Tag: Source: Arstechnica.com

“Exciting AI-Driven Social Media Application Resurrects ‘Inactive Internet Theory'”

### SocialAI: A Glimpse into the Future of AI-Populated Social Networks

In the past few years, the emergence of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT has generated both enthusiasm and apprehension regarding the future of online human interactions. One particularly fascinating trend is the rise of AI-driven social networks, wherein users engage not with fellow humans, but with AI chatbots. A new application named **SocialAI**, created by software developer Michael Sayman, actualizes this idea, providing a social media platform where every interaction involves an AI-generated persona.

Although the application is still in its developmental phases, it has already sparked a vigorous debate regarding the implications of AI-driven social environments. Some perceive it as a means to alleviate loneliness, while others regard it as a nightmarish glimpse into the future—one that strikingly resonates with the so-called “Dead Internet Theory.”

### What is SocialAI?

SocialAI is a networking platform where users share content and obtain feedback, guidance, and insights—not from fellow individuals, but from AI chatbots. These bots are engineered to replicate a variety of social exchanges, delivering comments and reactions to user submissions. Users can tailor their experience by choosing from different types of AI followers, such as “supporters,” “nerds,” or “skeptics,” who will respond appropriately.

The app’s developer, Michael Sayman, is well-acquainted with the technology sector. At just 28 years of age, Sayman has been involved with major tech firms such as Google, Facebook, Roblox, and Twitter. In Sayman’s view, SocialAI represents the realization of a long-held dream to create a platform that could offer emotional support and feedback to those who feel marginalized by conventional social media. In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Sayman described the app as a means to help individuals feel “heard” and to provide them a space for introspection and support.

However, not everyone is persuaded. Detractors have quickly highlighted the potential drawbacks of solely engaging with AI-generated personas. Computer security expert Ian Coldwater humorously remarked that the app “sounds like actual hell,” while software developer Colin Fraser echoed this by labeling it “capital H Hell.”

### The Dead Internet Theory: A Conspiracy Come to Life?

The introduction of SocialAI has reignited conversations regarding the **Dead Internet Theory**, a conspiracy theory asserting that much of internet activity is now driven by bots instead of genuine human users. Advocates of this theory claim that numerous social media interactions, comments, and even whole websites are artificially produced to sway human behavior and enhance engagement.

While the theory itself is predominantly speculative, the advent of AI-driven platforms like SocialAI imparts a certain unsettling plausibility to the concept. In a landscape where users can engage with countless AI-generated comments, envisioning a future where it becomes increasingly challenging to differentiate between authentic and artificial interactions is straightforward.

### How SocialAI Works

The bots on SocialAI are fueled by a tailored combination of AI models, although specific details regarding these models have not been disclosed. It’s likely that the app utilizes a blend of LLMs akin to those that power well-known AI tools like ChatGPT. These models can create text that resembles human conversation, albeit with some limitations.

For instance, while the bots are capable of providing feedback and suggestions, they often do so in a rather formulaic way. Their responses tend to be brief and lack the emotional nuance of genuine human exchanges. Additionally, the bots can generate erroneous or nonsensical content, a frequent challenge with LLMs. In a notable instance, a Bluesky user requested instructions on creating nitroglycerin from common household materials, and the bots eagerly supplied several (likely inaccurate) recipes.

Despite these limitations, certain users have found the experience to be enjoyable. One early reviewer on the iPhone app store awarded the app five stars, stating, “I could argue with this AI for HOURS. It’s genuinely so much fun to see what it will say to the most random stuff.”

### The Philosophical Implications: Solipsism and Heavenbanning

The notion of engaging solely with AI bots provokes significant philosophical inquiries. One analogy that has been drawn is to **solipsism**, the philosophical theory asserting that only one’s own mind is reliably known to exist, and everything else may exist merely as a figment of one’s imagination. From a digital perspective, SocialAI cultivates a solipsistic environment where users are the only genuine individuals, surrounded by artificial entities created purely for interaction.

Another concept that has garnered attention in relation to SocialAI is **heavenbanning**. Coined by AI developer Asara Near, heavenbanning pertains to the phenomenon of isolating a user from genuine human interactions by substituting everyone they engage with for AI models that perpetually agree with and commend them. From the user’s viewpoint, they continue to interact within a lively online community; however, in reality, they are confined within an artificial bubble of validation.

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China-State IoT Botnet Functioned Undetected for Four Years, Recently Uncovered

# FBI Disassembles Vast Chinese State-Sponsored Botnet: Raptor Train

In a notable achievement for cybersecurity, the FBI has effectively dismantled a vast botnet referred to as **Raptor Train**, which had been utilized by Chinese state-sponsored hackers for more than four years. This botnet aimed at a diverse array of entities, including government bodies, telecommunications firms, defense contractors, and other essential infrastructure in the United States and Taiwan. This operation represents a significant advancement in the persistent conflict against state-sponsored cyber intrusions, especially those emanating from China.

## The Extent of the Botnet

Raptor Train was mainly constituted of compromised **Internet of Things (IoT)** devices, such as small office and home routers, surveillance cameras, and network-attached storage (NAS) devices. Over the past four years, over **260,000 devices** cycled through the botnet, with **60,000 devices** active at its zenith in June 2023, as per researchers from **Black Lotus Labs**. This categorizes Raptor Train as the largest botnet connected to the Chinese state ever uncovered.

The structure of the botnet was organized into a **three-tier framework** that enabled it to function with exceptional efficiency and accuracy. The affected devices were distributed worldwide, with more than half situated in North America and another 25% in Europe.

## A Second Major Seizure in 2024

Raptor Train is the second botnet associated with the Chinese state that the FBI has disassembled in 2024. Earlier this year, the FBI took down another botnet linked to a Chinese hacking faction named **Volt Typhoon**. Similar to Raptor Train, Volt Typhoon leveraged compromised IoT devices to initiate assaults on vital infrastructure. These botnets pose a particular threat as they utilize IP addresses from trusted devices, enabling them to circumvent numerous network security measures.

The **Chinese hackers** responsible for Raptor Train are affiliated with a group identified as **Flax Typhoon**, which has connections to **Integrity Technology Group**, a China-based entity associated with the **People’s Republic of China**. The company deployed state-controlled IP addresses from **China Unicom Beijing Province Network** to oversee the botnet.

## FBI’s Action to Dismantle Raptor Train

The FBI’s campaign against Raptor Train consisted of **court-sanctioned operations** that permitted law enforcement to seize control of the botnet’s infrastructure. This involved identifying compromised devices and issuing covert commands to cleanse them from the malware. FBI Director **Christopher Wray** stated that when the hackers acknowledged that their botnet was being dismantled, they sought to migrate their bots to new servers and even executed a **Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)** attack against the FBI. Nevertheless, the FBI and its allies swiftly managed the attack and pinpointed the new infrastructure, compelling the hackers to relinquish their botnet.

## The Framework of Raptor Train

Raptor Train’s intricate structure facilitated its operation on a vast scale. The botnet was structured into three tiers:

1. **Tier 1**: This tier was composed of compromised IoT devices like routers, IP cameras, and NAS devices. These gadgets were infected with a specific malware known as **Nosedive**, which is based on **Mirai**, a infamous IoT malware responsible for unprecedented DDoS attacks in 2016. Many of the compromised devices were at the end of their operational life, meaning they no longer received security updates, rendering them easy prey for exploitation. The FBI identified more than **70 vulnerabilities** that were exploited to compromise these devices from 2019 to 2024.

2. **Tier 2**: This tier consisted of virtual servers that acted as **command-and-control (C2)** servers for the Tier 1 devices. These servers transmitted exploits and payloads to the infected devices and maintained communication using a distinctive URL encoding method and domain injection technique. The number of Tier 2 nodes steadily increased over the years, reaching **60 nodes** by August 2024.

3. **Tier 3**: This tier included a limited number of **management nodes** operating specialized software named **Sparrow**. These nodes enabled the Flax Typhoon hackers to manually control the Tier 2 nodes and gather intelligence from the botnet. Interactions between Tier 2 and Tier 3 typically occurred during Chinese business hours, signifying the participation of state-sponsored actors.

## Attacking Critical Infrastructure

The botnet was primarily intended to target critical infrastructure in the US and Taiwan, encompassing **military, governmental, telecommunications, defense industrial base (DIB)**, and **higher education** sectors. In late 2023, the botnet operators engaged in extensive scanning operations aimed at US military and governmental systems, in addition to IT service providers and DIBs. They also targeted vulnerable software, such as **Atlassian Confluence** servers and **Ivanti Connect Secure** appliances, leveraging known

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Lionsgate Collaborates in Major Agreement to Provide Film Library for AI Training

**AI and Hollywood: The Lionsgate-Runway Alliance and Its Impact on Future Content Production**

On Wednesday, the AI video synthesis firm Runway and the entertainment powerhouse Lionsgate unveiled a revolutionary partnership intended to transform the production of films and television series. This collaboration will involve Runway creating a specialized AI model trained on Lionsgate’s vast library of films and TV shows, aiming to enhance content production while potentially lowering costs. This agreement marks a crucial move towards the incorporation of artificial intelligence into Hollywood’s creative workflows, generating both enthusiasm and apprehension within the sector.

### The Alliance: A New Chapter in AI-Enhanced Content Production

Lionsgate, recognized for hit franchises like *John Wick* and *The Hunger Games*, is turning to AI as a means to optimize production and improve efficiency. Michael Burns, Lionsgate’s vice chair, noted that AI could facilitate the development of “state-of-the-art, cost-effective content generation opportunities.” He also mentioned that various filmmakers are already showing interest in the prospective uses of AI during pre- and post-production stages.

Runway, a pioneer in AI-based video synthesis, intends to build a unique AI model that will be exclusive to Lionsgate Studios. This model will empower filmmakers, directors, and creative teams to enhance their projects with AI-generated elements. While the precise applications of this model remain unspecified, this partnership represents the first major alliance between an AI video synthesis company and a Hollywood studio, signaling a potential shift in the entertainment industry’s content creation methods.

Cristóbal Valenzuela, co-founder and CEO of Runway, highlighted the transformative capabilities of this technology: “We’re dedicated to providing artists, creators, and studios with the most advanced and effective tools to enhance their workflows and explore new methods of storytelling. The evolution of art is intertwined with technology, and these innovative models are part of our ongoing mission to create transformative mediums for artistic and creative expression; the most compelling stories are yet to come.”

### The Search for Licensed Training Data

AI generative models, such as those produced by Runway, depend on substantial amounts of data to operate successfully. These models scrutinize existing video and image examples to identify patterns that can then be utilized to create new content based on textual prompts. However, the procurement of this training data poses legal challenges, especially when it pertains to copyrighted materials.

Runway currently faces a class-action lawsuit alleging that the company utilized video data acquired without authorization to train its AI models, raising issues of copyright violation. While some companies, including OpenAI, contend that collecting copyrighted content for AI training qualifies as “fair use,” U.S. courts have not yet definitively addressed the legality of this practice. Given these legal hurdles, Runway’s collaboration with Lionsgate is a tactical decision to ensure that its training data is fully sanctioned and legally sound.

This collaboration may serve as a template for other AI enterprises seeking to sidestep legal complications by forming alliances with content proprietors. By leveraging Lionsgate’s proprietary material, Runway can develop its AI models without facing the risk of copyright infringements, potentially establishing a new norm for how AI companies handle data acquisition.

### The Industry’s Divided Opinions

Although the alliance between Lionsgate and Runway has the potential to transform content production, it has also initiated considerable discourse within the entertainment sector. On one side, studios may perceive AI as a means to streamline production, cut costs, and foster creativity. On the flip side, many industry professionals—especially unions, actors, and artists—express apprehension regarding the impact of AI on job stability and creative authenticity.

Critics warn that AI may supplant human artists and filmmakers, prompting ethical concerns about the industry’s future. For instance, filmmaker and outspoken AI critic Joe Russo shared his discontent on social media, stating, “I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a more repugnant phrase than: ‘to develop cutting-edge, capital-efficient content creation opportunities.'” Similarly, *Hunger Games* concept artist Reid Southen articulated his discontent, asserting, “I wonder how the directors and actors of their films feel about their work being used to develop the AI model. As an artist on *The Hunger Games*? I’m furious. This is the initial step toward attempting to replace artists and filmmakers.”

These worries are not baseless. AI’s capability to generate images, videos, and complete scenes from text prompts could potentially lessen the need for human labor in specific filmmaking facets. This has raised concerns that AI might displace jobs in areas such as visual effects, animation, and scriptwriting. Furthermore, there are apprehensions about the unauthorized use of actors’ likenesses, with some fearing that AI could create digital replicas of performers without their consent.

### The Future of AI in Hollywood

In spite of these apprehensions, the advancement of AI video synthesis technology is surging forward, and its integration into Hollywood appears

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Congress Unveils Two Legislative Proposals Targeting the Reinstatement of Patent Safeguards for Software and Genetic Sequences

### Senate Judiciary Committee Weighs Bills to Repeal Supreme Court Decisions on Software and Gene Patents

The Senate Judiciary Committee is poised to examine two crucial bills that could transform the patent law framework in the United States. Should these bills be enacted, they would effectively invalidate important Supreme Court decisions that have curtailed patents on extensive software processes and human genes. The legislative initiatives have ignited a vigorous discussion, with advocates of open-source, biotech companies, and pharmaceutical firms all sharing their perspectives on the potential repercussions.

#### The Patent Eligibility Restoration Act (PERA)

One of the proposals being evaluated is the **Patent Eligibility Restoration Act** (PERA, S. 2140), introduced by Senators Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Chris Coons (D-Del.). This legislation seeks to revise the U.S. Code to abolish all judicial exceptions to patent eligibility, which would entail reversing several pivotal Supreme Court verdicts.

A significant case that would be impacted by PERA is the **2014 Supreme Court decision** in *Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International*. In this ruling, the Court determined that simply executing an existing procedure on a computer does not render it a new, patentable invention. Justice Clarence Thomas, writing for the majority, asserted that abstract concepts applied to generic computers are not patentable. This ruling has been fundamental in constraining excessively broad software patents, particularly those that merely automate pre-existing business methods.

The *Alice* decision built on the prior case of *Bilski v. Kappos* (2010), where the Court denied a patent application for a method of hedging risks in commodity trading. Both decisions have played key roles in preventing what many view as unwarranted software patents, which often hinder innovation and result in expensive legal disputes.

#### Open Source Advocates Rally

The proposal of PERA has alarmed advocates of open-source and internet freedom. Organizations such as the **Linux Foundation** and the **Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)** have voiced their worries that the bill could lead to a revival of broad, ambiguous software patents, posing a threat to the open-source community.

In reaction, the Linux Foundation and CNCF have strengthened their collaboration with **Unified Patents**, a firm committed to protecting open-source software from patent trolls—entities that hold patents primarily to extract settlements instead of creating products. According to Unified Patents, nearly 98% of claims made by these “non-practicing entities” (NPEs) are settled outside of court, often due to the prohibitive costs of litigation. Nonetheless, when these claims are contested at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Appeals Board, NPEs face a defeat rate of 67%.

The open-source sector is concerned that PERA could incentivize patent trolls, resulting in a rise in baseless lawsuits that could hinder innovation and impose legal costs on small developers.

#### The PREVAIL Act: Restricting Patent Challenges

Another bill under consideration is the **PREVAIL Act** (S. 2220), which could complicate the process for disputing questionable patents. This legislation would set a 14,000-word cap on petitions challenging patents, which may obstruct efforts to dismantle intricate and overly broad patents. Furthermore, the PREVAIL Act would eliminate “clearance patents,” which businesses utilize to verify that their products do not breach existing patents before launching in the market.

Critics contend that these alterations would make it increasingly difficult to challenge poor patents, thereby bolstering patent trolls and large corporations with extensive patent portfolios. The **Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)** has been particularly outspoken against both PERA and PREVAIL, labeling them as “a significant boon to patent trolls, a select few tech firms that aggressively license patents, and patent attorneys.”

#### Genetic Patents: A Regressive Move?

Beyond software patents, PERA would also affect the patentability of human genes. In **2013**, the Supreme Court ruled in *Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics* that naturally occurring DNA sequences cannot be patented, even if they have been isolated from the human genome. This ruling was a major success for supporters of affordable healthcare, as it invalidated patents held by Myriad Genetics on the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, which are associated with breast and ovarian cancer.

If PERA passes, companies could again patent isolated human genes, potentially establishing monopolies on genetic testing for specific diseases. This has raised alarms among healthcare advocates, who fear such patents could escalate the cost of genetic testing and restrict access to vital diagnostics.

#### The Discussion on Innovation and Patent Law

Supporters of PERA and PREVAIL, including pharmaceutical trade groups like **PhRMA**, argue that the measures are essential to safeguard innovation, particularly in emerging sectors like biotechnology. Senator Thom Tillis informed **Axios** that the bills would offer relief to industries dependent on patents to shield their investments in

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Robert Pattinson Encounters Odd Eternity in Latest Trailer for “Mickey 17”

**Bong Joon-ho’s *Mickey 17*: A Sci-Fi Comedy with a Dark Edge**

After five years since Bong Joon-ho’s *Parasite* captivated audiences and garnered critical praise along with the Academy Award for Best Picture, the innovative director returns with his latest film, *Mickey 17*, a sci-fi comedy inspired by Edward Ashton’s 2022 novel *Mickey7*. Fans of Bong’s earlier films, like *Snowpiercer* and *Okja*, are in for another sharp mix of social critique, dark humor, and breathtaking visuals. Slated for release in early 2025, the film promises to delve uniquely into themes of identity, consciousness, and the essence of humanity, all infused with Bong’s signature artistry.

### A Darkly Humorous Concept

At its essence, *Mickey 17* explores the idea of expendability—both in a literal and philosophical sense. Robert Pattinson takes on the role of Mickey Barnes, a space colonist eager to flee Earth on a perilous mission. Nonetheless, in his rush to depart, Mickey fails to scrutinize the fine details of his contract, which labels him as “expendable.” In this advanced society, expendables are disposable laborers whose consciousness gets uploaded into a new body when they perish. Essentially, they attain a form of immortality—but only in the sense that their experiences and character transfer to a clone.

This film’s foundation lies in the *teletransportation paradox*, a philosophical thought experiment that probes the essence of identity and consciousness. If your body ceases to exist and your consciousness moves to a new vessel, do you remain the same individual? Ashton’s novel, and by extension Bong’s film, navigates this philosophical quandary with a darkly comedic twist. Mickey’s version of immortality is far from ideal; as Ashton describes, it’s a “crappy immortality,” where death is a regular, almost trivial event.

### A Fight for Survival

The narrative intensifies when Mickey 17, the 17th version of our protagonist, endures an expedition on the icy planet Niflheim. Here, the rule is straightforward: if multiple versions of the same expendable coexist, they must be eliminated. The emergence of Mickey 18, a new clone, triggers a series of events that force both Mickeys to vie for their right to live. This existential conflict stands at the movie’s core, merging elements of sci-fi, dark humor, and action.

The trailer for *Mickey 17* suggests a visual aesthetic reminiscent of Duncan Jones’ *Moon* (2009), another film that tackles themes of cloning and identity, yet infused with Bong’s distinctive surreal absurdity. There are also resonances of Terry Gilliam’s *Brazil* (1985), a classic revered for its dystopian satire and nightmarish bureaucracy. Bong’s talent for synthesizing these inspirations while preserving his unique narrative voice is a key reason why *Mickey 17* is so eagerly awaited.

### A Remarkable Ensemble

Beyond Robert Pattinson, the film features a remarkable cast. Steven Yeun, celebrated for his performances in *Minari* and *The Walking Dead*, plays Berto, while Toni Collette (*Hereditary*, *Knives Out*) embodies Gwen Johansen. Mark Ruffalo, known for his portrayal of the Hulk in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, assumes the role of Hieronymous Marshall. Naomi Ackie (*Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker*) takes on Nasha Adjaya, and Holliday Grainger (*The Borgias*) appears as Red Hair. Other notable cast members include Angus Imrie, Steve Park, Anamaria Vartolomei, Thomas Turgoose, Patsy Ferran, and Daniel Henshall, though specifics about their characters remain under wraps.

One particularly intriguing snippet from the trailer showcases a character in an oversized pigeon costume, injecting a layer of surreal humor into the film. Whether this character has a significant role or serves merely as a visual joke is yet to be determined, but it highlights Bong’s knack for incorporating absurdity even into the gravest narratives.

### Bong Joon-ho’s Interpretation

Though *Mickey 17* is derived from Ashton’s novel, the director has indicated that his adaptation will take significant departures from its source. Ashton himself has voiced trust in Bong’s vision, labeling the director a “genius” and expressing no worries over the changes. The fundamental idea of the expendables and their existential dilemmas remains unchanged, but Bong’s distinctive storytelling approach is bound to enrich the narrative.

Bong Joon-ho is acclaimed for his skill in merging genres and addressing complex social themes in his films. *Parasite* offered a sharp examination of class disparity, while *Snowpiercer* dealt with the aftermath of environmental catastrophe and societal issues.

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Amazon Encounters Criticism Over Return-to-Office Directive as Employees Call for Increased Salaries

### Amazon Employees Call for $25 Minimum Wage Amid Rising Labor Turmoil

Amazon, a leading global employer, is under mounting pressure from its staff across various divisions. From warehouse personnel to delivery drivers and office workers, the e-commerce behemoth is contending with widespread dissatisfaction regarding pay, working conditions, and corporate practices. On Wednesday, employees at the STL8 Amazon Fulfillment Center in St. Louis, Missouri, confronted management directly, staging a march to advocate for a $25 minimum wage for all staff. This initiative is part of an expansive effort that has been accumulating steam over the years, as Amazon personnel throughout the country call for improved pay and enhanced workplace safety.


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“ISPs Call on Supreme Court to Dismiss Required Disconnection of Users Charged with Piracy”

## ISPs Urge Supreme Court to Dismiss Liability for Copyright Infringement: A Clash over the Internet’s Future

In a critical legal showdown that could influence the Internet’s future, four prominent Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have submitted a brief to the US Supreme Court, asserting that they should not be made accountable for monitoring copyright infringement on their networks. The ISPs—Altice USA (Optimum), Frontier Communications, Lumen (CenturyLink), and Verizon—are backing Cox Communications in its challenge to reverse a $1 billion copyright infringement judgment granted to Sony and other music copyright holders.

This ongoing case, which commenced in 2018, poses significant inquiries regarding the level of accountability ISPs should bear for user actions, especially concerning the unlawful downloading and distribution of copyrighted content. The ruling could have extensive repercussions on ISP operations and the enforcement of copyright laws in the digital era.

### Background of the Legal Dispute

The legal conflict initiated when Sony and other music copyright holders took legal action against Cox Communications, alleging that the ISP neglected to implement sufficient measures against habitual copyright infringers on its network. The plaintiffs contended that Cox failed to adequately combat piracy, despite knowledge that some users were involved in illegal file sharing. In December 2019, a jury in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia decided in favor of the record labels, awarding them $1 billion in damages.

Cox contested the verdict, and in 2024, the US Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit overturned the $1 billion ruling, concluding that Cox was not liable for vicarious infringement as it did not directly gain from its users’ illegal actions. However, the court maintained the jury’s ruling of willful contributory infringement, asserting that Cox had knowingly contributed to the infringement by failing to address repeat offenders. The case was remanded for a new trial to determine damages.

Currently, Cox is requesting the US Supreme Court to consider the case, with several other ISPs joining the battle to argue that the 4th Circuit’s decision could have dire consequences for the Internet’s future.

### ISPs’ Fears: Widespread Terminations and Flawed Detection Techniques

In their **amicus curiae** (friend of the court) brief, the ISPs contend that assigning them liability for copyright infringement on their networks would compel them to conduct “mass Internet evictions,” terminating service to users alleged of piracy. They assert that this would adversely affect innocent individuals who depend on Internet access for vital services such as education, healthcare, and business operations.

The ISPs further emphasize that the automated systems utilized by copyright holders to identify infringement on peer-to-peer networks are “notoriously inaccurate.” These systems frequently produce false positives, implying that innocent users could be wrongfully accused of piracy, resulting in loss of Internet access. The ISPs assert that the 4th Circuit’s decision would necessitate service terminations based solely on these erroneous claims to evade crippling financial repercussions.

### Financial Liability and the Internet’s Future

The ISPs caution that the potential financial liability imposed by the 4th Circuit’s ruling is substantial. They could face liability of up to $150,000 in statutory damages for each infringed work, which could swiftly escalate to billions of dollars in damages. For instance, in a recent lawsuit against Verizon, the same plaintiffs pursued $2.6 billion in damages.

The ISPs argue that the looming threat of financial liability detracts from their initiatives to enhance Internet accessibility for underserved populations. They claim that the ruling could hinder Congress’s objective of connecting all Americans to the Internet by compelling ISPs to allocate resources away from network expansion and towards defending against copyright infringement litigations.

### The Twitter Precedent: Aiding and Abetting Liability

In their brief, the ISPs reference the US Supreme Court’s 2023 ruling in **Twitter v. Taamneh**, which dismissed claims that social media platforms bore liability for aiding and abetting terrorism by failing to curtail ISIS’s use of their services. The Court determined that simply providing a communication service to wrongdoers does not equate to “substantial assistance” unless the service provider actively engages in the wrongdoing.

The ISPs argue that the same principle should be applicable in the Cox matter. They maintain that offering Internet service to a user involved in copyright infringement is not synonymous with actively aiding and abetting that infringement. The ISPs believe they should not be made liable for user actions unless they are directly engaged in the illegal conduct.

### Sony’s Argument: Vicarious Liability and the Challenges of Pursuing Individuals

Conversely, Sony and other record labels argue that ISPs ought to be held responsible for user conduct because pursuing individual infringers is often challenging, if not unfeasible. The labels assert that IS

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“Age of Mythology: Retold Provides Seamless Controller Support for a Real-Time Strategy Game”

# Age of Mythology: Retold – A Contemporary RTS with Controller Compatibility

**Age of Mythology: Retold**, the recent revival of the iconic 2002 real-time strategy (RTS) title, delivers a range of enhancements that enthusiasts of the genre have come to anticipate. With improved visuals and a more user-friendly interface, **Retold** seeks to update the gameplay while maintaining the original’s allure. Nonetheless, one of the most unexpected features in this reboot is comprehensive support for handheld controllers—a bold addition designed to make RTS games more approachable for console and handheld players.

Although the concept of controlling an RTS with a controller isn’t unprecedented, developers have historically faced challenges in matching the accuracy and fluidity of a mouse and keyboard configuration. **Age of Mythology: Retold** is no exception, yet it provides the most effective and refined controller layout for an RTS to date. However, in spite of the advancements, there remain significant obstacles that hinder controllers from emerging as the favored control scheme for many gamers.

## The Challenge of Adapting RTS Controls to a Controller

One primary obstacle in converting an RTS for controller use is the vast array of commands and functions necessitating mapping to a finite set of buttons. **Age of Mythology: Retold** utilizes every button on the Xbox controller, incorporating multi-button combinations and context-sensitive radial menus. For instance, basic functions such as “Stop” or “Delete” demand the simultaneous press of two shoulder buttons, while various actions are assigned to distinct taps and holds.

The radial menus, activated by tapping either trigger button, facilitate access to construction options or general commands. These menus frequently feature multiple pages, compelling players to scroll through them to locate the desired choice. While this system is functional, it can feel unwieldy, particularly when contrasted with the simplicity of navigating menus via a mouse.

To simplify the experience, the game incorporates shortcuts for frequently used actions. For example, pressing the **Y** button while selecting a structure automatically initiates production of the most common unit, and holding **Y** optimizes the production queue. These shortcuts aid in refining gameplay, but do not wholly eliminate the necessity for menu navigation.

## Panning and Zooming: Easy to Master, but Unit Selection Can be Difficult

Navigating the terrain using dual joysticks is notably smooth and user-friendly. The right stick controls zooming, while the left stick pans across the map. The **RB** button calls up the minimap for rapid panning, nearly matching the speed of mouse use. However, the challenge arises when attempting to select specific units on the map, where the controller shows its limitations.

**Age of Mythology: Retold** features a “camera snap” option that automatically centers the cursor on a nearby building or unit. While this function can be advantageous, it often reacts too aggressively, snapping to unintended units or structures while merely panning the map. Disabling the camera snap helps, yet it exposes another challenge—analog sticks do not lend themselves well to the precision required for selecting individual units, particularly with the camera zoomed out.

To address this, the game provides various shortcuts for selecting units. For instance, pressing a direction on the D-pad selects a single villager or hero, while holding a direction selects all military units. These shortcuts become instinctive with practice but do not fully replace the necessity for exact unit selection.

## Managing Unit Groups: An Awkward Task

Managing unit groups is crucial to RTS gameplay. In **Age of Mythology: Retold**, creating and toggling between unit groups on a controller involves multiple steps. To designate a group, players must hold the **A** button to select units, then engage both shoulder triggers, maneuver the analog stick, and press **X** to assign the group to a radial menu. Switching between groups requires a comparable series of maneuvers, involving the shoulder buttons, the analog stick, and several button presses.

This procedure is considerably more complicated than simply hitting a number key on a keyboard and can make it difficult to remember the necessary button combinations. While the game effectively showcases on-screen prompts for identifying button functions, the extensive array of needed actions can feel overwhelming, especially amid action-packed gameplay.

## The Verdict: Effective, but Not Optimal

In spite of these difficulties, **Age of Mythology: Retold** is surprisingly functional with a controller. The developers have evidently dedicated considerable thought to ensuring a smooth experience, and for players favoring console or handheld gameplay, the controller interface is sufficiently functional to deliver a complete experience. Xbox users lounging on the couch or Steam Deck gamers playing on the move are likely to appreciate the endeavor made to enhance accessibility without relying on a mouse and keyboard.

Nevertheless, for gamers equipped with a conventional mouse and keyboard setup,

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14 Dead in Subsequent, More Intense Assault as Hezbollah Radios Detonate

### Explosive Strikes on Hezbollah Communication Gear: An Escalation in Lebanon

In a startling development, wireless communication devices have erupted in explosions throughout Lebanon yet again, signifying the second significant assault in just two days. This recent series of blasts, aimed at the two-way radios utilized by Hezbollah affiliates, has resulted in a reported 14 fatalities and upwards of 450 injuries, as stated by Lebanon’s Ministry of Health. These attacks closely followed yesterday’s fatal explosions involving Hezbollah pagers, which caused eight deaths and over 2,700 injuries.

The events have left Lebanon in a state of heightened alarm, with pervasive fear and uncertainty enveloping the nation. With the ongoing assaults, the Lebanese populace is left speculating what device could potentially detonate next, with circulating rumors suggesting that any device powered by a battery may pose a risk.

### The Assault on Two-Way Radios

Today’s attack singularly focused on two-way radios, commonly known as walkie-talkies, assigned to Hezbollah operatives. The explosions took place in broad daylight, with one particularly catastrophic blast occurring during a funeral for the victims of the previous day’s pager blasts. A report from *The New York Times* detailed the scene at the funeral, where mourners were plunged into shock and disbelief as the explosion interrupted religious chants emanating from a loudspeaker. Chaos ensued as individuals hurried to switch off their phones and remove batteries from their devices, fearing subsequent detonations.

The concern over further explosions has rapidly proliferated, leading many to be apprehensive about using any electronic device. One woman at the funeral, named Um Ibrahim, was observed anxiously attempting to reach her children, imploring them to immediately turn off their phones. This incident highlights the increasing trepidation in Lebanon, where the potential of any device being next in line for an explosion looms large.

### Widespread Panic and Unverified Claims

The detonation of the two-way radios has ignited a slew of rumors and unverified claims, exacerbating the panic. Per *The Associated Press*, there have been incidents of solar equipment exploding in various locations in Lebanon, though the linkage to the attacks on Hezbollah’s communication devices remains uncertain. One unconfirmed report mentioned a girl injured in southern Lebanon due to a solar energy system explosion.

*The Jerusalem Post* has compiled various rumors circulating across the region, with some appearing more credible than others. Unofficial claims indicate that a range of devices, including iPhones, video cameras, and various communication gadgets, have also exploded. Reports suggest that Hezbollah has advised its members to keep away from any devices equipped with lithium batteries or connected to the internet. Some accounts even imply that lithium batteries used in solar power systems have burst, spurring fires in residential settings.

### The Involvement of Israeli Intelligence

Similar to the previous day’s pager explosions, the recent assault on the two-way radios seems to be the outcome of a complex supply chain attack orchestrated by Israeli intelligence operatives. A report from *Axios* has confirmed that these walkie-talkies were rigged with explosives by Israeli agents before being provided to Hezbollah as components of the group’s emergency communication infrastructure. The decision to initiate this second wave of blasts was apparently motivated by fears that Hezbollah’s investigation into the pager explosions would soon reveal the sabotaged radios.

This tactic, recognized as a supply chain attack, entails interference with devices during their manufacturing or distribution, enabling the attacker to activate the devices remotely or induce malfunctions later on. In this instance, it appears that Israeli intelligence managed to breach Hezbollah’s supply chain and implant explosives in both the pagers and the two-way radios.

### A New Form of Combat

The assaults on Hezbollah’s communication devices signify an advanced and highly technical form of combat. By targeting the emergency communication systems of the group, Israeli intelligence has effectively undermined Hezbollah’s operational capacities. The deployment of supply chain attacks to embed explosives in commonplace devices serves as a disturbing testament to the unforeseen ways in which modern technology can be weaponized.

The psychological ramifications of these attacks are significant. The Lebanese society now confronts the fear of their own technological devices, left in suspense about what might explode next. The anxiety permeates beyond Hezbollah members to the general public, who have become cautious about any battery-operated items, ranging from mobile phones to solar panels.

### The Larger Context

These assaults unfold amidst heightened tensions within the region, with Hezbollah, Israel, and other entities enmeshed in a complicated conflict. The application of supply chain attacks to target communication devices might herald a new chapter in the enduring clash between Hezbollah and Israel. By undermining Hezbollah’s communication capabilities, Israel could be looking to diminish the group’s operational efficiency and induce chaos within its ranks.

Nonetheless, the broader implications of these attacks extend far beyond the immediate conflict. The strategy of employing supply chain attacks to target communication devices raises serious concerns regarding the security of electronic devices globally. If a group as formidable as Hezbollah…

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Hikers in Hawaii Hit by Norovirus Outbreak on Well-Known Trail, Suffering from Intense Gastrointestinal Symptoms

### Norovirus Outbreak Closes Kauai’s Famous Kalalau Trail

Kauai, a picturesque Hawaiian island, is celebrated for its stunning scenery, ranging from verdant valleys to majestic sea cliffs along the Na Pali Coast. Unfortunately, in the past few weeks, the renowned Kalalau Trail has been the site of a troubling situation: a norovirus outbreak that has left numerous hikers severely unwell.

Between late August and early September 2024, over 50 hikers succumbed to norovirus, a highly transmissible virus that induces intense gastrointestinal distress. As a result of the outbreak, the Kalalau Trail was closed on September 4 for extensive cleaning and maintenance, denying adventurers access to one of Hawaii’s most celebrated hikes for the time being.

#### The Kalalau Trail: A Hiker’s Dream

The Kalalau Trail is an 11-mile journey along Kauai’s northwestern shoreline and stands as a must-see destination for outdoor lovers. This trail presents unmatched vistas of the Na Pali Coast’s striking cliffs, verdant valleys, and flowing waterfalls. Starting at Ke’e Beach, it traverses rugged landscapes before culminating at Kalalau Beach, an enchanting retreat nestled amid impressive ridges.

The trail poses challenges for those who dare to venture. It is recognized for its demanding terrain, sharp cliffs, and narrow paths. In spite of these obstacles, the trail draws thousands of hikers annually, eager to soak in its natural splendor. However, the recent outbreak has transformed this paradise into a distressing experience for many.

#### Norovirus Hits

The initial signs of the outbreak became apparent in late August when hikers started to report symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain after reaching the Kalalau Beach campsite. Hiker Danielle Burr shared her experience with *The Washington Post*, recounting how she and several members of her group fell ill upon arriving. Burr was one of eight individuals in her group of 12 who became sick. After a night of relentless vomiting, she was unable to manage the strenuous return trek and required airlift to a hospital.

“I couldn’t possibly make that trek out,” Burr remarked. “And I was spreading the virus everywhere, putting public health at risk.”

At first, officials considered leptospirosis, a bacterial infection associated with contaminated water and soil along the trail. However, as more hikers reported illness, tests conducted on September 5 confirmed that norovirus was the responsible agent.

#### What is Norovirus?

Norovirus is a highly infectious virus that leads to gastroenteritis, characterized by inflammation of the stomach and intestines. Common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps, typically manifesting within 12 to 48 hours of exposure. While the illness usually lasts a short time, with most individuals recovering within one to three days, it can be severe, particularly for young children, seniors, and those with compromised immune systems.

The virus spreads mainly via the fecal-oral route, meaning it can be contracted through consuming contaminated food or water, touching contaminated surfaces, or direct contact with an infected person. Norovirus proves to be particularly resilient in outdoor environments, where limited access to clean water and sanitation facilities can enable its transmission.

In wilderness areas like the Kalalau Trail, norovirus can swiftly spread among hikers sharing campsites, restrooms, and food supplies. Additionally, the virus is resistant to many common hand sanitizers, making rigorous handwashing with soap and water crucial for prevention.

#### A Track Record of Norovirus in Nature

This is not the first instance of norovirus causing issues in a popular outdoor locale. In 2022, the Grand Canyon faced a significant outbreak, affecting over 150 hikers and rafters. Earlier this year, the National Park Service issued alerts regarding potential norovirus outbreaks along the Appalachian Trail.

These incidents underscore the difficulties of managing infectious diseases in remote, high-traffic regions where sanitation options are limited, and large groups of people gather.

#### Sanitizing the Kalalau Trail

In response to the outbreak, Hawaii’s State Parks Division has acted quickly to clean and sanitize the impacted areas. Derrick Louis, an official in the division, stated that park staff have been diligently cleaning the comfort station at Kalalau Beach campsite, including bathrooms, railings, and other frequently touched surfaces.

“We scrubbed the floors and disinfected the entire bathroom, including the floors, railings, toilets, everything,” Louis shared. “We waited a minimum of 7 to 10 minutes, cleaned everything, and repeated the process, then disinfected all surfaces.”

The Hawaii Department of Health has also initiated a survey for recent visitors to the Na Pali Coast State Wilderness Park, which includes the Kalalau Trail. This survey seeks to identify any additional illness cases and ascertain possible contamination sources.

#### Looking Ahead

The Kalalau Trail is anticipated to be closed until at least September 19, providing officials with the necessary time to complete the thorough cleaning.

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