all opportunistic pathogens that may result in infections under the right circumstances.

Another ink, “UV China Pink,” was found to contain a rare soil bacterium known as *Curtobacterium citreum/pusillum*. On the other hand, the “All Purpose Black” ink was discovered to have *Acetobacter senegalensis*, a bacterium initially identified from mangos in Senegal, frequently employed in industrial vinegar production in less affluent nations.

While there have been no confirmed infections or negative responses associated with these particular inks, the FDA indicates that reactions to tainted inks can be challenging to diagnose. Infections and skin reactions may often mimic generic rashes or allergic responses, occasionally appearing as lesions with red papules in the ink-injected areas. However, infections resulting from tattoo ink may result in lasting scarring.

#### The Extent of the Issue: Contamination in Tattoo Inks

In a study published in July 2024 in *Applied and Environmental Microbiology*, researchers from the FDA evaluated 75 samples of tattoo and permanent makeup inks from 14 manufacturers. The findings were unsettling: 26 of the 75 inks (35 percent) were tainted with a total of 34 bacteria types, many of which were capable of causing disease. Some of these bacteria were anaerobic, implying they do not need oxygen to proliferate, suggesting they could thrive in low-oxygen environments found within skin layers. Out of the 40 tattoo inks specifically assessed, nine (22 percent) were contaminated. Even more troubling, of the 49 ink samples labeled as “sterile,” 16 (33 percent) were actually contaminated.

#### What Measures Can Be Taken?

The recall announcement highlighted that Sierra Stain is out of business, and the company did not respond to inquiries regarding the bacteria discovered in their inks. Nonetheless, the problem of contaminated tattoo inks remains unresolved.

The FDA advises consumers to remain alert regarding the quality and safety of tattoo supplies and techniques. This involves inquiring with tattoo artists about the inks they utilize and their sources. Additionally, the FDA urges tattoo artists to operate in professional settings that can help mitigate the risk of contamination. This includes utilizing sterilized equipment, wearing gloves, and adhering to proper hygiene standards.

#### Conclusion

Although tattoos can serve as a beautiful and significant form of self-expression, it’s crucial to recognize the potential dangers associated with contaminated inks. The FDA’s revelations emphasize the necessity of vigilance concerning the safety of tattoo supplies. By exercising caution and staying informed, both consumers and tattoo artists can contribute to minimizing the risk of infections and other negative health outcomes, ensuring that the practice of tattooing remains a safe and rewarding experience for everyone.

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