“Greenland Landslide Sparks 9 Days of Worldwide Seismic Activity”

"Greenland Landslide Sparks 9 Days of Worldwide Seismic Activity"

“Greenland Landslide Sparks 9 Days of Worldwide Seismic Activity”

## The Nine-Day Earthquake of 2023: A Seismic Enigma Resolved

In September 2023, an unusual and extended seismic phenomenon baffled scientists and seismologists globally. The Earth appeared to tremble continuously for nine days, with the initial detectable signal surfacing on September 16. Although the tremors gradually diminished, they continued to be discernible throughout the nine-day period, leaving experts eager for explanations. What could have instigated such a prolonged earthquake?

After thorough investigation, researchers have finally identified the source: a colossal landslide in Greenland. More precisely, the landslide instigated a rare occurrence in the Dickson Fjord, a 2.7-kilometer-wide body of water situated in eastern Greenland. This incident not only sparked a significant tsunami but also resulted in an unusual and extended seismic disturbance.

### The Landslide and Tsunami

The Dickson Fjord is an impressive and isolated fjord in eastern Greenland, encircled by soaring cliffs and glaciers. On that significant day in September, a massive landslide transpired near the fjord, displacing roughly 25 million cubic meters of rock. The landslide generated a tremendous tsunami, with waves soaring to heights of up to 110 meters (360 feet). This tsunami, however, didn’t merely fade away after a few hours, as is common in such occurrences. Instead, it continued to oscillate back and forth in the fjord for several days.

This oscillating motion of the water, referred to as a “seiche,” was the catalyst for the nine-day seismic phenomenon. A seiche is a standing wave that forms in an enclosed or partially enclosed body of water, such as a fjord, lake, or bay, when disturbed by an external force, like an earthquake or landslide. In this instance, the landslide initiated the disturbance, and the distinctive shape of the Dickson Fjord allowed the wave to persist unusually long.

### The Role of the Seiche

Seiches can occur in various water bodies, but they usually dissipate rapidly as the energy from the disturbance gets absorbed by the surrounding environment. However, in the case of Dickson Fjord, the seiche remained active for nine days, leading to the sustained seismic activity that was recorded around the globe.

So, what caused the seiche to endure for such an extended period? According to the scientists, the fjord’s shape was instrumental. The bottom of the fjord is rounded, which likely functioned like a “rocking chair” for the water. This unique geospatial feature permitted the water to oscillate back and forth with minimal resistance, trapping substantial energy within the fjord. Consequently, the seiche continued to oscillate for days, generating seismic signals that were globally detected.

Even though the waves in the fjord quickly subsided to levels that would be imperceptible to the naked eye or a small boat traversing through, the energy retained in the water remained sufficient to produce detectable seismic activity for an extended duration.

### Climate Change and the Landslide

While the seiche and the fjord’s distinctive shape account for the prolonged seismic activity, the landslide raises another pivotal question: What instigated such a significant landslide in the first place?

Researchers posit that the landslide was a direct result of climate change. The glacier near Dickson Fjord has been thinning and melting progressively due to increasing global temperatures. As the glacier receded, the mountainside became more unstable. Eventually, a section of the mountainside collapsed, sending millions of cubic meters of rock crashing into the fjord and triggering the tsunami and subsequent seiche.

This occurrence starkly illustrates the extensive consequences of climate change. As glaciers continue to melt and retreat, the landscapes they leave behind may become unstable, resulting in natural disasters like landslides, tsunamis, and extended seismic events. In Greenland, where glaciers are retreating at an alarming pace, such occurrences may become more frequent in the future.

### The Significance of the Nine-Day Earthquake

The nine-day earthquake of 2023 serves as a rare and intriguing demonstration of how interconnected Earth’s natural systems are. A landslide in a remote area of Greenland triggered a cascade of events that culminated in a prolonged seismic event detectable worldwide. The durability of the seiche in the Dickson Fjord emphasizes the unique ways in which water, land, and energy can interact, sometimes leading to unforeseen and prolonged repercussions.

This event also highlights the necessity for ongoing research into the impact of climate change on Earth’s landscapes. As glaciers recede and ecosystems evolve, we may witness more incidents akin to the one in Greenland, with potentially disastrous implications for local communities and ecosystems.

### Conclusion

The nine-day earthquake of 2023 was not instigated by tectonic forces deep within the Earth, as many initially presumed, but by a monumental landslide in Greenland’s Dickson Fjord. The landslide triggered a tsunami, which