A Sole Software Update from Apple May Greatly Improve User Experience

A Sole Software Update from Apple May Greatly Improve User Experience

A Sole Software Update from Apple May Greatly Improve User Experience

# iOS 18: A Minor Adjustment That Could Significantly Enhance the iPhone Experience

iOS 18 has introduced a wide array of thrilling new features to the iPhone, elevating user experience in multiple ways. From the revamped Passwords app to the capability to conceal and secure apps using Face ID, Apple has rolled out numerous significant updates that are already making an impact. Nevertheless, there’s one straightforward adjustment that could further enhance the iPhone experience, and it’s something that Apple has not yet explored.

## The Challenge with Rotation Lock

A frequent frustration for iPhone users is the way the screen rotates whenever the device is tilted or laid flat. Many users, myself included, keep the Rotation Lock on to stop this from occurring. However, this leads to a new issue: when you wish to view a video in landscape mode, you must manually turn off the Rotation Lock, watch the video, and then recall to reactivate it afterward. This routine can be tedious and disrupts the smooth experience that Apple aims to deliver.

## An Innovative Proposal

A user on X (previously Twitter), Arshaan Siddique, recently suggested an ingenious solution to this issue. Siddique proposed that the iPhone’s Rotation Lock should operate in such a manner that the screen remains in portrait mode unless a video is playing, at which point it would automatically switch to landscape mode. This notion is both straightforward and intuitive, perfectly mirroring how the majority of users would instinctively prefer their devices to function.

Siddique humorously encapsulates the idea in a post: “Portrait except when I watch a video, in which case landscape because of course that’s how it should work.” This adjustment would eradicate the necessity for users to manually switch the Rotation Lock every time they wish to view a video, rendering the iPhone experience more seamless and user-centric.

## Why This Feature Could Be Revolutionary

With iOS 18, Apple has already implemented notable alterations to the Home Screen, Control Center, and Lock Screen, granting users greater flexibility in customizing their devices. Incorporating a feature like the one Siddique has proposed would be a natural progression of these updates, enhancing the user experience even further.

At present, certain apps provide a Picture-in-Picture (PiP) mode that allows videos to continue playing in a small window when you switch away from the app. If Apple were to launch an API that developers could utilize to integrate this automatic rotation capability, it could become a standard feature across all video-playing applications, enhancing its practicality.

## Will Apple Take Notice?

Although there’s no sign that Apple is preparing to include this feature in iOS 18, it’s certainly something that would be appreciated by numerous users. As Apple continuously polishes its software, there’s a possibility that we may see this or a similar feature included in a future update.

For now, users will need to keep manually toggling the Rotation Lock when switching between portrait and landscape modes. However, with the rising demand for more intuitive and user-friendly features, it wouldn’t be unexpected if Apple ultimately opts to implement this simple yet significant modification.

Would you be interested in a new toggle for the Rotation Lock on your iPhone? It’s a minor adjustment, but one that could substantially impact how we interact with our devices.