“Tandem OLED: The Newest Breakthrough in Rivalling MicroLED and QDEL Technologies”

"Tandem OLED: The Newest Breakthrough in Rivalling MicroLED and QDEL Technologies"

“Tandem OLED: The Newest Breakthrough in Rivalling MicroLED and QDEL Technologies”

# Tandem OLED: The Future of Display Technology

Tandem OLED technology has existed for several years, but it has recently come back into the spotlight following Apple’s announcement of its implementation in the first OLED-enabled iPad Pro. This development has generated excitement within the tech community, prompting other consumer electronics, including laptops and smartphones, to start embracing Tandem OLED displays. Given this context, it’s important to delve into the workings of Tandem OLED, the advantages it presents, and its potential impact on the future of display technology.

## What is Tandem OLED?

Tandem OLED describes a display technology that utilizes two layers of red, green, and blue (RGB) organic light-emitting layers stacked together. These layers are powered concurrently, enabling the display to reach the same brightness as a single-layer OLED screen while operating each layer at lower currents. This configuration brings several significant benefits, such as diminished burn-in risk, lower energy usage, and the possibility of achieving greater brightness levels.

### How Tandem OLED Functions

In conventional OLED displays, a single layer of organic materials emits light when subjected to an electric current. In contrast, Tandem OLED employs two or more layers of these organic materials. By distributing the workload across multiple layers, each layer can function at a reduced current, which lessens the stress on the materials and prolongs the display’s lifespan.

For instance, the 2024 iPad Pro features a Tandem OLED architecture, delivering higher brightness while mitigating the risk of burn-in, a prevalent concern with OLED displays where static images can leave a lasting mark on the screen over time. This dual-layer design allows the display to achieve 1,000 nits of brightness in standard dynamic range (SDR) mode, compared to 600 nits in the older Mini LED model.

## Tandem OLED in Consumer Electronics

Although Tandem OLED technology isn’t brand new, its integration into consumer gadgets is on the rise. Apple’s choice to implement Tandem OLED in its iPad Pro has highlighted the technology, but other devices, such as Dell’s XPS 13 laptop and Honor’s Magic 6 RSR Porsche Design smartphone, have also begun to adopt it.

### Laptops and Tablets

Laptops and tablets are prime candidates for Tandem OLED due to the technology’s capacity to enhance both brightness and battery performance. For example, Dell’s XPS 13 utilizes Tandem OLED to increase battery life by as much as 10%, while sustaining a brightness level of 482 nits, which is relatively high for OLED laptops. This positions it as a desirable choice for users seeking a portable device with extended battery life and a top-tier display.

On the other hand, Apple’s iPad Pro emphasizes brightness. The 2024 version boasts superior SDR brightness compared to the previous Mini LED model, making it perfect for those requiring a luminous, vivid display for activities like photo editing or video watching.

### Smartphones

Smartphones represent another sector where Tandem OLED can have a substantial influence. Honor’s Magic 6 RSR Porsche Design smartphone, launched earlier in 2024, leverages Tandem OLED to enhance durability and minimize display brightness decline. Honor asserts that the phone’s display will last up to 600% longer than conventional OLED screens, experiencing less than 1% brightness degradation after three years of use.

While Honor currently stands as the sole smartphone manufacturer adopting Tandem OLED, it is anticipated that other brands will follow in the coming years. BOE, a prominent display supplier, is reportedly developing Tandem OLED layers for smartphones, with mass production slated to commence in 2026.

### Automotive Displays

Tandem OLED is also finding applications in automotive displays, where brightness and durability are vital. LG Display launched Tandem OLED for automotive purposes in 2019, and several car manufacturers have since embraced the technology. The dual-layer structure enables brighter displays, crucial for visibility in direct sunlight, while also extending the display’s longevity—significant for vehicles expected to endure for many years.

## Overcoming OLED’s Limitations

One of the most appealing features of Tandem OLED is its potential to overcome some of the major limitations associated with traditional OLED displays, particularly concerning brightness, energy efficiency, and burn-in risks.

### Brightness

OLED displays are celebrated for their rich blacks and impressive contrast ratios, yet they frequently face challenges with brightness levels when compared to LCD-LED displays. Tandem OLED can bridge this divide by allowing the display to generate greater light using the same amount of electrical current. For example, LG Display claims its 13-inch Tandem OLED laptop screens can be three times brighter than standard OLED models.

While this enhanced brightness is advantageous for activities such as outdoor viewing or working in illuminated spaces, it’s unlikely to significantly affect HDR (high dynamic range) content, as most HDR material is optimized at a maximum of 1,000 nits.