Tag: Source: Arstechnica.com

“30th Anniversary Special Edition PS5 and PS5 Pro Launched Featuring a Nostalgic Mid-’90s Gray Plastic Design”

### Sony Commemorates 30 Years of PlayStation with Exclusive PS5 and PS5 Pro Consoles

Sony is going all out to honor the 30th anniversary of the original PlayStation, which debuted in Japan on December 3, 1994. To mark this significant occasion, the company has unveiled limited-edition variants of both the PlayStation 5 (PS5) and PlayStation 5 Pro (PS5 Pro), showcasing a nostalgic look inspired by the iconic gray exterior and multicolored logo of the original PlayStation.

The throwback consoles will be available for preorder starting September 26, 2024, exclusively at Sony’s

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“Real-Time Capabilities Officially Incorporated into Linux Kernel Following Years of Deliberation”

# Real-Time Linux: A Landmark Achievement for Mission-Critical Applications

In the realm of operating systems, Linux has been a key player, celebrated for its adaptability, open-source characteristics, and extensive use across various sectors. However, for specific critical applications—such as managing industrial welding lasers, overseeing automobile brake systems, or directing Mars rovers—standard Linux doesn’t suffice. These applications demand more: real-time features. With the forthcoming Linux 6.12 kernel, the long-anticipated incorporation of **PREEMPT_RT** into the mainline kernel signifies a landmark achievement for real-time computing on Linux.

## What is Real-Time Linux?

Real-time Linux represents a branch of the Linux operating system tailored to satisfy the stringent timing demands of real-time applications. In these environments, it is not only vital that tasks are executed accurately, but also that they are performed within a designated timeframe. Missing a deadline, even by a mere fraction of a second, could trigger disastrous consequences—picture a car’s braking system failing to respond promptly or a CNC machine making imprecise cuts.

Real-time systems are divided into two categories:
– **Hard real-time systems**: Failure to meet a deadline can lead to system collapse.
– **Soft real-time systems**: Failure to meet a deadline may hinder system performance but will not result in total failure.

The standout feature of real-time Linux is its capacity to assure worst-case execution times, making certain that tasks are accomplished within a foreseeable timeframe. This is essential for mission-critical systems where delays can have serious implications.

## The Evolution of PREEMPT_RT

The **PREEMPT_RT** patch set, denoting “Preemptive Real-Time,” has been under development since at least 2005. Its goal is to enable full preemption in Linux, permitting the kernel to interrupt processes at nearly any point to prioritize more pressing tasks. This is vital for real-time systems, where high-priority tasks require immediate execution, without waiting for less crucial tasks to conclude.

While aspects of PREEMPT_RT, like the **NO_HZ** feature (which diminishes timer interrupts), have been added to the mainline Linux kernel years ago, the complete patch set has remained out-of-tree. This meant that developers in need of real-time features had to manually implement and sustain these patches, complicating their systems.

Nonetheless, with the impending Linux 6.12 kernel, PREEMPT_RT will at last be incorporated into the mainline kernel. This integration marks a considerable milestone for real-time Linux, facilitating developers in constructing and managing real-time systems without depending on external patches.

## Why is This Important?

For most desktop Linux users, the integration of PREEMPT_RT into the mainline kernel may not bring noticeable changes. Real-time capabilities are typically unnecessary for routine tasks such as web browsing, document editing, or even gaming. However, for sectors that depend on real-time systems, this update is revolutionary.

### Industrial Applications

Fields like manufacturing, robotics, and automotive heavily depend on real-time systems for ensuring accuracy and safety. For instance, **CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines**, utilized for cutting and shaping materials like metal and wood, need real-time control to ensure precise cuts. Likewise, **automotive systems** such as anti-lock brakes and airbag systems must react in real-time to secure driver safety.

With PREEMPT_RT included in the mainline kernel, the management of real-time Linux systems becomes more straightforward and dependable. Developers are no longer burdened with the need to implement and verify external patches, minimizing error risks and simplifying system upkeep.

### High-End Audio Production

Another domain where real-time Linux can exert influence is in **high-end audio production**. Audio engineers often seek low-latency systems to ensure that audio signals are managed in real-time without interruptions or issues. While there remains some debate regarding the necessity of real-time Linux for every audio production case, having it as an option in the mainline kernel offers enhanced flexibility for those who require it.

### Space Exploration and Robotics

Real-time Linux is equally vital for **space exploration** and **robotics**. For example, the **Mars rovers** depend on real-time systems for maneuvering through the challenging and unpredictable Martian landscape. Any delay in processing sensor data or carrying out commands could cause the rover to become trapped or sustain damage. By utilizing real-time Linux, engineers can guarantee that the rover’s systems react swiftly and reliably to changing circumstances.

## The Effects on Real-Time OS Providers

The incorporation of PREEMPT_RT into the mainline Linux kernel could have significant ramifications for firms offering real-time operating systems. Until now, numerous sectors have relied on specialized real-time OS solutions like **QNX** or proprietary real-time Linux distributions. These systems often come with added expenses and maintenance obligations.

For instance, **Ubuntu** launched a real-time version of its distribution in 2023; however, it required an **Ubuntu Pro**

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Cloudflare Aids Brazil in Restricting Elon Musk’s X Platform Following Temporary Ban Circumvention

# Elon Musk’s X Confronts Government Blockade in Brazil: A Multifaceted Conflict Over Disinformation and Online Accessibility

In a striking development, Elon Musk’s social media platform, X (previously known as Twitter), has landed in the midst of a legal and technical impasse in Brazil. The platform has been mandated for blocking by the Brazilian government due to its failure to deactivate accounts implicated in disseminating disinformation. Nevertheless, X momentarily regained accessibility in Brazil through a change in network providers. The situation continues to evolve, with Brazilian officials and Internet service providers (ISPs) striving to reinstate the block.

## The Genesis of the Block

The clash between X and the Brazilian government was ignited when Brazil’s Supreme Court Judge Alexandre de Moraes instructed the platform to suspend specific accounts linked to disinformation campaigns. These accounts were associated with supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro, a polarizing figure within Brazilian politics. When X declined to comply, the court intensified the matter by mandating ISPs to completely block the platform.

This action was part of a wider initiative against disinformation in Brazil, especially following political turmoil and worries regarding the propagation of false narratives online. The decision to block X was interpreted as a crucial advancement in the nation’s mission to oversee online platforms and ensure accountability for hosted content.

## X’s Brief Resurgence

Despite governmental directives, X found itself accessible again in Brazil for a short period. This occurred due to the platform’s transition to a different network provider, Cloudflare, recognized for its strong content delivery and security capabilities. X’s Global Government Affairs team acknowledged the development, stating that the shift to Cloudflare was initiated to “maintain optimal service” for users in Latin America. However, the company also asserted that the service reinstatement in Brazil was “unintentional.”

This statement astonished many, including Abrint, a trade association representing Brazilian ISPs. Basílio Rodriguez Pérez, an Abrint official, conveyed doubt about this claim, indicating that the restoration seemed deliberate. “Everything that transpired throughout the day led us to believe it was purposeful,” Pérez shared with the BBC.

## Legal and Monetary Ramifications

The Brazilian government has reacted sternly to X’s actions. Judge de Moraes issued a fresh order, warning X of a daily penalty exceeding $900,000 for noncompliance with the blocking directive. Additionally, the judge seized $2 million from a Starlink bank account and $1.3 million from an X account to address previously levied fines against the platform.

Starlink, another enterprise under Musk’s umbrella, has also become embroiled in the dispute. The satellite Internet service has been commanded to block X in Brazil, and it may be liable for the fines should X persist in disregarding the court’s orders. Brazil has treated Musk’s companies as a unified economic entity, thus rendering Starlink accountable for X’s conduct.

## Cloudflare’s Involvement

The transition to Cloudflare has complicated matters for Brazilian ISPs. Prior to the change, X utilized specific, blockable IP addresses, simplifying ISPs’ compliance with the government’s blocking order. However, Cloudflare functions as a reverse proxy, directing traffic through dynamic IP addresses that frequently change. These IP addresses are utilized by numerous other services that depend on Cloudflare, complicating ISPs’ ability to block X without impacting other websites.

“Abrint issued a statement clarifying that blocking Cloudflare would entail restricting not just X, but also a plethora of other services reliant on this infrastructure, which could adversely affect the Internet overall,” the trade group noted.

Cloudflare’s engagement has prompted worries regarding the wider repercussions of blocking the platform. “You cannot simply block Cloudflare, as it would obstruct half of the Internet,” Pérez elaborated. Cloudflare serves a vast array of websites, including those belonging to the Brazilian government and prominent financial institutions. A comprehensive block of the Cloudflare network would have significant effects on Internet users in Brazil.

## Cloudflare’s Position

Reports indicate that Cloudflare has been cooperative with Brazilian officials. According to The New York Times, the company consented to isolate X’s traffic, enabling ISPs to block the platform without hindering access to other websites. Carlos Baigorri, head of Brazil’s telecom regulatory agency Anatel, confirmed that Cloudflare had been “highly cooperative” in assisting ISPs to resume the block on X.

However, Cloudflare has remained reticent regarding the details of its actions. When approached for commentary, the company directed reporters to X’s statement, providing little additional insight into the technical adjustments made to facilitate the block.

## Dynamic IP Addresses and the Difficulties of Blocking X

A primary challenge in blocking X is the platform’s use of dynamic IP addresses. Unlike static IP addresses, which remain constant and are easily blocked, dynamic IP addresses shift frequently. This variability complicates ISPs’ ability to keep pace with changes and effectively enforce the block.

Abrint has counseled ISPS to…

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Microsoft and BlackRock Unveil $100 Billion Investment Strategy to Drive AI Growth

# The Global AI Infrastructure Investment Collaboration: A Major Initiative for AI Advancement

In recent times, the globe has experienced an unparalleled increase in the creation and implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. From generative AI frameworks such as ChatGPT to sophisticated machine learning platforms employed in sectors ranging from healthcare to finance, AI is swiftly emerging as a fundamental component of contemporary innovation. However, the infrastructure required to sustain this technological evolution is vast, and major technology firms are now investing heavily to fulfill the escalating demand.

One notable effort is the **Global AI Infrastructure Investment Collaboration (GAIIC)**, an initiative unveiled in September 2024 by Microsoft, BlackRock, Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP), and MGX. This collaboration seeks to generate **$30 billion in private equity capital**, with the potential to expand to a **$100 billion** investment when incorporating debt financing. The main objective? To establish the data centers and energy infrastructure essential for energizing the forthcoming generation of AI technologies.

## The Rising Demand for AI Infrastructure

The progression of AI, especially in the domain of **generative AI**, necessitates immense volumes of computational power, commonly referred to as “compute” in industry terminology. The training of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT or OpenAI’s new o1 models requires substantial processing resources, which subsequently demand expansive data centers and considerable energy supplies. As AI models increase in complexity, the need for compute continues to surge, placing growing pressure on current infrastructure.

Microsoft, which already facilitates OpenAI’s ChatGPT through its Azure cloud services, has been leading this initiative. The company has been enhancing its data centers to accommodate the rising appetite for AI computing power. However, the scale of the infrastructure required exceeds what any single corporation or government can fund, as stated by **Brad Smith**, President of Microsoft.

This is where the GAIIC steps in. The collaboration will concentrate on constructing new data centers and bolstering power infrastructure, guaranteeing that the computational requirements of AI development are addressed. The effort will mainly focus on investments in the United States, though some resources will be allocated to partner nations. **Nvidia**, a frontrunner in AI-accelerating chips, will also lend its knowledge in creating AI data centers, although Microsoft has stressed that the collaboration will endorse an “open architecture” to secure widespread access to the infrastructure.

## The Economic and Strategic Significance of AI Infrastructure

The economic promise of AI infrastructure is vast. **Larry Fink**, CEO of BlackRock, emphasized the vital role that data centers play in the digital economy, asserting, “Data centers are the foundation of the digital economy, and these investments will facilitate economic growth, generate jobs, and foster AI technology innovation.”

Indeed, the cascading effects of enhanced AI infrastructure could be substantial. More rapid and effective data centers will enable the creation of next-generation AI models, such as the highly awaited **GPT-5**, and boost the performance of current models. This could, in turn, spawn new uses for AI across a variety of sectors, from autonomous transportation to personalized healthcare.

Furthermore, the collaboration among Microsoft, BlackRock, GIP, and MGX reflects a larger trend of **strategic investment in AI**. BlackRock, managing trillions of dollars in assets worldwide, contributes significant financial strength. In addition, MGX, established earlier this year, signifies **Abu Dhabi’s strategic commitment to AI investments**, supported by the sovereign wealth of the United Arab Emirates. This international partnership highlights the significance of AI as a key driver of future economic expansion and technological innovation.

## Tackling the Environmental Consequences of AI

While the economic and technological advantages of AI are evident, the ecological impact of AI infrastructure has surfaced as a pressing issue. Training extensive AI models and executing inferences on them requires substantial energy, prompting criticism regarding the carbon footprint of AI technologies. Some detractors contend that the environmental costs of AI may overshadow its benefits, particularly if the energy utilized to run AI data centers originates from non-renewable resources.

To tackle these concerns, some AI data centers are beginning to utilize **100 percent renewable energy** for both operational power and cooling. However, these centers remain a minority. As the thirst for AI infrastructure increases, finding sustainable energy solutions becomes vital. One potential avenue is **nuclear power**, which can offer a stable and low-carbon energy source for data centers. Microsoft has already started examining this option, with initiatives aimed at developing **next-generation nuclear energy** for its data centers.

In the interim, the GAIIC’s financial commitments to energy infrastructure will likely encompass a blend of renewable and conventional energy sources. As the partnership progresses, striking a balance between the need for computational power and environmental sustainability will pose a significant challenge.

## The Path Forward

The Global AI Infrastructure Investment Collaboration signifies a major leap forward in the advancement of AI infrastructure. By combining resources from some of the largest companies and financial entities globally, the collaboration aims to construct the data centers and energy infrastructure essential for supporting the next wave of AI technologies.

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Volkswagen Halts ID.4 Manufacturing and Sales Due to Defective Door Handles

### Volkswagen ID.4 Faces Recall Due to Door Handle Problem: Essential Information

Volkswagen is currently facing a major challenge with its popular electric vehicle (EV), the **ID.4 crossover**. The issue revolves around the vehicle’s **flush-set door handles**, which, although intended to be stylish and user-friendly, have revealed a critical flaw. Volkswagen has indicated that the door handles fail to satisfy the company’s waterproofing standards, resulting in moisture penetration that could interfere with the circuit board of the door controller. This defect poses a significant safety hazard, as it may lead to the doors opening unexpectedly while the vehicle is in motion.

Consequently, Volkswagen has initiated a **recall affecting nearly 100,000 ID.4s** and has temporarily ceased production of the vehicle at its **Chattanooga, Tennessee** facility. A **stop-sale** directive has also been issued for both new and used ID.4s, impacting VW dealers throughout the United States.

### Overview of the Recall

The recall involves **99,064 ID.4 vehicles** sold in the U.S., ranging from the initial **2021 model year** produced in Germany to the most recent **2024 models** produced in the U.S. at Volkswagen’s Chattanooga factory. The issue was first reported in **February 2024**, when Volkswagen began to receive feedback from consumers. By **June 2024**, the automaker, in conjunction with its suppliers, determined that the root cause was inadequate waterproofing, resulting in corrosion of the electronics in the door handle.

The **National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)** also got involved, launching an **Office of Defects Investigation** after receiving **12 reports** of ID.4 doors opening while the vehicle was in operation. This isn’t the first instance of the ID.4 being recalled for door handle malfunctions. In **May 2023**, Volkswagen recalled **35,325 ID.4s** for a related issue. The recurrence of the problem, despite the initial recall, has raised concerns regarding the effectiveness of the previous remedy.

### Safety Issues

Although there have been no reported accidents or injuries linked to the door handle defect, Volkswagen has recognized **293 warranty claims** connected to the issue. The malfunction seems to occur in two ways: sometimes the doors open sporadically while driving, while in other cases, the doors fail to open altogether.

The NHTSA’s investigation is still active, as the agency seeks to comprehend why the issue lingers despite previous recalls. The safety risks are evident—unexpected door openings while driving could result in serious accidents, especially at higher speeds.

### Volkswagen’s Actions

Volkswagen has responded swiftly by halting production of the ID.4 at its Chattanooga plant and instituting a stop-sale order for its dealers. The company has also disclosed plans to **furlough around 200 employees** at the Chattanooga site beginning **September 23, 2024**. To assist its workforce during this period, VW has pledged to supplement state unemployment benefits, ensuring affected employees receive **80 percent of their base pay** and maintain their current benefits.

In a statement to **Ars Technica**, Volkswagen reiterated its dedication to addressing the issue and supporting its employees, dealers, and customers through this challenge. The company also reaffirmed its commitment to the ID.4 and its broader **battery electric vehicle (BEV) lineup**, highlighting that the ID.4 continues to be among the best-selling electric vehicles in the U.S.

### What’s the Solution?

Regrettably, Volkswagen does not yet have a conclusive solution for the door handle issue. The company has stated that it will inform ID.4 owners about the recall by **November 1, 2024**. Once a remedy is found, owners will be able to arrange an inspection with a VW dealer. During the inspection, the dealer will evaluate the condition of the door handles and conduct repairs if needed.

In the meantime, Volkswagen is focused on creating a solution and is looking into ways to assist its dealers and customers throughout this uncertain period.

### What Should ID.4 Owners Do?

If you possess a Volkswagen ID.4, it’s vital to stay updated on the recall and any new information from the automaker. Here are some actions you can take:

1. **Await Notification**: Volkswagen will communicate with affected owners by **November 1, 2024**. Be attentive to your mail or email for official updates from the company.

2. **Reach Out to Your Dealer**: Once a fix is identified, schedule a visit with your local VW dealer for inspection and possible repair.

3. **Observe Your Vehicle**: Stay alert for any irregularities with your ID.4’s doors. If you notice issues, such as doors opening unexpectedly while driving or being unable to open, reach out to your dealer right away.

4. **Stay Informed**:

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Robot Operated by Fungal Life Form

### Biohybrid Robots Fueled by Fungi: The Horizon of Adaptive Machines

In the realm of robotics, living entities frequently surpass machines in adaptability, environmental perception, and resilience. Although machines are superior in precision and speed, they often find it challenging to navigate intricate, dynamic surroundings as efficiently as biological systems. To address this disparity, researchers are delving into biohybrid robots—entities that incorporate biological parts like animal muscles, bacteria, or plants. Yet, these biological constituents come with unique obstacles, including limited lifespans and challenges in their maintenance within mechanical constructs.

In an innovative study, a group of scientists at Cornell University has embarked on an unconventional method by utilizing fungi—specifically, oyster mushrooms—to command robots. This groundbreaking combination of biology and technology holds promise for creating more adaptive, environmentally responsive machines, with possible applications in agriculture, environmental surveillance, and more.

### Why Choose Fungi?

At first glance, the concept of employing mushrooms to direct robots may seem like a narrative from a science fiction tale, echoing the fungal networks in *The Last of Us*. Nevertheless, fungi manifest numerous benefits that render them suitable for biohybrid applications.

Fungi exhibit remarkable resilience and can flourish in extreme conditions, ranging from the icy expanses of the Arctic to regions tainted by nuclear waste. They are also relatively simple to cultivate en masse, positioning them as a cost-efficient choice for biohybrid integrations. Furthermore, fungi are highly responsive to environmental factors, such as light and chemicals, making them prime candidates for detecting and reacting to changes in their settings.

### Grasping Mushroom Signals

The secret to employing fungi in robotics resides in their mycelium—the sprawling, thread-like structures that form the majority of a fungal organism. Mycelium networks not only facilitate nutrient uptake but also enable communication within the fungal community. Fungi employ electrical signals to sense and react to their surroundings, akin to how neurons relay information within animal brains.

The hurdle for the Cornell researchers was establishing a link between these fungal electrical signals and robotic systems. Past efforts to connect fungi to machines involved mapping their growth patterns, which failed to deliver real-time responsiveness. A significant breakthrough occurred when the scientists successfully cultivated mycelium within a 3D-printed scaffold, allowing it to develop into electrodes over a span of 14 to 33 days. This direct linkage enabled the team to capture and analyze the electrical activity of the fungi.

### Interpreting Fungal Communication

Following the integration of mycelium with the electrodes, the subsequent phase was to decipher the electrical signals. The team documented the electrical activity of the mushrooms over a month and eliminated any noise below 5 microvolts. By scrutinizing the resultant signals, they identified distinct electrical patterns corresponding to various stimuli, including exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light.

To evaluate the setup, the researchers equipped the fungal-electrode scaffolds in two robot designs: a starfish-like walking robot and a four-wheeled rover. The fungi-driven robots were capable of moving towards or away from a UV light source, confirming that the mushrooms could indeed govern the machines.

While this preliminary experiment indicated that fungi could carry out basic tasks like light detection, the true promise of fungal biohybrid robots lies in their capacity to sense chemicals. Fungi possess exceptional sensitivity to chemical fluctuations in their environment, far exceeding the performance of synthetic sensors.

### Fungi as Chemical Sensors

One of the most thrilling prospects for fungal biohybrid robots is their potential role as chemical sensors. Fungi can detect minute concentrations of chemicals in their surroundings, positioning them as excellent assets for applications like environmental monitoring or agricultural management.

“The obvious next step, once we have this more controlled system, is to examine chemical exposures and biological inputs,” notes Robert F. Shepherd, an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Cornell and co-author of the study. “Living organisms can amplify these signals far more effectively than synthetic systems when detecting very, very trace amounts of chemicals.”

However, the challenge remains in interpreting the signals emitted by fungi in response to various chemical stimuli. To tackle this, the team intends to gather extensive datasets of fungal electrical activity in reaction to different chemicals, including variations in soil acidity or the detection of harmful substances like cyanide. These datasets could then be utilized to train artificial intelligence (AI) models to decipher the fungal signals, potentially enabling the robots to recognize particular environmental conditions.

### Prospects in Agriculture and Beyond

Among the most promising uses for fungal biohybrid robots is in the agricultural sector. Fungi display acute sensitivity to environmental elements that impact plant well-being, such as soil acidity and nutrient concentrations. By embedding fungal sensors into robotic frameworks, farmers could acquire real-time feedback on crop health, facilitating optimized fertilization and irrigation strategies.

“We envision such systems as connection points, assessing plant health to prevent excessive fertilization of fields,” Shepherd elaborates. “Envision a quadruped robot with its feet embedded

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Anticipated Prolonged Droughts Arising from Effects of Climate Change

### Droughts in Upcoming Decades May Be More Severe Than Anticipated, Research Indicates

A recent analysis published in *Nature* on Wednesday warns that future droughts may extend longer and be more intense than what current climate models predict. The international group of researchers responsible for this study identified possible biases in the models utilized to forecast drought occurrences under moderate and high emissions scenarios from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). By adjusting these models with real-world data on dry spells between 1998 and 2018, the scientists discovered that drought durations could exceed previous estimates by nearly 10 days.

### Significant Insights: Lengthening Droughts in Key Areas

The research underscores several areas where drought conditions are likely to deteriorate considerably by the century’s end. These regions include North America, Southern Africa, and Madagascar, where the refined models indicate that the longest annual dry periods may approach double the lengths previously anticipated. The results are particularly troubling for the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, where drought conditions could extend by five days sooner than expected by 2040—60 years ahead of earlier forecasts.

Lead author Irina Petrova, a researcher focused on hydrological extremes at Ghent University in Belgium, highlighted the importance of these results for decision-makers. “Our research identifies global regions where existing climate model forecasts of drought escalation are potentially underestimated,” Petrova stated. She called for governing bodies to reconsider future drought threats and to take necessary measures.

### A Global Challenge with Local Distinctions

Although most regions are predicted to face longer and more intense droughts, some areas might experience the contrary effect. For instance, in central East Asia, the intervals of dryness between rainfall events are diminishing at a rate four times faster than indicated by unadjusted models. This trend could elevate flood risks in that region; however, the complexities of climate dynamics in East Asia pose challenges for fully calibrating models for that locale.

Regardless of these regional differences, the overall pattern is unmistakable: most of the world’s landmass will likely encounter a rise in dry extremes in the future. This is particularly alarming, given that a substantial part of the global population already faces water stress, creating a pressing need for immediate action.

### More Severe Than Anticipated: An Ongoing Trend

The conclusions of this research align with a wider trend in recent studies indicating that various climate effects are accelerating beyond expectations. For instance, there is growing evidence that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current (AMOC)—an essential ocean current crucial for regulating the climate in northwestern and western Europe—may weaken considerably by 2100. Such a change could trigger dramatic climate shifts worldwide.

Moreover, the swift increase in global temperatures over the last 18 months has raised alarms about the possibility that the rate of warming could exceed IPCC projections. Some researchers, including former NASA scientist James Hansen, have cautioned that escalating warmth might drive the planet’s average temperature above the Paris Agreement goal of maintaining warming well below 2 degrees Celsius by 2050.

### The Necessity for Reevaluation

The latest study emphasizes the significance of rectifying biases in climate models to enhance the precision of drought predictions. “Systematic biases are known to contribute to discrepancies in model forecasts of dry extremes,” the researchers noted. By incorporating comprehensive observations of dry spells from 1998 to 2018, the study aims to bridge these gaps and offer more dependable predictions.

Michael Mann, director of the Center for Science, Sustainability & the Media at the University of Pennsylvania, pointed out that numerous climate models do not consider some processes inherent in extreme weather phenomena like floods, heatwaves, and droughts. “We contend that the models underestimate the effects that climate change is currently having on these extreme events,” Mann said, adding that models adjusted to reflect real-world patterns tend to project more severe extremes.

### Concurrent Wet and Dry Extremes

One of the complexities of climate change is its capacity to cause both intensified rainfall and heightened droughts. As Mann explained, “When it does rain, there’s an increase in the volume of rainfall per event, partially due to a warmer atmosphere retaining more moisture. However, rainfall events are becoming less frequent, and elevated soil temperatures lead to greater moisture loss through evaporation,” resulting in prolonged droughts between rainfall.

This occurrence of concurrent wet and dry extremes has become increasingly apparent in recent years. For instance, in Europe, multiple forest fires ignited in Portugal following a summer of heatwaves and droughts, concurrently, parts of Poland, Czechia, Romania, and Austria suffered devastating floods after an extreme rainstorm.

Joyce Kimutai, a researcher at the Grantham Institute at Imperial College London, stressed that these kinds of extreme weather incidents are precisely what scientists anticipate with climate change. “A warmer atmosphere energized by fossil fuel emissions can retain more moisture, leading to

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Redwood Materials Collaborates with BMW to Recycle Electric Vehicle Batteries Across the U.S.

**BMW Collaborates with Redwood Materials for EV Battery Recycling: Advancing Towards a Sustainable Tomorrow**

In a pivotal step towards sustainability, BMW of North America has joined forces with Redwood Materials, a prominent battery recycling firm, to process lithium-ion battery packs from its electric vehicles. This alliance is part of BMW’s wider initiative to establish a closed-loop supply chain, ensuring that precious materials from decommissioned batteries are repurposed in the manufacturing of future electric vehicles (EVs). This partnership signifies another achievement in the automaker’s dedication to minimizing the ecological footprint of its electric vehicles and fostering a circular economy.

### The Significance of Battery Recycling

With the global shift toward electric mobility, the demand for lithium-ion batteries has surged. These batteries are crucial for powering EVs, yet they necessitate considerable amounts of raw materials, including lithium, nickel, cobalt, and copper. The extraction and processing of these materials can lead to significant environmental repercussions, such as habitat destruction, water pollution, and high energy consumption.

Battery recycling provides a remedy to these issues by reclaiming valuable resources from used batteries, lessening the necessity for new mining efforts, and reducing the overall carbon emissions associated with EV production. By reclaiming battery materials, manufacturers can also lower the cost of producing new batteries, making electric vehicles more economically viable and available to consumers.

### Redwood Materials: A Pioneer in Battery Recycling

Founded in 2017 by former Tesla Chief Technology Officer JB Straubel, Redwood Materials has swiftly emerged as a significant entity in the battery recycling sector. The company focuses on recovering essential materials from used batteries using a method called hydrometallurgy, which utilizes water-based solutions to extract metals like nickel, cobalt, lithium, and copper. These extracted materials can subsequently be processed and repurposed in the creation of new batteries.

In recent years, Redwood has forged alliances with various prominent automakers, including Ford, Volvo, Volkswagen, and General Motors. These partnerships enable Redwood to recycle battery packs from a diverse array of electric vehicles, thereby contributing to a more sustainable supply chain within the EV market.

### BMW’s Dedication to Sustainability

BMW’s collaboration with Redwood Materials forms part of the automaker’s larger sustainability framework, which seeks to lessen the environmental impact of its vehicles throughout their full lifecycle. Through the recycling of battery materials, BMW aims to reduce the ecological footprint of its electric vehicles while also cutting down on production costs.

“Our collaboration with BMW of North America guarantees responsible management of end-of-life batteries, enhancing the environmental impact of lithium-ion batteries, reducing costs, and ultimately facilitating the greater adoption of electric vehicles,” stated Cal Lankton, Chief Commercial Officer at Redwood Materials.

This partnership will enable BMW’s network of dealerships, distribution centers, and service locations to send end-of-life battery packs to Redwood’s recycling plants. Presently, Redwood operates a facility in Reno, Nevada, with plans for a second campus in Charleston, South Carolina, located near BMW’s manufacturing facility in Spartanburg and its impending battery plant in Woodruff. These sites will be integral to recycling battery materials and aiding in the production of new EVs.

### The Neue Klasse: A New Chapter for BMW

BMW’s recycling initiatives are closely linked to its forthcoming Neue Klasse platform, which signifies a revolutionary change in the company’s electric vehicle strategy. The Neue Klasse, expected to launch in the coming years, will incorporate several advancements, including the implementation of cylindrical battery cells in its sixth-generation EV powertrain. These new cells are anticipated to deliver enhanced energy density, quicker charging, and extended driving ranges.

Aside from technological progress, the Neue Klasse will prioritize sustainability. BMW has pledged to utilize recycled materials in its vehicle manufacturing, and the collaboration with Redwood Materials will assist in guaranteeing that valuable battery materials are reintroduced in upcoming EVs. The Spartanburg, South Carolina factory will be vital in the production of Neue Klasse vehicles, with additional manufacturing slated for its facility in San Luis Potosí, Mexico, beginning in 2027.

### A Circular Methodology in Vehicle Manufacturing

BMW’s commitment to sustainability goes beyond just battery recycling. The automaker is also investigating methods to render its entire manufacturing process more circular, whereby materials employed in vehicle creation are perpetually recycled and reused. This strategy was demonstrated in BMW’s i Vision Circular concept, a forward-looking vehicle constructed using 100% recycled components.

By embracing a circular methodology, BMW aspires to diminish waste, reduce emissions, and lessen the environmental impact of its vehicles. The collaboration with Redwood Materials is a fundamental aspect of this approach, ensuring that valuable battery materials are recovered and reintegrated rather than ending up in landfills.

### Conclusion: A Greener Horizon for Electric Vehicles

As the automotive sector transitions to electric mobility, the urgency for sustainable solutions has reached unprecedented levels. BMW’s collaboration with Redwood Materials signifies a major advancement in establishing a closed-loop supply chain for EV batteries, diminishing the environmental footprint of battery production, and enhancing the accessibility of electric vehicles for consumers.

By reclaiming valuable resources from end-of-life batteries, BMW is moving towards a more sustainable automotive future.

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Nintendo and The Pokémon Company Sue Palworld Creator Pocketpair

**Nintendo Sues Pocketpair Over Alleged Patent Violation in *Palworld***

In an unexpected turn of events in the gaming sector, Nintendo along with The Pokémon Company has initiated a lawsuit for patent infringement against Pocketpair, the creators of *Palworld*. The legal action, lodged in the Tokyo District Court, aims for both an injunction and financial compensation, alleging that *Palworld* violates several patent rights owned by Nintendo and The Pokémon Company.

### The Claims: Pokémon vs. *Palworld*

The parallels between *Palworld* and the renowned *Pokémon* series are difficult to overlook. Both titles immerse players in a universe where they can catch, train, and battle creatures, while *Palworld* incorporates its unique features by adding firearms and other combat elements. Despite these distinctions, Nintendo asserts that *Palworld* has violated legal boundaries, infringing upon its intellectual property.

In an official comment, Nintendo reaffirmed its dedication to safeguarding its intellectual property, stating, “Nintendo will persist in taking necessary measures against any infringement of its intellectual property rights, including the Nintendo brand itself, to protect the assets it has diligently cultivated over the years.”

Though *Palworld* presents new gameplay features, like weaponry and survival systems, the fundamental idea of catching and battling creatures still resembles that of *Pokémon*. This resemblance has prompted accusations that *Palworld* does more than draw inspiration from *Pokémon*—it may actually be violating the intellectual property of the franchise.

### Copyright vs. Patent Infringement: A Legal Clarification

A crucial aspect of this lawsuit is the difference between copyright and patent infringement. Copyright law generally safeguards “expressive elements” such as character designs, artwork, and music but usually doesn’t cover the overall layout or mechanics of a game. This implies that titles that closely resemble successful franchises can sometimes evade legal issues by making minor adjustments to these expressive aspects.

On the other hand, Nintendo’s lawsuit specifically claims *patent* infringement, which is a different legal category. Patents protect distinct inventions or processes, including game mechanics or attributes that have received legal protection from a patent office. Here, Nintendo appears to contend that *Palworld* has encroached upon patented game mechanics or aspects unique to the *Pokémon* franchise.

While The Pokémon Company possesses various patents, most pertain to server communication or specific functionalities such as the sleep-monitoring features of *Pokémon Sleep*. It is still uncertain which specific patents Nintendo considers to have been violated by *Palworld*, but the lawsuit indicates that the company perceives a blatant infringement of its proprietary technologies or practices.

### Legal Hurdles: Establishing Patent Infringement

Establishing patent infringement within the gaming realm can be a convoluted and challenging endeavor. Game mechanics and features are often difficult to secure patents for, and even when they are, demonstrating that another title has replicated those mechanics can be problematic. Copyright law, typically the focus in intellectual property disputes, doesn’t usually encompass game mechanics, leaving patent law as the main route for Nintendo’s legal action.

Game industry lawyer Richard Hoeg expressed doubts regarding the robustness of Nintendo’s argument, stating, “*Palworld* is such a different type of game from *Pokémon*, it’s hard to envision what patents (*not* copyrights) might have even plausibly been infringed.” Hoeg’s remarks imply that Nintendo may encounter significant challenges in substantiating that *Palworld* has breached its patents.

Pocketpair, for its part, has refuted any allegations of misconduct. In a statement to Automaton Media, Pocketpair CEO Takuro Mizobe mentioned that the game had “cleared legal reviews” and asserted that the company has “absolutely no intention of infringing upon the intellectual property of other companies.” This indicates that Pocketpair is ready to defend its position in court, believing it has not violated any of Nintendo’s patents.

### The Path Forward: What Lies Ahead for *Palworld*?

The lawsuit emerges at a moment when *Palworld* has already experienced a spike in popularity, especially following its viral success on Steam in January 2024. The game gained traction for its combination of creature-collecting gameplay and more mature elements, like the inclusion of firearms. However, as the initial excitement subsides, player counts have become more subdued, raising concerns regarding the game’s long-term sustainability.

Nintendo’s legal action could significantly affect the trajectory of *Palworld*. Should the court rule in favor of Nintendo, Pocketpair may be compelled to implement major alterations to the game or potentially halt its distribution altogether. Conversely, if Pocketpair can effectively defend itself, it could establish a precedent for other games that heavily draw from established franchises while introducing novel gameplay elements.

This lawsuit also brings to light the wider issue of intellectual property within the gaming industry. As titles become increasingly intricate and feature-rich, the distinctions between inspiration and infringement can blur ever more.

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World of Warcraft Unveils Solo Raid Feature After Two Decades

**World of Warcraft Unveils Story Mode: A Fresh Option for Solo Players to Engage with Raids**

After almost twenty years of monumental conflicts, intricate narratives, and countless hours of collective gameplay, *World of Warcraft* (WoW) has rolled out a revolutionary new feature: **Story Mode**. For the first time ever, solo players can now tackle major story arcs that once demanded extensive, coordinated teams to conquer challenging raids. This innovative mode marks a significant evolution in the game’s design philosophy, enhancing narrative accessibility for a wider audience.

### A New Era for Solo Gaming

Since its inception in 2004, *World of Warcraft* has been closely linked with expansive multiplayer experiences. Raids have especially represented the apex of group-oriented content, necessitating anywhere from 10 to 40 players to synchronize and vanquish formidable bosses. These raids often conclude major storylines, meaning that only a small fraction of the player community—those prepared to devote the time and effort to group raiding—could fully engage with the narrative.

With the launch of Story Mode, Blizzard has enabled solo players to confront the final boss of a raid without the need to join a team. This new difficulty setting was first implemented in the last wing of *The War Within* expansion’s raid, **Nerub-ar Palace**, and has been well-received by the community.

### How Story Mode Functions

Story Mode is crafted as a streamlined version of a raid encounter, with a focus on the storyline rather than gameplay mechanics. In this mode, players encounter only the raid’s final boss, with the battle adjusted to be achievable for a single player or a small ensemble of friends. The boss’s abilities and statistics are simplified, and many intricate mechanisms requiring precise teamwork in higher difficulties are omitted.

While players can still earn rewards in Story Mode, they differ from those gained in more difficult raid versions. This ensures that the experience remains rewarding for dedicated players while allowing casual or solo gamers to relish in the narrative’s conclusion.

Currently, Story Mode is available exclusively for the **Nerub-ar Palace** raid, but Blizzard has hinted at the possibility of expanding this feature to other raids in the future.

### A Highly Anticipated Feature for Solo Gamers

For an extended period, *World of Warcraft* has been evolving to cater to various playstyles. The launch of **Raid Finder** during the *Cataclysm* expansion was a pivotal move towards making raids more approachable, facilitating automatic grouping with others to complete a simplified raid version. However, Raid Finder still necessitated players banding together with strangers, which isn’t appealing to all.

Some players prefer to navigate *WoW* as a solo journey, viewing the expansive world and other players as components of the immersive experience rather than actively engaging in group activities. For these gamers, the inability to conclude significant story arcs without joining a raid group has long been a source of frustration. Many had turned to platforms like YouTube to watch raid cinematics for insight into the narrative’s conclusion.

Story Mode resolves this issue by enabling solo players to experience the narrative climax of a raid independently. This is particularly relevant for players progressing through older expansions, where forming a group for a raid can prove difficult. With Story Mode, these players can now complete the stories they’ve engaged with without waiting for special events like Timewalking to access group content.

### A Win for Every Playstyle

The arrival of Story Mode signifies a major transformation in how *World of Warcraft* tackles endgame content. For years, Blizzard has grappled with balancing the preferences of its varied player base, accommodating both dedicated raiders and casual solo gamers. Story Mode presents a solution that caters to both demographics.

For solo players, Story Mode grants a chance to encounter the complete narrative of the game devoid of the pressure associated with group dynamics. It also creates an avenue for returning players who may have stepped away from the game due to a lack of time or interest in group raiding. Now, they can rejoin the game and absorb the story at their own pace.

For hardcore players, Story Mode does not diminish the challenge or prestige associated with completing a raid at elevated difficulties. The rewards in Story Mode are unique, and the simplified mechanics ensure that the focus remains on the narrative rather than the challenge. This allows hardcore gamers to continue relishing the competitive elements of raiding without concerns of their achievements being devalued.

### A New Perspective on Endgame Content

Story Mode transcends a mere new difficulty level—it’s a paradigm shift in how *World of Warcraft* views its endgame content. By differentiating the narrative from the challenge, Blizzard has rendered the game more inclusive and accessible without sacrificing the depth and complexity that has made *WoW* raids legendary.

This new feature also mirrors a larger trend within the gaming industry, where developers are

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