Tag: Source: Bgr.com

“Apple’s ‘La Maison’ Investigates Intense Power Conflicts in the Fashion Sector”

**La Maison: A High-Stakes Drama Set in the World of Haute Couture**

Elaborating on the intricate customs and protocols of the fashion realm to someone who is not well-versed in its subtleties can resemble attempting to catch anti-matter with a spoon. Yet, when the fashion universe is interwoven with the turmoil of a disordered familial dynasty, akin to the Roys from *Succession*, it transforms into an alluring spectacle — even for those who may not discern between haute couture and prêt-à-porter. Enter *La Maison*, a fresh Apple TV+ series that explores the opulent yet ruthless domain of a fictional French fashion house.

At its essence, *La Maison* transcends mere fashion; it encapsulates power, treachery, and the fierce corporate battles that characterize the luxury sector. The narrative centers around the Ledu family, proprietors of an esteemed haute couture establishment, and their adversaries, the Rovels, who run a luxury empire reminiscent of actual fashion powerhouses like LVMH. The series presents a mesmerizing peek into the clandestine operations of fashion elites, where egos, avarice, and ambition dominate.

### The Selling of Dreams — And the Reality Behind It

Fashion has long revolved around marketing dreams. The enchantment of haute couture lies not only in the attire but in the lifestyle and prestige it symbolizes. Nevertheless, *La Maison* unveils the fairy tale facade to expose the industry’s darker elements — the egos, the greed, and the extremes to which individuals will go to preserve their influence. As Alex Berger, the show’s executive producer, conveys, the series draws inspiration from the genuine power conflicts within France’s luxury fashion sectors.

“Residing in Paris, we find ourselves surrounded by France’s premier industry: luxury and fashion,” Berger remarked. “Similar to the Murdochs in the media sphere, we have The Trinity — Hermès, LVMH, and Chanel, alongside L’Oréal, and their families are deeply interwoven with their enterprises. Thus, we were able to gain insights from everything we read and observe about these families and their inherent dysfunctions.”

Undoubtedly, the show heavily incorporates the real-life dynamics of these fashion empires, where familial bonds are frequently as intricate as the business transactions they manage. The Ledu family, spearheaded by the iconic designer Vincent Ledu (portrayed by Lambert Wilson, famed for his role as the Merovingian in *The Matrix*), sits at the heart of the drama. Vincent is a creative visionary, yet his contempt for market demands sparks a crisis threatening the very existence of the house.

### A Power Struggle Wrapped in Couture

The series quickly establishes the groundwork for a high-stakes battle for power. In an early episode, Vincent is recorded delivering a racist tirade, a scandal that sends ripples through the fashion industry. Orders are rescinded, accolades are revoked, and the Ledu house spirals into turmoil. Vincent is compelled to step down, a transition that Lambert Wilson describes as “the abdication of a monarch.” This moment of weakness paves the way for the Rovels, led by the shrewd Diane Rovel (played by Carole Bouquet), to enact their strategy.

Diane Rovel is a formidable figure, depicted by Bouquet, a real-life fashion icon who once represented Chanel No. 5. In the series, Diane is the wealthiest woman in France, yet she remains unfulfilled, obsessed with what she lacks — specifically, dominion over the Ledu empire. “(Diane) desires to dominate it all — to consume the world,” Bouquet articulates. “She’s that furious and that resentful of life.”

Diane’s ambition is limitless, and she perceives Vincent’s downfall as her chance to finally subjugate the Ledu family and seize control of their house. The animosity between the Ledus and the Rovels echoes the actual competition among fashion dynasties such as Chanel and LVMH, where strategic maneuvers and corporate acquisitions are integral to the business as the fashion items themselves.

### The Real-World Inspirations Behind *La Maison*

While *La Maison* is entirely fictional, its characters and story arcs are profoundly anchored in the real-world fashion landscape. The Ledu family, characterized by their artistic disposition and disdain for commercialism, strikingly resembles Chanel, a house renowned for its creative vision and independence. Conversely, the Rovels, with their extensive luxury empire, are evidently inspired by LVMH, the globe’s largest luxury conglomerate, owned by the Arnault family.

The correlations between the series and reality are not lost on Berger, who recognizes that the fashion industry is brimming with the type of drama that captivates television audiences. “We drew inspiration from everything we read and observed about these families and their inherent dysfunctions,” he explains. The show taps into the public’s

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Scientists May Have Discovered Indications of Dark Matter in Mars’s Orbit

# Could the Wobble in Mars’ Orbit Indicate Dark Matter? A Recent Study Proposes This

Mars, the fourth celestial body from the Sun, has always intrigued both scientists and space enthusiasts. From its possible capacity to support life to its enigmatic geological characteristics, the Red Planet continues to inspire our curiosity. However, a recent study indicates that Mars might be giving us insights into one of the universe’s most significant enigmas: **dark matter**. Specifically, researchers are examining whether minor oscillations in Mars’ orbit might be attributed to primordial black holes, which some scientists hypothesize could be the elusive dark matter comprising a substantial fraction of the universe.

## The Enigma of Dark Matter

Dark matter ranks among the most challenging concepts in contemporary astrophysics. Although it neither emits, absorbs, nor reflects light, scientists estimate it constitutes about 85% of the universe’s mass. Its existence is deduced from the gravitational effects it has on visible matter, like galaxies and stars. Nevertheless, despite years of investigation, dark matter has not been directly detected, and its actual essence remains a mystery.

One compelling hypothesis suggests that dark matter could consist of **primordial black holes**—tiny, archaic black holes formed in the universe’s infancy, shortly after the Big Bang.

## What Are Primordial Black Holes?

Primordial black holes differ from the more widely known astrophysical black holes, which arise when massive stars implode under their own gravity. Instead, these primordial black holes are believed to originate from dense gas concentrations that collapsed in the tumultuous aftermath of the Big Bang. As the universe expanded and cooled, these black holes likely dispersed throughout the cosmos.

The captivating aspect of primordial black holes is their scale. Some scientists theorize they could be as minute as a single atom, yet despite their tiny size, they could be extraordinarily dense and heavy—potentially as massy as a sizeable asteroid. This unique combination of small stature and significant mass renders them challenging to detect, but their gravitational effects might still influence neighboring objects like planets.

## The Mars Link: Oscillations in the Orbit

The recent study published in *Physical Review D* investigates the possibility that **Mars’ orbit** may be swayed by primordial black holes. The research team behind the study proposes that these tiny black holes could sporadically come near planets, creating a gravitational effect that induces subtle variations, or “wobbles,” in their orbits.

In particular, Mars has been the key focus of this research due to its extensively documented orbit, and any variations from its anticipated path might yield valuable insights. By simulating Mars’ orbit over time, the researchers discovered that specific irregularities in the planet’s motion could feasibly be accounted for by the gravitational influence of primordial black holes.

## How Might Primordial Black Holes Affect Mars’ Orbit?

If a primordial black hole were to traverse near Mars, its tremendous gravitational force could potentially cause the planet’s orbit to adjust slightly. These adjustments, or wobbles, would be exceptionally minor—likely undetectable to the naked eye—but measurable with precise instrumentation.

The premise is that as a primordial black hole traverses through space, it could momentarily modify the gravitational field around Mars, leading the planet to stray from its expected orbital trajectory. Once the black hole recedes, Mars would revert to its customary orbit, yet the wobble would stand as evidence of their interaction.

## Might This Be Evidence of Dark Matter?

While the hypothesis is compelling, it is crucial to acknowledge that the researchers have yet to conclusively demonstrate that these orbital wobbles stem from primordial black holes—or that primordial black holes are indeed dark matter. The simulations indicate that the idea is feasible, but further data is necessary to validate the hypothesis.

To establish that these wobbles are truly the result of primordial black holes, scientists would need to collect real-world observations of Mars’ orbit and compare them to their simulations. This undertaking would require highly accurate measurements of the planet’s motion over time, as well as a more profound comprehension of the gravitational forces at play within the solar system.

## The Larger Context: Implications for Dark Matter Research

If the theory proves valid, it could signify a significant advancement in our grasp of dark matter. Primordial black holes have been long viewed as a plausible dark matter candidate, yet confirming their existence has been difficult. If scientists can connect the wobbles in Mars’ orbit to these diminutive black holes, it would deliver substantial evidence that dark matter is, at least partially, composed of primordial black holes.

This finding would also pave the way for new methods of investigating dark matter. Rather than depending solely on indirect observations of galaxies and stars, researchers could start searching for evidence of primordial black holes in the orbits of planets and other constructs within our solar system. This may result in a more thorough comprehension of how dark matter interacts with ordinary matter.

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“Comprehensive Instructions for Activating Dark Mode on iPhone Home Screen Icons in iOS 18”

# How to Change Your iPhone Home Screen Icons to Dark in iOS 18

With the arrival of **iOS 18**, Apple has rolled out a variety of new features enabling users to personalize their iPhone experience even further. A prominent feature is the ability to **change your iPhone home screen icons to dark**, giving your device a sophisticated and contemporary appearance. This feature is particularly beneficial for users with **OLED displays**, as it can enhance battery efficiency and offer a more visually appealing layout.

In this article, we will walk you through the steps to darken your home screen icons and examine the reasons you might want to explore this feature. We’ll also touch on other personalization options available in iOS 18, such as rearranging apps, converting apps into widgets, and more.

## Why Use Dark Icons?

Before we jump into the steps, let’s explore why you might consider darkening your home screen icons:

1. **Battery Efficiency**: On OLED displays (found on many iPhone models), dark pixels require less energy. By utilizing dark icons and backgrounds, you can potentially prolong your battery life.

2. **Visual Appeal**: Dark icons provide a sleek, understated aesthetic that complements Apple’s **Dark Mode**. It creates a cohesive visual experience, particularly when matched with dark wallpapers and themes.

3. **Comfort for Your Eyes**: Darker screens are gentler on the eyes, particularly in dimly lit surroundings. If you often use your phone in the evening, dark icons can help alleviate eye fatigue.

## Steps to Change Your iPhone Home Screen Icons to Dark

The process for changing your home screen icons to dark is straightforward and can be completed in a few easy steps:

1. **Confirm iOS 18 is Installed**: First, ensure that your iPhone or iPad is updated to **iOS 18**. You can verify this by going to **Settings > General > Software Update**.

2. **Activate Home Screen Edit Mode**: Press and hold an empty area on your home screen until the icons begin to wiggle.

3. **Click the Edit Button**: In the upper-left corner of the screen, you will find an **Edit** button. Tap it to access customization options.

4. **Select Customize**: From the menu that appears, pick the **Customize** option.

5. **Choose the Dark Option**: You will now see a choice to set your icons to dark. Select the **Dark** option to implement the change.

6. **Enjoy Your New Look**: Your home screen icons will now display in a dark theme. Some applications may also appear tinted, depending on whether the app developers have updated their icons to support this feature.


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“Presenting a Coffee Substitute Without Beans”

### The Ascendance of Beanless Coffee: An Eco-Friendly Choice for Tomorrow?

The coffee sector is experiencing a notable shift, and one of the most captivating advancements is the rise of **beanless coffee**. **Atomo** stands out as a trailblazer in this emerging trend, having crafted a coffee alternative specifically aimed at imitating the flavor and caffeine levels of conventional coffee—without any coffee beans. This breakthrough has the potential to revolutionize the industry, particularly in light of the environmental concerns tied to traditional coffee cultivation.

#### The Ecological Consequences of Coffee Cultivation

Coffee is cherished by millions around the globe, with countless people enjoying it every day. Yet, the ecological toll of coffee agriculture is substantial. The **World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)** reports that coffee bean farming ranks as the **sixth largest cause of global deforestation**. The surging demand for coffee, driven by major brands like Starbucks and other international chains, intensifies this problem. As coffee farms expand, forests are cleared, leading to habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity, and heightened carbon emissions.

Additionally, climate change is already impacting coffee-producing regions. Increasing temperatures and erratic weather patterns are forcing coffee farms to migrate to higher elevations, where conditions are perceived to be more favorable for coffee growth. However, this transition is not a long-lasting solution, as it encroaches further on natural habitats and speeds up deforestation.

#### Introducing Beanless Coffee: An Eco-Friendly Answer?

**Atomo** is among the innovative companies spearheading the beanless coffee movement. Their product aims to replicate the taste and caffeine of standard coffee while avoiding the environmental issues linked to coffee bean cultivation. By doing away with the reliance on coffee beans, Atomo and other like-minded companies strive to lessen the environmental impact of coffee production.

A significant impetus behind the creation of beanless coffee is the **forthcoming European Union (EU) regulations** that will be implemented in December. These regulations will prohibit the sale of products, including coffee, associated with deforestation. Companies that fail to demonstrate that their supply chains are devoid of deforestation will encounter substantial challenges within the European market. Consequently, numerous major coffee brands are closely monitoring alternative coffee options such as Atomo’s beanless beverage.

#### The Mechanism Behind Beanless Coffee

Beanless coffee is crafted by combining upcycled components and food science to mimic the flavor, aroma, and texture of traditional coffee. For example, Atomo utilizes ingredients like **sunflower seed husks** and **watermelon seeds** to formulate a base that, when processed, resembles the chemical makeup of coffee. The outcome is a drink that appears, smells, and tastes like coffee, all without the beans.

Moreover, beanless coffee is infused with caffeine, guaranteeing that it delivers the same energy boost that coffee enthusiasts anticipate. This aspect is vital, as many past coffee alternatives have struggled to effectively emulate both the flavor and invigorating effects of classic coffee, rendering them less appealing to consumers.

#### The Possible Advantages of Beanless Coffee

1. **Diminished Deforestation**: By removing the necessity for coffee beans, beanless coffee could substantially lessen the deforestation linked to coffee farming. This would contribute to forest preservation, which is essential for absorbing carbon dioxide and addressing climate change.

2. **Reduced Carbon Emissions**: Conventional coffee production generates considerable carbon emissions, stemming from the growth and harvesting of coffee beans to their global distribution. In contrast, beanless coffee can be manufactured using locally sourced materials, potentially lowering the coffee industry’s carbon footprint.

3. **Adaptability to Climate Change**: As climate change continues to impact coffee-growing territories, beanless coffee provides a solution that is not reliant on particular environmental conditions. This might ensure a consistent supply of coffee-like beverages even as traditional coffee farming faces increasing challenges.

4. **Alignment with New Regulations**: With the EU’s impending regulations targeting products linked to deforestation, beanless coffee could offer a pathway for companies to keep offering coffee-like drinks in the European market without violating the new guidelines.

#### Hurdles and Doubts

While the potential of beanless coffee is exciting, uncertainties regarding its long-term viability and market acceptance persist. It remains to be seen whether consumers will fully embrace a coffee alternative, even if it effectively mirrors the taste and effects of traditional coffee. Coffee culture is deeply rooted in many communities, and some individuals may resist change.

Moreover, although beanless coffee could mitigate deforestation and carbon emissions, it is essential to ascertain that the cultivation of alternative ingredients does not generate new environmental dilemmas. For instance, extensive farming of the constituents utilized in beanless coffee could lead to different types of environmental harm if not sustainably managed.

#### The Future of Coffee: A Fusion of Tradition and Advancements?

The emergence of beanless coffee is part of a larger movement towards **sustainable food alternatives**. As consumers become increasingly conscious of the environmental

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“Apple’s Passwords App Misses an Essential Function Required to Substitute 1Password”

# Apple’s Passwords App: A Positive Beginning, Yet Lacking Crucial Features

Apple has consistently been recognized for its smooth integration between hardware and software, forming a unified ecosystem that countless users depend on every day. With the launch of iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia, Apple unveiled a standalone **Passwords app**—a long-anticipated feature for numerous users who have leaned on third-party password managers such as **1Password**. Nevertheless, although Apple’s new app holds potential, it is missing several vital features that hinder its role as a complete substitute for more advanced options like 1Password.

## The Development of Apple’s Password Management

For many years, Apple provided a password management system embedded within the Settings app on iPhones and Macs. While adequate, it wasn’t as user-friendly or robust as specialized password managers. The debut of the standalone **Apple Passwords app** in iOS 18 and macOS Sequoia represents a notable advancement, simplifying the process for users to organize their passwords, passkeys, and security codes.

The app syncs seamlessly across Apple devices through iCloud, delivering a cohesive experience for users deeply integrated into the Apple ecosystem. However, despite these advancements, Apple’s Passwords app still falls short in a number of important areas.

## Lacking Features: Credit Cards and Beyond

One of the most glaring gaps in Apple’s Passwords app is the absence of support for **credit cards**. For a significant number of users, including myself, this capability is crucial for online shopping and managing finances. In contrast, **1Password** enables users to not only store passwords but also credit card details, bank accounts, IDs, and secure notes. These added features position 1Password as a more holistic solution for safeguarding sensitive data.

Apple Passwords also does not offer support for **bank accounts, identities, and notes**, which are functionalities that many users expect from a contemporary password manager. The lack of these features complicates the process for users looking to fully transition from third-party apps like 1Password to Apple’s offering.

### The Importance of Credit Cards

For those who frequently shop online, having the capability to auto-fill credit card information is transformative. **1Password** has historically provided this feature, enabling users to swiftly and securely enter their payment information during checkout. This not only saves time but also bolsters security by mitigating the need to store credit card details directly with online retailers.

In contrast, **Apple Passwords** currently does not support the storage or auto-filling of credit card information. While Apple Pay serves as an alternative for certain online transactions, it is not universally accepted by all merchants, rendering the lack of credit card accommodation in Apple Passwords a considerable limitation.

## Transitioning from 1Password to Apple Passwords

Shifting from **1Password** to **Apple Passwords** is relatively simple when it comes to moving passwords and two-factor authentication codes. However, the transition becomes more challenging when it comes to different kinds of data. For instance, **1Password** permits users to store secure notes, software licenses, and even documents like passports and driver’s licenses. None of this information can be imported into Apple Passwords, making a full transition difficult for users.

Furthermore, **Apple Passwords** does not currently offer a straightforward method to import credit card details from 1Password or other third-party applications. This restriction complicates the transition for users who depend on 1Password for managing their financial information.

## Alternatives: Third-Party Apps and Solutions

Notably, a third-party application called **Access** has emerged as a possible option for users seeking additional features in their password management. Available on the App Store, **Access** is crafted to supplement Apple’s Passwords app by offering support for credit cards, bank accounts, IDs, and secure notes. The app utilizes **iCloud** for synchronization and promises end-to-end encryption, thereby keeping user data secure.

While **Access** presents an appealing array of features, it’s crucial to point out that it is not an official Apple application. Users should remain vigilant when utilizing third-party apps for managing sensitive information, even those offered in the App Store.

## Looking Forward: Will Apple Enhance Features?

The launch of the **Apple Passwords app** signifies progress, but it’s evident that further enhancements are necessary for it to rival established password managers like **1Password**. The ability to store and auto-fill credit card details, manage secure notes, and process other forms of sensitive data are critical features that Apple will need to incorporate if it hopes for users to fully embrace its app.

Considering Apple’s history of improving its software, it is probable that we will see additional features added to **Apple Passwords** in upcoming updates. Until then, users who require more sophisticated functionality will likely continue to depend on third-party applications like **1Password** or **Proton Pass**.

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“10 Essential TV Series You Need to See Right Now on Hulu, Netflix, Apple TV+, and Prime Video”

**The Old Man: An Engaging Espionage Thriller That’s Taking Streaming by Storm**

In the expansive realm of television, where innumerable shows compete for viewers’ interest, few achieve the status of truly remarkable. However, FX’s *The Old Man* has done just that, becoming one of the most discussed series across streaming services. Featuring the iconic Jeff Bridges and John Lithgow, this espionage drama has enthralled audiences with its powerful performances, compelling narrative, and superb execution. As the series makes its return for a second season, it continues to lead the streaming charts, demonstrating that it’s far more than just a typical spy thriller — it’s an essential viewing experience.

### The Impact of Bridges and Lithgow

It’s a rare occasion when two acting legends like Jeff Bridges and John Lithgow appear together on screen. Both bring extensive experience and depth to their characters, and their performances in *The Old Man* are truly spellbinding. Bridges embodies Dan Chase, a former CIA agent who has been living off the grid, while Lithgow takes on the role of Harold Harper, a former FBI Assistant Director with a checkered history. The chemistry between these two characters is electric, with each exchange filled with tension, subtext, and unspoken storylines.

The genius of *The Old Man* resides not only in its action scenes or narrative twists but also in its exploration of character psychology. Bridges and Lithgow are virtuosos in their craft, enhancing every moment they inhabit. Whether engaging in a subtle dialogue or facing off in a high-stakes encounter, their performances are imbued with emotion, remorse, and a sense of ethical ambiguity that keeps audiences riveted.

### An Intriguing Plotline

Adapted from Thomas Perry’s 2017 novel, *The Old Man* tracks Dan Chase as he is compelled to emerge from seclusion after decades of living under the radar. His history resurfaces to threaten him, and soon he finds himself pursued by both governmental authorities and lethal adversaries from his past. As the narrative progresses, Chase must call upon his former skills to evade capture, all the while wrestling with the ramifications of his choices.

In its second season, the stakes soar higher than ever. Chase and Harper, previously in conflict, now must join forces to save Emily Chase (portrayed by Alia Shawkat), Dan’s daughter, who has been abducted by a formidable Afghan tribal leader. This new plot twist introduces an extra layer of intricacy as the characters navigate a landscape of global intrigue, evolving allegiances, and personal betrayals.

### A Streaming Phenomenon

As reported by Reelgood, a streaming search engine that monitors viewing habits across platforms, *The Old Man* currently stands as the #1 TV show in the streaming landscape. This achievement is particularly impressive given the rivalry from other popular titles on platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV+, and Prime Video. The show’s blend of outstanding acting, an engaging plot, and high production quality has solidified its status as a hit.

For the week concluding on September 18, *The Old Man* secured the top spot on Reelgood’s list of the most-viewed TV shows, surpassing other fan favorites such as *The Perfect Couple* (Netflix) and *Only Murders in the Building* (Hulu). This accomplishment reflects the series’ wide-reaching appeal, engaging fans of espionage thrillers, action dramas, and character-driven storytelling alike.

### The Allure of Espionage Dramas

What makes *The Old Man* especially enticing is its ability to merge classic spy thriller elements with contemporary themes. It’s a series that boldly explores the moral dilemmas faced by its characters. Dan Chase and Harold Harper are not your average heroes — they are flawed individuals burdened by their histories, often forced into making challenging, morally ambiguous choices. This complexity adds depth to the series, transforming it into something greater than a mere action show.

For genre enthusiasts, *The Old Man* offers a refreshing take on the espionage drama. It echoes classic spy thrillers while incorporating modern sensibilities. The show’s pacing is intentional, allowing for periods of quiet tension to escalate into explosive action. Although packed with twists and turns, the plot remains coherent and engaging. Rather, it is a meticulously crafted story that ensnares viewers from beginning to end.

### Other Essential Spy Dramas

If *The Old Man* has sparked your interest in further espionage dramas, you’re in for a treat. The present streaming environment is teeming with outstanding shows in the genre. One noteworthy option is *Slow Horses* on Apple TV+, which has also reentered Reelgood’s top 10 list. Based on Mick Herron’s novels, *Slow Horses* provides a fresh perspective on the spy genre, centering on a group of disgraced MI5 agents relegated to menial assignments.

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Researchers Uncover Technique to Boost Concrete Strength by 560%

# Innovative Hollow Concrete: Lighter, Stronger, and Inspired by Human Bone Anatomy

Concrete has been a fundamental element of contemporary construction, essential for everything from towers to bridges. Nevertheless, a recent advancement in concrete technology has the potential to transform our perception of this prevalent material. Researchers have engineered a hollow concrete configuration that is **5.6 times stronger** than standard radiation concrete. What adds to the intrigue of this development is that its design draws inspiration from the **human femur**, recognized as one of the body’s most robust bones. This novel technique could significantly impact construction practices, resulting in structures that are more durable, eco-friendly, and economically viable.

## The Muse: The Human Femur

The human femur, or thigh bone, is celebrated for its exceptional strength and resilience. Although it possesses hollowness in areas, it withstands considerable pressure and strain. Its secret lies in its **honeycomb-like arrangement**, which optimally distributes forces and inhibits the spread of cracks. The femur’s outer layer, termed **cortical bone**, is dense and consists of numerous tubular structures surrounded by interfaces known as “cement lines.” These “cement lines” serve as natural deterrents, preventing crack propagation and helping the bone preserve its strength under pressure.

Researchers have adopted this very principle for concrete. By replicating the femur’s hollow, tubular design, they have produced a material that boasts not only enhanced strength but also superior resistance to fractures.

## Mechanism of Hollow Concrete

Initially, the concept of hollowing concrete may appear paradoxical. After all, doesn’t removing material weaken the concrete? Surprisingly, the reverse holds true. The hollowed cavities within the concrete play a crucial role: **they inhibit crack propagation**.

In conventional concrete, should a crack develop, it can rapidly spread throughout the entire unit, resulting in structural failure. However, with this innovative hollow concrete, cracks cease to extend upon encountering the first hollow segment, effectively halting their progression. This localized damage control allows the remainder of the concrete unit to continue supporting loads, rendering the material significantly more robust under pressure.

The hollow design also lightens the overall weight of the concrete, potentially yielding substantial cost savings in materials and transport. Despite its lighter nature, the material remains **5.6 times stronger** than radiation concrete, a widely utilized type in building projects.

## No Additives Needed: The Geometry Advantage

One of the most thrilling elements of this new concrete is its ability to attain strength without relying on additives like fibers or plastics, often incorporated to strengthen traditional concrete. Instead, the enhanced resilience arises solely from the **geometric configuration** of the material. The hollow, honeycomb-like structure evenly distributes stress, preventing cracks from spreading and enabling the material to endure larger forces.

This represents a considerable shift from existing concrete reinforcement techniques, which frequently involve adding materials such as steel rebar, synthetic fibers, or plastics. These additives can heighten costs and complicate recycling processes at a structure’s end of life. By focusing purely on geometry, this new concrete could provide a more sustainable and cost-efficient alternative.

## Future Research and Potential Uses

The team behind this breakthrough believes they have merely scratched the surface of what hollow concrete can achieve. They are actively investigating ways to enhance the material’s strength and durability by experimenting with various **orientations, dimensions, and forms** of the hollow tubes integrated within the concrete. By adjusting these factors, they aim to develop even more potent and resilient materials.

The potential uses for this innovative concrete are extensive. It could be applied in:

– **High-rise towers and skyscrapers**: The enhanced strength and lighter weight could facilitate the construction of taller, more durable structures.
– **Bridges and elevated roads**: The material’s crack-retarding ability could extend the operational life of crucial infrastructure.
– **Nuclear sites**: Given its strength and resistance to radiation, it is a suitable candidate for circumstances where traditional concrete might deteriorate over time.
– **Earthquake-resistant architecture**: The crack-retarding features of hollow concrete could be especially beneficial in seismically active regions.

Moreover, this material holds promise in **eco-friendly construction**. By lowering the amount of concrete required for a project, this new design could aid in decreasing the carbon footprint associated with construction, which is a major contributor to global CO2 emissions.

## Advancing Toward Resilient Infrastructure

This discovery in hollow concrete design is part of a wider trend in materials science focused on enhancing the resilience and sustainability of construction materials. For instance, researchers have also investigated using **coffee grounds** as a reinforcement for concrete, resulting in a material that is simultaneously stronger and more environmentally friendly. These advancements could help tackle some of the significant challenges plaguing the construction industry, including the demand for more durable infrastructure and eco-conscious building materials.

## Final Thoughts

The evolution of

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Evaluation of the JMGO N1S Pro 4K Projector: Budget-Friendly, Bright 4K Projection Simplified

# JMGO N1S Pro 4K Projector Review: An In-Depth Evaluation of Features, Performance, and Design

The JMGO N1S Pro 4K projector is the newest release from JMGO, a brand recognized for its cutting-edge home entertainment solutions. Launched during **IFA 2024**, the N1S Pro 4K, alongside its counterpart, the N1S Ultimate 4K, strives to provide a superior home theater experience with state-of-the-art features such as **Triple Laser Optics**, a **gimbal system**, and **Google TV** integration. In this review, we will thoroughly explore the projector’s specifications, design, image quality, and overall performance following a month of beta testing.

## Key Specifications of the JMGO N1S Pro 4K

Before we explore the practical experience, let’s examine the technical specifications that distinguish the N1S Pro 4K:

| **Feature** | **Details** |
| **Brightness** | 2,400 Lumens (ISO) |
| **Resolution** | 4K |
| **Contrast Ratio** | 1600:1 |
| **Light Source** | Triple color laser |
| **Image Size** | 60″ to 180″ |
| **Smart Features** | Multi Adaptive System, Auto Screen Fitting, Smart Object Avoidance, Smart Eye Protection |
| **Audio** | DTS, Dolby Audio, 20-watt speakers |
| **System** | MediaTek MT9629, 2GB RAM, 32GB storage, Google TV |
| **Connectivity** | Wi-Fi 6 Dual Band, Bluetooth 5.1, HDMI 2.1 (eARC), USB-A, 3.5mm headphone jack |

With these specifications, the N1S Pro 4K promises a top-notch viewing experience, particularly for those seeking to enhance their home entertainment setup.

## Design and Connectivity: Straightforward Yet Effective

The JMGO N1S Pro 4K projector showcases a **compact design** with dimensions of **9.49 x 7.99 x 9.29 inches** and a weight of **9.92 pounds**. It features a two-toned color palette of black and gray, offering a minimalist and subtle aesthetic. While it may not be as striking as the **XGIMI Horizon Ultra 4K**, its practicality makes it easy to blend into most living spaces.

A significant aspect of the N1S Pro 4K is its **gimbal system**, which permits the projector to rotate **360º horizontally** and **135º vertically**. This capability facilitates effortless image adjustments without needing to physically relocate the projector. The gimbal system is particularly useful for users who frequently modify the projector’s location or need to configure it in various settings.

Regarding connectivity, the projector is equipped with two **HDMI 2.1 ports**, one supporting **eARC** for enhanced audio return. Additionally, it includes a **USB-A 2.0 port**, a **3.5mm headphone jack**, and a **DC port** for powering the device. The incorporation of **Wi-Fi 6** and **Bluetooth 5.1** ensures quick and stable wireless connections for streaming and additional online activities.

### Portability

One of the delightful features of the N1S Pro 4K is the included **carrying case**. This makes transporting the projector hassle-free, whether it’s to a friend’s residence or for an outdoor movie night. The case is thoughtfully designed to provide sufficient protection, enhancing the projector’s appeal for those requiring portability.

## Image Quality: Remarkable Brightness with Some Color Variations

The JMGO N1S Pro 4K projector presents a **4K resolution** and **2,400 lumens** of brightness, suitable for both dark and moderately lit spaces. It supports **HDR 10**, boosting contrast and color range for a more vibrant viewing experience. JMGO’s proprietary **MALC 2.0 Triple Laser Optics** ensures exceptional brightness, contrast, and color performance, with a **1600:1 contrast ratio** and **110% BT.2020 color gamut**.

### The Pros

– **Brightness**: One of the standout attributes of the N1S Pro 4K is its impressive brightness. Even in spaces with some ambient light, the projector produces a clear and vibrant image, making it versatile for daytime use, provided the displayed content isn’t overly dark.

– **Sharpness**: The 4K resolution guarantees that the image is crisp and detailed, making

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Google TV Freeplay Grows with 7 Additional Live Channels, Showcasing Bob Ross

# Google TV Freeplay Enriches Its Offering with 7 New Channels, Including The Bob Ross Channel

In an effort to bolster its presence in the swiftly expanding free ad-supported TV (FAST) sector, Google TV has incorporated seven additional live channels into its Freeplay platform. This development follows a recent launch of 14 new channels and the rebranding of its FAST service to **Google TV Freeplay** just a week prior. With these latest updates, Google TV Freeplay now features a total of 157 channels, increasing from 136 two weeks earlier.

## What is Google TV Freeplay?

Google TV Freeplay is a complimentary, ad-supported streaming service that delivers live TV channels without any requirements for app downloads, sign-ups, or subscriptions. Viewers can access these channels directly from the **“Live”** section of their Google TV home screen. The service brings together content from various providers, including **Plex**, **YouTube TV**, **Pluto TV**, and **Tubi**, although users must install these applications separately to access their specific channels.

### The 7 New Channels Added to Google TV Freeplay

The recent update introduces a varied assortment of content to the platform, appealing to a wide range of interests. Here’s an overview of the fresh channels:

1. **The Bob Ross Channel**
Renowned for its soothing and instructional painting tutorials, The Bob Ross Channel is a beloved choice among fans. The channel showcases episodes of the iconic series *The Joy of Painting*, where the late Bob Ross instructs viewers on creating tranquil landscapes featuring his signature “happy little trees” and “fluffy clouds.” The channel has developed a dedicated fan base throughout the years, and its addition to Google TV Freeplay is expected to attract art lovers and those in search of a calming viewing experience.

2. **Comedy Dynamics**
This channel serves as a premier destination for stand-up comedy specials, highlighting performances from both seasoned and emerging comedians. Comedy Dynamics features a diverse range of comedic material, making it an excellent option for those in pursuit of laughs.

3. **Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan**
Enthusiasts of dog training and animal behavior will find value in this channel, which broadcasts episodes of *Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan*. The show follows acclaimed dog behavior expert Cesar Millan as he assists pet owners in resolving their dogs’ behavioral challenges, providing practical advice and insights.

4. **DAZN Ringside**
Sports aficionados, especially those keen on combat sports, will appreciate DAZN Ringside. This channel delivers a wide array of boxing and MMA content, encompassing live events, replays, and exclusive behind-the-scenes footage.

5. **DAZN Women’s Football**
As women’s sports continue to flourish in popularity, DAZN Women’s Football offers extensive coverage of women’s soccer leagues and tournaments. The channel presents live matches, highlights, and detailed analysis of the women’s game.

6. **Dove Channel**
Dove Channel provides family-oriented programming, emphasizing wholesome content appropriate for all ages. The channel showcases movies, TV series, and documentaries that align with the Dove Foundation’s standards for clean and uplifting entertainment.

7. **The Hill TV**
For viewers interested in politics and current affairs, The Hill TV delivers news coverage, interviews, and analysis on the latest events in Washington, D.C., and beyond. The channel acts as an extension of *The Hill*, a prominent political news platform, offering viewers an insightful overview of U.S. politics.

## A Growing Competitor in the FAST Market

While Google TV Freeplay still lags behind more established FAST platforms like **Pluto TV** and **Tubi** concerning the quantity of channels, it is evident that Google is making noteworthy efforts to bridge the gap. The addition of 21 new channels in just two weeks illustrates the company’s dedication to enhancing its content offerings and competing with leading entities in the FAST landscape.

### The Appeal of Free Ad-Supported TV

The FAST model has surged in popularity in recent years, as an increasing number of viewers look for free alternatives to conventional cable and subscription-based streaming platforms. FAST services such as Google TV Freeplay, Pluto TV, and Tubi provide a diverse array of live and on-demand content, financed by advertisements rather than subscription fees. This makes them an appealing choice for cost-conscious viewers wishing to cut the cord while still enjoying quality programming.

### How to Access Google TV Freeplay

If you possess a **Google TV** device, accessing Freeplay is straightforward. Simply navigate to the **“Live”** section on your home screen, where you’ll find a compilation of available channels. There is no requirement to download additional applications or register for any services to begin viewing. However, if you seek access to live channels from third-party platforms such as **Plex**, **YouTube TV**, **Pluto TV**, or **Tubi**, installing their respective applications on your device will be necessary.

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New on Hulu this June 2024: Featured Titles Include Season 3 of “The Bear” and Additional Selections

# What’s New on Hulu in October 2024: An All-Inclusive Overview

As we enter the eerie season, Hulu is set to offer an impressive array of new shows, films, and specials for October 2024. Whether you’re a devotee of horror, a fan of anime, or simply seeking some captivating content for binge-watching, Hulu has a selection for everyone this month. From spine-tingling horror flicks to exhilarating anime debuts, October is shaping up to be an exciting month for Hulu viewers.

## Key Features of October 2024 on Hulu

### **Horror and Thrillers**
October brings Halloween, and Hulu is fully embracing the haunting vibe with an array of horror films and specials. Here are some of the essential horror titles debuting on Hulu this month:

– **”Hold Your Breath”** (October 3): A new horror feature that guarantees to keep you alert and engaged.
– **”Mr. Crocket”** (October 11): An eagerly awaited horror movie arriving just in time for Halloween. The storyline is still hush-hush, but early chatter indicates it will be a must-see for horror enthusiasts.
– **”Sting”** (October 11): Another chilling film making its debut this month, contributing to Hulu’s rich lineup of fear-inducing content.
– **”It’s a Wonderful Knife”** (October 1): A slasher flick with an unexpected twist, ideal for those who enjoy a blend of horror and dark wit.
– **”The Rocky Horror Picture Show”** (October 1): A beloved classic perfect for Halloween celebrations.

### **Anime Debuts**
Anime lovers are in for excitement this October with several new series and seasons launching:

– **”Dragon Ball Daima”** (October 11): The newest chapter of the Dragon Ball saga, “Daima” is set to deliver more action-packed adventures featuring Goku and friends.
– **”Dan Da Dan”** (October 3): This highly anticipated series will be offered both subbed and dubbed, making it available to all fans.
– **”Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War”** (October 5): The third installment of this cherished anime returns, continuing the thrilling journey of Ichigo Kurosaki.
– **”Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest”** (October 14): The third season of this popular isekai series debuts this month.

### **TV Shows and Specials**
Alongside horror and anime, Hulu will also be reviving beloved TV shows and unveiling new series:

– **”Abbott Elementary” Season 4 Premiere** (October 10): The cherished sitcom is back for its fourth season, carrying on the funny and touching tales of the teachers at Abbott Elementary.
– **”Solar Opposites: Halloween Special”** (October 7): The quirky alien family from “Solar Opposites” celebrates Halloween in their unique style.
– **”What We Do in the Shadows”** (October 22): The sixth and concluding season of this successful vampire comedy series launches, just in time for Halloween.
– **”La Máquina”** (October 9): A limited series that promises to provide captivating drama and action.

### **Documentaries and Reality TV**
For those drawn to true stories, Hulu has a robust selection of documentaries and reality TV programming this month:

– **”Fanatical: The Catfishing of Tegan and Sara”** (October 18): This documentary examines the startling tale of how the famous musical duo was deceived.
– **”The Real Wolfman”** (October 2): A documentary series that investigates the myth of the wolfman and other mystical beings.
– **”The UnXplained” Season 6** (October 2): This series, hosted by William Shatner, delves into some of the world’s most enigmatic phenomena.

## Full List of New Additions on Hulu in October 2024

### **Streaming October 1**
– **The Amazing Race**: Complete Seasons 31, 33, and 34
– **America’s Next Top Model**: Complete Seasons 11-15
– **CSI: Miami**: Complete Seasons 6-10
– **Survivor**: Complete Seasons 14-19
– **Undercover Boss**: Complete Season 8
– **Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter** (2012)
– **Annabelle Comes Home** (2019)
– **The Fly** (1986)
– **The Rocky Horror Picture Show** (1975)
– **The Purge** (2013)
– **The Sixth Sense** (1999)

### **Streaming October 2-5**
– **Last Days of the Space Age**: Complete Season 1 (October 2)
– **#TextMeWhenYouGetHome**: Complete Season 1 (

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