“5 Netflix Films You Can’t Miss This September That Are Creating a Stir”

"5 Netflix Films You Can't Miss This September That Are Creating a Stir"

“5 Netflix Films You Can’t Miss This September That Are Creating a Stir”

**Unveiling Netflix’s September 2024 Film Collection: Favoring Quality Over Volume**

As the streaming realm undergoes transformations, Netflix continues to be a primary destination for film aficionados. Although the era of Netflix brimming with an extensive selection of cherished licensed films may be fading, the platform still consistently offers remarkable new titles each month. September 2024 is no different, presenting a lineup of films that emphasize quality rather than quantity. From nostalgic animated features to intellectually stimulating dramas, let’s examine some of the standout films making their way to Netflix this month.

### **1. Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (Sept. 1)**

![Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit](https://bgr.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/His-Three-Daughters.jpg?quality=82&strip=all)

Starting the month off is the return of a cherished animated gem, *Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit*. This stop-motion classic, first released in 2005, chronicles the escapades of the clumsy inventor Wallace and his devoted, clever dog Gromit. The pair confronts a new obstacle when a colossal rabbit begins feasting on the community’s crops, resulting in a hilarious and endearing journey. With its distinct animation technique and delightful characters, this film is essential viewing for both longtime fans and newcomers. Additionally, it serves as an excellent teaser for the upcoming *Wallace & Gromit* film, *Vengeance Most Fowl*, which is set for a Netflix release this Christmas.

### **2. Edge of Tomorrow (Sept. 7)**

![Edge of Tomorrow](https://bgr.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/His-Three-Daughters.jpg?quality=82&strip=all)

Fans of Tom Cruise will be excited with the debut of *Edge of Tomorrow*, a sci-fi action flick that has developed a devoted following since its 2014 release. Loosely inspired by the Japanese light novel *All You Need Is Kill*, the film takes place in an alternate timeline where Earth is under attack by extraterrestrial forces. Cruise portrays Major William Cage, a soldier who becomes trapped in a time loop, reliving the same day continuously after eliminating one of the aliens. With each iteration, Cage enhances his combat skills, drawing closer to defeating the extraterrestrial menace. The film’s distinctive concept, coupled with Cruise’s performance and exhilarating action scenes, sets it apart in the sci-fi category.

### **3. Uglies (Sept. 13)**


The trend of transforming young adult (YA) fantasy novels into films continues with *Uglies*, based on the renowned book series by Scott Westerfeld. Set in a futuristic dystopia where society classifies individuals as “Ugly” until they undergo cosmetic procedures to become “Pretty,” the narrative follows Tally Youngblood, portrayed by Joey King, as she maneuvers through the intricate challenges of this shallow society. The film also features Keith Powers as David and Laverne Cox as the mysterious Dr. Cable. *Uglies* is set to delve into themes of identity, beauty, and societal expectations, making it a stimulating addition to Netflix’s September offerings.

### **4. American Gangster (Sept. 16)**

![American Gangster](https://bgr.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/His-Three-Daughters.jpg?quality=82&strip=all)

For viewers seeking an intense crime drama, Ridley Scott’s *American Gangster* is unmissable. Initially released in 2007, the film is based on the real-life story of Frank Lucas, a Harlem drug lord who ascended to dominance in the 1970s through heroin smuggling into the United States. Denzel Washington delivers a compelling performance as Lucas, while Russell Crowe stars as Richie Roberts, the detective intent on capturing him. The impressive cast also features Chiwetel Ejiofor, Josh Brolin, Cuba Gooding Jr., Idris Elba, and Carla Gugino. With its gripping narrative and outstanding performances, *American Gangster* remains a timeless classic.

### **5. His Three Daughters (Sept. 20)**

![His Three Daughters](https://bgr.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/His-Three-Daughters.jpg?quality=82&strip=all)

A highly anticipated release this month is *His Three Daughters*, an original Netflix film that debuted at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) last year. The film features Carrie Coon, Natasha Lyonne, and Elizabeth Olsen as three estranged siblings who come together again.