Tag: Source: Arstechnica.com

CERN Cuts Ties with Russia, Intends to Dismiss Hundreds of Russian Scientists by December

### CERN’s Resolution to Dissolve Connections with Russian Institutions: A Milestone in Global Scientific Cooperation

Since its inception in 1954, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, widely referred to as CERN, has stood as a symbol of global scientific collaboration. The laboratory located in Geneva has united scientists from across the globe to delve into the realms of high-energy physics, with its most notable endeavor being the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Nevertheless, the geopolitical climate has changed significantly following Russia’s incursion into Ukraine in 2022, prompting CERN to reassess its long-held alliances with Russian institutions.

In December 2023, CERN’s governing body faced the challenging choice to end its International Cooperation Agreement with the Russian Federation, set to take effect on November 30, 2024. This decision signifies the conclusion of a 60-year partnership between CERN and Russian scientific institutions. Belarus is also affected, as its cooperation agreement is scheduled to cease even sooner, on June 27, 2024.

### A Heritage of Collaboration

CERN was founded in the wake of World War II with the aim of promoting peaceful scientific inquiry and cross-border collaboration. Over the years, it has transformed into a global center for particle physics, accommodating scientists from more than 70 nations. Although Russia has never been a full member of CERN, it has been instrumental in the organization’s research initiatives since 1955. Numerous scientists affiliated with Russia have played pivotal roles in pioneering experiments, particularly those conducted at the LHC.

Russia’s observer status at CERN, which enabled its scientists to engage in experiments and assist in shaping the organization’s scientific priorities, is now drawing to a close. The decision to cut off connections with Russian institutions stems from the ongoing hostilities in Ukraine and what CERN characterized as Russia’s “illegal use of force.” This action aligns with wider international sanctions and limitations on scientific partnership with Russia.

### The Ramifications for CERN’s Research

The cessation of the cooperation agreement prompts crucial considerations regarding the future of scientific endeavors at CERN. Historically, Russia has contributed approximately 4.5 percent to the budget for LHC experiments, with its scientists significantly involved in various research initiatives. However, CERN has already initiated measures to lessen the impact of Russia’s departure. Other member nations have stepped forward to compensate for the financial gap, and some Russian researchers have found opportunities outside Russia to pursue their work at CERN.

Despite these initiatives, certain experts express concern about the long-term implications of this decision. Hannes Jung, a particle physicist and participant in the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) experiment at CERN, articulated his apprehensions in a dialogue with *Nature*. “It will leave a void. I think it’s a misconception to assume that this can be easily compensated by other scientists,” he mentioned. Jung, also affiliated with the Science4Peace Forum, champions the notion of sustaining scientific collaboration even amidst political tensions.

Conversely, some argue that the impact will be minimal, as researchers have had sufficient time to prepare for the exit. Key personnel have discovered ways to stay engaged with CERN’s projects, whether by relocating or acquiring positions within non-Russian entities. This has aided in maintaining continuity in ongoing experiments, at least temporarily.

### The Contentious Decision to Retain Ties with JINR

While CERN has severed ties with Russian institutions, it has opted to uphold its relationship with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), an intergovernmental research facility located in Dubna, close to Moscow. JINR presents a unique case, involving scientists from various nations, including several CERN member countries. This decision has ignited discussion within the scientific realm.

Hannes Jung endorses CERN’s choice to continue collaboration with JINR, stating that it “marked a shift in the management of these matters.” He believes that maintaining connections with JINR enables some degree of ongoing scientific collaboration, even amid persistent political frictions.

However, not everyone shares this viewpoint. Boris Grynyov, director of the Institute for Scintillation Materials in Kharkiv, Ukraine, denounced the decision, labeling it “a substantial error.” Grynyov and others contend that sustaining any kind of partnership with Russian-affiliated institutions undermines the international stance regarding Russia’s conduct in Ukraine.

### The Wider Context: Science and Politics

CERN’s choice to end its collaboration with Russian institutions embodies a larger movement where scientific partnerships are increasingly swayed by geopolitical developments. Traditionally, science has been perceived as a neutral arena where researchers from various countries could collaborate despite political divides. However, the invasion of Ukraine has prompted a reevaluation of this tenet, with numerous organizations opting to dissolve ties with Russian institutions as part of a broader strategy to diplomatically and economically isolate the nation.

This scenario underscores the fragile equilibrium between scientific partnership and political circumstances. While many scientists advocate for maintaining open communication channels, others assert that continuing cooperation with Russian entities risks legitimizing their actions amid ongoing conflicts.

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North Carolina Gubernatorial Hopeful Alleges AI Created Racist and Pornographic Forum Messages

### Mark Robinson and the “Deep Doubt” Era: AI as a Political Shield

In a political environment increasingly influenced by technological advancements, North Carolina’s Lieutenant Governor and gubernatorial hopeful, Mark Robinson, has found himself embroiled in a controversy highlighting the rising role of artificial intelligence (AI) in public discourse. On September 19, 2024, CNN revealed a story about incendiary remarks made by Robinson on a pornography website’s forum over ten years ago. The remarks, which included characterizations of Robinson as a “black NAZI” and endorsements for enslaving individuals again, were allegedly posted between 2008 and 2012 under the username “minisoldr” on a platform called “Nude Africa.”

However, Robinson has refuted the claims, asserting that the remarks were fabricated using AI. This contention has sparked a wider discussion on AI’s impact on public opinion and accountability, particularly in an era some experts are dubbing the “deep doubt” age.

### The Allegations

CNN’s investigation uncovered Robinson’s comments through a mix of biographical information, a mutual email address, and profile images. The statements, made well before Robinson rose to prominence in politics, have incited significant backlash. Despite the corroborating evidence, Robinson vehemently denies the allegations, claiming they stem from a smear campaign led by his political adversaries employing AI-generated material.

In a CNN interview with reporter Andrew Kaczynski, Robinson remarked, “Listen, I’m not going to delve into the details of how someone concocted these outrageous tabloid fabrications, but I can tell you this: Over one million dollars has been funneled against me via AI by a billionaire’s son who is hell-bent on ruining me.” He further contended that the comments did not originate from him and were part of a larger scheme to divert voters’ attention from the genuine issues confronting North Carolina.

### The “Deep Doubt” Era: A Handy Justification?

Robinson’s rebuttal aligns with a rising trend where public figures utilize AI as a convenient excuse to dismiss damaging proof. This trend, referred to as the “deep doubt” era, encapsulates the growing skepticism surrounding digital content prompted by the emergence of generative AI models capable of crafting hyper-realistic deepfakes. Although AI technology has certainly progressed to the extent that it can produce, convincing images, videos, and text, the timeframe of Robinson’s alleged comments—between 2008 and 2012—calls into question the legitimacy of his assertions.

At the period the comments were made, AI technology was not nearly as developed as it is today. Deepfakes, in the form we recognize now, were not a major issue in the early 2010s, raising doubts about the possibility that Robinson’s remarks were AI-generated. Furthermore, CNN’s inquiry hinged on a trail of evidence encompassing biographical information and a shared email address, which further complicates Robinson’s defense.

### The “Liar’s Dividend” and the Decline of Trust

The notion of “deep doubt” closely relates to what researchers Danielle K. Citron and Robert Chesney have referred to as the “liar’s dividend.” In their 2019 scholarly article, Citron and Chesney posited that the rise of deepfakes and other AI-generated content could facilitate liars in evading accountability. By questioning the genuineness of digital evidence, people can leverage the uncertainty induced by AI to dismiss valid accusations.

This strategy has already been utilized by several prominent figures. Former President Donald Trump, for instance, has repeatedly asserted that credible images were produced by AI, despite overwhelming contrary evidence. The “liar’s dividend” allows individuals to construct an alternate reality in which they remain blameless, further dividing public sentiment and undermining trust in democratic institutions.

In Robinson’s scenario, his rejection of the allegations has begun to fracture public opinion. While some within his own party have urged him to resign, the North Carolina GOP has so far supported him, and Robinson shows no sign of stepping back from the gubernatorial contest. This division reflects the broader societal challenge wrought by the “deep doubt” era: the emergence of parallel narratives that make it increasingly difficult for the public to ascertain the truth.

### The Future of Accountability in the AI Era

As AI technology advances, the challenges posed by deepfakes and other digital manipulations are poised to become more significant. Experts caution that we may soon witness the proliferation of “context attacks,” wherein generative AI models are employed to fabricate an endless stream of counterfeit evidence that bolsters false narratives. These attacks could justify lies as needed, complicating the quest for holding public figures responsible.

The implications for democracy are immense. If individuals can routinely dismiss incriminating proof by claiming it was created by AI, the very foundation of accountability in public life could be jeopardized.

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Ars Technica is Seeking a Seasoned Senior Reporter to Focus on Google and Related Subjects

## Ars Technica is Seeking a Senior Technology Reporter to Report on Google and AI

In a time when technology is advancing faster than ever, Ars Technica is searching for a Senior Technology Reporter to focus on one of the most vibrant and influential firms globally: Google. As Google experiences substantial changes, especially with its emphasis on generative AI, cloud solutions, and its ongoing rivalry with tech leaders like OpenAI, Microsoft, and Perplexity, this position is vital for delivering comprehensive analysis and coverage of the company’s strategic initiatives.

### The Role: Senior Technology Reporter

This role goes beyond merely covering Google’s consumer offerings such as Android or Pixel devices, although those will be included in the scope. The main emphasis will be on Google’s broader technological and business strategies, particularly in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI), cloud services, and search technologies. Google is leading the AI revolution, and its actions in this sector are influencing the future of technology and our interaction with information. The Senior Technology Reporter will be tasked with examining these developments, offering critical perspectives, and producing well-researched articles that engage Ars Technica’s audience.

A discerning viewpoint and informed skepticism are essential for this role. Google’s choices often carry significant consequences for privacy, data security, and the larger tech industry. The perfect candidate will need to delve deeply into these concerns, providing readers not just with the “what” but also with the “why” and “how” of Google’s decisions.

### What You’ll Be Doing

As a Senior Technology Reporter, your tasks will involve:
– **Comprehensive reporting on Google’s strategic actions** in AI, cloud services, and search technologies.
– **Evaluating the competitive environment**, particularly Google’s responses to challenges from firms like OpenAI, Microsoft, and Perplexity.
– **Covering significant Google events** and product unveilings, offering both immediate news and extended analysis.
– **Writing daily news updates** on smaller occurrences while also working on larger, in-depth articles.
– **Working collaboratively with a remote team** of editors and journalists to ensure high-quality, prompt reporting.

### The Ideal Candidate

This is a senior-level role, and Ars Technica seeks an individual who is ready to get started immediately. The perfect candidate will have:
– **Previous professional experience in tech journalism**, complemented by a strong portfolio showcasing the ability to tackle complex technical and business subjects.
– **A thorough understanding of AI, cloud services, and search technologies**, along with knowledge of the wider tech industry.
– **The capacity to work autonomously** and control your own reporting timetable while also collaborating with a remote team.
– **Exceptional analytical abilities** to provide insightful, well-considered perspectives on Google’s business strategies and technological innovations.

### Requirements

– **Professional experience in technology journalism** is essential. This is a senior role, so applicants should demonstrate a solid history of reporting on technology-related issues.
– **Must reside in and be eligible to work in the United States**. Regrettably, this position is available only to candidates based in the U.S.
– **Adaptability to remote work** is crucial, as Ars Technica operates as a fully remote team.
– **Willingness to travel** two to three times annually for major event coverage, including Google I/O and other prominent tech conventions.

### Why Join Ars Technica?

Ars Technica is celebrated for its comprehensive explorations of technology, science, and policy, and this position presents an opportunity to be at the forefront of coverage on one of the world’s most influential companies. As part of a team that appreciates informed skepticism and meticulous analysis, you’ll have the opportunity to influence the dialogue about Google’s impact on the future of AI and technology.

This is a full-time, unionized position with benefits, offering job security and the opportunity to work on meaningful stories. You’ll be joining a team of dedicated journalists committed to providing readers with the most accurate, insightful, and engaging content possible.

### Meet Your Assistant: “Googly”

In a fun twist, the job listing hints that if you are hired for this role, you’ll be assigned an assistant—playfully named “Googly.” While details about Googly are minimal, it’s apparent that Ars Technica possesses a sense of humor, and you can anticipate joining a team that appreciates both hard work and a lighthearted, cooperative environment.

### How to Apply

If this opportunity seems perfect for you, don’t wait to apply! You can find the complete job description and application instructions on the

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Progress in Headlamp Technology: Strategies to Avoid Blinding Drivers Approaching from the Opposite Direction

# The Future of Car Headlamps: Adaptive Matrix LED Technology

**TROY, Mich.**—Even though the United States excels in various sectors of technology, automotive lighting is one area where it has fallen short. For many years, stringent federal regulations have prevented advanced headlamp technologies, common in other regions, from being utilized on U.S. roads. Nonetheless, a transition is finally underway with the rollout of **adaptive matrix LED headlights**, a technology aimed at enhancing night-time driving safety without blinding oncoming drivers.

## A History of Headlamp Regulation in the U.S.

Historically, the U.S. has been relatively stagnant in the area of automotive lighting, primarily due to outdated federal laws. Since the 1960s, the **Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards** (FMVSS) have required the use of sealed high- and low-beam headlamps, hindering automakers’ capabilities to introduce more sophisticated lighting solutions. This situation forced manufacturers like **Mercedes-Benz** and **Audi** to market vehicles in North America with inferior lighting systems compared to those sold in Europe.

In 2014, **Audi** made an effort to introduce its cutting-edge **laser high-beam technology** to the U.S. market. Originally designed for endurance races at the **24 Hours of Le Mans**, these laser lights provided illumination much farther down the road than standard high beams. However, the technology stumbled upon regulatory obstacles from both the **National Highway Traffic Safety Administration** (NHTSA) and the **Food and Drug Administration** (FDA), which regulates laser devices. Although laser headlights were eventually permitted on U.S. roads in 2019, their efficacy was diminished due to mandated power reductions.

## The Issue of Intense Headlights

Although modern lighting technology can enhance driver visibility, it brings a significant drawback: **glare**. Intense headlights, particularly from oncoming traffic or closely following vehicles, can momentarily blind or dazzle other operators, impairing their night vision. This challenge is amplified by the prevalence of **LED** and **HID** headlights, which are substantially brighter than traditional halogen alternatives.

This is where **adaptive matrix LED headlights** are vital. These systems utilize arrays of controllable **LED pixels** to sculpt the light beam, allowing for more accurate illumination. In contrast to standard high beams, which must be turned off when another vehicle approaches, adaptive matrix headlights can smartly dim individual pixels, maintaining lighting on the road while preventing glare for other drivers.

## The Emergence of Adaptive Matrix LED Headlights

Adaptive matrix LED headlights signify a noteworthy advancement in automotive lighting technology. These systems leverage sensor data to modify the light beam in real-time, selectively dimming or brightening specific road areas. For instance, when a vehicle approaches from the opposite direction, the system can lessen the brightness of that part of the beam directed towards the oncoming automobile while simultaneously ensuring the rest of the roadway is illuminated.

This technology is already prevalent across Europe and other regions, but its adoption in the U.S. faced delays due to regulatory challenges. In 2022, after years of advocacy from automakers, the NHTSA finally sanctioned the use of **adaptive beam headlights** on American roads. However, the approval included a stipulation: a new testing framework was required to guarantee that these lights wouldn’t blind other drivers.

## Magna’s Adaptive Driving Beam Technology

Among the companies pioneering adaptive lighting technology is **Magna**, a tier 1 supplier and contract vehicle manufacturer. During a recent tech event in **Troy, Michigan**, Magna showcased its new **Invision Adaptive Driving Beam** series of light projectors. These systems are available in different resolutions, including a 48-pixel variant aimed at entry-level vehicles.

**Rafat Mohammad**, R&D supervisor at Magna, noted that the primary challenge in complying with U.S. regulations is ensuring a smooth and precise transition between illumination and shadow within the beam. “The key aspect of this regulation is that the transition zone between the dark and bright areas must be within one degree. We’ve achieved that and more. Thus, we’re very satisfied with our design,” Mohammad stated.

Magna’s system is highly adaptable, enabling automakers to customize the lighting to fit their particular requirements. For example, the lower portion of the projector, containing 15 LEDs, can be controlled individually to coordinate with the vehicle’s low-beam lights. This functionality ensures that areas meant to remain dark are not accidentally lit.

## High-Resolution Lighting for Tomorrow

At the upper end of the scale, Magna has created a projector boasting **16K resolution**, unlocking a plethora of new capabilities. These high-resolution lights can project information directly onto the street, such as navigational directions or warnings for other road users. For instance, a vehicle could illuminate a **zebra crossing** in front of it when it

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A Detailed Archive of Earth’s Temperature Covering 500 Million Years

**Reconstructing Earth’s Climate: A 500-Million-Year Journey**

Global temperature records are limited to just a few centuries, yet this does not imply ignorance regarding Earth’s climate prior to the advent of thermometers. Researchers have devised numerous techniques to reconstruct ancient climates, utilizing natural markers referred to as *temperature proxies*. These include tree rings, ice cores, and isotope ratios found in marine fossils, which can shed light on the Earth’s temperature throughout eons. Nonetheless, as we delve further back in time, locating dependable proxies becomes increasingly difficult, complicating the reconstruction of a comprehensive view of historical climates.

Recently, a group of international scientists has achieved a significant advancement in this area by utilizing a blend of proxy data and climate models to reconstruct Earth’s climate over the last 485 million years. This timeframe dates back to the Cambrian explosion, an era during which complex life began to flourish. Their results, featured in *Science*, offer an intricate global temperature record and uncover captivating insights into the interplay between carbon dioxide (CO₂) concentrations, continental movements, and long-range climate patterns.

### The Challenge of Reconstructing Ancient Climates

Reconstructing Earth’s climate over such an extensive timespan presents considerable challenges. Although numerous proxies exist for more recent climates, such as tree rings and ice cores, these markers become scarcer and less trustworthy as we journey millions of years back in time. In this study, researchers concentrated on a specific category of proxy: the ratio of oxygen isotopes present in the shells of marine organisms. These isotopes can provide insights into the temperature of the seawater in which these organisms thrived.

However, employing oxygen isotopes as a proxy involves its own challenges. A significant assumption is that the ratio of these isotopes in the oceans has stayed consistent throughout time. To address this uncertainty, the researchers employed two distinct approaches to translate the isotope data into temperature estimates. One method presumed the isotope ratios remained constant, while the other accounted for a gradual change over time.

### Climate Models and Continental Shifts

To convert these localized temperature estimates into a broader climate narrative, the researchers relied on climate models. These models incorporate various elements, such as the configuration of continents and CO₂ levels, to estimate global temperatures. By leveraging a range of models, the researchers minimized the risk of their conclusions being overly reliant on the assumptions of a singular model regarding atmospheric dynamics.

A noteworthy discovery from the study is the strong connection between Earth’s climate and CO₂ levels over the last 485 million years. The team observed that global temperatures have varied between a low of approximately 11°C during recent glacial epochs and a peak of 36°C, which occurred around 90 million years ago. These temperature fluctuations were predominantly influenced by shifts in CO₂ levels, except for one significant anomaly: the Cretaceous period, characterized by a hothouse climate despite relatively stable CO₂ concentrations. This anomaly continues to puzzle researchers and remains a topic of ongoing investigation.

### The Role of Supercontinents

Another fascinating revelation is the influence of the formation and disintegration of supercontinents on long-term climate trajectories. Earth’s continents have not always occupied their present positions. Over millions of years, they have traversed the planet’s surface, periodically uniting to create supercontinents like Pangaea, only to later separate. These tectonic movements can profoundly affect global climate by modifying ocean currents, atmospheric patterns, and the arrangement of landmasses.

The researchers propose that the cycle of supercontinent assembly and break-up may be linked to the alternation between warm “greenhouse” climates and cooler “icehouse” climates over the past 485 million years. For instance, during icehouse episodes, the temperature differential between the equator and poles can reach up to 50°C. Conversely, during greenhouse intervals, this temperature difference narrows to approximately 15°C to 25°C, with polar areas experiencing significant warming.

### The Sun’s Influence and Other Factors

An unexpected finding from the study is the absence of a distinct warming trend associated with the gradual rise in solar energy impacting Earth over the past 485 million years. As the Sun ages, it becomes more luminous and emits more energy. Throughout the time period analyzed in this study, the Sun’s output has risen by about 4.2%. Nonetheless, this added solar energy does not seem to have significantly influenced Earth’s climate.

The researchers put forth several plausible explanations for this phenomenon. One possibility is that alterations in Earth’s surface, such as a reduction in ocean coverage, may have counteracted the warming effect of the Sun. Oceans absorb more sunlight than landmasses, so a decrease in oceanic area could have contributed to maintaining stable temperatures. Another potential explanation is that early ecosystems may have generated higher levels of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, thereby increasing warming in the distant past.

### Implications for Future Climate

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Three Mile Island Resumes Operations to Provide Energy for AI Data Centers Following New Agreement

# Microsoft and Constellation Energy to Reactivate Three Mile Island Nuclear Facility: A Fresh Chapter for Clean Energy and Data Centers

In a momentous decision, **Microsoft** and **Constellation Energy** have disclosed an agreement to reopen the inactive **Three Mile Island nuclear facility** in Pennsylvania. This arrangement, subject to regulatory clearance, would enable Microsoft to acquire all the plant’s energy production—about **835 megawatts**—for a duration of 20 years beginning in **2028**. This level of energy is sufficient to power roughly **800,000 households**, representing a vital advancement in addressing the escalating energy requirements of the technology sector, especially for **data centers** that support cloud computing, streaming services, and **generative AI technologies**.

## The Three Mile Island Story

Three Mile Island is notorious due to the **1979 partial meltdown** in Unit 2, which sparked extensive worries regarding nuclear safety nationwide. However, the newly forged agreement concentrates on **Unit 1**, which was decommissioned in **2019** because of financial difficulties. The resurgence of Unit 1, to be renamed the **Crane Clean Energy Center**, would position it among the initial nuclear facilities in the U.S. to be reinstated after being taken offline.

Constellation Energy aims to allocate **$1.6 billion** towards upgrading the facility, encompassing inspections and enhancements to vital components such as the **reactor’s turbines** and **cooling systems**. The initiative will also gain from **federal tax incentives** and grants offered by the **Inflation Reduction Act**, designed to bolster clean energy efforts.

## The Case for Nuclear Power

In spite of its contentious background, nuclear power is increasingly recognized as a **trustworthy and carbon-neutral** energy option. While incidents like the Three Mile Island crisis and the **Fukushima incident** in Japan have heightened issues surrounding safety and long-term **nuclear waste** management, nuclear energy has been linked to **fewer fatalities** relative to other power generation methods, especially when the ecological effects of **air pollution** are taken into account.

Indeed, nuclear power is perceived as an essential element in the worldwide endeavor to **decarbonize** the energy grid. As highlighted by **Our World in Data**, nuclear energy exhibits a significantly lower death rate per terawatt-hour (TWh) than fossil fuels, such as coal and oil. As global society navigates the urgent challenges posed by **climate change**, nuclear energy provides a scalable option to meet rising energy needs without contributing to **greenhouse gas emissions**.

## Microsoft’s Clean Energy Goals

Microsoft’s participation in the Three Mile Island initiative is part of its extensive dedication to achieving **carbon negativity** by **2030**. The firm is actively pursuing **clean energy sources** to power its worldwide operations, especially its swiftly growing network of **data centers**. These facilities serve as the backbone of Microsoft’s cloud offerings, including **Azure**, **Office 365**, and its expanding array of **AI-driven solutions**.

Microsoft has significantly intensified its focus on nuclear power, as seen in a **job announcement** last year for a program manager tasked with overseeing nuclear energy infrastructure initiatives. The Three Mile Island agreement marks a notable achievement in these efforts as the company persists in working with energy providers to craft **carbon-free energy solutions**.

“This agreement signifies a crucial milestone in Microsoft’s endeavors to assist in decarbonizing the grid as part of our pledge to become carbon negative,” stated **Bobby Hollis**, Microsoft’s Vice President of Energy. “Microsoft remains committed to collaborating with energy suppliers to develop carbon-free energy sources that align with the grid’s capacity and reliability requirements.”

## The Increasing Energy Needs of Data Centers

The revival of Three Mile Island comes at a critical juncture for the tech industry, which is encountering **unprecedented energy demands**. A **Bloomberg assessment** indicates that data centers utilized over **350 TWh** of power in **2024**, a dramatic rise from around **100 TWh** in **2012**. This trend is anticipated to persist, with the **International Energy Agency (IEA)** estimating that data center energy demands could soar to between **620 and 1,050 TWh** by **2026**.

A considerable share of this energy requirement is spurred by the emergence of **generative AI models**, which necessitate extensive computational power. A recent report suggested that energy usage linked to AI could climb to between **85 and 134 TWh** by **2027**, a benchmark akin to the energy needs of the **PC gaming sector**.

By securing a long-term energy source from Three Mile Island, Microsoft is strategically positioning itself to ensure its data centers operate efficiently while mitigating their environmental footprint. The agreement also underscores the escalating significance of **nuclear energy** as a viable solution to the tech industry’s energy hurdles.

## A Wider Industry Movement

Microsoft is not

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United Nations Urges Immediate Worldwide Measures on AI, Similar to Climate Change Action

### United Nations Suggests Global Oversight of Artificial Intelligence: A Move Towards International AI Governance

The United Nations (UN) has made a noteworthy advancement in tackling the global issues associated with artificial intelligence (AI) through a fresh report advocating for the establishment of a global governance framework for AI. Released by the UN Secretary General’s High-Level Advisory Body on AI, this report details a thorough approach for overseeing and regulating AI technologies, highlighting the necessity for international collaboration to reduce risks while enhancing the advantages of AI.

#### A Worldwide AI Governance Framework

The report advocates for the creation of a global entity akin to the **Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)**, tasked with collecting current information on AI advancements and evaluating their risks. This organization would foster international discussion among the UN’s 193 member countries, permitting them to deliberate and agree upon measures to regulate AI. The objective is to guarantee that AI technologies are designed and utilized in manners that are safe, secure, and fair.

A prominent suggestion is the establishment of an **AI fund** aimed at assisting initiatives in lower-income nations, particularly within the Global South. This initiative would help to close the digital gap and ensure that every country, independent of its economic standing, can reap the benefits of AI innovations. Additionally, the report proposes the creation of **AI standards** and **data-sharing frameworks**, alongside offering training and resources for nations to build their own AI governance systems.

#### Tackling the Risks of AI

The swift advancement of AI technologies, especially **large language models** like ChatGPT, has sparked both enthusiasm and apprehension. Although AI has the potential to transform industries and enhance productivity, it brings with it significant dangers. These encompass the likelihood of AI to:

– **Automate disinformation**: AI might be utilized to disseminate false information on an unprecedented scale, eroding trust in institutions and media.
– **Generate deepfake videos and audio**: Content created by AI could be exploited for harmful ends, such as impersonating individuals or fabricating news.
– **Displace workers widely**: Automation propelled by AI could result in substantial job loss, particularly in sectors reliant on repetitive tasks.
– **Intensify algorithmic bias**: AI systems could perpetuate and even magnify existing societal prejudices, resulting in unjust treatment of specific groups.

The report underscores the immediate need to confront these dangers, stating that the pace of AI development may soon render it challenging to manage. This concern has prompted experts and policymakers to advocate for more stringent regulation and oversight.

#### Diverging Views from Major Powers

The UN’s proposals emerge at a moment when major global powers, especially the **United States** and **China**, compete for dominance in AI. Both nations have put forward resolutions at the UN that encapsulate their distinct visions for AI governance. The U.S. resolution, presented in March, advocates for the creation of “safe, secure, and trustworthy AI,” while China’s resolution, unveiled in July, prioritizes international cooperation and the widespread accessibility of AI technologies.

Despite these resolutions, notable disparities exist between the two nations’ strategies regarding AI governance. The U.S. generally favors a less interventionist stance, enabling firms to innovate with minimal governmental oversight, whereas China supports a more centralized approach and regulation. These differences are likely to hinder efforts to craft a cohesive global AI governance framework.

#### The UN’s Position in AI Governance

While the UN is ideally suited to facilitate international collaboration on AI, some experts argue that it cannot oversee global AI governance in isolation. **Joshua Meltzer**, a specialist at the Brookings Institute, contends that AI governance will necessitate a “distributed architecture,” with individual countries also playing crucial roles in regulating AI technologies. Given the rapid pace of AI evolution, solely depending on the UN may not suffice to keep up with the dynamic environment.

Nevertheless, the UN report aims to establish a common foundation by rooting its recommendations in **human rights**. This method, according to **Chris Russell**, a professor at Oxford University, offers a robust grounding in international law and focuses on addressing tangible harms brought about by AI. By framing AI governance through the lens of human rights, the UN aspires to formulate a framework that is both inclusive and enforceable.

#### Global Collaboration on AI Safety

In spite of the geopolitical rivalry between major nations, there is an increasing agreement among scientists and scholars regarding the necessity for international collaboration in AI safety. Earlier this year, a cohort of eminent academics from both the West and China called for enhanced cooperation on AI safety following a conference in Vienna, Austria.

This collaborative spirit is echoed by **Alondra Nelson**, a member of the UN advisory body and a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study. Nelson believes that governmental leaders can unify efforts to tackle the challenges presented by AI, but she warns that much will hinge on how the UN and its member nations choose to enact the report’s recommendations. “The devil will be in the details of implementation,” she states.

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“Eutelsat’s Surprising Shift and Revived European Apprehensions Regarding SpaceX”

**Europe’s Ariane 6 Rocket: A New Chapter in Space Launch**

In a remarkable achievement for European space endeavors, the Ariane 6 rocket, Europe’s next-generation launch system, successfully took off from its newly established launch pad in Kourou, French Guiana. This event signifies a crucial milestone for the European Space Agency (ESA) and Arianespace, the firm behind the rocket’s design and operations. The Ariane 6 is intended to supplant the highly productive Ariane 5, which has long served as a workhorse for European space initiatives. Nonetheless, the shift to Ariane 6 has encountered several hurdles, including delays and technical challenges. In spite of these obstacles, the successful launch of Ariane 6 marks a substantial move forward in Europe’s space aspirations.

### The Ariane 6: A New Generation of Rockets

The Ariane 6 rocket is a flexible, modular launch platform crafted to address the escalating needs of the commercial satellite sector, as well as governmental and institutional missions. It is available in two variants: the Ariane 62, featuring two solid rocket boosters, and the Ariane 64, equipped with four. This adaptability enables the rocket to accommodate a wide array of payloads, ranging from small satellites to larger, intricate missions.

A significant enhancement in Ariane 6 is its cost-efficiency. The rocket is engineered to be cheaper than its predecessor, Ariane 5, in order to vie with rising competitors in the space market, particularly SpaceX. The modular design and incorporation of off-the-shelf components aid in cost reduction, rendering Ariane 6 a more appealing choice for commercial clients.

### Overcoming Challenges

The journey to Ariane 6’s inaugural launch has been lengthy and laden with obstacles. Initially planned for a 2020 launch, the rocket underwent numerous setbacks due to technical complications and the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the most pressing challenges was the creation of the upper stage, powered by the Vinci engine. This upper stage is essential for accurately placing payloads into their designated orbits, with any malfunction posing a risk to the mission.

Earlier this summer, during the debut launch of Ariane 6, a malfunction in the upper stage impeded the Vinci engine from executing a third burn, essential for a controlled reentry into Earth’s atmosphere. Following a comprehensive investigation, the European Space Agency (ESA) attributed the problem to software issues. Specifically, a temperature reading surpassed a predefined threshold, leading the flight software to initiate a shutdown. This prevented the Vinci engine’s third ignition sequence. Thankfully, the ESA has assured that there are no “showstoppers” that could postpone upcoming launches, and a second flight may take place before the year concludes.

### Europe’s Response to SpaceX’s Dominance

The emergence of SpaceX has dramatically transformed the global space industry landscape. With its reusable rockets and competitive pricing, SpaceX has secured a significant portion of the commercial satellite launch market. This situation has compelled conventional players like Arianespace to innovate and lower their expenses. Stéphane Israël, CEO of Arianespace, has recognized the challenges posed by SpaceX but has also stressed the importance of Europe leveraging its strengths.

In a recent discussion, Israël noted that SpaceX is more than just a launch provider; it is a vertically integrated space organization that manufactures and operates satellites via its Starlink constellation. To effectively compete with SpaceX, Israël contends that Europe must consolidate its space sector and invest in ambitious projects like the Iris² satellite constellation, currently being advocated by the European Commission. However, the fate of this initiative remains uncertain, particularly following the unexpected exit of Thierry Breton from the European Commission.

### The Future of Ariane 6

Despite the challenges faced, the outlook is bright for Ariane 6. The rocket is anticipated to play an integral role in launching satellites for both commercial and governmental clients. A significant mission will involve deploying satellites for the European Union’s Galileo navigation system, Europe’s equivalent to the U.S. GPS system. Additionally, Ariane 6 will facilitate the launch of scientific missions, such as the upcoming space telescopes and planetary exploration endeavors by the ESA.

Furthermore, Ariane 6 is set to aid in the deployment of expansive satellite constellations, which are increasingly vital for global communications and Earth observation. The rocket’s capability to transport multiple satellites in a single launch renders it ideally suited for these missions.

### Conclusion

The successful launch of Europe’s inaugural Ariane 6 rocket signifies the dawn of a new chapter in European space exploration. While the journey to this point has been arduous, Ariane 6 is ready to emerge as a key player in the global space arena. With its cost-efficient design and versatile functionalities, the rocket will assist Europe in retaining its status as a space leader while contending with new players like SpaceX. As the space sector continues to advance, the Ariane

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Mistrial Announced in Case Involving Former AT&T Executive Charged with Bribing Government Official

### Mistrial Announced in AT&T Illinois Bribery Trial Featuring Ex-President Paul La Schiazza

A mistrial was declared in the proceedings against former AT&T Illinois President Paul La Schiazza, who was charged with bribery and conspiracy to commit bribery. The case centers on claims that La Schiazza facilitated payments to an associate of a prominent Illinois lawmaker in return for favorable legislation advantageous to AT&T’s operations. The trial, conducted in the Northern District of Illinois, concluded in a stalemate as the jury reported their inability to reach a unanimous decision.

#### Case Background

The case arises from a wider investigation into AT&T’s attempts to sway Illinois legislation. In 2022, AT&T consented to pay a $23 million penalty to settle a federal criminal probe into bribery accusations concerning former Illinois Speaker of the House Michael Madigan. The Justice Department stated that AT&T acknowledged arranging payments totaling $22,500 to former state Representative Edward Acevedo, an ally of Madigan, in 2017 to obtain favorable legislative outcomes.

The legislation at the heart of the matter, known as the Carrier of Last Resort (COLR) law, aimed to relieve AT&T Illinois of its obligation to provide landline telephone services to all residents of Illinois. This requirement had become financially burdensome for the company, and the enactment of COLR legislation was perceived as considerable financial relief for AT&T.

#### The Trial and Mistrial

Paul La Schiazza, who served as AT&T Illinois’ president at that time, faced bribery charges, conspiracy to commit bribery, and three counts of utilizing an interstate facility (email) to facilitate unlawful activity. The prosecution maintained that La Schiazza and AT&T engaged in corrupt actions to manipulate the legislative process, with payments to Acevedo forming a crucial aspect of this scheme.

The trial witnessed a significant moment when the jury communicated a request to US District Judge Robert Gettleman for clarification on whether mere intent sufficed to qualify as bribery, even without an actual exchange. The judge reiterated elements of the jury instructions, explaining that bribery occurs when someone provides or suggests something of value intending to influence an official act. Despite these clarifications, the jury could not reach a consensus, prompting Judge Gettleman to declare a mistrial.

#### Legal Contentions

The prosecution, led by Assistant US Attorney Sushma Raju, asserted that La Schiazza and AT&T had tainted the legislative process through payment for a determined outcome. “It was not lobbying… it was a crime, and Paul La Schiazza recognized it,” Raju asserted during her closing statements. The government introduced internal emails in which La Schiazza purportedly labeled his arrangement with Madigan as “the friends and family plan.” These emails aimed to substantiate the claim that the payments to Acevedo were not for authentic consulting services but part of a quid pro quo arrangement.

Conversely, defense attorney Tinos Diamantatos contended that the COLR legislation came from years of valid lobbying and diligent efforts by AT&T. He argued that the payments made to Acevedo did not constitute a bribery scheme but were rather for legitimate consulting services. “This was no bribe… The government did not fulfill its burden. It wasn’t even close,” Diamantatos expressed to the jury.

Prior to the trial, La Schiazza’s legal team submitted a motion to dismiss the charges, arguing that the government had not adequately shown that AT&T employed Acevedo in return for a specific official act. The defense asserted that no evidence of a quid pro quo existed, nor that La Schiazza perceived his actions as unlawful. However, Judge Gettleman rejected the motion, permitting the trial to proceed.

#### What Lies Ahead?

Following the declaration of a mistrial, the future of this case remains unclear. Judge Gettleman has organized a hearing to deliberate on subsequent actions, and a retrial for La Schiazza may be on the horizon. Nonetheless, any retrial is anticipated to occur after Michael Madigan’s trial, slated for October 2024, on federal racketeering and bribery charges. Madigan’s case closely intertwines with the allegations against La Schiazza, given that the former Speaker of the House is accused of orchestrating an extensive corruption scheme involving several companies, including AT&T.

#### Wider Consequences

The case against La Schiazza and AT&T is part of a larger trend of corruption investigations in Illinois, a state notorious for its political scandals. The allegations surrounding Madigan have particularly resonated within the state’s political landscape, as he was a dominant figure in Illinois politics for many years.

For AT&T, this case poses a considerable reputational threat. While the company has already agreed to remit a $23 million fine,

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India Greenlights Advancement of Reusable Launch Vehicle and Space Station Component

India’s Space Aspirations Reach New Heights: Targeting the Moon, Mars, and Beyond

India’s space initiative, spearheaded by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), has been in the spotlight due to its latest successes and ambitious forthcoming projects. Following the triumphant landing of the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft on the Moon in August 2023, the Indian government has greenlit a number of daring new initiatives that may elevate the nation into the ranks of leading global space powers. These ventures encompass the creation of a reusable rocket, the launch of an Indian space station, a lunar sample retrieval mission, and a probe aimed at investigating Venus.

### A transformative chapter for India’s space exploration

On August 23, 2023, India achieved a historic milestone by becoming the fourth nation to successfully execute a lunar landing, with Chandrayaan-3 landing near the Moon’s southern pole. This success was a cause for nationwide celebration, as millions watched the live event on YouTube, breaking platform records. The accomplishment of Chandrayaan-3, which deployed a miniature rover to examine the lunar terrain, has paved the way for even more ambitious missions ahead.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has actively aligned himself with the country’s space accomplishments, showcasing them as a source of collective national pride. In a recent message on X (previously Twitter), Modi revealed that India’s union cabinet had sanctioned plans for multiple key space endeavors, with a cumulative budget of $2.7 billion. These initiatives include a reusable rocket, a space station, a lunar sample return project, and a probe designed to explore Venus.

### India’s Space Station: Bharatiya Antariksh Station

Among the most noteworthy projects endorsed by the Indian administration is the construction of a space station dubbed the Bharatiya Antariksh Station. Set for completion by 2035, the station will comprise five modules and have a mass of 52 metric tons. The inaugural module is predicted to launch in 2028, with the entire facility expected to be operational by 2035.

The space station will act as a hub for extended human space missions and microgravity-based scientific studies. This endeavor is part of India’s extensive Gaganyaan program, which aims to dispatch Indian astronauts into space. The Gaganyaan spacecraft, which has encountered delays, is now slated to ferry astronauts into orbit by 2025, thus making India the fourth nation to accomplish human spaceflight.

### Reusable Rocket: The Next Generation Launch Vehicle (NGLV)

India’s space program is on track to introduce a reusable rocket, referred to as the Next Generation Launch Vehicle (NGLV), or Soorya launcher. The NGLV will be a heavy-lift rocket designed to transport up to 30 metric tons of payload into low-Earth orbit. This rocket will incorporate a reusable first stage, akin to SpaceX’s Falcon 9, enabling vertical landings either on an offshore platform or back at the launch site.

Powered by nine methane-fueled engines, each producing a quarter-million pounds of thrust, the NGLV’s design is intended to provide a cost-effective means of accessing space while supporting both national and commercial missions, including crewed flights to the Indian space station. The NGLV is anticipated to become operational by 2033, with three test flights scheduled prior to its service debut.

### Lunar Sample Return Mission: Chandrayaan-4

Building on the achievements of Chandrayaan-3, India is orchestrating a more intricate lunar endeavor: Chandrayaan-4. Slated for launch in 2027, this mission aims to return samples from the Moon’s surface back to Earth. It will involve two launches, featuring a landing craft that will gather lunar soil before sending it back into lunar orbit, where it will rendezvous with an Earth return vehicle.

Chandrayaan-4 will validate essential technologies necessary for future human lunar missions, encompassing docking in lunar orbit and sample collection. The mission is regarded as a pivotal step towards India’s long-term aim of landing astronauts on the Moon by 2040.

### Investigating Venus: The Venus Orbiter Mission

India’s aspirations for space exploration stretch beyond the Moon and Mars. The government has allocated funding for the Venus Orbiter Mission, which is set for launch in March 2028. This mission will investigate Venus, the second planet from the Sun, noted for its harsh temperatures and dense atmosphere.

The Venus Orbiter Mission will be one of the limited government-led initiatives to explore the planet, alongside anticipated missions from NASA and the European Space Agency in the early 2030s. This mission aims to yield crucial data on Venus’s atmosphere, surface, and the potential for previous habitability.

### India’s Expanding Role in Global Space Ventures

India’s recent accomplishments and prospective initiatives have positioned the nation as an emerging space power. With a burgeoning space economy and an emphasis on public-private collaborations, India is poised to make significant contributions to the global space sector.

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