“U.S. Inquiry into Internet Firearm Component Sales Started by Package Marked ‘Fidget Spinner'”

"U.S. Inquiry into Internet Firearm Component Sales Started by Package Marked 'Fidget Spinner'"

“U.S. Inquiry into Internet Firearm Component Sales Started by Package Marked ‘Fidget Spinner'”

### Federal Authorities Intercept More Than 350 Websites in Offensive Against Unauthorized Gun Part Imports

In a notable initiative aimed at halting the unlawful importation of weapon components into the United States, federal authorities have intercepted over 350 websites. These platforms were identified as participating in the unauthorized sale of gun parts, such as silencers and devices intended to convert semi-automatic pistols into fully automatic firearms. The operation, led by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) along with the Department of Justice (DOJ), uncovered that a significant number of these parts were being smuggled into the US from China, camouflaged as common items like toys, jewelry, automotive parts, and even fidget spinners.

This operation highlights the escalating concern regarding the illegal modification of firearms, which presents a considerable risk to public safety. The seized websites breached both import restrictions and the National Firearms Act by selling components capable of transforming lawful firearms into illegal, fully automatic weapons.

### The Illicit Trade of Gun Components

The websites under investigation were observed to be retailing switches—mechanisms that modify semi-automatic pistols into fully automatic machine guns—and silencers, which muffle the sound of a gun when fired. As per a DOJ [press release](https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/federal-authorities-seize-over-350-website-domains-used-import-illegal-switches-and), these items are stringently regulated under federal law, and their importation and sale are unlawful without the necessary permission.

To sidestep detection by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the websites deployed misleading strategies, designating the prohibited items as harmless products like “toys” or “tools.” In certain instances, the packages were even labeled as containing fidget spinners, a popular toy for children, in an effort to avoid raising alarms. The DOJ also indicated that some websites were offering counterfeit Glock components, infringing on the trademark rights of the firearm manufacturer. Investigators confirmed that several of the switches marketed as “Glock parts” were not created by Glock, further emphasizing the unlawful nature of these activities.

### How the Investigation Progressed

The HSI investigation commenced in August 2023, when federal officials began targeting websites, businesses, and individuals engaged in the sale and import of illegal firearm components. The inquiry was led by HSI’s cybercrimes division, which concentrates on crimes linked to both the clearnet and dark web.

An undercover HSI operative was instrumental in the probe, visiting the targeted websites and placing orders for illicit gun parts. The operative discovered that while some sites openly promoted the illegal goods, others employed more discreet techniques, such as deceptive descriptions and images of legitimate products. Many sites encouraged customers to engage through encrypted messaging services like Telegram or WhatsApp for additional inquiries regarding illegal items. Various payment methods were accepted, including credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and even cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

By September 2023, the undercover operative had successfully ordered and received several illegal products, such as a counterfeit Glock switch and a silencer. The package, intercepted by CBP, was inaccurately labeled as containing a fidget spinner. This method of mislabeling parcels was frequently employed by these websites to smuggle illegal firearm components into the country.

### The Importance of Domain Seizures

A crucial element of the investigation was the seizure of domain names utilized by these websites. Numerous domains were registered through GoDaddy.com, and investigators discovered that several sites were interconnected through the same “Shopper ID,” implying that the same individuals or groups were managing multiple websites. This strategy enabled operators to swiftly relocate their activities to new domains if their original sites were shut down by law enforcement.

HSI agents contended that merely obtaining restraining orders or injunctions against these websites would be inadequate, as the operators could effortlessly shift their sites to servers beyond US jurisdiction. Consequently, the decision was made to seize the domains outright, effectively halting the illegal sale of gun parts.

### An Increasing Trend in Law Enforcement

The seizure of these websites forms part of a wider trend in law enforcement’s initiatives to tackle the unauthorized sale of firearm components online. In 2020, HSI first employed this “innovative approach” to dismantle a website dedicated to the sale of illegal arms components. Since then, the agency has consistently utilized domain seizures as a strategy to disrupt illicit commerce, particularly in the domain of illegal firearms.

Acting US Attorney Joshua S. Levy underscored the significance of these actions in a statement, asserting, “The seizure of these domains is a vital step in disrupting the flow of dangerous contraband that jeopardizes public safety. Those who attempt to exploit online platforms to traffic in highly deadly firearm parts will be held accountable. We will continue to seek out and dismantle these illicit networks wherever they operate to uphold the integrity of our laws and protect our communities.”

### The Contribution of the US Postal Service

The US Postal Inspection Service (PIS) also played a pivotal role