“The Fish Fitted with Leg-like Fins for Ambulating and Detecting”

"The Fish Fitted with Leg-like Fins for Ambulating and Detecting"

“The Fish Fitted with Leg-like Fins for Ambulating and Detecting”

# The Extraordinary Sensory Legs of Sea Robins: Evolutionary Wonders of the Ocean Floor

Evolution has given rise to a variety of peculiar organisms, and among them are the sea robins—fish that not only traverse the seafloor but also employ their leg-like appendages to “taste” for food. These captivating bottom-dwellers have fascinated researchers for years, and new studies have illuminated the remarkable sensory functions of their legs, showcasing a distinct evolutionary adaptation.

## What Are Sea Robins?

Sea robins, part of the family *Triglidae*, are fish that dwell on the ocean floor and can be found in seas globally. They are characterized by their unique pectoral fins, which look like wings, and their “legs”—three transformed fin rays originating from their pectoral fins. These appendages enable sea robins to move along the ocean floor in search of sustenance, but recent findings have shown that some species utilize these legs for more than just movement.

### A Sensory Revelation

An international team of scientists from Harvard University, Stanford University, and the Max Planck Institute has made a notable discovery regarding the legs of the northern sea robin (*Prionotus carolinus*): they function as sensory organs. These legs feature small protrusions known as papillae, akin to taste buds found on a human tongue. These papillae house taste receptors, enabling the fish to sense chemical signals from prey concealed beneath the sand or mud. When a sea robin “tastes” something appealing, it burrows into the seafloor to reveal its next meal.

This revelation was groundbreaking because, although scientists had long theorized about sensory roles for sea robin legs, definitive evidence had remained elusive—until now.

### How Do Sea Robins Taste with Their Legs?

To examine the sensory abilities of sea robin legs, the researchers performed experiments by burying mussels, capsules filled with mussel extract, and capsules containing only seawater. Sea robins consistently unearthed the mussels and mussel extract capsules, disregarding the seawater capsules, thus confirming that their legs could indeed sense chemical indicators from food.

Subsequent tests indicated that the legs of *P. carolinus* also reacted to mechanical stimuli and other food-related chemicals. However, the sensory neurons within the papillae did not respond to chemical signals as was initially anticipated. Instead, the papillae acted like taste buds, housing dense populations of sensory neurons that reacted to mechanical signals, such as the movement of prey underneath the seafloor.

### A Comparison of Two Species

Interestingly, not every sea robin possesses equivalent sensory abilities. When the researchers captured additional sea robins, they observed that another species, *Prionotus evolans*, did not respond to hidden food or extract capsules. This species only targeted prey that was visible on the seafloor. Unlike *P. carolinus*, *P. evolans* does not have the sensory papillae necessary for chemically detecting hidden food. Additionally, the legs of *P. evolans* are more rod-like, whereas those of *P. carolinus* feature a shovel shape, better adapted for digging.

### The Influence of Genetics

The scientists further explored the genetics of *P. carolinus* to unravel the origins of its sensory legs. They discovered that the taste receptor gene *t1r3*, which is typically active in oral taste buds, was significantly active in the legs of *P. carolinus*, especially at the tips of the papillae. This gene likely plays a vital role in the fish’s capacity to taste its prey through its appendages.

To investigate the development of these sensory legs, the team monitored sea robins maturing from eggs. They found that the legs develop from three pectoral fin rays near the abdominal region and gradually detach from the fin as the fish grow. A crucial gene involved in this development is *tbx3a*, a transcription factor essential for the formation of both legs and sensory papillae. When the researchers employed CRISPR-Cas9 to disrupt *tbx3a* in genetically modified sea robins, the fish emerged with fewer or malformed legs, indicating the gene’s critical role in proper leg development.

### Evolutionary Perspectives

The evolution of sensory legs in sea robins exemplifies how organisms can uniquely adapt to their environments. The researchers speculate that the ancestors of sea robins primarily utilized their legs for movement. Over time, these legs likely evolved to incorporate sensory functions, enabling the fish to detect prey on the ocean floor’s surface. In species like *P. carolinus*, which evolved to locate prey buried beneath the sand, the legs further adapted to include taste receptors, allowing them to find concealed sustenance.

The genetic prevalence of sensory legs was validated when the researchers engineered hybrids of sea robin species with and