“Utilizing a YouTube Video to Eliminate Water from Your iPhone – Perspectives from 9to5Mac”

"Utilizing a YouTube Video to Eliminate Water from Your iPhone - Perspectives from 9to5Mac"

“Utilizing a YouTube Video to Eliminate Water from Your iPhone – Perspectives from 9to5Mac”

### Can Sound Truly Eliminate Water from Your iPhone? An In-depth Examination

Amidst the wide array of internet legends and viral phenomena, a YouTube clip titled *Sound To Remove Water From Phone Speaker (GUARANTEED)* has enthralled millions. Garnering over 45 million views and 140,000 comments, a multitude of users assert that this technique successfully expels water from their gadgets. But does it truly perform as claimed, or is it merely another digital myth? A recent exploration by tech journalist David Pierce, alongside the repair professionals at iFixit, offers insight into this captivating concept.

#### The Assertions and the Doubts

The video posits that playing specific sounds can aid in removing water lodged in phone speakers. Although this notion appears quite improbable—reminiscent of notorious emails from supposed Nigerian royalty or questionable cryptocurrency schemes—Pierce chose to investigate the theory. His skepticism mirrored that of many, particularly given the progress in smartphone waterproofing methods over the years.

The preliminary test took place when Pierce’s nephew inadvertently dropped his phone into a river. After retrieving the device, they played the video, and to their astonishment, the phone operated normally afterward. This event ignited Pierce’s interest in evaluating the efficacy of such videos.

#### The Mechanics of Sound

To grasp the functionality behind the claim, it’s vital to explore how speakers operate. Eric Freeman, a senior research director at Bose, elucidates that speakers work by moving air. If the generated sound waves are sufficiently powerful, they hold the potential to dislodge water droplets trapped within the speaker. The crux lies in creating low-frequency sounds at elevated volumes, resulting in significant air movement.

Nonetheless, smartphone speakers are relatively compact, constraining their capacity to produce deep bass tones. While the video may not yield the same profound bass as larger speakers, it still functions within a low-frequency spectrum, which may assist in displacing some water.

#### The iFixit Test

To assess the validity of the claims, iFixit performed a battery of experiments utilizing four distinct smartphones, including an iPhone 13. The findings were encouraging but limited in scope. As the video played, each phone released a noticeable jet of water from the speaker, signifying that the sound waves were indeed displacing some trapped moisture. However, the effect was fleeting and mostly confined to the speaker region.

It is crucial to mention that this approach does not resolve water concealed in other areas of the phone, such as the USB port, SIM slot, or beneath the buttons. Thus, while it may assist with moisture related to the speaker, it cannot be considered an all-encompassing fix for water damage.

#### Conclusion: A Measured Recommendation

Although the YouTube video purporting to eliminate water from your iPhone through sound has displayed some effectiveness, it should be approached selectively. The outcomes from iFixit’s evaluations suggest that it can help remove water from the speaker, but it is not a foolproof solution for all water-related dilemmas.

For those who find themselves with a water-affected phone, playing the video might be worthwhile, but it should not substitute established methods of drying a device, like air drying or using silica gel packets. Ultimately, the most prudent strategy is to prevent water exposure to your phone initially, as even the most sophisticated devices are not completely waterproof.

In conclusion, while the viral video may present a temporary remedy for minor water concerns, it is crucial to stay alert and prioritize diligent care for your devices to avert water damage entirely.